Anyone ever been spooked while huntin ?? Or any other time ?

Had any spooky experiences MDing or Bottle diggin' ?? Or other times ??

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  • Me ? Spooked ? Ha !

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  • I am use to it now ! I have seen many ghosties !

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Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

romeo-1 said:
I was sleeping over at my grandmother's house when for some reason I awoke in the middle of the night. I didn't know what woke me but when I looked to the window I saw three of the ugliest faces looking back at me. I jumped out of bed, scooped my wife from the bed and threw her to the floor. I then grabbed a small bureau drawer and threw it through the window.

Of course this woke the whole house. My brother, who was staying there as well, and I ran downstairs and out the door to find who was at my window. We found the bureau drawer but no people. The window in question is on the second floor so if someone wanted to look in they would have had to have been using a ladder. The faces I saw were side by side so three ladders would have been required. There were no ladders or any disturbance to the grass indicating that a ladder had been there. Not to mention it only took us 10 - 20 seconds to get out the door after I threw the bureau out the window.

My wife has never stayed in that room again.

C..R..E..E..P..Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ??

Naturelady said:
...Seems mines would be the perfect place for energy memory, too - crystals store energy (that's why quartz is used in computers)...
As a computer professional, I feel compelled to address this statement. Quartz crystals do not "store energy" in a computer. They are used as "clocks." That is, if you apply an alternating current to them, the vibrate at a very distinct frequency determined by the size and shape of the crystal. This is what generates the operating frequency of the computer, which is electronically multiplied to produce the MHz (or GHz) speed the computer operates at. There is no energy storage involved. In fact, were the crystals to store any energy at all, their usefullness as a frequency source would be lost. (There are devices in computers that store energy, mind you. These are capacitors and batteries, but they are not made of quartz.)

I am not here speaking of any other form of energy that crystals may (or may not) store, that is a subject for another thread. But as a computer tech, I feel it my place to point out things that are within my field of expertise.

Now, as to mines being places to find spirits, well, that does make sense. They were places of strong emotions, and there were many deaths associated with them. My suggestion is to avoid joining them if you go to investigate!

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Well this one is not an incident that occurred while out detecting but will post anyway.

My wife's favorite aunt passed away a few years back. Her children were alienated and would not even take care of her remains. (Ashes) This aunt had said that she had always been happiest when she lived in Texas, so we made the road trip in order to scatter her ashes in her favorite town. We arrived after dark and it took us a while to find the park nearest where she lived. Eventually we found it and drove into the park looking for a nice peaceful spot. We found a place with some nice big trees on a mound, no one was about so decided this was a good spot. As we got out of the pickup we noticed a long black limousine drive up and past us, ( tight squeeze on that narrow roadway) very shiny and new but the windows were tinted so couldn't see inside. I didn't even notice the license plate, thought well, that is an odd place for a limousine at this hour (it was near midnight) and didn't pay much attention to the limousine as it pulled past our pickup truck out to the end of the roadway which was a dead end loop. I figured some rich folk were having a private party and we went and scattered the ashes. As we finished and walked back to the pickup, we heard a car door open and close where the limousine ought to be, at the turn around spot a hundred yards or so ahead. Again I didn't think anything of that, we got in our pickup and started it up, and headed for the turn around spot as the roadway was only a bit more than one lane wide, so we drove to the turn around spot. When we got there is when it became strange - there was NO limousine there! The roadway had a relatively high concrete curb, about eight inches, so I doubt a limousine could drive over it, plus the grass showed NO tracks! No vehicle had passed us while we were scattering the ashes, nor while we were driving to the turn around - that limousine which we both saw and which had looked as solid as anything had just vanished into thin air! ??? :o

Needless to say, we didn't stick around THAT park any longer! What reminded me of this incident was that post of the "ghost car" chased by police, having SEEN a "ghost car" myself I can believe what happened. We figured that perhaps this was some kind of paranormal "angels" coming to pick up a spirit and take her "home" in a long black limousine.


Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Oroblanco said:
Well this one is not an incident that occurred while out detecting but will post anyway.

