
Sigh my myoptic friend. As for Atlantis, it is not part of the Atlantic ridge, but adjacent to it. One can see the ancient giant Caldera with internal rings, as described by others. It does lie off of the straights of Hercky It does lie in the path of going to the Americas via the Banks, which were out of the water in those days - the days where you have mentioned the huge rise in the ocean level which inundated the Banks.

How are you going to find that lost Gold mine up there if you can't even see the obvious ?:laughing7:

As you so convincingly posted, Atlantis was an ISLAND Empire.

I wonder why I keep seeing visions of my lost Luv, mi mule???

Don Jose de La Mancha

Atlantis 3 ©@.webp

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Sigh my myopic friend. As for Atlantis, it is not part of the Atlantic ridge, but adjacent to it. One can see the ancient giant Caldera with iternal rings, as described by others. It does lie off of the straights of Hercky It does lie in the path of going to the Americas via the Banks, which were out of the water in those days - the days where you have mentioned the huge rise in the ocean level which inundated the Banks.

How are you going to find that lost Gold mine up there if you can't even see the obvious ?:laughing7:

As you so convincingly posted, Atlantis was an ISLAND Empire.

I wonder why I keep seeing visions of my lost Luv, mi mule???

Don Jose de La Mancha

View attachment 986074

It is a nice theory amigo BUT - there is nothing to indicate your selected region, suffered from a massive subsidence. :dontknow: Does it seem logical to you, that in such a subsidence, that a ring of mountains would remain intact, as a ring of mountains just at a sunken elevation? It does not seem logical to me, but I would like to hear (read) your explanation of this seeming contradiction, thank you in advance.

So Port Royal is indistinguishable from the rest of the area? Undoubtedly there has been considerable distortion of the orig Caldera / Atlantis, but as you can see it is still quite distinguishable. You can see it quite clearly!!!

Keep it up and you will get no OIRISH tranquilizer in yer coffee.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s Obviously only the highest peaks of the rings will presety be visible. p.p.s. may I remind you of a subsidience of the coast of Peru? Were ther mt ranges formed or did the area merely drop a bit?

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So Port Royal is indistinguishable from the rest of the area? Undoubtedly there has been considerable distortion of the orig Caldera / Atlantis, but as you can see it is still quite distinguishable. You can see it quite clearly!!!

Keep it up and you will get no OIRISH tranquilizer in yer coffee.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s Obviously only the highest peaks of the rings will presety be visible. p.p.s. may I remind you of a subsidience of the coast of Peru? Were ther mt ranges formed or did the area merely drop a bit?

I see, so the tranquilizer is only for those whom accept and agree with you 100% eh?

The mass subsidence off Chile, was a plateau, not mountains. Yes some of the mountains inland also sank - A FEW FEET - while others rose up about the same. Your site would require not just the central plateau, but a whole ring of mountains to likewise suddenly drop, not tens of feet but hundreds or even thousands of feet! Yikes!

Now remember what is stated in several other ancient sources concerning the location of Atlantis - that the sea is shallow there "now" (circa 100 BC and forward) not several thousand feet deep. I am sorry amigo but I can't agree with your location for Atlantis, on those grounds alone it is FAR too deep. Besides, there are other, better candidates which are not so deeply beneath the seas.

I am not crossing your site off entirely - but I would like to see something more in support of it; if not evidence of a massive subsidence, how about ancient river beds? Thank you in advance.

I think I will stick to the coffee for now.

G'd afternoon , my teetotaling, temperance, luvin friend. How are you gonna keep the sheep down on the farm after they have seen Gay Paree ??

K, The shallows off of the coast of Spain were above the sea level proven by recovered human works etc, This was the mainland colony of Atlantis and all that remains that is accessible. There is no Spanish history that accounts for the masonry construction found there.

Since you won't dive on Atlantis itself, how about the shallows? This area became flooded by your theory of the rising the end of the ice age.

Since this was probably a mainland colony of Atlantis, go look for Atlantean artifacts there - in the shallows..

While you are there look for some evidence of the Aztec 'passing' long after Atlantis collapsed. (Aztlan )

Speaking of Atlantis' collapse,,it is not unknown for a Caldera to collapse for thousands of feet within itself under tectonic influence Crater lake Oregon ?

K now see if I can explain it sufficiently for your sheep to explain it to you=== (I can hardly explain it to my self :dontknow: )

The physical location of ancient Atlantis was almost at the geographical center of the Atlantic, African, and the Asian plates. the area is constantly subject to horizontal, vertical, and rotational forces. A very complex situation.

Vesuvias -> . Vesuvius is a stratovolcano at the convergent boundary where the African Plate is being subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate

For simplicity we can postulate three things,

a) the Caldera itself was partially plugged, but due to the forces built up collapsed on itself to it's present depth - naturally taking Atlantis with it accompanied by the usual reactions. to it's present depth vertically

B) The Vesuvias example of tectonic plate movement regarding Atlantis, , my preferred. since 3 three plates were involved in the Atlantis action, was much more violent.

anyway, Atlantis was destroyed by tectonic plate convergence, the same thing that created her in the first place,

bk to my
Aramu Muru solving.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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No ancient riverbeds eh? Thank you for your attempt to explain and further buttress your proposed site of Atlantis, however I remain very far from convinced.

