
Ingots of orichalcum, Corinthian helmets and amphorae found off the coast of Sicily Archeology news today..

Interesting. Where did you get that feed? If you can link, I would check it out.

Well he mentions them having a temple and the kings where poseidons offspring. So a possible connection with poseidon. But neptune is another take on poseidon as well.
But when we also look at some other peoples beleifs like south americans. Some ploynesians and such. Who say there god came from the sea on a dragon. Or serpent or water bird or something like that. Could we then tie them to a same concept of the same idol

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I think many cultures have similar gods. Different names and creatures relevant to their area and beliefs. Mainly Air, Water and Fire are what you will see for gods for just about all cultures. There are many more as cultures vary. I think the Greeks/Romans had the most gods. My son is writing a paper about gods so we had some fun going over some of them. I think I might let him bring in my map to Atlantis for show and tell.

Interesting. Where did you get that feed? If you can link, I would check it out.

I think many cultures have similar gods. Different names and creatures relevant to their area and beliefs. Mainly Air, Water and Fire are what you will see for gods for just about all cultures. There are many more as cultures vary. I think the Greeks/Romans had the most gods. My son is writing a paper about gods so we had some fun going over some of them. I think I might let him bring in my map to Atlantis for show and tell.

The Egyptians put both Greeks and Romans to shame (and everyone else in the Mediterranean) as they had gods for everything, some 114 'major' deities and over 2000 minor ones, including 'household' gods, gods for each day of the year, and more gods added regularly as the dead Pharaohs and even queens were added after death complete with their own temples, priests etc. One might argue that the Catholic church may be giving the Egyptians a run for their money, but in that case it is stretching it a bit to class saints as minor deities, but if you count saints they may surpass Egypt with some 10,000 +. Just think if we had to give money as an offering to every single one, every year!

Please do continue, and Reb it may not be the Twilight Zone, but perhaps a parallel universe? (Check out the famous passage from Isaiah 11:6 and tell me if you notice anything odd)

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:.

Any truth to this?

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The Egyptians put both Greeks and Romans to shame (and everyone else in the Mediterranean) as they had gods for everything, some 114 'major' deities and over 2000 minor ones, including 'household' gods, gods for each day of the year, and more gods added regularly as the dead Pharaohs and even queens were added after death complete with their own temples, priests etc. One might argue that the Catholic church may be giving the Egyptians a run for their money, but in that case it is stretching it a bit to class saints as minor deities, but if you count saints they may surpass Egypt with some 10,000 +. Just think if we had to give money as an offering to every single one, every year!

Please do continue, and Reb it may not be the Twilight Zone, but perhaps a parallel universe? (Check out the famous passage from Isaiah 11:6 and tell me if you notice anything odd)

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:.

They allow you to enter the meditation room at the Hindu temple on the island of Kauai, where there are enough many god/goddess statues on the wall to blow your mind. Interestingly, they also have a big 3d model of the solar system in there. Some say the Hindus have 330 million gods/goddesses.

By the way, speaking of parallel universes, there is a very surprising, informative and controversial 2014 documentary movie with a parallel universe-inspired conclusion titled The Principle. It shows up full-length now and then on YouTube, but is usually quickly removed soon after due to copyright issues. The takeaway from the film is that several interviewed renowned scientists, physicists and astronomers concede that, based on recent irrefutable observations - and discarding the unsupportable "dark matter" gravitational argument - the earth is actually located at the center of our universe. Also, due to quantum physics theory, our universe may be one of innumerable universes in the multiverse.

hola stretch, Archology news, within the past few days. They had a picture of the orichalcum, finger sized bars, also the helmet. Fascinating since i believe that according to the Atlantis story , only on the volcanic islends of Atlantis was orichalcum ever found, equally interesting was the Greek helmmet since they were at war.i'll try to find it again.