My wife's favorite aunt passed away a few years back. Her children were alienated and would not even take care of her remains. (Ashes) This aunt had said that she had always been happiest when she lived in Texas, so we made the road trip in order to scatter her ashes in her favorite town. We arrived after dark and it took us a while to find the park nearest where she lived. Eventually we found it and drove into the park looking for a nice peaceful spot. We found a place with some nice big trees on a mound, no one was about so decided this was a good spot. As we got out of the pickup we noticed a long black limousine drive up and past us, ( tight squeeze on that narrow roadway) very shiny and new but the windows were tinted so couldn't see inside. I didn't even notice the license plate, thought well, that is an odd place for a limousine at this hour (it was near midnight) and didn't pay much attention to the limousine as it pulled past our pickup truck out to the end of the roadway which was a dead end loop. I figured some rich folk were having a private party and we went and scattered the ashes. As we finished and walked back to the pickup, we heard a car door open and close where the limousine ought to be, at the turn around spot a hundred yards or so ahead. Again I didn't think anything of that, we got in our pickup and started it up, and headed for the turn around spot as the roadway was only a bit more than one lane wide, so we drove to the turn around spot. When we got there is when it became strange - there was NO limousine there! The roadway had a relatively high concrete curb, about eight inches, so I doubt a limousine could drive over it, plus the grass showed NO tracks! No vehicle had passed us while we were scattering the ashes, nor while we were driving to the turn around - that limousine which we both saw and which had looked as solid as anything had just vanished into thin air! ??? :o

Needless to say, we didn't stick around THAT park any longer! What reminded me of this incident was that post of the "ghost car" chased by police, having SEEN a "ghost car" myself I can believe what happened. We figured that perhaps this was some kind of paranormal "angels" coming to pick up a spirit and take her "home" in a long black limousine.


Man ! I would of freaked Oroblanco!!! :o :o :o

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

My cousin and I were in Books a Million waiting on our sons to get through doing their Yugioh thing and looking at magazines. My cousin was looking at a Southern Accent mag and said, "Hey, look at these these pictures of old church ruins near Charleston, S.C." When I glanced at them, pain shot through my body and I couldn't breath for a few seconds! I freaked me out, and I have no idea why. The church had been burned several times, I think the last time being during the civil war. I do know my family settled down near Charleston before moving more inland through the years. My cousin said I was really pale and I went and got some water, and finally got calmed down. I've seen ghost (dozens), they don't really freak me out anymore. I've seen ghost with other people that saw them at the same time and could describe what they were seeing matching what I saw, the most recent me and little Ramapirate were pulling in the driveway one night and both saw a man standing by my pickup truck. I didn't say anything right off, cause I didn't want to freak him out, and little RP said, "Daddy, who's that man standing next to your truck and why is he not moving so we can pull on in?" And about that time, he was gone... Little RP isn't anymore scared of this than I am, but it does make you feel kinda weird when it happens. My best one was and old woman that appeared in the house I grew up in when I was 15 years old. I was hanging out watching tv and eating a sandwich and drinking a Sprite, my parents were at a Christmas party, and this old woman walked in out of the hall into the living room where I was sitting. I only saw here for like 2 seconds, I wasn't watching anything remotely scary on tv, and I never saw her again. That was my first full blown ghost.
I've seen a dozen or so since then, maybe more. I don't go looking, and I have never and will never try to "stir" them up, because I'm not sure of how to "un-stir" them if I did. ;)

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

What a great topic!

First off, let me introduce myself. I'm Shamus, a newbie to the board and to the hobby. I don't even have a detector yet. I just ordered one this week. It should be here tomorrow or next week. I've used one before though, back in the 1970s.

I'm not at all surprised that people occasionally encounter spooky situations when prowling around old homesteads and battlefields. There's another hobby, that of "ghosthunting", that does so specifically for that purpose.

My non-treasure-hunting story is that when I was in my mid-20s, back in the early-to-mid 1980s, I lived in a haunted house for a few years. My only personal experience was as follows:

The house was an older farmhouse in the north part of Kitsap County, Washington. I shared it with three other roommates at that time. It had been a dairy farm, and the owner (who built the house) had died. I'm not sure if he did so in the house. His wife was still alive at the time, living in a nearby nursing home. They were actually the grandparents of one of my roommates, as I found out after he'd come to live there.

Anyway, after I'd been there for a couple of years or so, I happened to get up one Saturday morning at around 9:30AM. First thing I did was head across the hall to the bathroom to take a leak. I glanced out the window to see if any of my roomies' cars were there, with the idea of seeing if anyone was home in order to plan what to do for the day. Everyone's car was gone, and I noticed the cat walking across the yard, so I was alone in the house. While peeing I heard these old man's slow footsteps walking up the stairs, walking down the hall, making the floorboards squeak. The footsteps stopped just outside the bathroom door! (mind you, all of my roommates were around the same age as I was, and would go charging up and down the stairs like young people do. These definitely sounded like the steps of a tired old man.)

