Artemis Site-You Go Girl

Because there are many natural features that resemble faces, eyes, all kinds of stuff that can be distracting from the parts that are actually artificial. It makes me wonder if that may be why the site was chosen to begin with, all the natural oddities. Very spooky place for someone with superstitious tendencies, if you know what I mean.

Yes, I know what you mean. Pick a spot with a lot of natural stuff going on, that's kinda creepy anyway, add your own stuff, make up a creepy story about the place and then tell the locals that the place is haunted or bad luck. The shadow stuff would work well for scaring the locals.

I was out to the place yesterday with my son, and we found a lot of changes, some natural erosion and some human vandalism. Some good things are gone now. My boy also informed me that I was too old to be wandering around out there by myself. I didn't think I was that old. Actually, I thought I did pretty good out there. I managed to climb a steep bluff without stroking out and I never had to take a break to catch my breath. What more could a guy ask for?:hello2:

To be able to not remember so clearly how well you could have done it when you were your son's age!

Good link, sdcfia. Do you know anything about that medallion at the bottom of the page?

No, but it looks Mexican to me.

While we're talking about symbology, the video below is very interesting. A little background - there is a sea change occurring in the world of science (many, actually). The standard model of the universe's structures and origins (strictly gravitational with a huge percentage of dark matter, black holes, etc) is being replaced with one of electromagnetism (gravity playing a secondary role). An offshoot of the work from these astonomers has to do with new rational explanations of ancient legends, symbols and origins of mythologies. Not new, really - it's been discussed since the heretic Velikovsky's days. Much more here:


I've been trying to figure this one out for years. It isn't carved, but I can't figure out how it was made.

View attachment 1498820

Looks similar to mine, only mine was more deeply incised and highlighted by the lichen. Yours almost looks like it was abraded, then patinated. :icon_scratch:

Weird, and very interesting. :dontknow:

I dont have any ideal how it was done. But to me, it looks like happy man figured out something important in life, even his soul looks content and at peace. Yea for happy man.View attachment 1498962

Pity for any doctor giving me a Rorschach test....

Where you produced an elegant muse , l had only spotted a cross.
To the right , the round headed ,heart chested , long necked figure with the pumpkin smile below round nose and eyes( the figures right( viewers left) arm being the smile of your figure/ face) is what I thought was your smiling figure ...until looking at your highlighting. Then the " halo/ aura" around your figure/ face really popped out.


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I wouldn't worry about it too much RC, this guy is still making a living....go figure. :dontknow:


Pity for any doctor giving me a Rorschach test....

Where you produced an elegant muse , l had only spotted a cross.
To the right , the round headed ,heart chested , long necked figure with the pumpkin smile below round nose and eyes( the figures right( viewers left) arm being the smile of your figure/ face) is what I thought was your smiling figure ...until looking at your highlighting. Then the " halo/ aura" around your figure/ face really popped out.


Oh, I know those Round headed E.Ts, you can trust me on that. I have run into them before out my way. Friendly, but they will definitely let you know when its time to leave.

Local lore, and a story about a sacred place in the mountains that no one is allowed to visit. There's a cave not too far from there that has some strange tales attached as well. All in all it was mostly the native folklore that drew me.

Go figure, tell her to keep out,stay away,danger.Whats she do, heads straight for it, like a freight train at full throttle with the brake lines cut .

Go figure, tell her to keep out,stay away,danger.Whats she do, heads straight for it, like a freight train at full throttle with the brake lines cut .

Did you expect any less? :laughing7: :tongue3:
You can take the girl outta the country, but ........ Here, hold my Zinfandel... wine_zpsekaln4m7.gif

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Remind me to tell you about my skull adventure in the barrancas sometime. :wink:

barranca skull.webp

Remind me to tell you about my skull adventure in the barrancas sometime. :wink:

View attachment 1499254

Don't make us wait too long. I've spent hours, tonight, researching Tlaloc. It's the only thing close to the green round headed guy that I posted. Google eyed with fangs and, what looks like a heart could be a shield with feathers on it. And the cross could represent a cross staff or the four cardinal directions. I don't know why the bottom of the cross would be longer. Anyway, I could use a good story.

Don't make us wait too long. I've spent hours, tonight, researching Tlaloc. It's the only thing close to the green round headed guy that I posted. Google eyed with fangs and, what looks like a heart could be a shield with feathers on it. And the cross could represent a cross staff or the four cardinal directions. I don't know why the bottom of the cross would be longer. Anyway, I could use a good story.

I'd rather save it for another time, Mdog, as it has absolutely nothing to do with Artemis or either of our sites here. I don't want to hijack this thread, it's way too interesting. I only mentioned it in passing, as it was a big lesson in humility, and ended up proving that sometimes bravery and brains don't always work in tandem, lol.

I'm much more interested in your Tlaloc figure. I see moisture that in a cave, or near a spring? He was a God of water and rain....and that would explain the greenish vapor surrounding him in your instance, as he was often depicted surrounded by clouds. Those fangs, as well....Jaguar teeth. I think you're onto something there.

Way cool, that a headstone ( no pun intended )?

Lol. I have no ideal. I just did a internet search, Ancient round heads, and that photo popped up. I think your right,Mdog search is headed in the right way. They sure can make images in a magical way.

Hey mdog, this guy I found looks similar to the guy you found. Go figure.

Mine 7 face.webp

I'd rather save it for another time, Mdog, as it has absolutely nothing to do with Artemis or either of our sites here. I don't want to hijack this thread, it's way too interesting. I only mentioned it in passing, as it was a big lesson in humility, and ended up proving that sometimes bravery and brains don't always work in tandem, lol.

I'm much more interested in your Tlaloc figure. I see moisture that in a cave, or near a spring? He was a God of water and rain....and that would explain the greenish vapor surrounding him in your instance, as he was often depicted surrounded by clouds. Those fangs, as well....Jaguar teeth. I think you're onto something there.

It's at the east side of a bluff and facing a creek about fifty feet away. It's about thirty feet south of a five foot rock owl, and about fifty feet north of all the shadow stuff at the SE corner of the triangle. There is a spring close to the owl that seeps into a small rock basin but I have no way of knowing how old the basin is.

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