
Now , about Atlantis .I found a text in a Greek book , which says :

" The geographers - explorers , Skylax , Pytheas , Eudoxus , Strabo , Pausanias , Kosmas Indicopleustis , Hecataeus , had mapped the entire surface of the planet . The Atlantis and the Americas belongs administrativelly to Delphi , while Asia administratively belonged to Sardis , with the central coordinator the Apollonian Center of Delos , where the northernmost Greeks (Northern Siberia ) sent in recognition " each year , two virgins and fine grain " by the Greeks and Arimaspians Issedonians and Masageton central and southern Siberia . "

Source at OEA BOOK.pdf - FileFactory

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I don't discount any civilization . Every civilization has a written history ,


That is, for the most part, true. But not every history is written by the civilization who's history it is. The civilizations of Central America wrote their own historical accounts well before the fifteenth century.

Take care,



"The thing is, we really know little about anything. We are no more than a spec of sand in a universe filled with 100,000,000,000 + galaxies. Earth's written history is laughable at best."

Right now, the only history important to us is our history. While they likely exist, other histories are pure speculation. Perhaps, compared to ours, we should be the ones doing the laughing.:dontknow: If other civilizations are out there, it seems just as likely they are only another "spec of sand" added to the hourglass of time. :clock:

Joe Ribaudo

Let me rephrase that. Human history has been cherry picked. Mostly in the name of religious control throughout the ages. It is Laughable at best. <snip>
If you are going to discuss Atlantis, and ancient civilizations, and a non interventional history, you are now going to have to "speculate" these numbers don't exist or mean anything. We only recently discovered all of this.

Considering that it is not proven that any alien species directly intervened in human history, only a THEORY at this point in time, it would be speculation built on speculation to then try to include alien intervention in the history of Atlantis. Don't get me wrong, I am convinced that our species has indeed been visited by alien species in the past, perhaps repeatedly, and quite possibly did intervene in our affairs (as in the two UFO sightings during Alexander the Great's time, possibly helping him to capture the city of Tyre and turning him back from marching ever deeper into India) there is little to suggest any such alien intervention in the history of Atlantis, unless you consider the "gods" to be aliens and not the invisible, spiritual kind of "gods".

I would suggest a re-read of Plato's two texts on Atlantis, for I have failed to see any inference of alien intervention(s) in that history so perhaps you can point them up for us? Even in his texts there are hints at a purely natural disaster which destroyed the civilization, not "gods" imposing their will.

While it is pretty much a certainty that other intelligent life likely exists even within our own galaxy, as far as science is concerned we have not yet found a single example, nor have we found a single planet which is habitable like Earth, they are still looking. It is possible that what ever alien species may well have visited Earth, even intervening in our history, these alien beings could be extinct today due to some disaster or war etc. We may well find out the truth of this in the future - however I do not see any bearing of alien civilizations on the story of Atlantis.

Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Cactus mibuddy. True, but how many will have produced diverse forms of life, which are not based upon a carbon factor, completely different from ours?

don Jose de La Mancha

AH SO oRO, so you do admit that Atlantis existx and just about where Plato said it was - off of the coast of Spain.

See post # 852 !!

Don Jose de La Mancha El new male Delphi !!

AH SO oRO, so you do admit that Atlantis existx and just about where Plato said it was - off of the coast of Spain.

See post # 852 !!

Don Jose de La Mancha El new male Delphi !!

No amigo, for one thing I have always been arguing that Atlantis existed, but not off the coast of Spain.

...Don't get me wrong, I am convinced that our species has indeed been visited by alien species in the past, perhaps repeatedly, and quite possibly did intervene in our affairs (as in the two UFO sightings during Alexander the Great's time, possibly helping him to capture the city of Tyre and turning him back from marching ever deeper into India) there is little to suggest any such alien intervention in the history of Atlantis, unless you consider the "gods" to be aliens and not the invisible, spiritual kind of "gods"...
That's a very good point. When we read the old accounts of mens' interactions with gods they occur in the physical dimension (on earth), not in the spiritual realm. The descriptions of those gods, their weapons and sky craft seem to clearly be an attempt of a more primitive people in wonderment of more advanced folks. The difference between them? The 'magic' of technology.

sheesh talk about bull headed, not off the coast of Spain?? Hm EVERYTHING fits, almost too perfectly.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Subsidience of Atlantis leaving the shallows oiff of Spain.webp


  • Subsidience of Atlantis leaving the shallows oiff of Spain.webp
    Subsidience of Atlantis leaving the shallows oiff of Spain.webp
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Don Jose

The tectonic plates are moving only few centimeters per year . With this motion , I believe must still exist evidences of the Atlantis on the ocean's floor .

And in your sketch , the Azores are in the wrong side . :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Marius, I am well aware of that, to show it correctly I would also have to include a vertical view. As for the plate movement, how long had it been building up before it released it's force / energy. ? When that hapened we have an erthquake.

AS I mentioned see post 852 for a correct view / version.\\thanks Marius.