Of course VOLCANIC calderas can and have collapsed more than a few feet, however remember how Plato described the end of Atlantis - a day and night of earthquakes and floods. Does this fit with your idea of a sudden collapse of thousands of feet? I don't think so. Plato makes no mention of any kind of volcanic action causing or resulting from Atlantis' destruction. The example in Chile (Valdivia) is more likely scenario IMHO; a violent earthquake which resulted in massive flooding and loss of thousands of square miles of land - resulting in SHALLOW SEAS where formerly was dry land. This fits with what Plato, Strabo and others stated very closely, concerning Atlantis and the features of the sea in the area where Atlantis once stood.

You are quick to try to send me off to hunt up evidence to support YOUR theory amigo, yet are not willing to go investigate any of these sites you list personally. That does not fill me with any kind of confidence; were I to hunt for relics or ruins of Atlantis, it would not be the areas you have pointed out. There is an ancient civilization which existed on the coast of Spain in the very areas you have named too - though they were NOT Atlanteans but Tartessians. The ending of their civilization was nearly as cataclysmic as that of Atlantis, but was warfare only, the cities and settlements slowly submerged over centuries of time. If you have something to prove that the ancient ruins on the Atlantic coast of Spain are something other than Tartessians, I would love to see it.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, even the mule-lovers in the crowd! :tongue3:

ah sigh, can you get yer mind off of those bars in Victorio Peak. and drink your coffee :coffee2::coffee2:

Can You imagine an improbable, but 'NOT' impossible scenario where due to the Tectonic movements of the Plates, that they broke open the sea floor area whee the giant Caldera rested and allowed the base to slowly slip down into the active molten area which could / would slowly melt the base, similar to a lump of sugar in hot water gradually melting ???

Such was the fate of the Atlantis Caldera, obviously as it subsided by literally being remelted, there would be tremendous earth movements in its still intact mass, which would cause earthquakes and Tsunamis. The visible effects, as far as human survivors go, would be soon hidden. The underwater effects will never be known nor how long it took to reach it's present resting place.

This process would continue until the sheer mass of the Atlantis Caldera finally cooled the thin crust to the point where it could again sustain the remaining weight and there it stabilized as far as we are concerned.

There was no upper surface volcanism as such, just an irregular collapse. of the Atlantis Caldera. Of course this would have an immediate effect on surrounding areas, causing both a shear effect, especially in the Azores, and and a tilting, pulling, depressing force in the surrounding areas,possibly causing a flattened zone.

AH, drink yer darn coffee.:coffee2: Remember I am just a mule jocky, not a specialist in the earth sciences, so there can easily be a no of flaws in the precise action envisioned, involved. Sides, since they don't know either, my postulation is prob as good as theirs---yours ?? :dontknow:???:icon_scratch:

Now at Tayopa I do know what happened. Me -->:notworthy::laughing7::headbang::hello2::occasion14:

Don Jose de La Mancha

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'Tartessians'..of course I know about them, well as much as the present publicized theory can tell us. As for rivers, you yourself once posted about them finding river beds in the shallows etc off of the coast of Spain indicating that they were once above the present Atlantic ocean surface.

I call oro to the witness stand.

No need for the oath, I trust him.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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ah sigh, can you get yer mind off of those bars in Victorio Peak. and drink your coffee :coffee2::coffee2:

Can You imagine an improbable, but 'NOT' impossible scenario where due to the Tectonic movements of the Plates, that they broke open the sea floor area whee the giant Caldera rested and allowed the base to slowly slip down into the active molten area which could / would slowly melt the base, similar to a lump of sugar in hot water gradually melting ???

Such was the fate of the Atlantis Caldera, obviously as it subsided by literally being remelted, there would be tremendous earth movements in its still intact mass, which would cause earthquakes and Tsunamis. The visible effects, as far as human survivors go, would be soon hidden. The underwater effects will never be known nor how long it took to reach it's present resting place.

This process would continue until the sheer mass of the Atlantis Caldera finally cooled the thin crust to the point where it could again sustain the remaining weight and there it stabilized as far as we are concerned.

There was no upper surface volcanism as such, just an irregular collapse. of the Atlantis Caldera. Of course this would have an immediate effect on surrounding areas, causing both a shear effect, especially in the Azores, and and a tilting, pulling, depressing force in the surrounding areas,possibly causing a flattened zone.

AH, drink yer darn coffee.:coffee2: Remember I am just a mule jocky, not a specialist in the earth sciences, so there can easily be a no of flaws in the precise action envisioned, involved. Sides, since they don't know either, my postulation is prob as good as theirs---yours ?? :dontknow:???:icon_scratch:

Now at Tayopa I do know what happened. Me -->:notworthy::laughing7::headbang::hello2::occasion14:

Don Jose de La Mancha

No where did I say your theory is impossible.