I wasn't at all scared. I figured it was just my roommate's grandfather and he had to pee too, so I shouted "I'm in here right now, Grandpa, but I'll be done in a sec!" I didn't hear anything else after that. Afterwards I walked all through the house and outside to confirm that no one else was there.

Not very scary, but that's my only ghost story. I heard other reports later from one of my other roomates who also heard the mysterious footsteps when no one was there. She once heard them come down the stairs to the basement when she was doing laundry. The stairs were open, it being an unfinished basement, so she could see that no one was there, yet the steps continued all the way down the stairs. She freaked and bolted out of the other door to the outside, jumped in her car, and just drove around for hours until she figured someone else would be home. :)

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Hi everyone, I am new here and have enjoyed these stories so much. Have laughed a lot reading them just picturing in my mind what it was like in your shoes.
I too have had such experiences. After 28 years of marriage and then divorced I decided to move back to Tennessee from Texas for awhile until all the sadness a divorce causes eased up. I rented a small two bedroom home one street over from my brother as to be close to him. Odd things starting happening immediately after I moved in....things would fall off the cabinets, crashing to the floor, fall off my entertainment center, fall off my coffee and end tables....something was always laying in the floor. Plant stands would topple, spreading dirt all over the floor ??? Someone did not like my taste in home decor? The house was built in 1926 and I was believing the elderly lady it was built for must have died there and she did not want me in her little house. Well, one night I got into bed after reaching overhead to turn on the ceiling fan cause it was getting a little stuffy in the bedroom. My poodle and I had just dozed off when I woke back up feeling very warm....helloooo, the ceiling fan was off. After pulling the chain a couple of times I got to thinking that it had blown a fuse. I was getting out of bed to check the switch when I heard a whirring noise from the living room, I turned toward the living room door and there was my VCR going...tape in it, tv not on, making the whirring noise. Okay, what the hell is going on here?....was my thought. I make my way to the closed in backporch to check breakers, now let me tell you that was a hard thing to do...creaking thru the house and actually going on the backporch, ALONE !!! All breakers were on. So, back thru the house I go, get into the living room and my VCR is rewinding??? and still whirring. I put my hand on the doorsill of my bedroom trying to figure this all out, VCR clicked off (was thru rewinding). My hand happened to be resting right by the switch to my light and ceiling was turned off, that is why there was no fan going...but who turned it off??? NOT ME !!! So, my pooch and I crawled back into confused and a little on the skeered side. Just about the time I was getting to relax there came the most sorrowful, bone chilling, hair raising moan I had ever heard..oh my god it was horrible. My hair stood on end, my poodle jumped up in the middle of the bed growling and bouncing around trying to find where the moan was coming from, it was awful. I ran into the living room, crouched down on the sofa and stayed there wide awake the rest of the night. The next day I was reliving the night before to my brother..oh yeah he says.."I forgot to tell you this house is haunted. Thought if I told you, you wouldn't move in." Seems there was this married couple living there, he worked the night shift, she had a boyfriend come over at night while hubby was at work. One night the husband doubled back, caught the lover, got a shotgun from the closet, fight was on, boyfriend ended up with the shotgun, blasted the husband in the chest and blew him halfway out the window where he died....I continued to live there for the rest of the more moans, but by the time I left there I was running real low on dishes and knick knacks. My landlady also told the same story as my brother and that I was the longest staying, paying, tennant she had had since the "incident". Well, that is one of my ghostly stories, thanks for listening, Rita

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Great one, Rita! Thanks for sharing! :)

My mom and stepdad lived in a house like that in Dallas back in the '70s. I lived in San Diego at the time. They had bought this house after I left home and I'd never been in it. Every now and then I would get a call late at night from my mom (stepdad worked nights), who was in her 40s at the time, not elderly and "losing" it. She'd be terrified, sitting in the corner of the bedroom on the floor with the gun in her hand. "Something" was in the room and kept touching her feet and legs when she was trying to sleep. She didn't know what to think of it, except it wasn't normal. This went on for several months.

