Ancient ?

and the Rabbits just keep Multiplying , do they not ?

Gotta feeling , that I'm going to be revealing a lot more of those Rabbit Holes soon .

View attachment 1776967

Unknown stuff , but interested me so I got on it with a few research clicks on Google

K.O.P. Sword and Scabbard

Kinda Markings like ya see out there in the Research area of Cookes Range ?

View attachment 1776968

Ha !
Man , the Gizmo's these " Lodge " people , feel they must wear , just to feel special .

a Knights of Pythias Pendant

ain't my style , I like Beads and Hemp . Hippie's are like that ya know .

View attachment 1776970

Ok , I think it was Sdcfia that posted a Masonic + Noss connection and Cemetery stuff .

Have a Knights of Pythias Cemetery to ponder .

click link

Las Animas County, Colorado Knights of Pythias Cemetery

The opposing Factions ?

Connected to Treasure sites ?

I'll post a photo of the " Controlling Faction " as well .
in a bit , I was saving it for the first of the year , but time is getting short much faster , so next post , a Glyph
of the " Controlling Faction "

Lokk at Glyph as though you are above the Object that it Portrays .

Note the little Man is running away from the ring of circles .

That ring of circles is actually the ring of lights around the Belt of a Flying Craft as I've seen it on the Ground
just a little ways from this Glyph .

Folks , the " Controlling Faction " of Ancient Sites .


I do not call these Craft that .

fact , this Glyph does indeed represent a sighting of a UFO .

Unknown when this Glyph was created , known to me is what it represents .

The lights around the beltline of the Craft rotate off and on .

Do the Occupants actually have control over the repositories ?

More than even the U.S. Gov.'t wished to believe .

View attachment 1776989

The fact that I can come to guy in a federal job position (which was army corps) and ask him out of curiosity, who did the survey markers, signs , etc in a certain area (since many were right on alignments and treasure markers) , without knowing anything about the surveying done, and him telling me about all the messed up surveying there which was contracted out many years ago), kinda tells me I'm not crazy about this stuff being done right at the so called treasure sites. There's a connection, it's not just coincidence. At least I'll never throw it out. It's one coincidence of dozens. At what point does coincidence become "not a coincidence"?

Yea, from what i have seen out here, iam just the Johnny come lately. It sure seems to me that there have been some great treasure hunters out here. Old school,solid knowledge.

It's an important topic, and two ways of looking at it. First, the government survey markers are the basis for the country's legal land division system and everything associated with it, including the USGS topo maps and the Government Land Office plats. The section corners and quarter corners are on a grid, and the benchmarks are at various random locations and are used to help create the topo maps. All government land transferred to private owners, including patented mining claims, are marked with brass caps. The locations of all these monuments are easy to find, as they appear on the quad maps and various surveying data sources.

The KGC guys realize that these monuments are long-lived (brass caps and other permanent markers very securely anchored in the ground) and can be easily relocated if removed or destroyed. It's a large set of "permanent treasure markers" for them. The brass cap description ("T15S, R14W, S11", or a certain mapping benchmark, like "Pino BM", or a certain Mineral Survey corner, like "Corner 3 of the Aztec Load", as examples) can be used to describe a location anywhere on the ground. Tree blazes, carved stones, rock monuments, etc can all disappear, but brass caps (or their locations if removed) are permanent. The KGC crowd feels that surveyors (government and otherwise) were important members of the group. It's my opinion that if the alleged KGC caches exist, they can be easily located by use of surveyed coordinates.

Most people can learn how to use those brass,zinc when they find them,if there interested in them. But i dont think there is no where near as many people the can read the stones,trees,sun and shadow signs accurately. There sure seems to be a very good and successful Sentinel propaganda campaign. Makes no need for any watchers at sites.

KGC? Some of you folks are finally starting to get the picture. As the Canadian sang, "There's more to the picture than meets the eye", so keep thinking. The "organization" is now called the Deep State. But it's always been a deep state in the US, just with changing incarnations as the culture demands. It's always been about crafting a narrative and propagandizing the needed citizenry. One of humans' vulnerabilities is that they can be so easily manipulated. To paraphrase a truly woke individual, they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Now, the treasures. It's all about the gold, which is a stable controlling asset. Since the US economic ponzi scheme began in 1913, the smart guys here have been stacking up gold in secure places for the inevitable system failure of fiat currency. The traitor FDR tried to stop the stacking in 1933, thus the birth of many of the "hidden gold legends" and the creation of all the "signs" that lead to them. The carvings, coded messages, sacred geometry, maps, templates, books, experts, kooks, et al, are nothing more than a layer of security used to assure that clever citizen snoops in the hot zones will only be chasing their tails. IMO, the goods are there and they are secure for their owners, whomever they may be.

