Ancient ?

Verse from Van Morrison's song : Listen to the Lion

" And all my Tears have Gold "

Know what that means ?

Easy answer is : Even Sadness has it's Beauty .

Emotional Forging , creation of Empathy for others pain , you meld it man , get it ?

it ain't the Gold , it ain't the Body , it ain't the meaning that you ascribe to your being here living a so called Life .

It's the " Nature of Life "

and that is Soul Deep man .

Meaning ?

yeah , meaning escapes many , lot's of company for that on this Rock of a Planet .

Value is what I'm saying Man .

Souls Sold for Gold .

Controllers ?

yepper .

you'll get it soon , you're watching your Rome Fall , when the Fiddle is broken out , duck Man .
for it's over then .

~~~ The Phoney Faces ~~~

And so, everyday,
some act of hate hits another street
and some story about corruption complete

The free World is fading into a Nub
while the people are trapped in a comfort Rub

strokes come from an ad on their phone
and boxed in it, they find, they're so alone

In the Pursuit of Loneliness
they discover, , the life they wished for
they've missed, , ,

boxed in Apartments like
rats in a Cage, ,
all they see and all they feel
is constant internal Rage, ,

Flat screen on the Wall
brings them alter reality
in their hand
another device
to enforce this delusion
that they're still free

Nothing is real, nothing is true
we've lost our desire too,
lost to insanity, , ,
we've lost the Feel, ,
and meaning of Humanity, , ,

written in Finger paint by the child
a message: Mama can I give you a Hug
If mercy sweet, and kindness Mild, , ,
The child wouldn't have to ask, ,
Mama's drop the Phones and love that child, , ,

( Above verse spawned the penning of this song , witnessed a so called Mother absorbed in her Phone , while her sweet 3 year old Daughter
attempted to gain the Mother's attention and a Hug )

If there's really a Watcher in our Sky
he'd never send a Son for our Sins to Die, , ,

In Pursuit of Loneliness ~~~~

we seclude, avoid, and turn our face
afraid to be known as a member
of the Human Race, , ,

Blood on the hands of another
by extension, , , is yours my Brother, , ,

we're all in this as One
we can't expect to get free
while from our guilt we Run, , ,

Fractal is the Nature of Man
all we do, belongs to each
something you must
come to understand
Love is the Value
we have a need to Teach ~~~~

Children Playing Crazy Digital
video game, , ,
never learn love and kindness
barely know anyone's name

friends, but none next door
everyone's trapped in a device
with a game, trying to score, ,

" Shiny Object " ad's
suck in the Parents mind
everything they wish for
is advertised
right on line

pretty soon
every thing we say
will be a Button tap
we won't recognize a friend
with a slap on the back, , ,

all human contact
will be done by keys
on a phone ~~~~~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~

I penned the song as a Social Comment .

I had no idea it would be voted #1 Song on our Poets Page for the Month , I thought I was just telling like it is .
The Reviews , revealed that I'm not alone with my feelings and observations of our society .

The witnessed incident where a Mother Ignored and admonished her child for a " Gawking " into her Phone ,
was disgusting and disturbed me enough to pen this right on the spot within seconds .

Funny how an adverse emotional effect can at times , bring out the Sociologist in us .


View attachment 1777105

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Quote Sdcfia : " Geez, Dog, why are you hiding those things near the ram? All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. There's lots of good stuff there at Mine 5. "

