
Hi All,

The very remote Island of Corvo in the Atlantic Ocean has always fascinated me such as the whole archipelago of the Azores, there have been many fascinating finds on these Islands that have never been disclosed to the public...

Timelines: A Phoenician Fable

Carthaginian temples found -- Azores


Here are some interesting comments:

Be sure to read down to Roy's comments at the above site.

Since the "Carthaginian temples" were found in 2011, where are the follow-up stories?

Thank you,

Joe Ribaudo

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throughout time artifacts have been found, it is thought that the island has been known for more than 2000 years but officially recognized in 1400 AD after the discovery of Flores, lets not forget that Portugal and Spain by decree of the Pope "Treaty of Tordesillas" 1494 AD, divided the world between them...
The population of the Azores tend to be very friendly but suspicious of outsiders and tend to hide artifacts from outsiders due to the continued intrusion by government officials, to this day things of value are confiscated and on occasion land has been seized, like many, if you find something of value would you want the government or outsiders coming and taking it..
My wife is from Corvo and we have been married for 16 years with two kids and they still look at me as an outsider, the city I live in "New Bedford, Ma" has one of the largest Expats population from Corvo.... Take my word or not they have history that would surprise you even animal migration by birds, turtles and vast other creatures point to the Azores being much more vast than we see today....


Here are some interesting comments:

Carthaginian temples found – Azores

Be sure to read down to Roy's comments at the above site.

Since the "Carthaginian temples" were found in 2011, where are the follow-up stories?

Thank you,

Joe Ribaudo

Wow that was odd - I have never been a member of that particular forum, but recognized my words, and that they came from an article I did for my friend at Phoenicia dot org some time ago. Thanks for the tip Joe, and thank you to cmaracing for the links, in particular the discovery of Punic temples. :notworthy:

I would not recommend holding breath waiting for followup articles on that either, remember they (Carthaginians) are not supposed to have reached there according to most historians so the topic is anathema and "historical heresy" even though completely true. Few academics are willing to risk career suicide to even touch such a controversial topic.

I would have to agree that the Azores were certainly a part of the Atlantian empire BTW. Welcome to the tinfoil hat section of Treasurenet forums amigo cmaracing ! :thumbsup:
Roy ~ Oroblanco

fascinating, What about the spiritual


From what was inferred - hyperdiffusionism - the Maya and Balinese, and many if not all world cultures, are branches from a past advanced single world culture from the "Golden Age" on earth. Presumably the original spiritual beliefs have changed with the times, but most religions' cores have a lot of similarities. Makes a lot of sense.

From Atlantis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" Another passage from Proclus' commentary on the Timaeus gives a description of the geography of Atlantis:
That an island of such nature and size once existed is evident from what is said by certain authors who investigated the things around the outer sea. For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Hades, another to Ammon, and another one between them to Poseidon, the extent of which was a thousand stadia [200 km]; and the inhabitants of it—they add—preserved the remembrance from their ancestors of the immeasurably large island of Atlantis which had really existed there and which for many ages had reigned over all islands in the Atlantic sea and which itself had like-wise been sacred to Poseidon. Now these things Marcellus has written in his Aethiopica".[SUP][34][/SUP] "

[SUP]What about this picture from the depth of the Atlantic Ocean ?
The strusture's measurements are about 170 km length and about 120 km width


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From what was inferred - hyperdiffusionism - the Maya and Balinese, and many if not all world cultures, are branches from a past advanced single world culture from the "Golden Age" on earth. Presumably the original spiritual beliefs have changed with the times, but most religions' cores have a lot of similarities. Makes a lot of sense.


Anyone who refers to Edgar Cayce as a nut job psychic is just plain silly! Atlantis was real, funny stumbled on this page today looking for info on the Lost Dutchman mine after having earlier just finished reading Edgar Cayce on Atlantis by Edgar Evans Cayce, Edgars son, and it was quite fascinating and actually made a lot of things much clearer in regard to Atlantean times and their exodus to Egypt and other place around the world! These ancient alien crafts are actually from Atlantis, when the final destruction came and even before during the first two destructive periods. Cayce gave directions to the lost Dutchman's gold mine, if you can find the cactus with the four stones in it or marked around it, I can get you the rest of the way. lol Or at least the reading can!

Do not be concerned about not finding a "Stone Marked cactus" in the area. Edgar Cayce never mentioned a "Stone marked cactus" himself. If you look close at Cayce's reading (below) the stone marked cactus is only mentioned by Gertrude Cayce (Green type below) before Edgar's reading starts. Obviously who ever the reading was given for had supplied Gertrude with this information to be asked when Edgar was ready, and they got this info from Barry Storm's book.

