Ancient ?

- something's amiss. This dog don't hunt for me, but then, as always, I could be wrong.

Exactly my point. The slight difference in camera angle doesn't account for the major difference in background. Glad to see yer up to speed.

And don't worry none over yer dog, probably been down so many rabbit holes his nose is polluted. Ain't no biggie, I reckon most folk are capable of deciding fer theirself anyways. :wink:

Exactly my point. The slight difference in camera angle doesn't account for the major difference in background. Glad to see yer up to speed.

And don't worry none over yer dog, probably been down so many rabbit holes his nose is polluted. Ain't no biggie, I reckon most folk are capable of deciding fer theirself anyways. :wink:

Good luck.

Quote : " ~~ The best mirages I've seen around Luna County are of Tres Hermanas as seen on the Deming/Hurley highway early after sunrise from about 50-60 miles north of the hills. Very weird, and frequently seen. "


Look out to the Hachitas from I-10 , Melting Mountains ?

There is Shadow effects , there are , well , the list is a tad bit long .

On sighting exact duplicate geo-physical attributes , in separate areas , Yes !

But what about the Relics and Artifacts deposited in separate yet exact same Vaults ?

they are the same Relics and Artifacts , not copies , nor duplicates .

How is that Possible ?

Spatial Divergence ?

Unknown the cause , known is that it's real and happens often .

Case in point :

Steve has a video I gave him , in the Video , My Dad is scanning the Wall of a Canyon for a Rectangle shaped door way into a Mine .

At a point , he throws his hands out and shakes his head ( it was gone , and on first sight of it , he walked into it , noted all prominent landmarks around the entrance )

Same case , same shaped doorway , but this one on the opposite side of those Mountains , spotted 40 years later by a close friend of mine ,
exact description for everything as my Dads " Portal " hehehheee.

We scrubbed both areas later , never found my Friends , yet my Dad's I spotted from a Peak decades later ,
on attempt to go to it ,,

Same thing , climbed right to the Giant outcropping it was situated in , Gone !

Another Bi-Location story , is one that happen to a Complete Stranger and myself .

On oppsite ends of the U.S.

He on the East Coast ( Currituc County in the Carolinas , I in the Organ Mountains N.M. )

We came across each other through a Discussion Forum , I described to him what he saw inside the Vault , besides what he had mentioned prior .

That tied it for him , that I as well had come into contact with the exact same Phenomenon , right down to the Buffalo Hides .

Bi-Location of a Physical/Material site , instead of Human ?

Maybe the interior and contents were the same site , and we were Bi-Located to a Vortex which hasn't a Solid connected to Earth location .

All too weird and Woo Woo ?

I'll grant that for people who've not experienced the effect .

Further is the exact same Door/Portal of the Mine Dad Visited , the same door moves from Rucker Canyon , over to miles away West Side of the Mountains where
my friend saw it and Photographed it .

Same Door/formation
two different photos decades and miles apart ?

Well , Stranger Things , right ?

Recall This from my Song : " You cannot build a solid Foundation on a Mystery "

Perhaps that's the Art to these sites ,

You cannot pin them down unless you're meant to .


or perhaps a person can pin these down , because that Person is a Member of the Designers .

Whichever , whatever, however it happens or is created , It exist with some desired purpose behind it .

Bait and Stick Game is certainly just one desired effect involved into the design .

Again , the Door Way ( Pic )

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" You cannot build a solid Foundation on a Mystery "

So mote it be. :thumbsup:

Well hell, there goes the Masonic/KGC connection.

Reckon there's gonna be a few Scottish Rite heads a bobbin' over that one. :laughing7:


KGC? Could it be? Fu Manchu,Colonel Sander? This guy looks out of place to me. But i have seen a photo of him found in the Midwest. We have NM. and NC connection, a NM and Midwest connection. Different Times, different people? Now Mercury, that looks familiar. 21620 004.webpdownload.webpth (1).webp

From what i have seen out here, Horticulture is a big part of it. It probably falls under Alchemy? Check out the sign of the the Tree. Excellent work.10202019 177.webpWhat kind of work is that? Magic or just basic simple understanding? Gold is Good? Mapping Eden

For you KGC guys, i would like to see some barbed wire and some USGS mark's from your sites. Its funny how there where and are people tracking and marking these sites. But it seems to have died off year ago. Its there, 4 sure. Id love to see some photos of the barber wire and USGs survey stamps. Real or Paradilly?

