
"Purses" were "Power-Packs"/"Communicators" with the VARIOUS Gods... (of the various cultures).

Similar to Computer Chips of today...

Interesting. I have never head that before. Could be interesting depending on the theory behind it. Do you recall where you read/saw this?

Not sure if it is similar to the Egyptian Light Bulb....

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Interesting. I have never head that before. Could be interesting depending on the theory behind it. Do you recall where you read/saw this?

Not sure if it is similar to the Egyptian Light Bulb....
View attachment 1446664
I have also felt that the ancient egyptions had some type of energy devices. For lighting. Building and developing. I think i saw on AA. That the great pyramid had 0% soot ash inside the structure.
I love the part how one maimsteam archeologist came out and said they used polished copper discs to guide light in.
Yea im so sure that worked

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Interesting. I have never head that before. Could be interesting depending on the theory behind it. Do you recall where you read/saw this?

Not sure if it is similar to the Egyptian Light Bulb....
View attachment 1446664
NOT a "Light Bulb"... A "Snake" of POWER within the "Aura" (Serpent Power). "Hitting" the TRANSFORMER, as "servants/subjects" get out of the way of the SERPENT RAY. Notice that it (Serpent Power) "comes" from the Root Chakra which has to do with SEX POWER; MUM the "Word"...

For a "Modern Day" use of the "purse"/"box" (@ 1940's), see Coral Castle Museum in Fla. I did R & I (Research & Investigation) on Ed Leedskalnin & from 1923-1951, Ed built that place by himself, at night & used a "BOX" that he claimed as an IDEA, from the Egyptians; an ANTI-GRAVITY DEVICE! A few years ago, there was a "pic" of it, in his workshop. NOW! Dunno, just check it out...

I have also felt that the ancient egyptions had some type of energy devices. For lighting. Building and developing. I think i saw on AA. That the great pyramid had 0% soot ash inside the structure.
I love the part how one maimsteam archeologist came out and said they used polished copper discs to guide light in.
Yea im so sure that worked

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I saw that special. With no soot from candles or fires how would you light up the inside of the pyramid so you could see what you were doing? It was funny when they tried to reflect the sun into the pyramid. That only works in movies! :laughing7:
The Baghdad battery was a neat idea... I believe it came after the Egyptians... can't remember.

NOT a "Light Bulb"... A "Snake" of POWER within the "Aura" (Serpent Power). "Hitting" the TRANSFORMER, as "servants/subjects" get out of the way of the SERPENT RAY. Notice that it (Serpent Power) "comes" from the Root Chakra which has to do with SEX POWER; MUM the "Word"...

I like the way you described it! Sounds WAY cooler!!

For a "Modern Day" use of the "purse"/"box" (@ 1940's), see Coral Castle Museum in Fla. I did R & I (Research & Investigation) on Ed Leedskalnin & from 1923-1951, Ed built that place by himself, at night & used a "BOX" that he claimed as an IDEA, from the Egyptians; an ANTI-GRAVITY DEVICE! A few years ago, there was a "pic" of it, in his workshop. NOW! Dunno, just check it out...

I have looked up Ed and the Coral Castle before. Neat story. Wish I visited the place when I lived in Florida.
The "Black Box" at the top of the tripod... mystical and all secret!!! What was it? What did it do?
The 9 ton door that swings around like a merry go round you can push with one finger. How could a 5' man weighing 100 lbs do all this? :icon_scratch:
I believe their was some controversy over the door being made from one stone or if it was cast.... that theory was also applied to the great pyramid. Were the blocks chiseled and transported or were they made on site? Hawass wont let anyone test the blocks to be sure.

Here's the question, and I know it's late considering the date this thread began: was there an Atlantis or not?

Here is what I came up with, and I found out there were others who said the same thing independently...