Then when Edgar starts his reading he says "many things should be taken into consideration - as to whether descriptions would apply to those periods when this was put in the way of being hidden and/or those that would apply to the present day surroundings."

Cayce does mention a "Marked cactus" but this could be a cactus that was marked by nothing more than a hash mark on it. Cayce also never mentions "Needle Canyon" or "La Sombrera" or "Weavers Needle"

Clearly Cayce is telling them that things do not appear as they have been described (by Gertrude before the reading began) and that this is possibly due to someone's deliberate attempt to change things in the area.

It is very possible that the "Marked cactus" Cayce did mention has been dead and gone for a long time.

The only thing you can do at this point, is try to work Cayce's directions starting with the words... "white rock - almost pure white - almost as a triangle on top" and see where they lead you to from your white rock.

CAYCE'S READING.................................

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [ 3638 ] and Harmon Bro.
Time: 4:30 to 4:45 P. M. Eastern War Time. TEXT GC: You will have before you [ 3638 ] present in this room, and his enquiring mind, together with the gold mine discovered by Pedro Peralta and later worked by Jacob Walz know as "The << Dutchman>> ," in Pinal County, in the central portion of the State of Arizona. There you will find a high peak known as "La Sombrera" or "Weavers Needle". In Needle Canyon, a canyon running north from the base of the peak, you will find a large Saquaro cactus, marked, or that has been marked by four stones stuck into the trunk. From this marker, you will tell us exactly how far and in which direction to go to find the gold mine now known as "The << Dutchman>> ," describing in detail all landmarks from this marker leading directly to the mine. You will then answer the questions, as I ask them:

EC: Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [ 3638 ], present in this room; and those conditions that exist as legends and those as realities pertaining to the << lost>> mine or << Dutchman>> Mine.
In undertaking directions for locations of this from the present conditions, many things should be taken into consideration - as to whether descriptions would apply to those periods when this was put in the way of being hidden and/or those that would apply to the present day surroundings.
For time in its essence - while it is one, in space there has been made a great variation by the activities of the elements and the characters that have been in these areas.
For these are held as sacred grounds by groups who have, from period to period, changed the very face of the earth or the surroundings, for the very purpose of being misleading to those who might attempt to discover or to desecrate (to certain groups) those lands.
As we find, if we would locate this - from the present outlook:
We would go from the cactus marked here, in Canyon, some 5, 10, 20, 30, 37 1/2 yards to the north by west - north by west - to a place where, on the side of the hills, there is a white rock - almost pure white - almost as a triangle on top.
Turn from here - for you can't get over some of the ground going directly to the east - turn almost directly to the east, and just where there is crossing of the deep gulch, we will find the entrance to the Dutch Mine. This has been covered over, though to begin at the lower portion of the gulch we would find only about six feet before we would reach pay dirt in gold.

As far as I am concerned Jon... Your white rock still has potential for being the one Cayce was talking about. It all depends on what else can be found in the immediate area around it.

Caycestudent - where do you believe Cayce was obtaining his information? Thanks in advance.

Caycestudent - where do you believe Cayce was obtaining his information? Thanks in advance.


I looked at this some years ago. Few people actually know where the Cactus Marker actually was. Following Cayce's directions, as I recall, you end up walking into a solid wall on the side of Bluff Spring Mountain.:BangHead:

Good luck,



I looked at this some years ago. Few people actually know where the Cactus Marker actually was. Following Cayce's directions, as I recall, you end up walking into a solid wall on the side of Bluff Spring Mountain.:BangHead:

Good luck,


Actually I was curious if Caycestudent had a theory about where or how Edgar was obtaining his information, not whether the Lost Dutchman part is accurate or not. I don't know the exact spot where the cactus marker was. Also don't know the exact location of Jacob Waltz's mine so can't say whether that info is correct or wildly inaccurate.

The reason I asked was that there was a secret program (no longer secret) run by our military intelligence service, to use some kind of 'out of body' type ESP to spy on our enemies. If Cayce was doing something akin to this, and it does sound like some elements are much the same (he would go into a semi-sleep state, a sort of trance, which is similar to what participants in the "remote viewing" program would do) it could lead to further evaluation. I disagree with Real de Tayopa on the location of Atlantis, and could point to clues from Plato's description in Critias. Atlantis was supposed to be an island empire so Cayce's inclusion of an island in the Caribbean is not out of the range of possibility. Especially if the other passage which describes the Atlantic as traversable in the time of Atlantis, and we know that ocean levels were lower in that time.