Dog won't say it , but he's trying to respect another individuals " Rights ? " to certain stuff .

DTTH , post freely Man ,

" All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. "

True and Not True ,

in that is not all ya need do , follow the Ram Sight .

One of the Major Deposits " WAS " beyond the Ram and on the slope behind it .

True , if a Person went with the Ram's Stare , went up and around behind the Mine , That Person may find the small Heart with arrow and the Bluff Wall
where the deposit is located ( still intact , NOT recovered as yet , was just there two days ago )

Besides the already recovered Vaults , ( see my pics other thread , of the opened Vaults )
There are Several around and beyond the Ram as you head further up Canyon .

The Ram is staring almost directly at a Tomb as well .

Symbol with reclining Man inside Sarcophagus , same as found in Organ Mountains , Knights Templar ?

well if the Tomb in the Organs with the same symbol is indicator , then I'd say straight up yes .

In your picture Steve , look below the Rams head at the other smaller Flat Faced Boulder ,
if you'll zoom in on that, you may be able to spot the Knights Templar Shield Carved on the face of the Boulder .

" Ya mean , Oak Island was a Red Herring ? "

Gotta keep Disney busy for stealing intellectual property , Hee Heh ( Like a Sneak , I stood solid every where , Like a Rock <---<<< Bob Seger )

BeepersPuppy, If your rancher friend needs someone to dig a water hole for his Oxen, id be more than willing to help.


He's an awesome Dude , he'd love the help , I still have to confer with the other Rancher as yet . Because he's very interested in Treasure Tales .

let ya know what those two old " Hard Tack " crunchers say.

ok , quoting me here :" " All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. "

True and Not True ,

in that is not all ya need do , follow the Ram Sight .

One of the Major Deposits " WAS " beyond the Ram and on the slope behind it .

True , if a Person went with the Ram's Stare , went up and around behind the Mine , That Person may find the small Heart with arrow and the Bluff Wall
where the deposit is located ( still intact , NOT recovered as yet , was just there two days ago )

Besides the already recovered Vaults , ( see my pics other thread , of the opened Vaults )
There are Several around and beyond the Ram as you head further up Canyon .

The Ram is staring almost directly at a Tomb as well . " End quote of my Hippie Self .

two photos to post on that

Here is the empty Vault that the Ram is staring directly at .

next will be the tiny heart and arrow .

This Pit that held Silver Bars is directly behind a Pyramid Shaped Red Stone Marker .

Now Empty ?
gee , that's Tuff .

View attachment 1777134

This is Directly behind what Steve refers to as Mine #5

Quote my Hippie Self from years ago : " The smaller the signs and markers , the closer you are to the Treasure , when you find the Tiny Mark ,
you're Home Skillet "

The Tiny Heart with Arrow pointing directly at the Vault at the Bluff , the Vault has not been excavated , still intact , Gold or Silver ?

No , I will not guide nor make any attempt to help recover this Vault .
Sorry , but I'm NOT sorry .

My Treasure is Music , thank you .

For a Fact , this Heart&Arrow is the last sign on the way to the Vault , it is there and sealed as yet .

( Back off History Channel )

View attachment 1777135

The Song is Titled : ~~~~ Dusted ~~~~

Penned somewhere out there , while I was not all that " Out There "