It began with a TV show broadcast a few years ago on the National Geographic Channel titled "Finding Atlantis", and some of you probably saw it. The premise of the show was that Atlantis was located in southwestern Spain, and was part of the culture some scholars have identified as "Tartessos", i.e. the Biblical Tarshish, where tin was made, according to the ancients. At the time of the broadcast all I could think of was that it was another crackpot theory regarding the island's location, and there are a lot of crackpot theories out there. The show stipulated that Atlantis was an island within a bay, and this area was hit by a tsunami, wiping out the island and the culture. The researchers in question - some were archaeologists - were shown recovering a few small artifacts within the Doñana National Park, which is northwest of Rota, Spain near the Atlantic coast.
Donana 1.webp

Taking the skeptic's line, I wanted to know if this area would match up with what Plato said about Atlantis, specifically about the mud. Plato said that after Atlantis sunk, there was a muddy shoal making navigation impossible. The above picture is the Doñana area, which is predominantly open or farmland; the park is to the west of the river. It is also flat, low-lying land, and I did see recent Google and Bing maps showing this area as flooded. This is also a mudplain, the sediment having come down from the nearby hills.
Donana 2.webp
This picture is a closeup of the area. Where it says "Parque Nacional" in this image is water damage from at least one tsunami, and some of it extends five miles inland.
Donana 3.webp
The third image is just to the south, with possibly a smaller tsunami responsible for the whitish markings along the coastline; the furthest one inland is about two miles from the shoreline. So, if Atlantis was an island within this bay, it's safe to assume that it was wiped out by a tsunami leaving no trace except a muddy shoal that no one could navigate into. In this respect it does match Plato's account.

Atlantis was also a ringed island, and there is just such a feature within these images; you'll see it in the right-center of the third image. That part of the park was never mentioned in the show. My suggestion for anyone interested is to get ground-penetrating radar over there and see what's underneath.

Caraju, first I apologize for my late reply, Plato said that in a nighta and a day Atlantis was sunk, that precludes a Tsumi, Second much of what is reported by Plato regarding their culture is speculation, after all Atlantis was destroyed some thousands of years before his time. Atlamtis was situated on the rim of an ancient volcano.It was sunk by a plate subduction.- The muddy shoals are the shallows between Spain and the Caldera.

I saw that special. With no soot from candles or fires how would you light up the inside of the pyramid so you could see what you were doing?

If we're talking about the great pyramid of giza here, I find the claim of no soot difficult to believe. The pyramid was both looted and explored by people using fire for illumination.

Additionally, illumination was not necessary during the construction. This is not an existing solid mass. It was assembled, meaning that the tunnels could be "built around" rather than excavated. This would not only reduce costs in materials and labor, but would also mean that the workers had the sky over their heads pretty much the entire time.

Donana 3.webp

I'm also going to point out something about this area in Spain and the Atlantis myth: it could be easily proven or easily debunked. The area in the red circle is the suspected target for the "ringed island" description found in Plato...and that's assuming the theory in the National Geographic video is correct, and it doesn't cost that much to run a GPR unit over the site for a day, with no digging involved.

View attachment 1451433

I'm also going to point out something about this area in Spain and the Atlantis myth: it could be easily proven or easily debunked. The area in the red circle is the suspected target for the "ringed island" description found in Plato...and that's assuming the theory in the National Geographic video is correct, and it doesn't cost that much to run a GPR unit over the site for a day, with no digging involved.
I have come across this idea before. From another researcher. But personaly i think the idea is a bust. If we go back to the writings of plato. We can see a clear date of atlantis. Which puts it around 10,000-11,000 years ago from us today. Factoring in the sea and land ice from the last ice age. The water level would be several hundred feet lower then it is today. Placing that location well above the sea. Which would prevent the sea access and discription that is given.

Thats my perception and i would think others might agree upon it.

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And here I thought that I had made some brilliant deductions/conclusions, then I find that they are "old hat, go to and read it carefully.

However he did not remark on the mastodon occurrence..It seems that the mastodons were asphyxiated as well as instantly quick frozen. This could only be explained by Planet X making an unusually close pass where it was able to pull the insulating air layer to one side of earth thus asphyxiating the mastodons, freezing them, then as It sped away, the blanket of air rolled back creating super Tornadoes which is why they were dumped in the vicinity of that Island Very similar to todays Tornados,but of a very feeble duplicate of them dumping.the bodies of the Mastodons in an effective pile, with an occasional human. This was repeated along higher latitudes.

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Sorry, Joseph, tried the link but got a warning......


curious, I tried it again with no warning Try it again, but don't open it if the same message appears. I've gottem that message on other programs. I think it is a roving comeon, but don't take the chance/

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Don Jose

From the The Solar System’s Dark Companion - Our Horned Dark Sister chapter in the link you posted and from the Sumerian table in the same chapter , I understood is all about the coming of the Moon .
Is exactly what I have suggested in one of my previous posts .


Thank you, Joseph! Will spend some time with this later this evening! :icon_thumright:

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