Quote : " Ram heads, Templar shields, could it be? "
Last week , at the Flea Market , a couple Old Locals asked me if I'd seen those Glyphs .
Funny , now you post the pic of them , Find a story about an Irishman that led Spanish Military action into that area to hunt down
and Murder Apache's .
Time of 1700's ,
They would use that Gap to come and go from Mexico up to N. New Mexico on extermination campaigns .
same with NP's Map
see pic
The map is not showing various squads taking Treasure up here ,
Those are Garrisons sent out to wipe out Apaces and El Chato , as well as recover treasure .
Further, Alcaldes ? Tipped Maximillian to the Repositories up here ( first time the Alcaldes who had the Maps , had a Leader they could trust in almost 200 years .
so on the Map are 2 dates , right ?
1646 was aimed at the Roving Native / Spaniard Bandit Group , 1861 was the French / Austrian Recovery attempt made during Max's Reign over Mexico .
Toooooo much info ? LOL
Confederate Gov.'t bought French weapons , right ?
connection ,
a Meeting held with Max and an excursion to recover was planned
Reb's come into the area , run the Union boys off , the Time slot for Max and Rebel attempt to recover was a short one .
The white stocked Muskets I found were of French Legionnaires from the time period ,
The relics and artifacts dated across centuries , Cultures and Oceans .
Victorio Peak
How and why would people drag heavy metal across all that sand out there ?
On Carts ?
Not gonna Happen , much better stash points without that stupid attempt .
But !
go back 9,500 ? years .
Water Table is Much Higher , Float the stuff on Barges by men who were Mariners ?
Straight up fact that .
Your Island Nation is going down ,what are you going to do with the Goodies ?
Go above the assumed Water Mark ?
Hemmi Basin Vic Peak ?
Pfft , of course .
I'd never believe it ,
and as I attempted to think out who placed it there , ( prior to entering the Cavern and contact with the Goodies )
Nothing about Atlantis and Solomon et al was believable to me .
Info over load experienced when I entered ?
I hope to shout ,
Note that the Map has Action coming from both north and south .
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