Anyone ever been spooked while huntin ?? Or any other time ?

Had any spooky experiences MDing or Bottle diggin' ?? Or other times ??

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  • A little one time !

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  • Me ? Spooked ? Ha !

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  • I am use to it now ! I have seen many ghosties !

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Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ??

jeff of pa said:
Yes, I was doing an 18th Century abandond house earlier this year.

While I was digging a target, I kept seeing out the corner of my eye & hearing a Dog to my right Growling,(I had my Headphones on) But Every time I jumped & looked over. there was nothing there.

Don't remember what I dug that time, But the place was loaded with
Mason Jar lids, so it may have been one of them.


I wasn't spooked by this too bad But, I was doing a Park.
The day after Labor day. I know this Because they were cleaning up there after the Hegins Labor day Pigeon Shoot.
and this Young girl (Maby 15, very Pretty) walking her dog,
walked over to me, and started Talking. I noticed right away
she was dressed down, 50's, 60's clothes. (There are alot of Amish,
Mennonites, etc. around here so old looking clothes on young girls
is not that unusual) don't remember the exact conversation, but it was mainly what was I doing, Does it really work, Can it find a small Locket.
After I said yes to this she pointed to the Swimming Pool And asked if
I searched in there, and I said Not yet. She say'd a "Long time ago" ? she lost a Locket in there. We talked a Little longer, and
she said where abouts she thinks it is. and I asked where she Lived.
She said accross the street and Pointed, But due to a Thick clump of
Trees, and the Distance to them, I couldn't see where. I don't remember IF I asked her, Her name.
All of a sudden she says, I have to go now. Her dog was way over by the Trees. and she took one or 2 Steps that way.
I then Looked Down at my Detector, re place my Headphones on,
and Turned to watch her Walk away.
She wasn't there. :o Nobody can run that far that fast.
I have no Doubt on this.

For the Record, I Do Not Believe in, Ghosts, or Spirits of Any Kind. I just can't Explain this.

the Spring of the Next year, I got permission to search the Pool,
and I'm sure you can Guess by now, I found half a Small gold Locket
in the area she said. I don't remember Depth for sure, Maby 5"
Age ? No Idea. Inside Reads :

1/20 18

Possably :
under that

and :
under that.

the right side of all writing is worn off.

But I'm sure it is: 1/20th. 18K Gold Plated

Now I have had an experience while MD'ing.....

Yesterday I was hunting a mulch pit over by the j.o.b. and hadn't really found anything spectacular. 3 or 4 pieces of clad. giant plastic metallized heart, zipper......anyway. a couple of peeps walked by here and there (4 to be exact and none stopped) but never said anything. a few minutes before i was ready to leave a gentleman and his young daughter walked by. she was probably around 10 or 11. they walked past and gave a look, but, didn't speak. i had my mp3 headphones on. they walked to their suburban about 150ft. away (i do communications cables and i can judge distance). while swinging i hear the word "loser" flatly and plainly spoken. just once. the BH 3300 is a mono-signal from the left ear piece. i heard this coming from my right. when I looked up and to the right all I saw was the MAN getting into his truck...... the daughter must have already gone around and gotten in.

It was in a voice that only a grown woman would have. Conversational volume at close range. There are a couple of tennis courts right next to the mulch pit on my left, but, I was the only soul around.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Well, I believed because I saw! :o I've had limited experiences in my life where I've seen, felt, or thought something that was strange at the time and ended up being stranger farther down the road. Hard to explain.

We used to have a visitor in the house when our children were small. Named him Charlie. All my children were acquainted with him and his antics. Poltergeist. Stomped around the house, slammed doors, etc. One day we were baking cookies when father, a day sleeper, came down the steps from the bedroom using the staircase by the kitchen. We all heard him and remarked how 'Dad's up! He can have some hot cookies now." Dad never showed. After a minute I went up and checked on him. Sound asleep.