~~~~ Dusted ~~~~

Seems the Wind could have carried me
or some Lancelot to come along, , ,
and rescue me,
Seems like a a great while
since I've felt a smile

Seems a lot of things are gone
Nowadays all I know
seems so very wrong

Yes I know, , maybe it's all just been a Case
of Life staring us in the Face
and we manage
somehow on our own
kinda like the struggle
when I write this song

I'm not one who's all that Wise
Still watching this World through
a Child's Eyes
So answers don't come to me
all that easily, ,
but Lord knows, , I'll always try, ,

Friends all said, ,
" Chin up, , just do what comes
to your Head "

well that works for them I guess
But you see,
unlike mine
their life is not a mess.

Something simple I'd like to be
a little less complicated
a whole lot more free
to just be, , ,

But that's not gonna happen
for a Man like me,

You see, I've lost all sense
of reality

I'm Dusted, and Pieces
have flown, ,

Dusted, ,
and feel so alone

Dusted, and I know, ,

once a Man is Dusted
He has nothing left
to call his own ~~~~~ End

Out There , as this site is . ( see pic )

View attachment 1777145

Penned during a Lovers Crises ,
She read through it

fell into me ,

I whispered to her : " Welcome Home "

~~~ Faith in Us ~~~

Is there Nothing,
That I can do or say, ,
to help you,
chase these
damned blues away

and Darling
can we just sit here
maybe just a little while, ,
or at least until, ,
to you, , ,
I can bring back a smile

Yes I know
The Tragedy just seems to grow
and at times, the thought of the Loss
just will not leave you alone, ,
and yes I know
That Sometimes, ,
we just can't seem to let it go
But Child, we can't spend our life
in Moments of Pain from what
we just could not Stop or defend, ,

There's an Angel, , looking over you
and Honey, , She's Fighting hard
to turn your skies Blue for you

In everything we are to one another
in all the love we've to share
and with all this Darkness surrounding
us, , , can you put a little trust in this Brother

I said I love you, with these words
Must there be more
Must I pour my heart out on the Floor

Can't you see the Pain in me
when you're sadness flows out
sinking me like a dark storm at Sea, ,
can you hear the inflection
or are you apt to filter my
heart with Cynical Rejection, , ,

Your dark Cloud swallows
and in Time,
it takes me down
right along with you, , ,

is there nothing Child
I can say or do, ,
to convince you, , ,

I love You
and that's all we need to believe
when you doubt my Soul's reveal

Gives me the feeling
you'd rather I just leave
is this Child, what you'd
want for me to feel, ,

and so, ,
Yes I know, we've always
tried to move into this, ,
very slow, ,

The time has long ago come
where we can trust,
If by now I haven't vetted
what I feel for you, ,
then nothing left to do, ,
but for me to go, , , ,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Tag line " Faith and Trust " ~~~~~~~

~~ End ~~~

View attachment 1777146

Quote Sdcfia : " Geez, Dog, why are you hiding those things near the ram? All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. There's lots of good stuff there at Mine 5. "

Dog won't say it , but he's trying to respect another individuals " Rights ? " to certain stuff .

DTTH , post freely Man ,

" All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. "

True and Not True ,

in that is not all ya need do , follow the Ram Sight .

One of the Major Deposits " WAS " beyond the Ram and on the slope behind it .

True , if a Person went with the Ram's Stare , went up and around behind the Mine , That Person may find the small Heart with arrow and the Bluff Wall
where the deposit is located ( still intact , NOT recovered as yet , was just there two days ago )

Besides the already recovered Vaults , ( see my pics other thread , of the opened Vaults )
There are Several around and beyond the Ram as you head further up Canyon .

The Ram is staring almost directly at a Tomb as well .

Symbol with reclining Man inside Sarcophagus , same as found in Organ Mountains , Knights Templar ?

well if the Tomb in the Organs with the same symbol is indicator , then I'd say straight up yes .

In your picture Steve , look below the Rams head at the other smaller Flat Faced Boulder ,
if you'll zoom in on that, you may be able to spot the Knights Templar Shield Carved on the face of the Boulder .

" Ya mean , Oak Island was a Red Herring ? "

Gotta keep Disney busy for stealing intellectual property , Hee Heh ( Like a Sneak , I stood solid every where , Like a Rock <---<<< Bob Seger )

Hi Beepers. Iam not gonna say to much about that spot. Iam glad that cat was friendly. I will say this, i dont know what happened to me out there, but when i got back it was like i was stuck in a trance. It was like all i could do was just sit there looking at the wall. Just sitting there looking. Really cant remember any thoughts going thru my head, other than, whats going on, why am i just sitting here looking at the wall. It took a couple of hours to come back to normal, what ever normal is.

Here is a video i like. I never even thought about the the ram, bull, lion with time frame. Orion? Oh yes. 2242019 001.webp

Lokk at Glyph as though you are above the Object that it Portrays .

Note the little Man is running away from the ring of circles .

That ring of circles is actually the ring of lights around the Belt of a Flying Craft as I've seen it on the Ground
just a little ways from this Glyph .

Folks , the " Controlling Faction " of Ancient Sites .


I do not call these Craft that .

fact , this Glyph does indeed represent a sighting of a UFO .

Unknown when this Glyph was created , known to me is what it represents .

The lights around the beltline of the Craft rotate off and on .

Do the Occupants actually have control over the repositories ?

More than even the U.S. Gov.'t wished to believe .

View attachment 1776989

Here is something to tell. Beepers was telling me about a Craft he had a visit from. Well when i got home, and was looking on Facebook, there where all these people on there from the area asking abut the strange lights that where in the sky over the area. :dontknow:

Ill tell about something i found hiking out here. It was a lion Sphix, carved out of a solid rock laying on a nice flat base. Along its rib cage are some type of symbols carved in it. Whats strange they have it set on a angle. Its about 4 feet by 4 feet. It sets at the base of a giant Lion.:dontknow:

BeepersPuppy; follow the Ram /QUOTE said:
I once pimped for a suffolk ram named Bergie. This reminds me of him. Someone's been scratching his head.


Hi Dog
quote ya :

" Hi Beepers. Iam not gonna say to much about that spot. Iam glad that cat was friendly. I will say this, i dont know what happened to me out there, but when i got back it was like i was stuck in a trance. It was like all i could do was just sit there looking at the wall. Just sitting there looking. Really cant remember any thoughts going thru my head, other than, whats going on, why am i just sitting here looking at the wall. It took a couple of hours to come back to normal, what ever normal is. "