For you KGC guys, i would like to see some barbed wire and some USGS mark's from your sites. Its funny how there where and are people tracking and marking these sites. But it seems to have died off year ago. Its there, 4 sure. Id love to see some photos of the barber wire and USGs survey stamps. Real or Paradilly?

It's an important topic, and two ways of looking at it. First, the government survey markers are the basis for the country's legal land division system and everything associated with it, including the USGS topo maps and the Government Land Office plats. The section corners and quarter corners are on a grid, and the benchmarks are at various random locations and are used to help create the topo maps. All government land transferred to private owners, including patented mining claims, are marked with brass caps. The locations of all these monuments are easy to find, as they appear on the quad maps and various surveying data sources.

The KGC guys realize that these monuments are long-lived (brass caps and other permanent markers very securely anchored in the ground) and can be easily relocated if removed or destroyed. It's a large set of "permanent treasure markers" for them. The brass cap description ("T15S, R14W, S11", or a certain mapping benchmark, like "Pino BM", or a certain Mineral Survey corner, like "Corner 3 of the Aztec Load", as examples) can be used to describe a location anywhere on the ground. Tree blazes, carved stones, rock monuments, etc can all disappear, but brass caps (or their locations if removed) are permanent. The KGC crowd feels that surveyors (government and otherwise) were important members of the group. It's my opinion that if the alleged KGC caches exist, they can be easily located by use of surveyed coordinates.

KGC? Could it be? Fu Manchu,Colonel Sander? This guy looks out of place to me. But i have seen a photo of him found in the Midwest. We have NM. and NC connection, a NM and Midwest connection. Different Times, different people? Now Mercury, that looks familiar. View attachment 1776724View attachment 1776725View attachment 1776726

Ok , Round head wearing His Glasses , Ancient ?
I don't know , when were specks created ? Ben Franklin period ?

Well , it's not representing a Face , the rings are not glasses , and the Tears are fake .

list of petro sites
1. pony hills ( big square pond )
2 . Massacre Peak and frying pan canyon
3 . Rams Head area with smelter down in mine

site one petros direct us to site 2 and 3 and the symbols to watch for at those sites
site one main map rock as well sends you west and east to glyphs and maps located on the same hill as the map rock .

Site #2 also has directions pointing you over to site 3 and what to look for over there .

Case : Dragon symbol at site 2 , represents a Rock formation shaped like a dragon at site 3 , and it is gazing at a cache there
( Already recovered)
with the Dragon is the symbol to watch for at the cache ( already destroyed by the recovery part )
Ok , Man with glasses is at site 2 , it's symbolizing a Big Boulder with set boulders atop it , ( the two rings connected by the line is the symbol to watch for )

note the area below the round face , that thing that we can think of as it's beard , represents smaller boulders stacked over a Cache .
We stood right on those smaller Boulders .

Trail Maps carved as lines over at site 2 , show you the way to site 3 and symbols to watch for as well as the shape of the rock formation
where the symbols will be found carved right at the cache .

( Refer to photos I posted on Whiskey Rat's thread in other forum )

The Key to cipher the glyphs .

I stated many times that some of these are to be viewed as if you're above the sites and looking down on them .

certain round , oblong , grouped circles , are representing the shapes of boulders as seen from above
( I've been up there above them , it fits well )

OK, Micro wave as DTTH posted the Photo , the bearded man is wearing a weird hat
Dragon is wearing the same Hat

both are showing you deposits , is the Hat the Clue as to what Mineral ?

The small glyphs , such as tree shapes , or triads , are NOT representing a Mineral , they are just a symbol carved
at the cache to mark it .

The lines are trails , the symbols are what to find at the end of the trails .

you are to find the small " Tree " or Three connected rings , so forth , at the site the trails are directing you to .

These Maps and signs are not at all hard to read , they are exactly that simple , and perhaps that's a good way
to stop people from figuring them out .

First Steps .

You have the keys now , each site has directions for the next site .

We begin by following the trail signs , watching for the symbols connected to each trail , along the way .

We end the hunt , when we come to the symbol , small in size , somewhat hidden , there at the site , The Map may show the group of boulders
along with the Symbol that denotes " Touch Down , you're Home "

Look for the Formation as you travel the trail ( so freaking Simple that )
Now , go to Formation , look all over the Boulders for that very small symbol that was carved back at the Map Rock .

