
He is referring to Starman's bag-o-tricks saga. It includes that the Tucson artifacts are the real thing, or that the real ones were secretly smuggled out to a museum in South Africa, along with a secret underground 'library' located in the Superstition mountains, that the Superstitions are Atlantis and much more that was largely discussed on another forum. Can't provide a link to it but you probably know the one I am referring to. Unfortunately when I have asked to see at least a photo of one of the books or scrolls or tablets from this library, or ask what language it is written in, what sort of alphabet or hieroglyphics or cuneiform they are written in, Starman becomes irritated and pouts for weeks or months. This hardly helps prove the case for the secret underground library (and city, which he terms "Oz") much less the Tucson artifacts to refuse to answer simple questions or show a single photo of one of the books, but what can you do? I have no idea what the real agenda is, that he was trying to promote. :dontknow:Anyway it was not intended as a private joke, just refers to a long and sometimes difficult discussion that is peripherally related.

I hope you had some great luck Reb, besides that surprise meeting with a real celebrity (and yep I am jealous!) stay cool amigo!
Roy ~ Oroblanco

We did, Oro... going back July 15th-16th. NO sharks at SML; Erik...? Dunno...

As I have not seen an answer to my previous question, whom the wars in the time period in question involved, I am going to guess at the answer(s).

The legendary war between the Titans and Olympians? <Greek mythology>

The Vedic (aka Hindu mythology) Wars?

The war between Ra, Isis and Osiris against the evil-doers in proto-Egypt? <Egyptian mythology>

The war between the angels/archangels against the giants? (ala book of the Giants)

I would venture that any or all of the examples you listed are possibilities. Maybe all those examples are versions of the same events - different tellings.

Thanks for the link references too.

Amigo's,:coffee2:There is another answer.
There was also a segment on Ancient Aliens on this very subject :alien::dontknow:NP:cat:

:lurk:Atantis, :coffee2::director:
It was a great story at the time,and still is today.was the story based on fact or fiction, As of now no one know's for sure,"OR DO THEY",there could be people out there that are privy to this Info,
who is to say for sure. Atlantis could have covered a vast area or not,but,who is to really say that it wasn't a part of the "SUPES" or any where else? no one living is that big of an expert on the
subject,maybe there really was an "OZ" or "OD" or library connected with the Supes or any place else,maybe other kinds of entity's walk and co-exist amongst us.just something to ponder upon on a
lazy afternoon.:argue:NP:cat:

:lurk:Atantis, :coffee2::director:
It was a great story at the time,and still is today.was the story based on fact or fiction, As of now no one know's for sure,"OR DO THEY",there could be people out there that are privy to this Info,
who is to say for sure. Atlantis could have covered a vast area or not,but,who is to really say that it wasn't a part of the "SUPES" or any where else? no one living is that big of an expert on the
subject,maybe there really was an "OZ" or "OD" or library connected with the Supes or any place else,maybe other kinds of entity's walk and co-exist amongst us.just something to ponder upon on a
lazy afternoon.:argue:NP:cat:

I am going to GUESS another possible answer that you may be hinting at in your previous reply - the war between the Annunaki of the sky, versus the Annunaki that came to live on Earth? (Sumerian mythology)

Agreed - who knows if Starman's story has truth to it or not? It was certainly frustrating that he would not answer some rather simple questions. There is evidence of ancient people having lived/worked in the Superstitions, although except for Circlestone, most would agree those people were the Hohokam and later, Pimas, Yavapais and Apaches, or even Navajos for that matter. I got the impression that his long discussion was really a testing of the waters for a book he was preparing to publish. But without some kind of solid evidence, it remains only a story, and the Tucson artifacts highly questionable at best. Not trying to be a blue-nose about it, for I am convinced that some ancient visitors were passing through the southwest over two thousand years ago, but have not seen anything to link Romans or Byzantines much less Atlantis to the area. :dontknow:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I am going to GUESS another possible answer that you may be hinting at in your previous reply - the war between the Annunaki of the sky, versus the Annunaki that came to live on Earth? (Sumerian mythology)

Agreed - who knows if Starman's story has truth to it or not? It was certainly frustrating that he would not answer some rather simple questions. There is evidence of ancient people having lived/worked in the Superstitions, although except for Circlestone, most would agree those people were the Hohokam and later, Pimas, Yavapais and Apaches, or even Navajos for that matter. I got the impression that his long discussion was really a testing of the waters for a book he was preparing to publish. But without some kind of solid evidence, it remains only a story, and the Tucson artifacts highly questionable at best. Not trying to be a blue-nose about it, for I am convinced that some ancient visitors were passing through the southwest over two thousand years ago, but have not seen anything to link Romans or Byzantines much less Atlantis to the area. :dontknow:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

As I have not seen an answer to my previous question, whom the wars in the time period in question involved, I am going to guess at the answer(s).

