Anyone ever been spooked while huntin ?? Or any other time ?

Had any spooky experiences MDing or Bottle diggin' ?? Or other times ??

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  • A little one time !

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  • Me ? Spooked ? Ha !

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  • I am use to it now ! I have seen many ghosties !

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Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Good evening my friends.
Let me give a little advise here-NEVER MESS WITH A QUIJA BOARD-PERIOD.
If you want to see something that you don't understand I suggest that you DO NOT look directly at it. You will see more using your peripheral vision.
I know this is hard to believe but I am the past President of a group that studied the Para Normal.
I gave it up because people wanted to know how to scare people. They would come to our meetings and "say scare me a little but don't scare me a lot".
I am also a past member of the Cayce Foundation.
My Grandmother always knew that I had a Gift and told me to NEVER use it on my own behalf.
I am also a serious Treasure Hunter but I have never used this gift to find a single coin.
I understand what the above stories are all about and I enjoy them all very much keep up the stories.
Here is my little story.
I received a late phone call one night to tell me that my younger brother had been killed.
Before I got this phone call I say my brother standing in my living room. I lived in Titusville Florida and he lived in Smyrna Georgia. I left for Georgia the next morning. I learned that my brother wife was ALSO IN THE HOSPITAL. She had been shot through her arm and in her head.
When I got to the hospital my whole family was there. When I entered the room everyone went silent. My brothers wife would not look me in the eye and in an instant I knew why-she had shot my brother while he slept but that is only part of the story. The police had found another girl laying dead in the bushes near where he lived. She had shot herself in the head.
I went into the room where my brother had died and felt he was still there -his spirit was still there.
I did some things and told him to go to the light and he would be happy. I gave him a License to depart and within a few seconds he had left.
I know that is a long story so I will cut it short.
The Police were never able to prove that my Sister in Law pulled the trigger. They said it was a Love Triangle that went bad. She received a large sum of money and was living high on the hog UNTIL she drank to much and got into a car accident.
She is now in a wheel chair for the rest of her life and BROKE.
Pay backs are hell.
If you think this is BS check the Marietta Georgia News paper and look up Kenneth W. Webb and the article covering this LOVE TRIANGLE.
Don "PEG LEG" Webb

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

A friend of mine was hunting at night, he said that he felt that something evil was stalking him, so he went back to his truck and only after he got inside he felt the feeling of being watched dissapear...

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Peg Leg said:
Good evening my friends.
Let me give a little advise here-NEVER MESS WITH A QUIJA BOARD-PERIOD.
If you want to see something that you don't understand I suggest that you DO NOT look directly at it. You will see more using your peripheral vision.
I know this is hard to believe but I am the past President of a group that studied the Para Normal.
I gave it up because people wanted to know how to scare people. They would come to our meetings and "say scare me a little but don't scare me a lot".
I am also a past member of the Cayce Foundation.
My Grandmother always knew that I had a Gift and told me to NEVER use it on my own behalf.
I am also a serious Treasure Hunter but I have never used this gift to find a single coin.
I understand what the above stories are all about and I enjoy them all very much keep up the stories.
Here is my little story.
I received a late phone call one night to tell me that my younger brother had been killed.
Before I got this phone call I say my brother standing in my living room. I lived in Titusville Florida and he lived in Smyrna Georgia. I left for Georgia the next morning. I learned that my brother wife was ALSO IN THE HOSPITAL. She had been shot through her arm and in her head.
When I got to the hospital my whole family was there. When I entered the room everyone went silent. My brothers wife would not look me in the eye and in an instant I knew why-she had shot my brother while he slept but that is only part of the story. The police had found another girl laying dead in the bushes near where he lived. She had shot herself in the head.
I went into the room where my brother had died and felt he was still there -his spirit was still there.
I did some things and told him to go to the light and he would be happy. I gave him a License to depart and within a few seconds he had left.
I know that is a long story so I will cut it short.
The Police were never able to prove that my Sister in Law pulled the trigger. They said it was a Love Triangle that went bad. She received a large sum of money and was living high on the hog UNTIL she drank to much and got into a car accident.
She is now in a wheel chair for the rest of her life and BROKE.
Pay backs are hell.
If you think this is BS check the Marietta Georgia News paper and look up Kenneth W. Webb and the article covering this LOVE TRIANGLE.
Don "PEG LEG" Webb
My god Peg Leg thats such a tragic story ! I am so sorry for your lost ! But in the end karma caught up.....

