Ancient ?

Here is something strange. A couple of weeks ago on facebook, there had been a lot of people wanting to know what all the explosions are that have been happening in the area. I had heard them about 5 years ago. They where happening along the boarder, moving east to west about 10 second intervals. I thought maybe a jet going in and out of the sonic boom range. Dont know.:dontknow:. Strange stuff going on in the area. Well strange to me,maybe not others.

Quote : " Ram heads, Templar shields, could it be? "

Last week , at the Flea Market , a couple Old Locals asked me if I'd seen those Glyphs .

Funny , now you post the pic of them , Find a story about an Irishman that led Spanish Military action into that area to hunt down
and Murder Apache's .

Time of 1700's ,
They would use that Gap to come and go from Mexico up to N. New Mexico on extermination campaigns .

same with NP's Map

see pic

The map is not showing various squads taking Treasure up here ,

Those are Garrisons sent out to wipe out Apaces and El Chato , as well as recover treasure .

Further, Alcaldes ? Tipped Maximillian to the Repositories up here ( first time the Alcaldes who had the Maps , had a Leader they could trust in almost 200 years .

so on the Map are 2 dates , right ?

1646 was aimed at the Roving Native / Spaniard Bandit Group , 1861 was the French / Austrian Recovery attempt made during Max's Reign over Mexico .

Toooooo much info ? LOL

Confederate Gov.'t bought French weapons , right ?

connection ,

a Meeting held with Max and an excursion to recover was planned

Reb's come into the area , run the Union boys off , the Time slot for Max and Rebel attempt to recover was a short one .

The white stocked Muskets I found were of French Legionnaires from the time period ,

The relics and artifacts dated across centuries , Cultures and Oceans .

Victorio Peak

How and why would people drag heavy metal across all that sand out there ?

On Carts ?

Not gonna Happen , much better stash points without that stupid attempt .

But !

go back 9,500 ? years .

Water Table is Much Higher , Float the stuff on Barges by men who were Mariners ?

Straight up fact that .

Your Island Nation is going down ,what are you going to do with the Goodies ?

Go above the assumed Water Mark ?

Hemmi Basin Vic Peak ?

Pfft , of course .

I'd never believe it ,
and as I attempted to think out who placed it there , ( prior to entering the Cavern and contact with the Goodies )
Nothing about Atlantis and Solomon et al was believable to me .

Info over load experienced when I entered ?

I hope to shout ,

Note that the Map has Action coming from both north and south .
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The Irishman's name was O'Coner .

Onate' Time frame .

Seen any Olgam Glyphs in our area ?

Celtic Glyphs ?

Now we know why and who did it .

whew , My Brain !

how'd I store all that crap in it and not drop dead from Brain Strain .

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Here is something strange. A couple of weeks ago on facebook, there had been a lot of people wanting to know what all the explosions are that have been happening in the area. I had heard them about 5 years ago. They where happening along the boarder, moving east to west about 10 second intervals. I thought maybe a jet going in and out of the sonic boom range. Dont know.:dontknow:. Strange stuff going on in the area. Well strange to me,maybe not others.

Add in the Chem Trails They've been laying out for the past 3 days ( Look Up , see those streaks ? )

Yepper , Strange Stuff's

Hmmm. Wonder who wrote his script and where they got their storyline?

Interesting coincidence. :icon_scratch:



Coincidence ?

I think not . LOL

" Decades ago , as engaged in the adventure , resulting effects would surface , revealing The Nature of Mankind , and I'd find the " Real " evidence
of what Mankind was and is "

The unexpected , but slightly pondered , effects , was all this Hippie required as Proof , No God would send his Son to die for Mankind's Sin's "

I gained the answer of , not the meaning of Life in this Realm , but the " Nature "of Life here .

Always , from Birth on , there residing in the Shadows of Subconsciousness , was the Knowledge that I was not a Member of that Populace .

" Nature Of Man " was missing from the D.N.A. of My Soul .

I had come in , sought out , and found the Answer .

I was " NOT " impressed .

I was as well , very pleased to find that out , that regardless of the False Labels placed upon me , I was " Clean " of Guilt .

Time is a Human Construct , and as Nature evidences , has it's own self determined end point .

The Physical , is attracted to the Physical entrapment's it creates for it's self .

It has always amazed me , how Cheap a Race of living beings , will sell their Souls .

This is the only Known World that we are aware of , where the venue to evolve to a higher Consciousness/Being , Transverses .

and done so with Glee and Wilful Ignorance .

10 Billion Good Choices , only a single Bad Choice , and this World reaches for that One and Only Bad Choice at every Epoc of it's existence .

This is the Primal Cause of so called " Life " in this World , to be quarantined to this Plane .

and No one here Listens .

So be it we say .

Enjoy .

Above is Prelude Dialogue for script I thought to write and then dropped it .

King Solomon's Mines Movie is a remake of a Movie from I believe the late 50's early '60's time frame .

it was a stupid movie back then , and the remake is " Stupider " heh hee .

Got a Project you can play with DTTH .

Drill Hole , recall that one where the Rams Staring up the slope where the Hole is drilled in the Rock Face at about chin level ?