On another occasion everyone was in the basement den except my daughter who was upstairs taking a bath. She was about 2 ½ at the time. Thinking it was about time to get her out of the tub, I headed up the stairs to get her out, dry her off and put on her nightgown. Here she came, pretty as a picture, coming down the stairs, strands of wet hair, in her gown. I expressed my surprise that she had dried herself off and put her gown on all by herself like a big girl. We went back down to the den to watch tv or whatever we were doing at the time. After a minute or so, I noticed she was no longer in the room. I checked the utility room and guest room and she wasn't there, either, so I headed upstairs to see where she went. I found her. In the bathtub, playing away in the water. The gown was where I had put it on the countertop. The towel was dry. No water on the floor. That child had never been out of the bathtub.

So who/what did I see and talk to on the stairs??? never knew… ???

And ouija boards! Wow, don't get me started! :P I had one for years that we neighborhood moms would fool around with sometimes while the babies were napping. No one ever believed it worked until one day we got a different response from it. It began to move on its own, and the things it was spelling out actually made sense. Only they weren't nice things. And it was asking US questions! I burned it. I knew it was no longer a plaything. >:( Don't ask me how those things work; I don't know. I do know that when I was burning it, I wouldn't have been surprised to hear it scream.

And I've had occasion to hear something on the news, usually about somebody dying or some accident or something memorable. Then days or weeks later I'll hear it again. Only thing, it just happened. Yet in my mind, I'd have known it for several days or weeks. Weird!

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Ouija boards. Hmmmm.

Anyone who has been over at the dowsing board knows I'm a true skeptic. So, given that, let me say this: Ouija boards are nasty.

I've had experiences with them. You have to be very careful with them. Also, know this: they can lie. But they can be useful, too. I had to use one a couple of weeks after my best friend died. When he died, he gave a "gift" to my wife that overwhelmed her, and I had to ask him to take it back. Fortunately, he agreed with me and did so.

I read above about the "circles" the planchette made. I know what that means -- at least, in one context. It has to do with the "power symbol" you draw in the center of the board. There are to be as many little circles in its center as there are people using the board.

Yes, I did say "draw." You have to draw your own Ouija board -- don't use one of those "board game" boards -- they are painful for the spirits to use, and can aggravate them into doing nasty stuff. You have to draw one up, and that "double arc" pattern of letters is out. You have to do it in a circle, with the "a" at the left, going clockwise until the "z" is right below the "a." And draw your power symbol in the center. (No, I won't tell you the shape of the symbol. It's too dangerous.) Your "yes," "no,"?," and "end" are in the traditional corners, of course.

I have had some interesting experiences, and friends of mine have had some NASTY experiences. Do not treat these things lightly -- they are doorways into another realm. (Remember -- I am a skeptic, and would not be saying things like this unless I have had sufficient proof.) (Note: remember, a skeptic is someone with an open mind, who neither believes nor disbelieves without proof one way or another. I've had proof of some "paranormal" phenomena, including Ouija boards.)

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

then please, give a couple of details. I shared. Will you?

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

When I lived in the FL Keys my wife and I used the Oija board a bunch of times. We talked to my sister who had passed away (see story above). She said she was coming back as one of my children (I have two girls now). She knew her childhood nickname and many other things that only she could know.

We also contacted a guy named "Pete". He said he was one of the first settlers in the Keys. We had a book about the history of the Keys. We asked him if he was in it. He told us the page number...there was a large group picture and he pointed himself was quite a moment seeing the person we were talking to. He was quite a character...he kept wanting us to go to Key West and bet on the dog races...with the numbers he supplied. I regret that we never did.

When we bought the Oija board we were in Kansas City and the lady at the store did not charge us for the board even though it was right in front of her. We didn't notice until later. We asked Pete about it and he said that he "arranged" to have that happen so he could talk to us. He may have been pulling our leg...who knows.

Every once in a while we would get an evil contact...the pointer would shake and you could tell that it was not someone you would want to talk to. We would call the "Cosmic Police" and have them remove the worked every time.

