
:coffee2:Atlantis, The Super Civilization and Super Power Spirit of the Superstition Mnts, According to some,all the treasures of the world are in the "Supe's".:dontknow:np:cat:

Why would people associate the Superstition mountains in Arizona, with Atlantis? Mistaking the Hohokam evidence for Atlantean maybe? It is quite far from the sea too, and never was an island, so won't fit Atlantis on those points either. Just curious, as to what leads people to believe the Superstitions are in any way related to an Ice Age island-empire type culture, closely linked with the sea, not inland areas. A fellow could make a better case for the Black Hills to be Atlantis than the Superstitions, it even has a 'racetrack' all the way around the hills <ala Plato> and was once a large island in an inland sea. Thanks in advance;


:coffee2: :coffee2:

Oroblanco, Amigo.:coffee2:
How do you know about the Black Hills,?I thought it was a secret? Yes, the Black Hills are a part of Atlantis's Sporting Complex,they use to hold all there games there,just ask pluto,or was that plato? O well, whats the diff,:dontknow:np:cat:

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Oroblanco, Amigo.:coffee2:
How do you know about the Black Hills,?I thought it was a secret? Yes, the Black Hills are a part of Atlantis's Sporting Complex,they use to hold all there games there,just ask pluto,or was that plato? O well, whats the diff,:dontknow:np:cat:


:coffee2:Atlantis, The Super Civilization and Super Power Spirit of the Superstition Mnts, According to some,all the treasures of the world are in the "Supe's".:dontknow:np:cat:

Get outta here lol

Oroblanco, Amigo.:coffee2:
How do you know about the Black Hills,?I thought it was a secret? Yes, the Black Hills are a part of Atlantis's Sporting Complex,they use to hold all there games there,just ask pluto,or was that plato? O well, whats the diff,:dontknow:np:cat:

Hmm apparently you thought I was joking. I was not.
Take a peek at this "birds eye view" of the Black Hills, and note the odd U shaped valley running all the way around the entire mountain range. Locals called it the "racetrack" for an old Indian legend that it was created by animals racing around the mountains, in a part of their creation myth.


Now recall Plato in Critias, quote

I will now describe the plain, as it was fashioned by nature and by the labours of many generations of kings through long ages. It was for the most part rectangular and oblong, and where falling out of the straight line followed the circular ditch. The depth, and width, and length of this ditch were incredible, and gave the impression that a work of such extent, in addition to so many others, could never have been artificial. Nevertheless I must say what I was told. It was excavated to the depth of a hundred, feet, and its breadth was a stadium everywhere; it was carried round the whole of the plain, and was ten thousand stadia in length. It received the streams which came down from the mountains, and winding round the plain and meeting at the city, was there let off into the sea
<from Critias>

Now if the plains that Plato referred to were not enclosed BY the ditch but surrounded it, then in the Black Hills we have a pretty good match for that giant "ditch".
I was also quite serious in asking why anyone would conclude that the Superstition mountains of Arizona, which as far as I know have never been an island, among other issues conflicting with Plato's Atlantis, would be the location of Atlantis or any colony of it? I have seen some highly unlikely places proposed as the location of Atlantis including the Moon, but would like to hear why some people would think the Superstitions are in any way related to Atlantis? Thanks in advance.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

you are absolutely correct about the race track,but,I was too ,ever since being on TN there have been some that pop up every now and then claiming the supes hold all the hidden treasures,example, we now have one person claiming all the hidden treasures in the U.S are located in NM.
Now,on another note,We now know that Pluto,I mean Plato, couldn't explain a spacecraft let alone a Mother ship,a circular Island was easier for him to convey to the public,:dontknow:NP:cat:

Oro, yer favorite.

