Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Japan...? MAYBE Lemuria, (aka) MU... dunno.
Funny you mention that accually. Grahem hancock in his doco. Search for the lost civilisation. Dives and investigates that place. What is striking. Is that he used computer models and star maping to come to the conclusion that around 12,000 years ago. That area would have been above the sea level.Not about Atlantis but HBO had a cool movie on this weekend, Gods of Egypt. It was pretty good but then again, I will watch anything about Egypt.
Anyhoot, they portrayed the Gods as being about 8' tall and I thought that was pretty cool. Kinds of goes along with that under water structure found off the coast of Japan, I think, that has huge steps made for giants. Wondered if there was any mention about the people of Atlantis being giants or huge or really tall. I have heard other tales of tall races and wondered if any of this might tie into another or have roots in good old Atlantis.
Possibly not atlantis or lemuria. But when you look at the dates. The coinside with atlantis. The bosnia pyramids. The great pyramid and sphinx. All around the same time period using archeoastrology.
Could all these sites be connected. Or does there being lost to time coinside with what caused the atlantis destruction
Yea im sort of along the same lines. We are pretty war like as a race. So that could be a factor too. I did hear of some story from some place in the south americas of a story that this is the 5th civilisation of man. Meaning we have been around a long time and have been wiped out to re build all over again.So another ancient site I have a lot of interest in would be Göbekli Tepe. Some believe it to be one of, if not THE oldest sites on the planet. They even think it might have led to the Garden of Eden. I like how they try to explain caveman like people that would meet up at a central location for drinks, star viewing and possible matchmaking? What? I laughed a bit during that show.
The carvings in the rocks there are amazing. Real talent in line with the Egyptians.
I believe I read that they think or dug under and there are more structures buried underneath. Like a few times over..... culture over culture over culture. This starts to make the "who was around before the ice age" a real question. Don't give me the dumb caveman answer as I believe Smart and talented man has been on this planet for a long time... maybe wiped out a few times from natural or man made disasters.
You guys have any thoughts on Göbekli Tepe?
I think it could have been an ep on Ancient Aliens. They where interviewing an elder. Then put their alien twist to it
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Thats what it was like when i was younger. First comp. Dial up. 15min boot ups. Hope you get it sorted soon mate.I may get my main computer back in a day or so, This antique lap top is rediculous, and we thought it was wonderful, which it was, used dial up when it was available,
Yep i have came across the same thing also in my researching. But the answer is so obvious that they cant regect it. I beleive the site is natrual but the features are man made. So the plat forms and levels are all natural. But the carvings. Faces. Post holes. Stairs and such are all man done features. So this place ticks both boxes if you ask me. But then we have to look back to when this site would have been above water and in use. And guess what. You wouldnt beleive it if i told you lolSo I was watching the tube as it is another sub 30* weekend.... AGAIN!
I caught a special on The Yonaguni Monument and I could not believe they are trying to say it is all natural, caused by the water, riptides and plate activity.
Not buying that for a moment. They were exploring during a dive and would get dropped off in front of it and explored as the current would take them past it. Pretty crazy/cool stuff down there but I find it hard to believe all those cuts, angles, steps, notches, bevels, etc. are caused by nature.
Yep i have came across the same thing also in my researching. But the answer is so obvious that they cant regect it. I beleive the site is natrual but the features are man made. So the plat forms and levels are all natural. But the carvings. Faces. Post holes. Stairs and such are all man done features. So this place ticks both boxes if you ask me. But then we have to look back to when this site would have been above water and in use. And guess what. You wouldnt beleive it if i told you lol
It all fits together
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Pacific Ocean... MU/Lemuria.So I was watching the tube as it is another sub 30* weekend.... AGAIN!
I caught a special on The Yonaguni Monument and I could not believe they are trying to say it is all natural, caused by the water, riptides and plate activity.
Not buying that for a moment. They were exploring during a dive and would get dropped off in front of it and explored as the current would take them past it. Pretty crazy/cool stuff down there but I find it hard to believe all those cuts, angles, steps, notches, bevels, etc. are caused by nature.
Pacific Ocean... MU/Lemuria.Yep i have came across the same thing also in my researching. But the answer is so obvious that they cant regect it. I beleive the site is natrual but the features are man made. So the plat forms and levels are all natural. But the carvings. Faces. Post holes. Stairs and such are all man done features. So this place ticks both boxes if you ask me. But then we have to look back to when this site would have been above water and in use. And guess what. You wouldnt beleive it if i told you lol
It all fits together
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