Isn't this forum already saturated with folks trying to one up everyone else and defaming other people and their opinions and lives for the sole purpose of making themselves superior ( in their own minds) ?
No - it's not saturated with people like that in my opinion. There's a small minority, and when I see posts like that, they mostly just go in one ear and out the other.
What do you suggest ? We all post our accomplishments and academics and the one with the most achievements, their opinions carries more, or the most weight ? After all you suggested it. I feel everyones comments deserve respect and consideration regardless.
I think it's counterproductive. You can tell within a few posts if someone is intelligent on a topic and you don't need to know their level of education to know if they know what they are talking about or not. Or if they are just using the forum to advance their own agendas and vendetta's against other people, other opinions and events.
I never implied not respecting or considering anyone's comments - you're putting words in my mouth. As to one person's comments carrying more weight than anothers, perhaps you can tell when someone is knowledgable about a topic within a few posts, but when it's a subject I know little or nothing about, I often can't. I personally enjoy knowing more about the background of the person commenting - it makes it much easier for me to direct specific questions (publicly or privately) to that person. I like to think I'm a good judge of character, and I can tell when a person is boasting for the sake of boasting vs. giving some background to help understand their perspective on a topic. I don't see anything wrong with it.
For example, when I'm in a meeting at work and hear a discussion between an engineer fresh from college with new ideas but no plant experience, an engineer who designed that specific process and an operator who's spent the last 40 years of his life running that process, everything each of them has to say has value - the difference is in the perspective that each of them brings to the table. By knowing those backgrounds, it's much easier for me (who might have no background in any of those areas) to evaluate the comments and ask pertinent questions of each person.
I enjoy reading everyones posts, I learn something from every one and I don't need to know the persons level of academics or background to appreciate their opinions. I can pretty much decide for myself if their posts are on or off target. I don't need to disparage someone if I don't agree with their opinions or statements, or take cheap shots at someone long since gone or not here to defend themselves. Thats what a small and petty person does, basically a coward who hides behind a keyboard. I respect and consider secretcanyons postings and opinions. It's the content of the information in the post that is important, not the contest to see who is top dog of the forum. Theres enough of that already.