here goes, this still creepes me out......
It was very near to Christmas, my eight year. I was lying in my bed and couldn't sleep. I could see down through the galley kitchen and into the living room. I remember lying there and feeling very uncomfortable. I kept looking into the living room and then away. After a while I looked out into the living room again and I saw(jeez I'm bumping up now!) a....blob?mist? can't quite explain it... it was abstract in form. and very large. it basically FLOWED through my field of view. It was a rigid object. it kind behaved similarly to a large soggy jellyfish, but, translucent. it moved very slowly...too slowly. i couldn't take my eyes off of it and i wanted to. i had a chance to view it for quite a few seconds as it 'drifted' by. this all took place about 20 feet away from me so, i was very close.....anyway, it drifted through the living room and out of view toward my parents room!!!!! by now i was not feeling strangely anymore(since it was) gone. i got up andsneaked down the hall and opened my parents door, and does anyone guess what i found

? NOTHING!!! and that scared the CRAP out of me. I ran so fast back to my bed I nearly killed myself sliding to a stop head first into th head board........ ever since that day i will stand by the FACT that there are things in this world that do move around and are not human in form........not seeing anything in their room, for me, worse than than actually seeing with my own eyes!!!!!
it not the known that makes me uncomfortable, it is what i cannot see bumping in the night that does.
i swear this really happend and I have a couple of more chillers to make the old skin crawl. i mean really crawl if you are a true believer.