The 3 sites are Maps .

Each site talks to you about what is at the other two sites .

You begin at site 1 , absorbed the info and symbols , go to site 2 and look for those symbols there ,

that were at the starting point ( map rock ) ( The smaller the symbol , you just hit pay dirt )

while at the next site , the Map and Deposit symbols for site 3 can be found on the map rocks there at site 2 .

This is exactly how these sites were laid out , each talks to you about the next one .

The Language is almost Child Like .

so regress our heads before we entertain the symbols I suppose .

Always look at the animal glyphs as though they're Boulders / Rock formations that the outline of , is in that shape .

the outline of the Boulder can be a Face , Bird , dog , ram , anything nature gives us .

whether looking at them from a profile or down from above , the symbol that represents these boulders is always
done for you this way .

Outlines Matter , skylines , shadows of peaks , ridges , arroyos , so forth , it's always Nature and always
something permanent .

Blackened Tree Trunks

These are what Pedro called Tascoti Trunks
the Trees were Killed with Cyanide and that turns the trunks Black after a few years .

these are dead trees that have stood for centuries , they are still out there at some sites .

~~~~~ Shadow Symbols ~~~~~~

Yes , light is played with in many of the symbols carved .

The Sun's Position is Important .

Everything out there changes with the changing position of the Sun .

Seasons Matter in some cases as well .

so if you don't see it at first , sit and wait , it'll show up at some point .

OK , this stuff , some of it , is still secreted out there .

The Keys and Tools are now " Open Sourced " on the internet , use them as you please .

write books , make movies , sell tickets to excursions for the Tourist .

whatever you do , if you profit in any way by using the Info , DON'T BE A GREEDY , go take care of someone that needs you .

quoting myself from prior post:

" Dragon Symbol that many Mistake as Aztec .

Nope , it is like so many of the Glyphs , a Profile of a Rock Formation that is staring at another concealed Treasure site . "
~~~~~~ End quote ~~~~~~~~

This is the Dragon , it is carved at site #2 , yet it's stone monument is at Site #3 .

So , as we see , stuff at site #2 is showing us what to look for at Site #3 .

( see pic )
The Dragon is wearing the same Hat as the Bearded Man in other photo . Both sites held Treasure , so the Hat on the head of a symbol
means that Treasure is secreted where you find the symbol carved .

make sense ?

The Rock Formation that this Glyph represents , has a Profile that is almost a Perfect Match , including the open mouth
and the eye , it is staring across Canyon , exactly at the site where several atajos of silver bars were recovered .


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KFC. :laughing7:

I reckon Beeper's has the right of it, "Bait and Stick" is a major part of the 'game'.

The KGC myth weren't nothing more than political shenanigans in the Civil War era. Plainly put, the 'Publicans hijacked poor ol' Bickley's Pipe Dream, Trumped it up, and used it against the Peace Democrats in the biggest propaganda coup ever perpetrated on US soil. Smoke and mirrors, the whole shebang.

It was a trap then, and still is. Been snaggin' conspiracy theorists (and analysts) alike fer decades, startin' back around the 1930's. Hell, they even come up with a 'Template' to locate the supposed 'Treasure Vaults', secret hand signals, clues left in old tintypes and cemeteries to follow, and an outlaw legend to lead the chase. It's all 'coded' in a special 'Black Book'(all sinister mysteries are bound in black, right, so it must be true :dontknow:).

Yep, the author of that little book learned his lessons well from ol' P.T. Barnum. Jump on the band wagon boys, the show's about to begin.

And bein' the stellar feller I am, I'll even share the template with ye (same as it was shared with me), and wish ye good luck. Only one request. Like Beepers, I ask that if ye gain somethin' from it, be sure to share it with one in need. :thumbsup:


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Very nice Dtth, you've been noticing the certain groomed and positioned forked "Y" trees. They stand out well, like they should.

And yes some of these sites can be near survey markers. I've seen whole corridors that have surveying overlap with so called "spanish markers" or whatever, even metal signs that were not done correctly according to accurate survey, but rather marking something else. I even questioned someone employed by the company that contracted it out who knew of the bunked surveying and he didn't know why it was so messed up, just that it was messed up according to land ownership boundary lines. I didn't tell him my own interests in it.

