Sorry for the late reply I have just been busy. Thanks for the replies and yes I think turkey will be a stepping stone.
Right we just have to admit we are not going to find Atlantis without some actual historic information to where it actually is.
We need to start looking at the bigger picture of all of this. Atlantis is but a myth to most and a good story at heart but to be honest it’s not its real and scary enough to question everything a be with what we actually know about our past. Atlantis is the big player in our history sadly it’s just been totally eradicated from us to one big fact its a big statement that we dont need the gods anymore, just like the tower or babel in the bible and the deluge and also the Sumerians tablets explaining why the gods did not want us humans to become equal to them. The Atlanteans thought that they should have a different choice in this matter and when their influence and power became nourishing for their ideologies of humans and god been on the same level they decided to not to be the lesser.
The tower of babel and the Mesopotamian tables both explain a time when humans spoke one language before the deluge but then wanted to be like god as use there technology and build a ladder to the heavens. This was swiftly brought to an end not with just a deluge that was the final blow but after the fights it was just to clean all the mess that was brought and well was a perk to the others to rid of all history that they missed. Clearly they have done a good job hence why we struggle to find it. Except for the few peaking stories that have been passed down from people in the past. We need to also remember Athens wasn't a city of democracy 10000 years ago and was way before the Minoan invasion of Greece what is typically the main Hellenic culture that came to Greece before that history there is very dodgy we don’t exactly know what was there before. we also knew that Greece was a recessive culture on that they knew the world one round in the first era of Greek culture. So I’m guessing Plato probably just wanted to kiss up to the gods at the time don’t forget they feared the gods, and wanted to ensure that he was on the side of the gods and not those who wished to destroy them.
Anyway what I’m saying from my crazy experience is that i saw a world totally different. Yes it was thousands of years ago. i remember seeing a city surrounded by white rock, i was tanned, i just want to say again it was more for myself than trying to work out where Atlantis was i think i need to do it again to find that out, all in due time i guess. i was tanned so it must of been warm at that time. Blue eyes brown hair, was the main theme in a warm climate what just doesn't make sense. ill tell you now what also doesn’t make sense is that blue is obviously there main theme so yeah guess we are on the right path

. its was a city of white buildings what is common in hot climates but back to myself there was one thing i noticed at was a gold medallion that had engraving on it and then at the centre it glowed what is just down right crazy for an historic civilisation at first i even remember not really caring about it but then further into the hypnosis i realised its importance, its actually the history past present and future of the atlantes basically all their knowledge like a memory stick, maybe something in the correlation of the akashic records im not sure I was just told that its like that, all i remember at the centre the most important thing this orb that was blue it was surrounded by blue marble and yes it was a circular room, the end of the room was a map and i saw the world but its so vague i just can’t work it out now and the women who was guiding me didn’t write it down what was disappointing, at the time i didn’t really care the emotions of myself where pretty overpowering, this orb was what they used for like power against the enemy just like the arc of the covenant but didn’t know exactly how to use it and when they began their war they won for a while but eventually lost due to not been able to compete well i guess against the more organised gods that eventually won after two years, i do definitely remember that it was like two years before they fell. this main city now had to make a decision to save there ideology for a time when we are more advanced and hide there knowledge and basically look like they have been stomped out of history this meant destroying there city making it look like they have all gone and they did but the ones who were in charge of the medallions and the orb where responsible to hide the knowledge on all corners of the earth and the orb as well. Atlantis is destroyed and so fell its empire that id say consumed the earth at a point but now its nothing so what would the gods do next clean up this mess and make sure it never happened again, don’t forget Atlantis was a time when gods and men walk with each other but in Atlantis they actually did and had the idea we are both the same.
many orders have tried to find this past knowledge obviously like the Templars, Abraham to the German Nazis and lots and lots of treasure hunters but all have one thing in common, to find these historic knowledge from the past as we are doing now, I remembered leaving the city after its destruction and going east towards mountains makes sense as after the deluge where would humans move to the mountains, i personally think are answers lie in the mountains of the first spiralling city’s that rose from the dirt, that’s where the answers are. And i know exactly where one is in turkey that holds caves of untapped knowledge waiting to be unearthed totally hidden from the outside world till now, its also in the Ararat mountains what’s helps with the fact where would humans live after the deluge. Another thing is there is so much water we have to scour the entire floor to find ruins that hold that tremendous treasure that they had to leave behind, there true treasure was there ideology and knowledge what to all is great but tbh gold would of slowed these people down quite radically.
Atlantis will be found we just have to connect the dots with our past i think its all going to connect and Atlantis.