The house we were in was where I had my first out of body experience (very cool), but that's another story.


Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

WOW ! Most excellent stories guys !!! :o :o :o :o :o

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

I have a story to share with everyone. About 5 years ago I was working in a medical center and a patient I saw quite often told me about something that happened. She and her husband belong to a group that do Civil War reenactments. After spending the day doing their thing on the battlefield they were at their camp area with some others getting their ammo ready for the next day. They make up blanks to fire out of their guns. She noticed a man walking up to where they were sitting working on making the blanks. He stood and watched then for a while but nothing was said. She did notice his uniform looked kind of dirty and tattered. After a while he said here you may need these and handed her some rifle ammo. She looked in her hand at what he had handed to her and they were live rounds, Bullet and everything. She looked up at him and he was gone.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Daniel964 said:
I have a story to share with everyone. About 5 years ago I was working in a medical center and a patient I saw quite often told me about something that happened. She and her husband belong to a group that do Civil War reenactments. After spending the day doing their thing on the battlefield they were at their camp area with some others getting their ammo ready for the next day. They make up blanks to fire out of their guns. She noticed a man walking up to where they were sitting working on making the blanks. He stood and watched then for a while but nothing was said. She did notice his uniform looked kind of dirty and tattered. After a while he said here you may need these and handed her some rifle ammo. She looked in her hand at what he had handed to her and they were live rounds, Bullet and everything. She looked up at him and he was gone.

one word.....................................FREEEEEEEEAKY !!

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Noodle said:
Well, I believed because I saw! :o I've had limited experiences in my life where I've seen, felt, or thought something that was strange at the time and ended up being stranger farther down the road. Hard to explain.

We used to have a visitor in the house when our children were small. Named him Charlie. All my children were acquainted with him and his antics. Poltergeist. Stomped around the house, slammed doors, etc. One day we were baking cookies when father, a day sleeper, came down the steps from the bedroom using the staircase by the kitchen. We all heard him and remarked how 'Dad's up! He can have some hot cookies now." Dad never showed. After a minute I went up and checked on him. Sound asleep.

On another occasion everyone was in the basement den except my daughter who was upstairs taking a bath. She was about 2 ½ at the time. Thinking it was about time to get her out of the tub, I headed up the stairs to get her out, dry her off and put on her nightgown. Here she came, pretty as a picture, coming down the stairs, strands of wet hair, in her gown. I expressed my surprise that she had dried herself off and put her gown on all by herself like a big girl. We went back down to the den to watch tv or whatever we were doing at the time. After a minute or so, I noticed she was no longer in the room. I checked the utility room and guest room and she wasn't there, either, so I headed upstairs to see where she went. I found her. In the bathtub, playing away in the water. The gown was where I had put it on the countertop. The towel was dry. No water on the floor. That child had never been out of the bathtub.

So who/what did I see and talk to on the stairs??? never knew… ???

And ouija boards! Wow, don't get me started! :P I had one for years that we neighborhood moms would fool around with sometimes while the babies were napping. No one ever believed it worked until one day we got a different response from it. It began to move on its own, and the things it was spelling out actually made sense. Only they weren't nice things. And it was asking US questions! I burned it. I knew it was no longer a plaything. >:( Don't ask me how those things work; I don't know. I do know that when I was burning it, I wouldn't have been surprised to hear it scream.

And I've had occasion to hear something on the news, usually about somebody dying or some accident or something memorable. Then days or weeks later I'll hear it again. Only thing, it just happened. Yet in my mind, I'd have known it for several days or weeks. Weird!
Seems like you have a joker ghost on your hands !! LOL

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Lately,always late at night when i am on the computer i have a feeling that there is something or some one behind me. I also hear occasionally noises near my window in the same room.I always look behind me to see if anyone is there and its always no one.I think grandma is still watching over me like when she patted my hubby on the head and said good job (she had been dead for 4 years when that happened).

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ??

jeff of pa said:
Yes, I was doing an 18th Century abandond house earlier this year.

