Artemis Site-You Go Girl

Here is another account of large posts being set in the middle of mounds at Aztalan, Wisconsin.

Aztalan State Park in Jefferson County, Wisconsin

Interesting name for that site. This WI woman has done a boatload of research into copper and other ancient artifacts, mostly from her part of the country. I used to get a monthly newsletter, but those ended. Copper Artifact Master Database - Grimms Etc

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Wandering per usual.
Mississippian culture theory of being a " middle " of spread , and trying to follow north and south by sun culture led back to scattered ( from all over but some close enough to look at design) owls catching my eye...Sigh. How did that happen . L.o.l..

Hey RC, the link is dead...has one too many http:// in front of it. Happens to me all the time. You'll see it when you hit edit, just edit out the first one and it should work. :icon_thumright:

Last time hauling rock about caused a wheelie!
Same truck that did wheelie hauling too big a tractor. Interesting experience sawing on the steering wheel with no result....
Went to a bigger truck ,but smaller loads and smaller rocks. Almost cured of fieldstones and boulders ( glacially worn and of no cultural significance) for flower beds. A few more to bring off a small field is all.

Just too bad old works around here were molested and destroyed.
Little left but rumors.
The Sanilac Petroglyphs are a remnant of native work.
Possible work before theirs , like an stone idol in Detroit the French destroyed in the sixteen hundreds and with no know provenance...could have been studied.
Legends of yellow haired people , and who all came for copper in the upper peninsula go unanswered.
Cart loads of stone tools were hauled out of the pits and mostly discarded. Along with the chance to study the works and perhaps origins of culture( s).
With estimated volumes of raw mass copper extracted ,and not being workable in winter ...A long period of visits, and where did all the copper go?

But ,yes. Pokin around your area would be a pleasant diversion.
M-Dogs too.
Though you both probably face past erasures too, you have some signs left to puzzle about.

I was out to the place yesterday with my son, and we found a lot of changes, some natural erosion and some human vandalism. Some good things are gone now. My boy also informed me that I was too old to be wandering around out there by myself. I didn't think I was that old. Actually, I thought I did pretty good out there. I managed to climb a steep bluff without stroking out and I never had to take a break to catch my breath. What more could a guy ask for?:hello2:

Yes, the Athena site is where the snake is. But there is a huge owl as well, I had mistaken it for a bearded mans face....but when I made the connection to Athena, I realized it was an owl.....

View attachment 1497734

The other site ( Aphrodite ) has a smaller owl etched into the rock just to the right of the " Face ", and directly behind a side note, the face itself could be an owl, but had no way to hang out in thin air to get a frontal shot, its a drop off. Can't find any other spot with a frontal view that isn't obscured by surrounding foliage, sigh ).

View attachment 1497735

And, of course, the Artemis owl ......

View attachment 1497736

Again, excuse the crappy zoom pics, but you have the better pics I sent you to look at for reference.


Thanks Dit. On that second picture, you said the owl was etched. What did you mean by that? Was it carved out with a tool or was the image created in some other fashion?

I have to be honest with you, I have been puzzling this one for a verrry long time, but when you shared your Triangle layout on DTTH's thread....and I found your Artemis info, the lights suddenly came on, lol. :notworthy:

Edited to add: You can see from the pics I sent you that there is a whole lot going on with this site in general. But I'm convinced a lot of it is for distraction ( trust me, I've been distracted many times by all the stuff here, lol ).

Yes, I think you have a lot going on here but what is it that makes you think distraction?

I was out to the place yesterday with my son, and we found a lot of changes, some natural erosion and some human vandalism. Some good things are gone now. My boy also informed me that I was too old to be wandering around out there by myself. I didn't think I was that old. Actually, I thought I did pretty good out there. I managed to climb a steep bluff without stroking out and I never had to take a break to catch my breath. What more could a guy ask for?:hello2:

Good to read you were on site again...

Could a guy ask for more.....Younger legs might be alright. Uphill especially!

Interesting name for that site. This WI woman has done a boatload of research into copper and other ancient artifacts, mostly from her part of the country. I used to get a monthly newsletter, but those ended. Copper Artifact Master Database - Grimms Etc

Good link, sdcfia. Do you know anything about that medallion at the bottom of the page?

I was out to the place yesterday with my son, and we found a lot of changes, some natural erosion and some human vandalism. Some good things are gone now. My boy also informed me that I was too old to be wandering around out there by myself. I didn't think I was that old. Actually, I thought I did pretty good out there. I managed to climb a steep bluff without stroking out and I never had to take a break to catch my breath. What more could a guy ask for?:hello2:

Nice way to go Mdog. Iam glad you got that stuff on film. I been thinking of that site of yours today off and on. That hole, the possibility of caliche hiding something that Maverick talked about. The boot,the ducks,owls. Then the area your in with those great mounds.All kinds of ideals flying around in my head.

Thanks Dit. On that second picture, you said the owl was etched. What did you mean by that? Was it carved out with a tool or was the image created in some other fashion?

It plainly was carved, but it's been there long enough for lichen to grow in the carving, so it's hard to tell what kind of tool may have been used. There's no debris to look at either. It's obviously been there for quite some time.

Yes, I think you have a lot going on here but what is it that makes you think distraction?

Because there are many natural features that resemble faces, eyes, all kinds of stuff that can be distracting from the parts that are actually artificial. It makes me wonder if that may be why the site was chosen to begin with, all the natural oddities. Very spooky place for someone with superstitious tendencies, if you know what I mean.

Good to read you were on site again...

Could a guy ask for more.....Younger legs might be alright. Uphill especially!

Young legs would be nice. I still might be able to run, but I'm not sure, and I'm afraid to try. :dontknow:

It plainly was carved, but it's been there long enough for lichen to grow in the carving, so it's hard to tell what kind of tool may have been used. There's no debris to look at either. It's obviously been there for quite some time.

I've been trying to figure this one out for years. It isn't carved, but I can't figure out how it was made.


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