Then she lost her wedding ring. Said she'd left it on her dresser as usual, and one day it just *poof* was gone. She'd hear sounds like breaking dishes in the kitchen, but nothing was ever found. Well, a few months later I came "home" for Thanksgiving. She was still looking for her wedding ring.

I had to have a tour of their new house, naturally, so off we went. Older home, three bedroom, living, dining, kitchen, back utility porch. I was doing fine until I walked into the middle bedroom and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. Pretty room, full of windows, but colder 'n a witch's tit! I couldn't STAND to be in that room. And this was the room where she'd felt the touchings.

Well, the visit went well for a couple of days. Didn't hear or feel anything unusual, but Mom kept telling me things that had been happening over the past year. I decided to have a little talk with her "companion." Like a dutiful daughter, I told this spook to leave my mother alone and to return her wedding ring. He didn't need it, and she did. And for Pete's sake, to keep his hands off of her.

Thanksgiving day dawned and we had the usual stirring around, getting everything ready. I decided to run the vacuum, and in so doing, I finished the dining room and headed for the hallway. There, right smack dab in the middle of the doorway, laying right on top of the carpet, was my mother's wedding ring! Now 10,000 trips had been made through that doorway in the previous months. All of a sudden, there it was.

I never heard another word from my mother about her spook. Evidently he decided to quiet down. But we did find out that the son of the previous owners/builders of the house had had the misfortune of being a druggie and had died when he was in his late 20s. Don't know if he died in the house or not, but am willing to bet on it. They had sold it to my folks after he died and moved elsewhere in Dallas, not away from the area.


Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Most interesting reading in these posts. I'm flexible about paranormal phenomena, but don't think I've seen any ghosts. Have expereinced some things that I can't explain. The experience below was real, daylight, no wind and a cloudless sky at the time.

Just a few miles south of Montgomery, AL is an area on Interstate-65 that is said to have been constructed on and through an ancient Indian graveyard. Over the past several years, several unexplained auto accidents (many with fatalities) have happened in this general vicinity.

My wife and I were traveling north in a custom hightop van that weighs 7100 pounds. Not a lightweight, and I have several years experience with high top vehicles and know how they react to wind gusts.

When we approached the "graveyard area", the van felt as though it hit a sudden wind gust and was lifted from the right hand lane and deposited in the inner lane of the Interstate highway. No evidence of any dust devils/whirlwinds when we approached the area and no apparent damage to the van was found when I stopped a hundred yards or so away and could not see any dust or other evidence of any strong winds in or near this area.

Needless to mention that it was a "ghostly" experience and I am thankful that no other traffic was in the area or it proably would have resulted in another of those "unexplained" accidents.

Any theories as to why/how this sudden shift from one lane to the other could have happened would be appreciated.


Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Anyone remember when I said I hoped to get a visit from my dead dog? A couple weeks ago I was lying in my bed and heard two distinct barks. Deep in tone, justlike Wilson's when he would bark at something on the street. It made me sit up in my bed. My wife thinks I am nuts...

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Just thought that I would add my story.This involved my wife. She passed away back in 1997 from severe diabetes and heart disease. She had been sick for several years and had lost a leg to infection and was wheelchair-bound. Her heart doctor had sit us both down and was very frank with us. My wife told him that she wanted to know the truth about her condition. He said that he was not going to lie to us. He said that her heart was in such a bad shape that she was not going to live much longer.In fact he said that she should start getting her affairs in order. She took the news very couragously. We were just barely making ends meet because of so many medical bills and drug bills and couldn't afford to hire anyone to stay with her during the day when I had to work (and we had no close relatives who could stay with her.) So I had to leave her by herself all day while I went to work. But she could still barely manage to care for herself while I was gone during the day. (But I had the fear that someday I would return home to find that she had passed away with no one to be with her. She never said, but I think she had the same fear. But my one consolation was that I was at home with her on a Saturday when she passed away.)

Well, two or three months before she passed away she started seeing a vision or apparition while I was gone to work. It would just happen once in a while. She said that she would be sitting in the livingroom watching TV and all of a sudden this apparition would appear standing in the hallway about ten feet in front of her. She said it was a young woman dressed in a long white flowing gown. My wife said that the apparition never made her feel fearful but in fact made her feel a sense of peace. She said that the apparition never spoke but just stood looking at her and then would suddenly disappear. My wife also said that sometimes the bedroom light would suddenly turn on by itself. This also would not scare her. She said that she would just wheel in there with her wheelchair and turn it off. None of this ever happened when I was at home with her on the weekends. After she passed away I continued living in that house for a couple more years but I never saw or heard anything else unusual happen. I like to think that it might have been her Guardian Angel come to give her comfort while I was at work.