While I was digging a target, I kept seeing out the corner of my eye & hearing a Dog to my right Growling,(I had my Headphones on) But Every time I jumped & looked over. there was nothing there.

Don't remember what I dug that time, But the place was loaded with
Mason Jar lids, so it may have been one of them.


I wasn't spooked by this too bad But, I was doing a Park.
The day after Labor day. I know this Because they were cleaning up there after the Hegins Labor day Pigeon Shoot.
and this Young girl (Maby 15, very Pretty) walking her dog,
walked over to me, and started Talking. I noticed right away
she was dressed down, 50's, 60's clothes. (There are alot of Amish,
Mennonites, etc. around here so old looking clothes on young girls
is not that unusual) don't remember the exact conversation, but it was mainly what was I doing, Does it really work, Can it find a small Locket.
After I said yes to this she pointed to the Swimming Pool And asked if
I searched in there, and I said Not yet. She say'd a "Long time ago" ? she lost a Locket in there. We talked a Little longer, and
she said where abouts she thinks it is. and I asked where she Lived.
She said accross the street and Pointed, But due to a Thick clump of
Trees, and the Distance to them, I couldn't see where. I don't remember IF I asked her, Her name.
All of a sudden she says, I have to go now. Her dog was way over by the Trees. and she took one or 2 Steps that way.
I then Looked Down at my Detector, re place my Headphones on,
and Turned to watch her Walk away.
She wasn't there. :o Nobody can run that far that fast.
I have no Doubt on this.

For the Record, I Do Not Believe in, Ghosts, or Spirits of Any Kind. I just can't Explain this.

the Spring of the Next year, I got permission to search the Pool,
and I'm sure you can Guess by now, I found half a Small gold Locket
in the area she said. I don't remember Depth for sure, Maby 5"
Age ? No Idea. Inside Reads :

1/20 18

Possably :
under that

and :
under that.

the right side of all writing is worn off.

But I'm sure it is: 1/20th. 18K Gold Plated

Hey Jeff i just thought of some thing.Maybe you could check through old library newspaper files and see who may have drowned at that lake ! They may even have a picture of the girl in the old micro fiche file too ! :o

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

one time, while in the garage on the computer, i distinctley heard a couple of men talking outside the house. it sounded as if they were at the end of the driveway. normal conversational tone. right then my golden went nuts barking and yapping. i went into the house and he looked at me then back outside. i went out to the driveway to check the street and no one was there. oh well......

back in the old garage i was again. a little while later i heard the same voices. very low and conversational. i waited and waited and waited for about 20 seconds and it did not stop. my dog was waiting too. when i went into the house again he started to bark AGAIN. when i opened the door he went out with me and walked to the street. there was no one there.

usually my neighbor dudes sit out a while and talk. they were not outside. no one was around. never heard that again. that was shortly before i had him put to sleep exactly one before Christmas last year. Dog cancer, what can you do? I hope we get a visit from him. We miss him very much. Especially my wife....he was 12. Sorry, just thought I would ramble a bit.....


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Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Will.Dig.For.Food said:
then please, give a couple of details. I shared. Will you?

If you're asking me, I am afraid that I can't. Those that happened to me are too personal (apart from what I said before), and those I heard of I don't have permission to repeat.

Like I said, they can be nasty. And not only in a "spooky" nature, but in revealing truths better left hidden.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