28 JUNE, 2015 - 14:51 CHRISTOS DJONIS
[h=1]Orichalcum: Legendary Metal of Atlantis, Or Just A Common Ore?[/h]Earlier this year, several world news organizations reported that archaeologists had recently recovered 39 ingots of orichalcum from a 2,600-year-old shipwreck, found ten feet underwater off the coast of Sicily, near the town of Gela. (For those not familiar with the name, according to Plato, orichalcum was a type of copper broadly used by the legendary Atlantians.)
Not surprisingly, while the ancient cargo provided the basis to every news report, unfortunately, none of the stories exposed anything new on Atlantis, or on the "mystical" ore, as one reporter called it. Essentially, every editorial capitalized on repeating the same familiar story, raising the usual questions, and sadly arriving at the same past conclusions. Nothing new! As for the particular freight, most reporters connected it to Atlantis, as if Atlantis was around during the Bronze Age (thus, misleading everyone not so familiar with the story) and ignoring the fact that according to Plato, the story of Atlantis took place around 9,600 BC.
While titles like "Atlantis' gold", and statements such as, "...the ancient shipment proves that Atlantis did exist", without a doubt capture peoples imagination, the truth is, there is nothing mystical, or unusual about orichalcum, as various newspapers, magazines, and the media seem to imply at every opportunity. In fact, the particular shipment of orichalcum found off the coast of Sicily most likely originated from the Greek island of Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean. Historically, since the 4th millennium BC, Cyprus is known to have produced every copper variation known to man, including orichalcum, essentially a mixture of copper and zinc, with small traces of nickel and iron.

2,600-year-old shipwreck found off the coast of Sicily
During the Bronze Age, and especially prior to the 7th century BC, records show that the word orichalcum, which originates from the Greek name oreichalkos (literally meaning "mountain copper") may have been what the early Greeks called copper (all variations of it).
Prior to the 5th century BC, as the Greeks ruled the eastern Mediterranean, orichalcum, a term which by the way may have also originated in Cyprus, was essentially a common product used not only by the Greeks, but by those who traded with them as well.
Historically, the word orichalcum began to fade and nearly disappeared from the Mediterranean vocabulary after the Romans became the new masters of the region. Several Greek names, including that of oreichalkos were, in time, replaced with their Latin counterparts. (Eventually, even the ancient Greeks modified the original name and oreichalkos was ultimately shortened to chalkos, a name that is still in use today.)
Cadmus, the Greek mythological figure who is said to have created orichalcum (Wikipedia)
During the Roman period, Cyprus (Kypros in Greek) continued to be the number one source of copper for the entire region. So much copper was actually extracted out of Cyprus during the Roman era, the Romans originally named the ore after the island itself, "aes Cyprium" (meaning metal of Cyprus), a phrase that ultimately replaced the Greek word orichalcum. Over time the short phrase was simplified to "cuprum" (copper in Latin), and in modern days that changed to "copper", the English version of the Latin name.
What is most interesting about this name, though, is that while many experts and scholars are still debating on the origins and/or composition of orichalcum, it is worth mentioning that even to this day, more than three thousand years later, the Greek population of Cyprus still calls the local produced copper oreichalkos (orichalcum, if you prefer).
For more on Atlantis, you may also read "Atlantis Revealed: Plato's Cautionary Tale Was Based on a Real Setting!"
Featured image: Orichalcum ingots found off the coast of Gela in Sicily. Credit: Opinión Bolivia

Read more: Orichalcum: Legendary Metal of Atlantis, Or Just A Common Ore? | Ancient Origins
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Orichalcum-atlantis (1).webp

you are absolutely correct about the race track,but,I was too ,ever since being on TN there have been some that pop up every now and then claiming the supes hold all the hidden treasures,example, we now have one person claiming all the hidden treasures in the U.S are located in NM.
Now,on another note,We now know that Pluto,I mean Plato, couldn't explain a spacecraft let alone a Mother ship,a circular Island was easier for him to convey to the public,:dontknow:NP:cat:

I think you give Plato too little credit, intellectually.

Don Jose, great post, very interesting. Can't agree with their idea, for the meaning of a term can evolve over time to be something quite different (a "car" in 1880 usually referred to a railroad car, today people think of an automobile as an example) but interesting anyway. In other words the original meaning of orichalcum is probably different from what it was taken to mean centuries or more later.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Oroblanco, Amigo,:coffee2:
I give him lots of credit for the tales that he wrote about, he just did not know how to explain what he was really seeing,kind of like some famous artist of the past, I believe that if the
spirit wanted you to convey an important message to people, he would also give you the way to do it. so that they would understand what he was saying at the

Oroblanco, Amigo,:coffee2:
I give him lots of credit for the tales that he wrote about, he just did not know how to explain what he was really seeing,kind of like some famous artist of the past, I believe that if the
spirit wanted you to convey an important message to people, he would also give you the way to do it. so that they would understand what he was saying at the

Like looking at a painting with a "Flying Shield" in the sky, when airplanes weren't even invented yet (back in OLD days in France, I think...).