However there are points against it - like the sunken riverbeds along the coast of Spain, France, Britain etc - yet for your site? :dontknow:

Another issue here - you have termed it the 'Atlantis Caldera'? I do not find this to match Plato's description too well.

Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have
been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on
the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as
was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and
when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of
mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean.
Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children
by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the island, which I
will describe. Looking towards the sea, but in the centre of the whole
island, there was a plain which is said to have been the fairest of
all plains and very fertile. Near the plain again, and also in the
centre of the island at a distance of about fifty stadia, there was
a mountain not very high on any side.

I have described the city and the environs of the ancient palacenearly in the words of Solon, and now I must endeavour to representthe nature and arrangement of the rest of the land. The wholecountry was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the sideof the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the citywas a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descendedtowards the sea; it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape,extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across thecentre inland it was two thousand stadia. This part of the islandlooked towards the south, and was sheltered from the north.
This is describing a main island a bit over 300 x 200 miles, with steep precipices on the side toward the sea which does not mean all the way around the island, clearly it is one side only. A good sized plain with hills around it, and mountains around the main city. From other statements we can get at the full extent of the island itself based on the number of soldier/sailor allotments, making it a large island but nothing to prove it is or was a caldera. :dontknow: The Validivia earthquake in Chile was not the collapse of a volcanic caldera, just a massive subsidence of a plain that sank it beneath sea level in one day of earthquakes - and floods!

Good luck and good hunting amigo I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

The Atlantean Caldera formed three rings in accordance with Oro's posted data -->

A) 'At the center of the island, near the sea, was a plain, said to be the most beautiful and fertile of all plains, and near the middle of this plain about fifty stades inland a hill of no great size... ''''There were two rings of land and three of sea, like cartwheels,''' with the island at their centre and equidistant from each other... in the centre was a shrine sacred to Poseidon and Cleito, surrounded by a golden wall through which entry was fobidden...

On each of these ring islands they had built many temples for different gods, and many gardens and areas for exercise, some for men and some for horses... Finally, there were dockyards full of triremes and their equipment, all in good shape...'

Describing the Atlantean Caldera very well.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Not to pick nits here but Plato says those rings of earth and sea, were DUG out, as in man-made, not entirely natural.

True coffee maker, but he also said that they were approx 100 ft deep? Actually quite an engineering feat in those days. Were they completely surrounding Atlantis? Interesting considering the reported size, but perfectly normal if they were merely cleaning out the existing rings of the Caldera

Don Jose de La Mancha

True coffee maker, but he also said that they were approx 100 ft deep? Actually quite an engineering feat in those days. Were they completely surrounding Atlantis? Interesting considering the reported size, but perfectly normal if they were merely cleaning out the existing rings of the Caldera

Don Jose de La Mancha

Do you think Atlantis had triremes? Thank you in advance;

Do you think Atlantis had triremes? Thank you in advance;


Since Atlantis traded with the known world, why do you think the technology they possessed did not get passed along to other civilizations of the time.

Take care,


Do you think Atlantis had triremes? What part of the CFR do they come under ?? :laughing7: ' They obviously kept up on the latest developments on shipping for survival

Don Jose de La Mancha


Since Atlantis traded with the known world, why do you think the technology they possessed did not get passed along to other civilizations of the time.

Take care,


Who said that the Atlantian "technology" was not being adopted by cultures they were in contact with? Plato's description of the Athenian military forces doesn't sound remarkably different from the Atlantian. Look how many cultures developed (or copied) megalithic structures for religious and other uses. I would say that the evidence suggests that the Atlantian "technology" such as it was, was being copied by other cultures. Agriculture is another example which seems to have appeared right at the time of the flowering and demise of Atlantis. I would say that it is quite possible that Atlantian traders spread the idea of agriculture, and perhaps seeds and livestock as well, in particular cattle, sheep and wheat.

Also, there are authors whom have proposed that rather vast levels of technology get automatically exchanged when two different cultures come into contact, which is not supported by the evidence. How could we explain the mysterious Nok culture in Africa, who seem to have "skipped" copper and bronze metal working yet went straight to iron, which appears to have been the result of contact with a foreign people. If that idea of contact means technology transfer automatically, then the Nok people should have also learned copper and bronze working among other things. There are many other examples. It is a mistake to assume that contact between two (or more) cultures will automatically mean that all technologies were be transmitted.

Don Jose de la Mancha, having sipped that Oirish pickling juice, wrote
Do you think Atlantis had triremes? What part of the CFR do they come under ??
' They obviously kept up on the latest developments on shipping for survival

The earliest evidence of triremes only dates to around the sixth century BC, not 10,000 BC. Also, we are talking about war ships equipped with three banks of rowers per side, not the trilateral commission which is slightly different. However I see that you have been studying the Jesuit method of phrasing things and did not directly answer the question.

Don need no coaching by the Jesuits, I is a sneaky OIRISH guy - obviously 'thee art' also..

Don Jose de La Mancha.

Hmm coaching, or training? Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you deny a certain direct link to the Jesuits via that route? At the other end of this question, do you contend that there are and were never any Irish Jesuits? :tongue3:

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