NATF said:
Back in the early 1980's I had been partying at a fellow bikers home and needed to go home to be ready for work in the morning. no one was sober enough to drive me and I was too inibriated to ride my bike, so I decided to walk home. It was only a few miles. So I took off down the road towards home and was soon feeling refreshed by the cool night air. I was feeling great till I came around the curve and saw the train trestle. The night air seemed to grow heavy and the breeze was gone. everything seemed deathly still and you could feel the electricity in the air. every hair on my body was on end. I sensed something watching...waiting on the other side of the trestle.
Now I'm a fair sized fella...6" - 4", around 225 and capable of handling my own and I never had any problems or qualms about strolling around Oak Cliff at that wasn't the case.Something was there. I even considered walking up the embankment to the tracks and going down to the next main road and cutting back down, but that would have added about an hour to my journey. It was the trestle that was creeping me out. Finally I just nutted up and looked straight down and started walking. the closer I got to the trestle the more intense the urge to run like hell got, but I just kept the same determined pace. when I was directly under it my whole body was screaming to run, but I resisted.....soon I was on the other side and about 20 yards away when I heard a bell....BAHHRRRIIINNNGGG....BAHHRRRIIINNNGGG..... I turned to look at the trestle expecting to see a flashing red light on a phone box for the train guys or something and saw nothing. I turned and continued on my way feeling better the further away I got. soon the air was once again crisp and refreshing and the event was blown off.
I thought about it every once in a while over the years puzzleing on why I was so scared but never fiqured it out till about a year or so ago. I was working at a local hotel and was talking to the sister of one of the employees there and we got on the subject of the paranormal and local hauntings and such. she asked me if I knew where coombs creek was, I said yes I knew where it was. and then she mentioned the trestle. she got my attention...I said "What about the trestle...???" she said that there was the ghost of a little girl that had been killed by a train while riding her bike on the trestle and that you can see her riding her bike and hear her "ringing her bell".....
The same cold chill I felt that night so many years ago suddenly became my spine.

Glad to see you walked on and decided not to add that hour to your trip ! You stood up to the ghost and continued on ! Would you of done the same if you knew the history of the trestle ? LOL NOT ME !! ;D I would of added the hour !!

By the way what kind of bike do you have ?

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

I am going back to that creepy house here in a few day everyone .I will take pics ! but i am going to be a little braver this time around ! LOL !

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?


Will.Dig.For.Food said:
one time, while in the garage on the computer, i distinctley heard a couple of men talking outside the house. it sounded as if they were at the end of the driveway. normal conversational tone. right then my golden went nuts barking and yapping. i went into the house and he looked at me then back outside. i went out to the driveway to check the street and no one was there. oh well......

back in the old garage i was again. a little while later i heard the same voices. very low and conversational. i waited and waited and waited for about 20 seconds and it did not stop. my dog was waiting too. when i went into the house again he started to bark AGAIN. when i opened the door he went out with me and walked to the street. there was no one there.

usually my neighbor dudes sit out a while and talk. they were not outside. no one was around. never heard that again. that was shortly before i had him put to sleep exactly one before Christmas last year. Dog cancer, what can you do? I hope we get a visit from him. We miss him very much. Especially my wife....he was 12. Sorry, just thought I would ramble a bit.....

Ramble all you want. Our dog is very sick with a heart condition and we don't know how long we've got with him. I know a little of what your feeling.


Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Thank you Daniel. I hope that your dog goes peacefully and painlessly when he does.....

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

"she said that there was the ghost of a little girl that had been killed by a train while riding her bike on the trestle and that you can see her riding her bike and hear her "ringing her bell".....?

i actually got shivers on that one

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ??

Will.Dig.For.Food said:
jeff of pa said:
Yes, I was doing an 18th Century abandond house earlier this year.

While I was digging a target, I kept seeing out the corner of my eye & hearing a Dog to my right Growling,(I had my Headphones on) But Every time I jumped & looked over. there was nothing there.

Don't remember what I dug that time, But the place was loaded with
Mason Jar lids, so it may have been one of them.