Huntin' 59er

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Great stories folks. I have a few I will share.
As a student at Fort Hays State University a few years back, the group I hung with got into Aura reading. Believe it not. I was pretty good at it, and could even read inanimate objects. Well, Fort Hays is right there, and there is the story of the Blue Light Lady, a local ghost from the Fort days. One night about 10 of us went sneaking up to the monument SW of town in a pasture. There is a large stone marker at the top of the hill dedicated to the woman, who helped sick soldiers. Well, me being a wise acre, grabbed a blue hat off one of the other guys, stuck my flashlight under it and lit it up. WHACK!!! Felt like my head got beat with that monument. The aura changed from a little halo, to a BIG black one in a second. Said I was sorry, and left.

Will try to tell some others later. DM

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

when i was a child my mom worked as a secretary for a couple that owned and raised race horses. they lived in a house on their farm that had been in the husbands family for 5 generations. my mother told me about stories of the upstairs radio going on and off by itself when no one was in the house. it used to be a fairly common occurrence. at one time a farm hand was offered a room in the basement to sleep because he had no where else to go. it wasn't much of a room. just a basement with a dirt floor. well, anyway, this man liked to drink, and got into a barfight one night and was (sadly) beaten to death. the couple that owned the house locked the door to the basement since it was no longer in use. every so often, in the morning, the door to the basement would be unlocked and open, and footprints would be in the dirt floor in the explanation was ever found for that occurrence. my aunt and uncle spent the night in the house one time and were awaken by the bed shaking. the only weird thing that ever happened to me in the house was in the old kitchen. (the house had an old section and a newer section was added on later). i had a strange feeling of being watched, and at that moment the two dogs started to stare at the doorway leading to the new part of the house and began to whimper......both of them at the same time! it was very very strange, almost as if they could see something i could not. needless to say i was scared to death and never went back into the old section of the house. the people that owned the house were some of the nicest people i have ever known, and i dont believe whatever is in the house means any harm, but something is not quite right there. unfortunately the couple is now dead and the farm was sold to developers. the house still stands but i have not been by it in years. anyway, that is my one and only ghost story! ;)

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Wow i love ALL these stories !!!! Come on folks revive this thread ! Its that time of the year ! ;D ;D

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

I found this story on the I'net. It gave me a chill.

From Paula Norman of Paducah, KY
Background: this occurred in my then mother-in-law's apartment. her daughter had been living with her for sometime and was on dialysis for kidney failure. this story took place a few months after her passing.

Story: i had been in the hospital for 2 weeks and had major surgery. my husband at the time worked out of town and his mother said i could stay with her at her apartment until i was able to stay by myself. she put me in the bedroom where her daughter had slept when she was alive. her daughter, Juanita had been on dialysis for kidney failure for quite some time and really having a problem complying with the diet and fluid restrictions. she used to go into her bedroom and cut up apples, pour some salt(which she wasn't supposed to have) in her hand and dip the apples in the salt and eat them. she knew she wasn't supposed to have this so she always hid in her room and sat on her bed to do it. two nights after my release from the hospital, my mother-in-law put me to bed in Juanita's old room and made me comfortable so i could go to sleep. about 2 o'clock in the morning i awoke to find Juanita sitting on the foot of the bed taking a piece of apple in one hand, dipping it into her other hand and placing it in her mouth. i closed my eyes then opened them again and she was still there. she slowly turned her face toward me and smiled in her warm way and went back to eating apples. i was so startled that i couldn't yell for my mother-in-law, and due to my surgery i couldn't get out of bed or move by myself. this only lasted for a few minutes, but it has been 20 years ago and is still fresh in my mind. i doubt i will ever forget it.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

jbot said:
I found this story on the I'net. It gave me a chill.

From Paula Norman of Paducah, KY
Background: this occurred in my then mother-in-law's apartment. her daughter had been living with her for sometime and was on dialysis for kidney failure. this story took place a few months after her passing.