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

lou423 said:
A friend of mine was hunting at night, he said that he felt that something evil was stalking him, so he went back to his truck and only after he got inside he felt the feeling of being watched dissapear...
I have had that same feeling as well Lou.Like walking down a dark hallway or in some woods in broad daylight.There are some things in this world that are always around us.Some sort of forces .........some are dark & evil others are friendly & good.I can aways feel the difference.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Scary Hunter said:
This is a chinese story from my grandfather.

There was a lady that for several nights entered to a grocery store bought baby food and then she paid with the money the chinese people give to the death ones. The two owners of the grocery store were concerned about this and planned to put a very large thread on her clothes so they can follow her and see where did she go.
Next day they did what they planned. They followed the thread and to their surprise the thread entered to a cementery, they continued following the thread and found out that the thread dissappeared in a tomb. They opened the tomb and they found the lady buried there with a baby that was alive!!!! This baby had a big mole on his face and everyone that knew the story thought that this kid was going to be a very important person, but when he grew up the baby was as normal as any other.

WTH ?? Thats soooooo freaking creepy !!!!!!! :o :o but it showed how the mother loved her babe so much !

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

It last happened to me in the front yard of my close friends' dilapidated ca. 1852 Victorian house. It has cedar shingles that were once painted a seafoam green, but now the house looks like a giant lichen-spotted piece of rotten limestone. The shutters hang at odd angles, and the yard is menaced by two monstrous old catalpa trees. It's dark there at high noon! Locals call it the "Addams Family" house. If you know where to look, you can still see the old Indian path that ran through the yard many centuries ago. The house has been in my friends' family for five generations now, and many of their family were born or died there, the last passing a mere 10 years ago.

I was detecting on a chilly, dismally drizzly afternoon under the dark catalpas. I was the only one there - my friends were on vacation and I was watching the house. I heard someone whisper my name in my ear, rather playfully. I turned around quickly, but no-one was there. Then I realized that I still had my headphones on. Now, I don't scare easily, so I just shrugged and wrote it off to a strange beep from my machine (I dug it, too). After that though, I kept seeing movements in the 2nd floor bedroom window - my late friend's room. It was creepy!! After a few minutes of this, I turned off my machine and searched the house. It was empty except for myself and the elderly cat. Someone actually being in there wouldn't have disturbed me nearly so much.

I've been creeped out in that house a few times since then. It's the only house that's ever had that effect on me. I'm not afraid, exactly, but I do know something strange is going on there. It comes on very suddenly - the lights don't illuminate the rooms, it's like the shadows... thicken... and overwhelm the lights. It's very unsettling.

Even finding a pipe bomb in an empty house didn't scare me nearly as much.

Frank B.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

My grandmother passed away in 1985 when I was six years old. Her death was very hard on my mother, who was close to her. The grief that my mother had was so bad that she became severely depressed, to the point she actually started losing her hair. One night a few months after my grandmother passed, my mother had a dream. In the dream, she was sitting in her chair in the living room, and my grandmother was sitting on the sofa. My grandmother looked young; how she looked when my mother was a child. She told my mother that she was very happy and not to worry about her anymore. My mother said it was a dream, but did seem very real, too. After that, my mother was fine. I don't remember when this happened; my mother probably didn't mention to me at the time, being as young as I was. She only told me this when I was a teenager.

Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?

Whoa!!! That's a wild story :)

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