Actually I was curious if Caycestudent had a theory about where or how Edgar was obtaining his information, not whether the Lost Dutchman part is accurate or not. I don't know the exact spot where
the cactus marker was. Also don't know the exact location of Jacob Waltz's mine so can't say whether that info is correct or wildly inaccurate.
The reason I asked was that there was a secret program (no longer secret) run by our military intelligence service, to use some kind of 'out of body' type ESP to spy on our enemies. If Cayce was doing something akin to this, and it does sound like some elements are much the same (he would go into a semi-sleep state, a sort of trance, which is similar to what participants in the "remote viewing" program would do) it could lead to further evaluation. I disagree with Real de Tayopa on the location of Atlantis, and could point to clues from Plato's description in Critias. Atlantis was supposed to be an island empire so Cayce's inclusion of an island in the Caribbean is not out of the range of possibility. Especially if the other passage which describes the Atlantic as traversable in the time of Atlantis, and we know that ocean levels were lower in that time.
I suspect that Cayce's mention of the place having been "holy" for some ancient people, whom had altered the terrain, may be accurate! There is evidence (abundant) that the Hohokam people were there, and their irrigation and farming certainly did alter the terrain so that you can still see some of it on Google Earth. We don't know if they thought the Superstition mountains were holy lands, but it is certainly possible. Look at the Navajo, for whom four mountains are important not just as landmarks to their country but as holy spots as well.
However apparently we are responding to a
'drive by' shooting type post from someone that may never look here again.
I hope all is well with you Joe, and Carolyn and Smoky, and with Don Jose' and El Tigre; perhaps we could carry this discussion even without the person who brought the thread back to life?
Roy ~ Oroblanco