The Egyptians put both Greeks and Romans to shame (and everyone else in the Mediterranean) as they had gods for everything, some 114 'major' deities and over 2000 minor ones, including 'household' gods, gods for each day of the year, and more gods added regularly as the dead Pharaohs and even queens were added after death complete with their own temples, priests etc. One might argue that the Catholic church may be giving the Egyptians a run for their money, but in that case it is stretching it a bit to class saints as minor deities, but if you count saints they may surpass Egypt with some 10,000 +. Just think if we had to give money as an offering to every single one, every year!

Please do continue, and Reb it may not be the Twilight Zone, but perhaps a parallel universe? (Check out the famous passage from Isaiah 11:6 and tell me if you notice anything odd)

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:.
LOL! TY, "Oro"; Science is now "saying" a MULTI-VERSE of TEN dimensions... maybe, ELEVEN. EACH dimension has its own Universe; So... in Hindu myths, etc. Krishna was a BLUE God... then! There were those pesky "Flying cars/stars" (aka Vimanas). Hmmm.

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The Egyptians put both Greeks and Romans to shame (and everyone else in the Mediterranean) as they had gods for everything, some 114 'major' deities and over 2000 minor ones, including 'household' gods, gods for each day of the year, and more gods added regularly as the dead Pharaohs and even queens were added after death complete with their own temples, priests etc. One might argue that the Catholic church may be giving the Egyptians a run for their money, but in that case it is stretching it a bit to class saints as minor deities, but if you count saints they may surpass Egypt with some 10,000 +. Just think if we had to give money as an offering to every single one, every year!

Please do continue, and Reb it may not be the Twilight Zone, but perhaps a parallel universe? (Check out the famous passage from Isaiah 11:6 and tell me if you notice anything odd)

:coffee2: :coffee::coffee2: :coffee2:.

WOW! Didn't realize the Egyptians had so many. Man that can get crazy?!?! You gotta remember who and what you sacrificed to what god and not piss any others off or it won't rain or the sun won't come up.
We def have it easier.

View attachment 1414193
Any truth to this?

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I have see that on AI or another show and it was pretty crazy. Pretty good carvings. Not sure if I buy the alien ones but interesting none the less.

hola stretch, Archology news, within the past few days. They had a picture of the orichalcum, finger sized bars, also the helmet. Fascinating since i believe that according to the Atlantis story , only on the volcanic islends of Atlantis was orichalcum ever found, equally interesting was the Greek helmmet since they were at war.i'll try to find it again.

I found some info on this find but it didn't mention the helmet. I was disappointed by the pictures of the orichalcum, guess I was expecting more. All the build up to this special metal... sad. I had my hope too high plus it is Monday.

Stretch the simple evidence of it existing is fantastic, On my piture the Helmet is clearly shown. If True, this is tha most compelling evidence that Atlantis existed and was close to the Med. Shall we say off of the coast of Spain, not south america, asia or south America. Why were you disappointed in the orichalcum ?

The origioanal picture had several finger plus sized bars, I was interested in the bars, no matter what their sizeI lost the picture while attempting to post it. Waht was the date on the Archology nws article that you obtained ?

Oro, comments.

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hola stretch, Archology news, within the past few days. They had a picture of the orichalcum, finger sized bars, also the helmet. Fascinating since i believe that according to the Atlantis story , only on the volcanic islends of Atlantis was orichalcum ever found, equally interesting was the Greek helmmet since they were at war.i'll try to find it again.

That was a nice find all right, but the ship that sank was from a Greek colony ca 700BCE - unfortunately dating about 9,000 years later than the alleged demise of Atlantis.

As far as the orichalcum bars are concerned, they most likely originated in Cyprus, which was well-known at the time as a source of copper ores and alloys. Orichalcum: Legendary Metal of Atlantis, Or Just A Common Ore? | Ancient Origins

Stretch the simple evidence of it existing is fantastic, On my piture the Helmet is clearly shown. If True, this is tha most compelling evidence that Atlantis existed and was close to the Med. Shall we say off of the coast of Spain, not south america, asia or south America. Why were you disappointed in the orichalcum ?

The origioanal picture had several finger plus sized bars, I was interested in the bars, no matter what their sizeI lost the picture while attempting to post it. Waht was the date on the Archology nws article that you obtained ?

