Silver Member
This is an interesting story. Thanks SDC. Just to make sure I have it straight. A natural rock formation was modified to show the pupils and irises of two eyes. A petroglyph was carved on this formation, maybe to show there was information to look for. Then the ownership petroglyph was used to show the closed entrance on top with the heart rock by it. Is the outlined cross the ownership mark. You' written about that mark before and, from what I remember, it has been used for a long time. Seeing as how the natural formation was already there, there must have been something of value hidden away in the cavern to go to the trouble of creating the petroglyphs. Also, unless it was a crazy coincidence that there were mines by the formation, something must have been transported along the trail. Maybe a temporary hiding place. Any idea about the owners? Thanks again.
Yeah, dog, that's pretty much the gist of the story as I understand it. As things were told to me, that back-filled hole under the heart-shaped rock allegedly connects to a "huge" cavern and the mine is somewhere inside the cavern. Yes, you probably can't rule out the possibility that it may not be an actual mine, but a cache site instead. The circumstantial evidence here is consistent with other similar stuff found in the area - outlined cross carvings, apparent old workings. The most recent owners, if you accept the legends surrounding the "mark of possession", would allegedly have been 16th century Europeans. All of this is speculation on my part, based on info provided by better-informed folks and by other stuff I've found independently. Nothing is proven.