Oro you y0urself helped explain many factors,, From Atlantis they voyaged to North America via the .Banks. which were later covered by your sea rising speculation.\, which in turn by placing an enormous layer of water furthe depressed the atlantean plate (African ??) So Atlantis was subected to many natural forces and so ended up where it presently is 12,000 ft.under the Atlantic, off of the coast of Spain.

Don Jose de La ancha

Don Jose

Post #852 don't exist in this thread . We reach the #796 .


In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , the tectonic plates are not submerging , but are moving oppositely . There are no earthquakes .

" Mid-ocean ridges are geologically active, with new magma constantly emerging onto the ocean floor and into the crust at and near rifts along the ridge axes. The crystallized magma forms new crust of basalt (known as MORB for Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) and gabbro.
The rocks making up the crust below the sea floor are youngest at the axis of the ridge and age with increasing distance from that axis. New magma of basalt composition emerges at and near the axis because of decompression melting in the underlying Earth's mantle.[SUP][2] "[/SUP]

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G'd morning Mariue: You are correct I tried to mark it as # 52 sorry. But when you go to check it also check 57. In any event, one should always check all of the posts on any particular subject, in case your question may have been answered long ago.

I admit for some it is a long session . however----.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. As you see both my theory and Oro's have an interesting probability

p.p.s. Go to -->

Open Dr Annas two articles on plate tectonics , etc.

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Don Jose de la Mancha wrote
sheesh talk about bull headed, not off the coast of Spain?? Hm EVERYTHING fits, almost too perfectly.

Too perfectly? The only part of Plato which "fits" your site amigo is that it is in the Atlantic! We could point to numerous other places in the ocean and say that is it! And I am the one being mulish here? :tongue3:

You are a nut case, <- Beth well knows this :laughing7::laughing7::BangHead: The under water configuration fits the description almost perfectly, and it lies OUTSIDE of the Pilars of hercules and also to size and shape ??? Go check it personally and report. Even covers the shallows / place of the reeds / Place of the Herons - place of the white sands and on. And as you your self noted the Shallows were at one time above water. shown by man's structures and remains.

IT IS ATLANTIS :occasion14: or would you rather have coffee or a cool lime ade ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Even fits your own point of the Banks being in the line of a stepping stone to the US

.Spain -> Atlantis -> The above water Banks -> the Us (North American) continent. This was disrupted by the submergence of Atlantis and your own theory of the rising sea.

Drink yer Limeade

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Course we now know that it is covered by hundreds of meters of mud, debris, etc. This was brought forth in the search for the missing Malayian airliner. So you probably won't see any buildings while you are there, but enjoy the trip of a lifetime..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Course we now know that it is covered by hundreds of meters of mud, debris, etc. This was brought forth in the search for the missing Malayian airliner. So you probably won't see any buildings while you are there, but enjoy the trip of a lifetime..

Don Jose de La Mancha

I am surprised at your reasoning amigo. First, what exactly are the boundaries of your sunken Atlantis, which makes it "Fit" the size described by Plato?

Second, why should I go there, when you are not willing to go there yourself?

I will stick to coffee amigo. :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Sheesh Oro "cause I ain no dummy.

hhehe seriosly I don't believe that we have anything that will work very long at that depth, side with that ground cover, nothig could been seen

'double sides' you have to take care of Tayopa and write a book for me. I need you as much as Beth does.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Size? Size?? do we need a stinkin size ??

K go to the picture on post 52 and measure roughly the outside diameter of the largest ring which is almost as large as the Aztlantis.webp diameter as Spain,

That is the basic dia, course the actual empire does extend south to and includes the Azores, but the basic dia of Atlantis itself will answer your question.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose de la Shirker wrote
'double sides' you have to take care of Tayopa and write a book for me. I need you as much as Beth does.

Ah, what book might that be? It cannot be on Tayopa for you have given your word that you, as discoverer, were going to do it, and even had mentioned to having already completed 54 pages. A good start, no argument, but much to go.

You do not need me for Tayopa amigo, it has always been up to you! No late-comer has earned it. Need I say more? :tongue3:

As to your map - you are citing sunken oceanic ridges as boundaries? Too thin amigo - we could draw lines around sunken ridges where ever they exist and say that is Atlantis no? It may well be Atlantis, (though I am convinced a different place is Atlantis) and still await more evidence to support it.

Plato was very vague about the exact location of Atlantis - "opposite the pillars of Herakles" meaning what, exactly? How far? Plato is silent; the islands of Atlantis were used as 'stepping stones" to other islands, which provided a safe route for sailing across the Atlantic while keeping near enough to lands. What other islands is Plato referring to? Again, his text is silent. We can look at the map and see islands which did form "stepping stones" well north of the strait of Gibraltar, could this be the route he is describing? Plutarch describes that very route, the same one used by the Norse a thousand years later. If this is the chain of islands used for way points, then Atlantis has to be NORTH of Gibraltar, not straight west.

Good luck and good hunting amigo, now fill that coffee mug and quit trying to shirk your duties onto a latecomer whom has never even set foot in Mexico, so could hardly ever KNOW Tayopa so intimately as you. I expect to see two full chapters ready for proof-reading within the next few days, since you have 54 pages done now.

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