Oro, comments.

I found some other link that only had bad pics of the bars. They looked more like Biscotti's. That's why I was disappointed and plus it made me hungry. I didn't see the helmet. It is a fascinating find and I will agree that I believe Atlantis was off the coast of Spain. The documentary I saw/posted earlier in this thread was pretty good and I was believing most of it.

That was a nice find all right, but the ship that sank was from a Greek colony ca 700BCE - unfortunately dating about 9,000 years later than the alleged demise of Atlantis.

As far as the orichalcum bars are concerned, they most likely originated in Cyprus, which was well-known at the time as a source of copper ores and alloys. Orichalcum: Legendary Metal of Atlantis, Or Just A Common Ore? | Ancient Origins

Thanks for the links sdcfia! Now that was a good article with good pics. Much better pics of the bars and the helmet looked awesome!

LOL! TY, "Oro"; Science is now "saying" a MULTI-VERSE of TEN dimensions... maybe, ELEVEN. EACH dimension has its own Universe; So... in Hindu myths, etc. Krishna was a BLUE God... then! There were those pesky "Flying cars/stars" (aka Vimanas). Hmmm.

Amazing when you really start to think about it. We use to think the universe was us and the sun revolved around us. With the wonders the Hubble telescope brings us we now see how small and insignificant we really are. Galaxies upon galaxies! The universe is unfathomable.

So I guess anything is possible!

Amazing when you really start to think about it. We use to think the universe was us and the sun revolved around us. With the wonders the Hubble telescope brings us we now see how small and insignificant we really are. Galaxies upon galaxies! The universe is unfathomable.

So I guess anything is possible!

The people who run our world (money, religion) love it when you consider yourself small and insignificant. It makes you easier to manipulate and control.

Amazing when you really start to think about it. We use to think the universe was us and the sun revolved around us. With the wonders the Hubble telescope brings us we now see how small and insignificant we really are. Galaxies upon galaxies! The universe is unfathomable.

So I guess anything is possible!
LOL, YEP! In the "Twilight Zone"...

The people who run our world (money, religion) love it when you consider yourself small and insignificant. It makes you easier to manipulate and control.

I get what you are saying but I dont consider myself like that. The (money, religion) people can shove it!
I consider mankind as a whole that small and insignificant. We might just be a grain of sand on a beach in another universe/realm. I am still looking for proof!

LOL, YEP! In the "Twilight Zone"...

As silly as it sounds it is kind of true. **Cue the theme song!**

I think that the article is not gospel, Those are mighty small bars for copper Somewhere I have read the it was on par with Gold and only found in Atlantis :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: early in the morning

".Orichalcum (Greek ὀρείχαλκος from ὅρος, 'mountain' and χαλκός, 'copper') was a precious metal, considered second only to gold in value, whose fame is also linked to the legendary lost continent of Atlantis, described by the Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogue Critias.
Read more at"

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Another site for our research.
Its recommended dates are in the same time frame as our predicitons to the destruction of atlantis.
As of yet i havnt put together any other connections.

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Real de Tayopa el Tropical Tramp - the only comment I would add concerning those "orichalcum" bars, is that they do not conflict with Plato at all. He wrote that by HIS time the metal was only a memory, and that shipwreck predates Plato. I could argue whether it truly is orichalcum or not, but in any case it is interesting. If it is truly orichalcum it is perfectly logical to be cast in small ingots as it was considered a precious metal, not common copper or iron etc.

Please do continue,
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Not about Atlantis but HBO had a cool movie on this weekend, Gods of Egypt. It was pretty good but then again, I will watch anything about Egypt.

Anyhoot, they portrayed the Gods as being about 8' tall and I thought that was pretty cool. Kinds of goes along with that under water structure found off the coast of Japan, I think, that has huge steps made for giants. Wondered if there was any mention about the people of Atlantis being giants or huge or really tall. I have heard other tales of tall races and wondered if any of this might tie into another or have roots in good old Atlantis.

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