The legendary war between the Titans and Olympians? <Greek mythology>

The Vedic (aka Hindu mythology) Wars?

The war between Ra, Isis and Osiris against the evil-doers in proto-Egypt? <Egyptian mythology>

The war between the angels/archangels against the giants? (ala book of the Giants)

We could go on here but are these or other mythological wars between 'gods' or demi-gods against some evil super-beings, what you referred to?

I have lost my link to the fragments of the book of Giants but will see if I can find any online, much has been put on the internet in the past few years that was previously unavailable. Even some of Cory's Ancient Fragments, a personal favorite and rather hard to find, is now online as well as Diodorus Siculus excellent Library of History etc. Just warning that more of my babbling may appear in this thread later, have to sign off now. I will leave you with virtual coffee which is all I can offer until we meet around the campfire and really settle it whether Atlantis really existed, and if it was really the Minoans or Tartessians or Antarctica or that sunken volcanic caldera Don Jose promotes.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

AYE... THAT would be FUN!

Real, Amigo.:coffee2:
Do you promote these one at a time,or do they come by the dozen? when promoting these volcanic caldera's what doe's one wear:idea1:,now I understand what the helicopter is for,:wav:np:cat:

Real,Amigo:coffee2::whip2:Ye o Master,your command is my wish,HHAHA, HMMMMMMM,:occasion14:NP:cat:

:icon_salut:Real Amigo,:coffee2::happy3::happy3::happy3:NP:cat:

Ah yes, the remains of a gigantic Tsunami in the northern Atlantic WERE recorded effecting Northern Europe. Same time as Atlantis was claimed to have disappeared. Archaeology news.

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Happy 4th of July!

I don't know if anyone is interested in comparing the giants/Enoch with the story of Atlantis, but I did find this on the book of Giants:
The Book of the Giants
This ancient book exists only in fragments, but from several different copies at least some reconstruction has been possible. When also read with the book of Enoch, it is a rather interesting tale with some parallels to Plato's Atlantis. The Giants and their progeny were being aggressive and combative, as well as some strange passages about miscegenation of animals to create monsters (playing with DNA?) and the resulting punishment of fire and flooding. The destruction by fire is mentioned in Plato as being spoken by the Egyptian priest, prior to the flood of which he stated there had been many previous, not just the one. Science now agrees with that part, in that sea levels have changed repeatedly over the thousands of years with some huge flood events resulting from the release of meltwater lakes (larger than our Great Lakes combined) that happened very rapidly.

I hope you are all having a great holiday weekend, and remember those who fell for us that we might enjoy this freedom.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Various legend's of Noah's Flood...?

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In my opinion only,:coffee2::director:
I will probably get :whip2:very violently for giving these secrets away,I believe the reason Atlantis has remained hidden is because the Masons and the KGC stoned it up in a joint effort
to keep it safe until called upon for its treasures,The problem they are having today is the Masons Code is different than the Code of the KGC,so now the whole thing is lost due to secret codes,But, there is good news ,They know it was some where in the "Supe's", If only they could find the real stone tablets.which can be found using the Dutchmans directions and his map.:dontknow:

In my opinion only,:coffee2::director:
I will probably get :whip2:very violently for giving these secrets away,I believe the reason Atlantis has remained hidden is because the Masons and the KGC stoned it up in a joint effort
to keep it safe until called upon for its treasures,The problem they are having today is the Masons Code is different than the Code of the KGC,so now the whole thing is lost due to secret codes,But, there is good news ,They know it was some where in the "Supe's", If only they could find the real stone tablets.which can be found using the Dutchmans directions and his map.:dontknow:

Seeing as how you brought up the Superstition Mountains, here are two links about the same Pima flood legend .


AN AMERICAN NOAH'S ARK? – Chip & Tracy's Place

You can see the difference between the two accounts of the same story.

Thanks for the replies guys i never realized India had its own legend regarding a sunken city. I am fascinated with the idea of ancient advanced civilizations.

I love the stories on the Nephilim very fascinating. Ill read that book

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