KGC? Some of you folks are finally starting to get the picture. As the Canadian sang, "There's more to the picture than meets the eye", so keep thinking. The "organization" is now called the Deep State. But it's always been a deep state in the US, just with changing incarnations as the culture demands. It's always been about crafting a narrative and propagandizing the needed citizenry. One of humans' vulnerabilities is that they can be so easily manipulated. To paraphrase a truly woke individual, they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
Now, the treasures. It's all about the gold, which is a stable controlling asset. Since the US economic ponzi scheme began in 1913, the smart guys here have been stacking up gold in secure places for the inevitable system failure of fiat currency. The traitor FDR tried to stop the stacking in 1933, thus the birth of many of the "hidden gold legends" and the creation of all the "signs" that lead to them. The carvings, coded messages, sacred geometry, maps, templates, books, experts, kooks, et al, are nothing more than a layer of security used to assure that clever citizen snoops in the hot zones will only be chasing their tails. IMO, the goods are there and they are secure for their owners, whomever they may be.
Conspiracy theorists are one thing (our ruling Deep State has likely been the greatest spewers of crazy talk than all others combined), but the trick is to become a conspiracy analyst. Try to figure out why the power people want you to believe their narratives. Same goes for the garden variety citizen theorists, whose claims occasionally seem to be on target, IMO.
The real treasures within your reach are knowledge, awareness and information. Unfortunately, everything we've been taught is likely disinformation, which is necessary for crowd control, so you're largely on your own. In the meantime, foster your own curiosity and keep searching for those treasure vaults. If nothing else, it's fun and good exercise for mind and body. If it's all a fantasy game for you, no trouble, have a blast. If you're a true believer, go for it. Just don't intentionally f### with others' lives for your own amusement. The journey often overrides the destination. Of course, with all of this, I could be wrong.