Story: i had been in the hospital for 2 weeks and had major surgery. my husband at the time worked out of town and his mother said i could stay with her at her apartment until i was able to stay by myself. she put me in the bedroom where her daughter had slept when she was alive. her daughter, Juanita had been on dialysis for kidney failure for quite some time and really having a problem complying with the diet and fluid restrictions. she used to go into her bedroom and cut up apples, pour some salt(which she wasn't supposed to have) in her hand and dip the apples in the salt and eat them. she knew she wasn't supposed to have this so she always hid in her room and sat on her bed to do it. two nights after my release from the hospital, my mother-in-law put me to bed in Juanita's old room and made me comfortable so i could go to sleep. about 2 o'clock in the morning i awoke to find Juanita sitting on the foot of the bed taking a piece of apple in one hand, dipping it into her other hand and placing it in her mouth. i closed my eyes then opened them again and she was still there. she slowly turned her face toward me and smiled in her warm way and went back to eating apples. i was so startled that i couldn't yell for my mother-in-law, and due to my surgery i couldn't get out of bed or move by myself. this only lasted for a few minutes, but it has been 20 years ago and is still fresh in my mind. i doubt i will ever forget it.

YIKES!!!!!! :o :o

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Now, if that were me, I would have simply looked at her and said, "Juanita, you know you aren't supposed to be doing that -- that's what killed you, after all!" Ghosts don't scare me, as I've lived with them before.

My parents' house (where I grew up) had (may still have) a "spirit" living there. We never saw it, but it always was up to mischief. Once, my brother and I were playing cards. I don't know why, perhaps we were always losing cards, but I counted the deck before we started playing. It was a full 52, so we played. During the game, I had a weird feeling, and recounted the cards. 51 this time. Missing the 3 of clubs. We searched the whole house for it -- I even checked in the linen cupboard between the sheets for it. Couldn't find it. A few years later, as my mother was pulling sheets out of the cupboard to change the beds, that card fell onto the floor.

We had an old-style mechanical thermostat, one with a dial. It was firm, though, and would stay where we set it -- except when the spirit didn't like it. It kept turning it down 4-5 degrees. This finally stopped when my parents installed an electronic thermostat.

After I had moved out, my parents told me how the glasses in the kitchen cupboard were breaking on their own, one by one. I doubted it until one day I was visiting. We were all in the living room, when I heard a glass shatter. They just looked at me and said, "the poltergeist's at it again." I had to go look -- yup, a shattered glass with nothing next to it.

This spirit wasn't scary, or harmful. Just mischievous. To this day, I don't see how they could actually hurt anyone, just try to scare them. We never let it have the satisfaction!

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

One of my uncles built his house on 1986 and used some old big bricks, I don't know if some were from the 1985 Earthquake or not, but since they were building it weird stuff happenned.
First they could see smoke coming out of the chimney.
After it was finished and they were installing the doors, closets, etc. one day one of the workers was cleaning one of the windows and someone moved the ladder, but when we tried to find out who was nobody was there after a while he heard that a person was opening and closing the closet doors very hard, he thought it was the maid so he asked her to stop doing it and it stopped for a while. A half hour later the maid came after buying some groceries, nobody was in the house...
Other day he saw a woman floating through one wall of the bathroom and leaving the room through the other wall.
When they moved to the house some electronic devices turned on by themselves, my uncle told me that sometimes even the cars were turned on, I don't know how...
Probably 10 years ago my aunt was very frightened because a ghost was bothering one of my cousins, it was Christmas so when she gift-wrapped and put the gifts under the Christmas tree then she left the room and when she came back all the gifts were everywhere and not wrapped anymore. She was so frightened that she always shut the door and turned the key, but even like that the ghost would open the door.
I think they asked a priest to go and pray and nothing happenned for a while.
What they have for almost a year is a spot that always appears on the corridor and it stinks every time it appears.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

This is a chinese story from my grandfather.

There was a lady that for several nights entered to a grocery store bought baby food and then she paid with the money the chinese people give to the death ones. The two owners of the grocery store were concerned about this and planned to put a very large thread on her clothes so they can follow her and see where did she go.
Next day they did what they planned. They followed the thread and to their surprise the thread entered to a cementery, they continued following the thread and found out that the thread dissappeared in a tomb. They opened the tomb and they found the lady buried there with a baby that was alive!!!! This baby had a big mole on his face and everyone that knew the story thought that this kid was going to be a very important person, but when he grew up the baby was as normal as any other.

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