Conspiracy theorists are one thing (our ruling Deep State has likely been the greatest spewers of crazy talk than all others combined), but the trick is to become a conspiracy analyst. Try to figure out why the power people want you to believe their narratives. Same goes for the garden variety citizen theorists, whose claims occasionally seem to be on target, IMO.

The real treasures within your reach are knowledge, awareness and information. Unfortunately, everything we've been taught is likely disinformation, which is necessary for crowd control, so you're largely on your own. In the meantime, foster your own curiosity and keep searching for those treasure vaults. If nothing else, it's fun and good exercise for mind and body. If it's all a fantasy game for you, no trouble, have a blast. If you're a true believer, go for it. Just don't intentionally f### with others' lives for your own amusement. The journey often overrides the destination. Of course, with all of this, I could be wrong.

Interesting theory yer speculating on there, Steve.

Jest out of curiosity, who first established Gold as currency? It goes back a lot farther than the Gold Standard most attribute it to.

And who are the "Power People" you are referring to? Who's Narrative? How do ye know those Power People ain't part of a Narrative themselves?

Gold Standard History and Facts

How a 1944 Agreement Created a New World Order

Nixon Doctrine

And the BIG question......Why would they keep it Here? :icon_scratch:

If anyone see's the Colonel,tell him i know where he left his glasses. Thanks. 2242019 005.webp

BeepersPuppy, If your rancher friend needs someone to dig a water hole for his Oxen, id be more than willing to help.

Interesting theory yer speculating on there, Steve.

1. Jest out of curiosity, who first established Gold as currency? It goes back a lot farther than the Gold Standard most attribute it to.

2. And who are the "Power People" you are referring to?

3. Who's Narrative?

4.How do ye know those Power People ain't part of a Narrative themselves?

5. And the BIG question......Why would they keep it Here? :icon_scratch:

1. I guess gold has been continuously used as a measure of wealth and a medium of exchange for as far back as we have records - what, about 6,000 years or so in the current timeline? People have always coveted it.

2. The ones who control the resources and appoint the folks to rule the people. Used to be kings, now it's bankers.

3. Same as 2., for all intents and purposes.

4. I don't.

5. Why not?

If anyone see's the Colonel,tell him i know where he left his glasses. Thanks.View attachment 1777034

Geez, Dog, why are you hiding those things near the ram? All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. There's lots of good stuff there at Mine 5.



Geez, Dog, why are you hiding those things near the ram? All you need to do is follow the direction he's looking. There's lots of good stuff there at Mine 5.

View attachment 1777041

View attachment 1777042

Thanks sdcfia for posting the photos and words. Iam just playing my own game. Keep the words and photos going, iam enjoying it all from everyone.

I like this one. He's pointing Native style....with his lips. :laughing7:


Mimbres Man headpiece with a gold symbol for an eye. And a second ram to emphasize the point. Can't get much better than that.

Quoting Ol'Kentuck

" How do ye know those Power People ain't part of a Narrative themselves? "

Answer is , they are indeed , as I stated , " Controlling Faction " cruises , time travels , with those craft , and this stuff secreted out there
is certainly controlled by those Entities aboard the Craft that have been seen around the repositories for Eons .

I'm not making it up , they do indeed create the rules for the Fools .

I have a Testimony from another person that I thought had some awesome answers ( Facts ) that I can post here ,
maybe will
But my next post is to be on topic of this forum .

Signs and Markers coming up .

Sign ?
Marker ?

It's Nature actually , and a sign that a deep cavern exist at this site.

The warm air inside a deep shaft exits out and mixes with the colder air outside

resulting in symbol that's easy to see for the trained eye .

Cookes Peak this Morning , dead center of Photo , creating it's own Cloud funnel .

The Flue ( air vent ) of a very deep and long Cavern , is creating this cloud and we can by this sign , find the entrance to the Cavern .

It was this tool , that gave us location and entrances to many an Ancient Mine .

The Cloud will dissipate as it extends further from the vent .

so watch for these clouds at this time of year , outside temp is colder then inside temp of the shaft .

You Like ?

Just a fat beach ball of knowledge aren't I ? LOL

you're welcome .

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