
Nah, since it was strictly a natural phenom

If it is actually working, and not a form of hypnopompic dreaming, would you not agree there are physical risks involved?

How accurate are Cayce's readings concerning Atlantis, compared to Plato?


Phyical risks ??? nah, none

How accurate are Cayce's readings concerning Atlantis, compared to Plato?

That we will never know until Atlantis is actually located Oro.

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Cayce thought that some of the folks he was reading were in another lifetime from Atlantis. I have read that some researchers think it to be located in the mid Atlantic and others think Caribbean.

44 years ago while working on a jet barge in the Gulf of Mexico I worked with a man named Woody. He told me that an old deep water diver called "Witch Doctor" would hypnotize him from time to time. Woody told me that the Witch Doctor brought him back through 3 lifetimes. He said in his last lifetime he was a confederate soldier named John Tatum and that he was killed in a battle or place called Pleasant Hill. He said that in the lifetime before that he was a cabin boy on a sailing ship. I never met Witch Doctor but heard a lot of stories about him. He was supposed to have been the oldest deep water diver still working in the gulf and was around 70 years old.

Scar,I have never tried to take my subjects beyond their present birth - they remember colors and impressions, not details.

Oro, you were a mule in your past life :laughing7:

I don't think that Woody was aware of what he said under hypnosis. He was telling the story of what Witch Doctor told him that he said. Witch Doctor told Woody that he was the most successful person that he ever put under in obtaining info from.

I would think that hypnotism only works on certain brain types. I doubt I would be a good candidate because I could be wired a different way than some. I got close to a masters degree in the ways students think on their individual educational levels. Worked in the field for 3 years but tell you the truth, I made a whole lot more money working on the jet barge.

Scar,I have never tried to take my subjects beyond their present birth - they remember colors and impressions, not details.

Oro, you were a mule in your past life :laughing7:

Is this high praise from an arriero?

So if your theory (the caldera) does not convince me, then I am being stubborn? :tongue3:

Oro, nah, I wasn't referring to that particular make up of your psyclogical profile, but to your basic makeup, the one that Beth knows about. :laughing7: :leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat:

Scar,there s a direct corelation to hypnotic sensativity, in general it runs that the more intelligent one is the easier they are to hypnotize.

Everyone has been hypnotized by nature if nothing else..

Joe Remote-Viewed "some-where" in the year 3000; sounded like Atlantis; INTERESTING "reads"... "google" Remote-Viewing Atlantis. HH!

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well it must be fate coming across this thread, my family is spiritual and i well and truly know or a fact these spiritual phenomenons are well undoubtedly real or my readers clearly have cameras and info on me since i was born, i also had a hypnosis of my past lift. before this i was told before i ever was interested mainly in my past life about what i was up to. apparently iv had loads most recent was in the time of the renaissance in italy. the spiral back towards well atlantis now these are two different people who do not know each other and ive had at least 4 people who do not know each other get everything correct hence why im not as spectacle any more. before i got the hypnosis i was told my only bad life was in the time of Atlantis, obviously that sparked a question why was is bad. so i went back to get a hypnosis and obviously everything is written down. Atlantis is a culture, a people, a society. i even think im crazy but every image was crystal clear, it feels like a story but its not. it was a long time ago and there was a war that ended there time. obviously why i was so intrigued due to why it was a bad life for me is because what i was a part off and what had to be done. apparently a decision to rid them selfs in order to save there knowledge and culture. they had to hide it from those they were fighting against. why would a empire so big vanish in a day and night. unless they meant to do it to themselves. this had been done in recent civilisation from my historic research such as the Hittites. id say they where meddling with things way ahead of there time but in doing the bad on destroying themselves they hid there knowledge, i just want to make clear Atlantis wasn't a city but a civilisation united on one common cause to be free. they infact did for two years well that how i remember it and then fell. im not here to be the crazy guy well i can be if you want me to haha but im a keen treasure hunter who is connecting the dots of ancient history from the Atlanteans knowledge history to the Templars hidden secrets and many other historic information we need to unearth round the world. the problem is this history will most likely always have blood stains on it that are from powers at be that we dont really like poking a stick at. i usually dont share this stuff but hoping this community will be considerate, if not ill understand the scepticism as id be plus i havnt gone into full detail and im just dipping my toes to see if the water is right here ;) but im just as keen to unearth the atlantean past as i think i know ill be a part off lets just say ;)

Josha Akcicek.

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I gave you a "Like" on this... not LOL! Share more ANYWAY... YOU are from UK, which in my opinion, is the remnant of ATLANTIS; as is Hawaii the remnant of MU. :coffee2: Coffee...?

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Hah thanks, yeah im from the UK, ah yeah I heard some theorey that is west of Ireland due to a map in the 15th century, I'm guessing your from Hawaii, the history of Atlantis is out there, it's just need to be found and I think I'm on to it when I go for my expedition to turkey next month. Touch wood!

Hah thanks, yeah im from the UK, ah yeah I heard some theorey that is west of Ireland due to a map in the 15th century, I'm guessing your from Hawaii, the history of Atlantis is out there, it's just need to be found and I think I'm on to it when I go for my expedition to turkey next month. Touch wood!

Wouldn't you care to expound/expand on your theory? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee2:

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