~~~ End Quote ~~~

Information Overload perhaps ? lol

I can believe that , a visit to a site , with a person who has the Keys , explains the site , Yeah , the effects .

Absorbing the info , when all it was to us prior , was some what just a Story , and then " Making Sense " didactic while on site
is shared ,

Yes , I know the effects well ,

we can say , you had it easy compared LOL
I had to ride on a UFO several times with the People who explained it all to me . That can really leave ya in a Trance LOL .

Funny thing , there are other people seeking the answers , they feel a Mystery has been with held from them , and they want
to find the answers .

Yet, the Venue is Mysterious and Cloaked , they believe in that .

Bring up UFO's to them as an answer , and suddenly their Minds close up tight .

Conditioned to " Scoff " at UFO's ?

Yes , done through the Public School system when they were children .

If they reflect back to their school days , they can easily ascertain the truth of their Brainwashing , if their Mind is open
and Deductive skills are applied .

But for a Fact , People are Fragile Psychologically , They despise being Manipulated , they fight hard to protect their Id's .

In this Venue , Mystery , Psy-Ops , it is unrealistic to approach it with a Closed , self defensive , mind set .

A Person is entering the Environs of a Higher Mental awareness .

Yeah , I agree , it's over whelming . Over Load effects are just a part of the processing we face .

I myself didn't have a Chance at internalizing the info as an Adult .

I took that first ride at 4 years of age . before I entered Public School and Brainwashed .

As the Teachers attempted to get us kids ( 2nd Grade ) to scoff at Saucers , I fought back with Fact I lived , sent to the office for telling the Truth ,
I saw the Fallacy of supposed authority .

Question and you are Punished ?

Obey , meet the Controlled Standard , or WACK on the Back Jack ?

Right ?

gotta a list of the Established Order Entities that were very much involved in attempts to steal these artifacts .

1. Vatican

I fill in the list at some point . not now .

A big thank you, to you mdog and treasminder2 for that info. these photos are a a attempt to pay you guys back for that info., thanks a million , heres two of the green stones in situ. View attachment 1122591thats in the space above the step to get you up to the large up right stone. i sure would love to see the glow at night.

and this from Mdog : " Hey Dog,

Can you tell us how big that stone is and what shape it is?
Roger Snow wrote about green stones that glowed in the moonlight and were part of Tanit monuments. " ~~~ End Quote ~~~

Yeah I did mention those Tanit Monuments with a Round green stone for a Head on top of the Conical Base .

if you remind me , or prod me to , I'll write out the story about those , they did glow in direct Moon light , but there's another Lighting Effect that
I witness with them .

LIke Ley Lines ?
How about Beams of Light shooting from one Tanit to the next , each set atop Ridges and Promontory points on ridges and Peaks ?

Laser Like Beams crossing over several canyons from about a dozen Tanits in the Range . ( Organ Mountains N.M. )

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When I figured out who the caller was, I realized he has a YouTube channel I followed a year or two ago - on a subject totally unrelated to treasure hunting, drones and such. He wasn't interested in me, but called to ask for information about something he thought might help him. I said sure and good luck. You guys seem a little paranoid down in Luna County.

Rattlesnake Canyon in the Cookes Range would be a great place to explore with a drone. Never know what you'll find there. Big bird's been seen at the top of the ridge alittle SW of the top.

View attachment 1774453
Looking west up canyon

Humm, I wonder if Rattlesnake canyon is the canyon where a giant shadow snake comes down from Cookes Peak and got one of the mounds at the base in its mouth.?