Does anyone know about the ancient city in India that was hit by a nuke thousands of years ago, thats a interesting subject for sure. Apparently the archaeologist is trying to prove it based of a layer of ash that was found to be radioactive, along with the tales that had been left inscribed by the ancient people who lived there.

Does anyone know about the ancient city in India that was hit by a nuke thousands of years ago, thats a interesting subject for sure. Apparently the archaeologist is trying to prove it based of a layer of ash that was found to be radioactive, along with the tales that had been left inscribed by the ancient people who lived there.

Is this the one you are referring to?
Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast - ??? Veda

I doubt it is related to the story of Atlantis but who knows? :dontknow: There are a number of online articles, (interesting for sure) here is another example:
Did An Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist on Earth?

My main problem with this idea of a highly advanced Atlantis with very modern technologies, is that it is not found in Plato, nor most other ancient sources. It all seems to be modern revisionist thinking. Atlantians may well have been armed with copper-tipped spears, leather shields, used open boats with oars or only rudimentary sails, or even rafts. Even their famous Orichalcum or oreikalkoi, might have been obsidian! Aelian seems to be describing obsidian being used by a civilization across the Atlantic, a metal that could make sharp tools but was very brittle (and not really a metal). Anyway some world-wide cataclysm certainly appears to have put an end to several emerging human civilizations right around the time attributed to Atlantis, it is hard to speculate just how advanced any of them might have been when much of the evidence is likely under the seas.

India has its own legend of a sunken civilization, some evidence is starting to be found:
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Lost city 'could rewrite history'

:coffee2: :coffee2:

These were the wars that happened between 20,000-11,000bc


He is referring to Starman's bag-o-tricks saga. It includes that the Tucson artifacts are the real thing, or that the real ones were secretly smuggled out to a museum in South Africa, along with a secret underground 'library' located in the Superstition mountains, that the Superstitions are Atlantis and much more that was largely discussed on another forum. Can't provide a link to it but you probably know the one I am referring to. Unfortunately when I have asked to see at least a photo of one of the books or scrolls or tablets from this library, or ask what language it is written in, what sort of alphabet or hieroglyphics or cuneiform they are written in, Starman becomes irritated and pouts for weeks or months. This hardly helps prove the case for the secret underground library (and city, which he terms "Oz") much less the Tucson artifacts to refuse to answer simple questions or show a single photo of one of the books, but what can you do? I have no idea what the real agenda is, that he was trying to promote. :dontknow:Anyway it was not intended as a private joke, just refers to a long and sometimes difficult discussion that is peripherally related.

I hope you had some great luck Reb, besides that surprise meeting with a real celebrity (and yep I am jealous!) stay cool amigo!
Roy ~ Oroblanco

As I have not seen an answer to my previous question, whom the wars in the time period in question involved, I am going to guess at the answer(s).

The legendary war between the Titans and Olympians? <Greek mythology>

The Vedic (aka Hindu mythology) Wars?

The war between Ra, Isis and Osiris against the evil-doers in proto-Egypt? <Egyptian mythology>

The war between the angels/archangels against the giants? (ala book of the Giants)

We could go on here but are these or other mythological wars between 'gods' or demi-gods against some evil super-beings, what you referred to?

I have lost my link to the fragments of the book of Giants but will see if I can find any online, much has been put on the internet in the past few years that was previously unavailable. Even some of Cory's Ancient Fragments, a personal favorite and rather hard to find, is now online as well as Diodorus Siculus excellent Library of History etc. Just warning that more of my babbling may appear in this thread later, have to sign off now. I will leave you with virtual coffee which is all I can offer until we meet around the campfire and really settle it whether Atlantis really existed, and if it was really the Minoans or Tartessians or Antarctica or that sunken volcanic caldera Don Jose promotes.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

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