The fact that I can come to guy in a federal job position (which was army corps) and ask him out of curiosity, who did the survey markers, signs , etc in a certain area (since many were right on alignments and treasure markers) , without knowing anything about the surveying done, and him telling me about all the messed up surveying there which was contracted out many years ago), kinda tells me I'm not crazy about this stuff being done right at the so called treasure sites. There's a connection, it's not just coincidence. At least I'll never throw it out. It's one coincidence of dozens. At what point does coincidence become "not a coincidence"?

KFC. :laughing7:

I reckon Beeper's has the right of it, "Bait and Stick" is a major part of the 'game'.

The KGC myth weren't nothing more than political shenanigans in the Civil War era. Plainly put, the 'Publicans hijacked poor ol' Bickley's Pipe Dream, Trumped it up, and used it against the Peace Democrats in the biggest propaganda coup ever perpetrated on US soil. Smoke and mirrors, the whole shebang.

It was a trap then, and still is. Been snaggin' conspiracy theorists (and analysts) alike fer decades, startin' back around the 1930's. Hell, they even come up with a 'Template' to locate the supposed 'Treasure Vaults', secret hand signals, clues left in old tintypes and cemeteries to follow, and an outlaw legend to lead the chase. It's all 'coded' in a special 'Black Book'(all sinister mysteries are bound in black, right, so it must be true :dontknow:).

Yep, the author of that little book learned his lessons well from ol' P.T. Barnum. Jump on the band wagon boys, the show's about to begin.

And bein' the stellar feller I am, I'll even share the template with ye (same as it was shared with me), and wish ye good luck. Only one request. Like Beepers, I ask that if ye gain somethin' from it, be sure to share it with one in need. :thumbsup:


KGC? Some of you folks are finally starting to get the picture. As the Canadian sang, "There's more to the picture than meets the eye", so keep thinking. The "organization" is now called the Deep State. But it's always been a deep state in the US, just with changing incarnations as the culture demands. It's always been about crafting a narrative and propagandizing the needed citizenry. One of humans' vulnerabilities is that they can be so easily manipulated. To paraphrase a truly woke individual, they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Now, the treasures. It's all about the gold, which is a stable controlling asset. Since the US economic ponzi scheme began in 1913, the smart guys here have been stacking up gold in secure places for the inevitable system failure of fiat currency. The traitor FDR tried to stop the stacking in 1933, thus the birth of many of the "hidden gold legends" and the creation of all the "signs" that lead to them. The carvings, coded messages, sacred geometry, maps, templates, books, experts, kooks, et al, are nothing more than a layer of security used to assure that clever citizen snoops in the hot zones will only be chasing their tails. IMO, the goods are there and they are secure for their owners, whomever they may be.

Conspiracy theorists are one thing (our ruling Deep State has likely been the greatest spewers of crazy talk than all others combined), but the trick is to become a conspiracy analyst. Try to figure out why the power people want you to believe their narratives. Same goes for the garden variety citizen theorists, whose claims occasionally seem to be on target, IMO.

The real treasures within your reach are knowledge, awareness and information. Unfortunately, everything we've been taught is likely disinformation, which is necessary for crowd control, so you're largely on your own. In the meantime, foster your own curiosity and keep searching for those treasure vaults. If nothing else, it's fun and good exercise for mind and body. If it's all a fantasy game for you, no trouble, have a blast. If you're a true believer, go for it. Just don't intentionally f### with others' lives for your own amusement. The journey often overrides the destination. Of course, with all of this, I could be wrong.

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The fact that I can come to guy in a federal job position (which was army corps) and ask him out of curiosity, who did the survey markers, signs , etc in a certain area (since many were right on alignments and treasure markers) , without knowing anything about the surveying done, and him telling me about all the messed up surveying there which was contracted out many years ago), kinda tells me I'm not crazy about this stuff being done right at the so called treasure sites. There's a connection, it's not just coincidence. At least I'll never throw it out. It's one coincidence of dozens. At what point does coincidence become "not a coincidence"?

My general rule of thumb is that there are no coincidences.


what about the KOP ?

Lincolns answer to the K.G.C.

Meet the Knights of Pythias

Interestingly , there's a KOP Hall built in 1864 in Socorro New Mexico .

Given that Socorro is a great central point for watching over the areas of deposits ,,,

I just may begin smelling a real conspiracy soon .

pic is the KOP hall in Socorro

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