Quote Sdcfia : " Geez, Dog, why are you hiding those things near the ram? All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. There's lots of good stuff there at Mine 5. "

Dog won't say it , but he's trying to respect another individuals " Rights ? " to certain stuff .

DTTH , post freely Man ,

" All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. "

True and Not True ,

in that is not all ya need do , follow the Ram Sight .

One of the Major Deposits " WAS " beyond the Ram and on the slope behind it .

True , if a Person went with the Ram's Stare , went up and around behind the Mine , That Person may find the small Heart with arrow and the Bluff Wall
where the deposit is located ( still intact , NOT recovered as yet , was just there two days ago )

Besides the already recovered Vaults , ( see my pics other thread , of the opened Vaults )
There are Several around and beyond the Ram as you head further up Canyon .

The Ram is staring almost directly at a Tomb as well .

Symbol with reclining Man inside Sarcophagus , same as found in Organ Mountains , Knights Templar ?

well if the Tomb in the Organs with the same symbol is indicator , then I'd say straight up yes .

In your picture Steve , look below the Rams head at the other smaller Flat Faced Boulder ,
if you'll zoom in on that, you may be able to spot the Knights Templar Shield Carved on the face of the Boulder .

" Ya mean , Oak Island was a Red Herring ? "

Gotta keep Disney busy for stealing intellectual property , Hee Heh ( Like a Sneak , I stood solid every where , Like a Rock <---<<< Bob Seger )

Ram heads, Templar shields, could it be?682019 136.webp

Hi Dog
quote ya :

" Hi Beepers. Iam not gonna say to much about that spot. Iam glad that cat was friendly. I will say this, i dont know what happened to me out there, but when i got back it was like i was stuck in a trance. It was like all i could do was just sit there looking at the wall. Just sitting there looking. Really cant remember any thoughts going thru my head, other than, whats going on, why am i just sitting here looking at the wall. It took a couple of hours to come back to normal, what ever normal is. "

~~~ End Quote ~~~

Information Overload perhaps ? lol

I can believe that , a visit to a site , with a person who has the Keys , explains the site , Yeah , the effects .

Absorbing the info , when all it was to us prior , was some what just a Story , and then " Making Sense " didactic while on site
is shared ,

Yes , I know the effects well ,

we can say , you had it easy compared LOL
I had to ride on a UFO several times with the People who explained it all to me . That can really leave ya in a Trance LOL .

Funny thing , there are other people seeking the answers , they feel a Mystery has been with held from them , and they want
to find the answers .

Yet, the Venue is Mysterious and Cloaked , they believe in that .

Bring up UFO's to them as an answer , and suddenly their Minds close up tight .

Conditioned to " Scoff " at UFO's ?

Yes , done through the Public School system when they were children .

If they reflect back to their school days , they can easily ascertain the truth of their Brainwashing , if their Mind is open
and Deductive skills are applied .

But for a Fact , People are Fragile Psychologically , They despise being Manipulated , they fight hard to protect their Id's .

In this Venue , Mystery , Psy-Ops , it is unrealistic to approach it with a Closed , self defensive , mind set .

A Person is entering the Environs of a Higher Mental awareness .

Yeah , I agree , it's over whelming . Over Load effects are just a part of the processing we face .

I myself didn't have a Chance at internalizing the info as an Adult .

I took that first ride at 4 years of age . before I entered Public School and Brainwashed .

As the Teachers attempted to get us kids ( 2nd Grade ) to scoff at Saucers , I fought back with Fact I lived , sent to the office for telling the Truth ,
I saw the Fallacy of supposed authority .

Question and you are Punished ?

Obey , meet the Controlled Standard , or WACK on the Back Jack ?

Right ?

gotta a list of the Established Order Entities that were very much involved in attempts to steal these artifacts .

1. Vatican

I fill in the list at some point . not now .

Yes, I had another person that has a lot of knowledge that use to post on here told me information overload.

If you look at this viedo at 1357, you will see what the 4ftX4ft lion looks like. It even has the flat base that is made from the the same stone,all one piece. I wonder now after watching the viedo at 1448, if the angle that they have it set at has something to do with what he is talking about at 1448.:dontknow:

Gee, found the fan of the Delta, the Red Sea, the Sphinx. Whats going on out here?:dontknow:

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