I wasn't spooked by this too bad But, I was doing a Park.
The day after Labor day. I know this Because they were cleaning up there after the Hegins Labor day Pigeon Shoot.
and this Young girl (Maby 15, very Pretty) walking her dog,
walked over to me, and started Talking. I noticed right away
she was dressed down, 50's, 60's clothes. (There are alot of Amish,
Mennonites, etc. around here so old looking clothes on young girls
is not that unusual) don't remember the exact conversation, but it was mainly what was I doing, Does it really work, Can it find a small Locket.
After I said yes to this she pointed to the Swimming Pool And asked if
I searched in there, and I said Not yet. She say'd a "Long time ago" ? she lost a Locket in there. We talked a Little longer, and
she said where abouts she thinks it is. and I asked where she Lived.
She said accross the street and Pointed, But due to a Thick clump of
Trees, and the Distance to them, I couldn't see where. I don't remember IF I asked her, Her name.
All of a sudden she says, I have to go now. Her dog was way over by the Trees. and she took one or 2 Steps that way.
I then Looked Down at my Detector, re place my Headphones on,
and Turned to watch her Walk away.
She wasn't there. :o Nobody can run that far that fast.
I have no Doubt on this.

For the Record, I Do Not Believe in, Ghosts, or Spirits of Any Kind. I just can't Explain this.

the Spring of the Next year, I got permission to search the Pool,
and I'm sure you can Guess by now, I found half a Small gold Locket
in the area she said. I don't remember Depth for sure, Maby 5"
Age ? No Idea. Inside Reads :

1/20 18

Possably :
under that

and :
under that.

the right side of all writing is worn off.

But I'm sure it is: 1/20th. 18K Gold Plated

Now I have had an experience while MD'ing.....

Yesterday I was hunting a mulch pit over by the j.o.b. and hadn't really found anything spectacular. 3 or 4 pieces of clad. giant plastic metallized heart, zipper......anyway. a couple of peeps walked by here and there (4 to be exact and none stopped) but never said anything. a few minutes before i was ready to leave a gentleman and his young daughter walked by. she was probably around 10 or 11. they walked past and gave a look, but, didn't speak. i had my mp3 headphones on. they walked to their suburban about 150ft. away (i do communications cables and i can judge distance). while swinging i hear the word "loser" flatly and plainly spoken. just once. the BH 3300 is a mono-signal from the left ear piece. i heard this coming from my right. when I looked up and to the right all I saw was the MAN getting into his truck...... the daughter must have already gone around and gotten in.

It was in a voice that only a grown woman would have. Conversational volume at close range. There are a couple of tennis courts right next to the mulch pit on my left, but, I was the only soul around.

I am working on my Halloween issue of my newsletter, and am getting some stories about rockhound/mining/treasure related of the people that sent me info is a Dr and wife team(both Dr.s) that ghost hunt. They have recorded voices from many of the sites they have visited -- many that were not apparent until the tapes were played back. They say that old mines are full of them - and old mining towns.
Well, ya know, life was pretty rough in those places so the energies ran a bit intense. Seems mines would be the perfect place for energy memory, too - crystals store energy (that's why quartz is used in computers).

Now I lived in a mining town in Colorado for years and my favorite spook was one that could be heard but not seen. If you sat outside on a mild summer night and just listened.........about dusk, the time the miners would have been coming can hear the hoofbeats of a burro, and metal clanking as he walks, perhaps a load of goldpans, picks, and shovels? The hooves will echo from where the road turns up toward where the mines of North Empire stood before the fires of 1910, and they turn on main street, clop down to the road that goes across the bridge. You can hear it walking until it gets to the bridge, then the sounds just drift off.

Just one of many hauntings out there, but as I said, it was my favorite one.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

I was sleeping over at my grandmother's house when for some reason I awoke in the middle of the night. I didn't know what woke me but when I looked to the window I saw three of the ugliest faces looking back at me. I jumped out of bed, scooped my wife from the bed and threw her to the floor. I then grabbed a small bureau drawer and threw it through the window.

Of course this woke the whole house. My brother, who was staying there as well, and I ran downstairs and out the door to find who was at my window. We found the bureau drawer but no people. The window in question is on the second floor so if someone wanted to look in they would have had to have been using a ladder. The faces I saw were side by side so three ladders would have been required. There were no ladders or any disturbance to the grass indicating that a ladder had been there. Not to mention it only took us 10 - 20 seconds to get out the door after I threw the bureau out the window.

My wife has never stayed in that room again.

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