Re: Anyone ever been spooked while huntin' ?? Or any other time ?
Beep Goes On: First I wish to send to you my condolescenes on the passing of your sister and your wife. Your story gave me chills, of the details you described that others as well as you experienced.
I had made a comment on Livetoplay's post about his day with his dad hunting an old 1899 Victorian home and noticed things in the pictures that, TO ME, seemed out of place. Anyways...JBot asked to see my pic, so I did this thread:,46729.0.html
This is a photo I had captured of "GEORGE".
Well, I will just copy my #8 post of an experience we recently experienced (well, my little sister had)...
My mother died upstairs in my house back in March. We had the Father come over to give her ... her last rites....I do have this on video as well, as I had two siblings who were not here and incase they wanted to see her last rites being given.....but sooner than the Father said "And Unto you Lord, I lift up my soul..."....Mom made this "ARRGH" sound and her tummy sunk in, her chest rose and then she relaxed. She did not move or make a sound before or after.
Then at 11:12 am on 23 March 2006, as I looked at the clock as Mom took her last breath....just before she took her last breath, my baby sister was laying next to Mom (more leaning on the bed) and all of a sudden she goes nuts (or whatever you want to call it). She was rubbing up and down her body, saying "OMG OMG OMG" and started crying. "I feel you Mom" "OMG OMG" "I can feel Mom". Actually, these two events really freaked me out. My sister, later, after getting her composure back said she could feel Mom coming through her. She felt so peaceful. You also have to understand my baby sis too...she has dreams that come true. I told her NEVER CALL me if she dreams about me!!!!
Back to "George". My father passed in Meriden, CT the day after Thanksgiving, 1998. His wife called us to inform us of his passing. My siblings and I went to his funeral. Mind you now....I have not seen my father in 25 years (his choice...guess when he and Mom divorced, he divorced us too...anyways). But, he was my father and I needed some closure (which I don't feel I really received), so myself and 3 of my siblings (one refused to go)...went to his funeral.
Upon returning home, stranges noises and such started happening in my home. I was living in my townhouse at the time. I bought it back in 1991 and never had any experiences in this home until I returned from my father's funeral. The one thing that really freaked me hubby and I were out for the evening. When we got home, the kids were put to bed and hubby laid on the couch watching some tv. I was on the computer, which faced the living room and the kitchen was behind me. Sitting there, the kitchen faucet comes on...not a trickle...full force. I sat for a second or two, frozen, afraid to turn around. I called out to hubby as to his location. He pops up his head up over the couch....ok? Now...who's in the kitchen

Hubby goes in there and turns off the this day...we don't know who turned it on.
Well, a few months later, March 1999, we moved into our current home. From the beginning, we have heard strange noises. Not knowning the house, could not say what the noise was. I just assumed house settling.
Well, the boys were napping on the living room couch and I was in the computer room. Where I was sitting, was an opening into the kitchen. Not an item was out of place and I hear what sounded like a someone dropped a cookie sheet on the kitchen floor. I sit for a sec before gathering courage to get up and look. Peek in the kitchen, nothing was on the floor. So I walk around, go into the living room and the kids sleeping or so I thought. I went back to the computer room and my oldest son (then aged 5) comes to me and asked if I heard that noise. So, I know I heard something.
Not too long after the computer room, the boys and I were playing with the microphone, talking into it and I would play it back (they loved that...they thought it so cool that their voice was in the computer!!! LOL) youngest (then aged 3), heads back to the living room. No sooner than he turned around to go back in the living room, he runs back to me. And anyone who has kids, you know when your child is scared!!! The look in his eyes....he says, "Mommy, someone walked into the dining room." (From the front door is a straight walk into the dining room which leads into the kitchen and into the computer room, but you can also get to the computer room from the hall that leads into the dining room from the front door...). I get up and peek in the kitchen and see noone, walk around the other way and noone. I always lock my doors, even in the daylight, esp when I am home with my kids. (We did not have a locking screen door at the time, we do now

). Anyways, I asked him what did the man look like. He said he didn't know. Asked him what he was wearing and he said nothing. He has seen him a few times since, but not as much now as he did when he was younger. Both my boys have seen what are referred to as "Shadow People" and I have seen it a few times (the shadows)....
We hear footsteps, like someone walking across the floor upstairs. All wood floors and no one is upstairs. We have had one light that turned on and off by itself and no one was near it.
We were going to have our house investigated by a team in VA (the same ones who did the doll...they were on Montel Williams one time...this doll was owned by a family in Chesapeake and the same team who did the home that was visited by a Civil War Soldier)...anyways, it didn't happen ... as I accepted a job that I travelled alot in and did that for four years, gave it up last year when Mom got sick. Anyways, so many "unexplained" things.
As for "George"....a part of me believes it may be my father and maybe he is with me, making sure I am ok, trying to make up for lost time. Also, when I was younger and lost my Nani in 1982 (she also died the day after Thanksgiving)....when I was troubled, I would always get this smell of her old apt bldg. She lived in NYC and the bldg she lived in had this smell to it. A good one and one that everytime I went into the bldg, I had a strong feeling of security, like I was safe. I have not had that smell in some time, so I guess things in my life are good

....but sure wish she would visit me again
So, can I say I have had encounters from beyond? I don't have an answer for that, but in many ways, I would like to believe I did. I would like to believe that they are watching after me. Also, not soon after Mom passed away, I would get the smell of Gardenias (her fav flower)...guess she was letting me know she made it ok. There are other things too....but too many to really list...these are just the main ones.
Anyways.....the majority of us, at some point in our lives, will experience something that we just can not explain, whether you believe or not. I just hope they are good experiences for you all!!!