1. what was it for
2. what type of apparatus was used to drill it .
3 . how was the Apparatus brought up into that site ?
4 . it is not a drill and blast reason , diameter of hole is 3 times larger then a Dynamite Drill Hole .
5 . The surface inside the hole is perfectly smooth , without marks from a drill bit .

those 5 questions will birth a bunch more .

Strange Hole with strange attributes , in a Strange Place , for some unknown reason or purpose .

it was not done with a star bit by hand , it's depth is beyond 7ft. as I tested depth with a 7 ft. Soto Stalk .

Perfectly round , maintains perfect circumference though out it's length ( well , as deep as we can see down it )

Perfectly smooth walls ( water drill up there ? , how ? Why ? what's it for ? )

Enjoy the project LOL

as if you needed to ponder more , right ? LOL

An Original BeepersPuppy Quotation :

" Life is a Dance , your Thoughts arrange the Music , and the @$$wipe next door , Just Complained to the Police that your Music is too loud ,
think a bit more quietly please , "

Above is Prelude Dialogue for script I thought to write and then dropped it .

King Solomon's Mines Movie is a remake of a Movie from I believe the late 50's early '60's time frame .

it was a stupid movie back then , and the remake is " Stupider " heh hee .

Got a Project you can play with DTTH .

Drill Hole , recall that one where the Rams Staring up the slope where the Hole is drilled in the Rock Face at about chin level ?

1. what was it for
2. what type of apparatus was used to drill it .
3 . how was the Apparatus brought up into that site ?
4 . it is not a drill and blast reason , diameter of hole is 3 times larger then a Dynamite Drill Hole .
5 . The surface inside the hole is perfectly smooth , without marks from a drill bit .

those 5 questions will birth a bunch more .

Strange Hole with strange attributes , in a Strange Place , for some unknown reason or purpose .

it was not done with a star bit by hand , it's depth is beyond 7ft. as I tested depth with a 7 ft. Soto Stalk .

Perfectly round , maintains perfect circumference though out it's length ( well , as deep as we can see down it )

Perfectly smooth walls ( water drill up there ? , how ? Why ? what's it for ? )

Enjoy the project LOL

as if you needed to ponder more , right ? LOL

Can i phone a friend?

Important personal question for Beepers from our mutual friend.

Have you ever heard the phrase " The Veil is very thin for you "?

Quote DTTH : " Can i phone a friend? "

Answer : " NO ! , that's cheating dammit "

( on site inspection with a little better Tech Gadget , and I think we can get it figured out )

Quote : "
Have you ever heard the phrase " The Veil is very thin for you "? "

In several Languages actually .

In a Psy-Ops Theatrical Production , or just casual conversation ?

Got a good one to relate , from last nights Encounter , I'll post last years encounter first , and then relate the current event .

Dateline 12/15/2018 ~

copy pasted from my report ~

5:07 pm Thurs.

Got to the Glyph site , set the stove and began preparing Sloppy Joe's .

Over the Saddle in the Ridge, came a low Flying UFO brighter than all Stars or Planets .

The Craft Banked to it's right in order to cruise directly over my Head .

Elevation of the Craft was about 130 ft. above me , Speed of Craft was from about 3 mph ( walking speed )

to a dead stop above me for about 15 seconds , then continued to move on until out of sight heading East .

2 weeks ago at site # 1 , a Daylight sighting of the Craft as it hovered motionless in another Saddle
for a few hours . As though keeping watch over me .

I began to drive into Town , The Craft gained elevation and paralleled my vehicle for a while .

watching the road and glancing back at it , in between the glances , it had vanished .

As I stated previously , no telling what tonight may bring .

as it passed over head last night , I requested it land and take me off Planet ,,, the 15 seconds it hovered over head ,
seemed to me that they were considering it .

Again , there is no telling what will occur this Night , I may awake in the Morning , and there
will be no more " Hippie " on this plane or dimension .

Enjoy , for enjoyment is ,,, what we're here to experience .

~~~ End Report ~~~

Last Night , same Craft , same area .

it's getting funny out there folks .

Quote DTTH : " Can i phone a friend? "

Answer : " NO ! , that's cheating dammit "

( on site inspection with a little better Tech Gadget , and I think we can get it figured out )

Quote : "
Have you ever heard the phrase " The Veil is very thin for you "? "

In several Languages actually .

In a Psy-Ops Theatrical Production , or just casual conversation ?

Tech arranged, see DTTH.

Answer to your rebuttal question...... Depends on which side of the mirror you're looking through.

Right side of Picture ( and No , it is not Lens Flare , actual disembodied Spirit )

Tellin' ya folks , these sites have enough spooky activities to start a Reality T.V. series on , LOL

Fact , that is a Spirit ,

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quote from my Journal after encounter with Spirit :

" Back Story to above event with " Spirit "

Walking past the Cave in the pic, I felt eyes upon me condition , then , heard a small pebble fall through
the Rocks inside the Cave .

I turned to the Cave asking : " Well , are you going to come out of there "

It did indeed come out to me , in Tele-speak , I said , hold on , get a pic of you in front of this Cave .

The Two of us spent another 1 1/2 Hours together touring this Ancient Worship site , that is covered

in Petro glyphs

events were as described , and the entire while , a U.S. Drone monitored all that transpired .

It's a Great Life , if you have the Magic to make it so .


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