
What is that map it look interesting, what era would you say this map is from,

Oh and Real de Tayopa yeah it does sounds amazing but 12000ft is pretty much in the levels of deep, I'm just guessing ;) but if this land mass was erected out of the water then like that map the world must of been different. problem with this map is it says the Middle East was submerged what to me can't be on my theory so it clashes a little but the thought that the wold must of been different is definitely must as a continent with water above it just of displaced that water somewhere

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I have tons of maps like this. This was the only one on my iPad. I'll see about getting the other ones from my phone.

Really? Do you know how I spend my time over the past thirty years or so? I think not. Oh and for the record, why not check through the old issues of Western and Eastern Treasures, look for the lost Arch mine. Good luck. Sorry that my participation in SO many threads that I found interesting, was too much for you. And for the record, MOST of the threads in this part of the forum have NO posts from me. You just seem to be finding those that I have posted in.

Well, I certainly have some idea how you have spent SOME of your time, anyway. Many of your stories and posts show that you have done quite a lot of treasure hunting, as well as authoring, ranch handing (you say you aren’t really a cowboy, so ranch hand it is), and house building (I’m sure there is more, but those come immediately to mind). I had seen your post on the Lost Arch mine, so I was aware that you had, indeed found something as well, and written about it, although I haven’t yet found the story . I am sure there are other discoveries that you have not posted or written about, and I cannot fault you for that. I was only suggesting that you have a LOT of posts, especially since I can see from the posts that you have been busy doing many other things, including, but not limited to treasure hunting. Possibly the reason that I find you on the threads so often is that we are interested in much the same subjects. You will have to admit that catching up on 12? Or more years of threads and topics can be somewhat intimidating. I do value you posts and comments, as they are always well researched and thought out. Anyway, back to the Jesuit Treasures thread…..


Shortfinger don't give it another thought.

Back to Atlantis:

What about the Aztec legend of Aztlan? Anyone?


The modern world had little or no knowledge of Atlantis before Ignatius Donnelly's book in the 19th century, and has for the most part, swallowed his lead since, ie attempting to force a literal translation of Plato's work. However, Plato was primarily a philosopher, not an historian. It has been argued by many that Plato's Atlantis is a myth, allegorically relating grand events in Man's early history, perhaps in the days when the gods ("Atlanteans"?) controlled Man on earth. As with most myths, ideas were cloaked in an adventure story that common folks could embrace. Another Garden of Eden-type tale perhaps - the gods' creation of Man and how Man dealt with it?

If indeed there was a "super civilization" in the Mediterranean region in forgotten ancient days - which I certainly accept (perhaps in the Ice Age era and earlier) - it makes perfect sense to me that it would have been based in the Eastern Mediterranean, where evidence of sophisticated ancient human development is most prevalent. Southern Spain is interesting, yes - and there was a very strong early Phoenician presence there that might be mistaken for "Atlantis" - but Turkey is of greater interest, IMO. Especially concerning the rumors in the Western Turkish region centering on today's Manisa, and further west, where there are many more very old sites, the most intriguing being perhaps such places as Göbekli Tepe and Mount Ararat. From there we move into land-locked Sumer, next door to Turkey. Perhaps Plato's Atlantis allegories were dealing with the Sumerians' god pantheon, which eventually was adopted by the Greeks and Romans.

The entire planet prior to the flood of around 9500bc was beyond the point we are. Between 20,000bc and 15,000bc were the nuclear world wars. Prior to 20,000bc Earth was a unified advance civilization. Before the flood, Man went underground and off planet, 500-5000 yrs man came up out of the ground and back on planet...some never came out of the ground, hence the underworld, land of the dead or hell. Mu, Ur, Atlantis ect.

As ORO will affirm, the Atlanteans were simply an Island people with expasionista ideas. there s no reason to beleive that they were an advanced group.

If you care to accept Plato literally, then we are dealing with a rich, powerful sea power with a very impressively developed homeland. That sounds pretty advanced for a near-Ice Age culture. How were the Athenians able to conquer the Atlanteans' naval force when the Greeks were still living in caves at that time?

If you care to accept Plato literally, then we are dealing with a rich, powerful sea power with a very impressively developed homeland. That sounds pretty advanced for a near-Ice Age culture. How were the Athenians able to conquer the Atlanteans' naval force when the Greeks were still living in caves at that time?

How...? ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY! Atlantis (ppl, etc) were "Time Travelers" from our FUTURE; placed in our DISTANT PAST... just like MU/Lemuria; even ancient cities of INDIA! To suddenly materialize & dematerialize... leaving NO "trace" or OOPS! (Out Of Place STUFF), USUALLY indicated as "Religious Objects" by the "ARCHIES"... LOL!

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I am 100% convinced that solid evidence of Atlantis already exists and can be seen/visited today, which is not being recognized as of Atlantis. In fact I doubt very much that anyone would recognize the Ice Age, primitive-agriculture, no-iron-tools culture that was a real Atlantis when they see the artifacts and evidence. Remember, Plutarch accused Plato of embellishing the story of Atlantis as it stood with Solon.

Not to say that a highly advanced civilization could never have existed in the past, there are certainly enough OOPARTs to point to some kind of high-tech culture existing in our past, however it may be a quite distant past. In other words more like 100,000 years ago than 10,000. Bananas may be one of the crops that ancient culture was growing for food, it has been domesticated for SO long that it hardly ever develops seeds today.

Please do continue;
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Possibly a contribution from one of these Super civilizations" is the Antikythera Mechanism found off the coast of the Greek Island Antikythera in 1900.

Simon I just noticed you recently joined T-net - so welcome to Treasurenet! :thumbsup: Sorry I did not notice that earlier.

Please do continue amigos,
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Rebel the vedas tend to verify this, that laong with the destruction of ancient cities plus sub atomic structure and information

I know... & AGREE! And Nuclear War destruction in ANCIENT INDIA... "Flying Cars". "Flying Shields" in COMMON ERA (aka AD); LOTS of stuff BEFORE COMMON ERA (aka BC)... just as MYSTERIOUS!

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The description of Atlantis by Plato (via Solon) was the MOTHER-SHIP; TEN circular islands in water...? Nah, TEN levels of ppl!
In water...? Nah, "LIGHT" water was utilized for materialization/dematerialization, with a HUGE Crystal on top of the TALLEST "building". M.S. had to spin in a "clock-wise" direction; then... it could materialize/dematerialize ANYWHERE!

Have to clarify the above... Materialize: spin in CLOCK-WISE direction; De-materialize: spin in COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE direction. From above, the various 10 islands look like Concentric Circles...
"Google"Plato's Atlantis; excerpt from TIMAEUS :coffee2: Coffee...?

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