I suspect that Cayce's mention of the place having been "holy" for some ancient people, whom had altered the terrain, may be accurate! There is evidence (abundant) that the Hohokam people were there, and their irrigation and farming certainly did alter the terrain so that you can still see some of it on Google Earth. We don't know if they thought the Superstition mountains were holy lands, but it is certainly possible. Look at the Navajo, for whom four mountains are important not just as landmarks to their country but as holy spots as well.

However apparently we are responding to a 'drive by' shooting type post from someone that may never look here again. :dontknow:

I hope all is well with you Joe, and Carolyn and Smoky, and with Don Jose' and El Tigre; perhaps we could carry this discussion even without the person who brought the thread back to life?
Roy ~ Oroblanco


Actually I was curious if Caycestudent had a theory about where or how Edgar was obtaining his information, not whether the Lost Dutchman part is accurate or not. I don't know the exact spot where the cactus marker was. Also don't know the exact location of Jacob Waltz's mine so can't say whether that info is correct or wildly inaccurate.

The reason I asked was that there was a secret program (no longer secret) run by our military intelligence service, to use some kind of 'out of body' type ESP to spy on our enemies. If Cayce was doing something akin to this, and it does sound like some elements are much the same (he would go into a semi-sleep state, a sort of trance, which is similar to what participants in the "remote viewing" program would do) it could lead to further evaluation. I disagree with Real de Tayopa on the location of Atlantis, and could point to clues from Plato's description in Critias. Atlantis was supposed to be an island empire so Cayce's inclusion of an island in the Caribbean is not out of the range of possibility. Especially if the other passage which describes the Atlantic as traversable in the time of Atlantis, and we know that ocean levels were lower in that time.

I suspect that Cayce's mention of the place having been "holy" for some ancient people, whom had altered the terrain, may be accurate! There is evidence (abundant) that the Hohokam people were there, and their irrigation and farming certainly did alter the terrain so that you can still see some of it on Google Earth. We don't know if they thought the Superstition mountains were holy lands, but it is certainly possible. Look at the Navajo, for whom four mountains are important not just as landmarks to their country but as holy spots as well.

However apparently we are responding to a 'drive by' shooting type post from someone that may never look here again. :dontknow:

I hope all is well with you Joe, and Carolyn and Smoky, and with Don Jose' and El Tigre; perhaps we could carry this discussion even without the person who brought the thread back to life?
Roy ~ Oroblanco



Oro, a three ringed caldera would produce innumerable islands. It has always been assumed as an Islnd empire, not a continent.

The OOb xperiences were fascinating, and did produce some verfieble results. Whether they produced on demand results at the end is still highly classified, so one can assume that they were successful.

Oro, a three ringed caldera would produce innumerable islands. It has always been assumed as an Islnd empire, not a continent.

The OOb xperiences were fascinating, and did produce some verfieble results. Whether they produced on demand results at the end is still highly classified, so one can assume that they were successful.

Operation STAR-GATE was successful; Joe McMoneagle was the BEST RV'er, & does training ALL over the world... MOST, "classified". Remote Viewing IS "the Future"! NSA/CIA are "doing" it, now. Joe @

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Oro, a three ringed caldera would produce innumerable islands. It has always been assumed as an Islnd empire, not a continent.

The OOb xperiences were fascinating, and did produce some verfieble results. Whether they produced on demand results at the end is still highly classified, so one can assume that they were successful.

Isn't that what I have been saying? Your sunken caldera however is very deeply sunk, like over 10,000 feet. Not impossible to be Atlantis, but I think Plato was describing a place he knew that was still above water.

Rebel - KGC wrote
Operation STAR-GATE was successful; Joe McMoneagle was the BEST RV'er, & does training ALL over the world... MOST, "classified". Remote Viewing IS "the Future"! NSA/CIA are "doing" it, now. Joe @

Thanks Reb! Sorry I forgot to mention YOU about keeping this discussion going, your input and insight are always welcome you know!

On the remote viewing (military) we have to wonder, if it were very successful, why was it dropped?

Please do continue amigos,


Isn't that what I have been saying? Your sunken caldera however is very deeply sunk, like over 10,000 feet. Not impossible to be Atlantis, but I think Plato was describing a place he knew that was still above water.

Rebel - KGC wrote

Thanks Reb! Sorry I forgot to mention YOU about keeping this discussion going, your input and insight are always welcome you

On the remote viewing (military) we have to wonder, if it were very successful, why was it dropped?

Please do continue amigos,


WASN'T dropped; CIA took it over... OS was at Ft. Meade, Md. (US Army). Guess WHO is at Ft. Meade, now... NSA!

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