Ancient ?

~~~~ Sage lands Burning ~~~~

Fades to Blue
from a dark dark sky
Those Thoughts of you
and the reasons why

Suns coming up
and the feelings right
Jars of Souls

in a Lovers cup
and alone again,
i meet the night

Silken Sigh whispered on my cheek
if you loved her so
then give her what she seeks

Lovers whom listen
have a special tone
to they're voice

Silently glistens
when shone
it's solely your choice

drive that away
or keep to own

Night has a Sky you can feel in a way
That last you through
to the following day

Love has a Feel, you cannot throw away
Once inside,
it's in there to stay

try to ignore it
it just will not go away

I cannot un-love
what time has buried deep inside
I cannot shove back
an incoming tide

Love deep as this
in the soul
is too hard to hide
and never let's go

Star shoots down
trailing green
through purple sky

falls to the ground
mysteries seen
with the inner eye

Small Mountain to the West
covered in White Sage
Love comforts best
what causes the rage

Sowed in Peace
Nurtured with love
The soul's Peace
feels as silken lined Glove

Heaven lies inward
never out there
blanketed in loving Kindness
handled with loving care.

As Angels dance
on the head of a pin
hold on to your love
feel your heaven within

Sweet the memories i have of you
may loving kindness guide all that you do

Maybe we'll meet one day again
My love keep you warm child
keep you smiling until then

~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~

Ah , the Old Cartoon website of the GLP Days .

Thanks Steve , I was thinking to post that myself , as Cyzak stated , it explains a " Lot ? "

well , maybe a bit ,

Say it like this : " This is all you need to know about The Beeps . "

For the deeper thinkers , they may require a bit more , eh ? LOL .

Like , see the Heart in Pic ?

it's not a Heart

it's a Trail to a deposit up around the other side of the Formation .

hang on
I'll take ya there with Google Earth .

View attachment 1778777

Excerpt from Circle of 9 .

Event where a Criminal Federal Agent , gets his Hand burned into a Crab Claw by a Silent Weapon .

Last time I saw that Agent , years later , His Hand was more like a Claw .

( Text redacted to delete Vulgarian Speak )

~~~ True Story ~~~ Begin :

THOSE FREAKS LOOKED LIKE INSECTS, WHERE´D THEY TAKE YOU,, ? TELL US G-----N IT, YOU'RE ONE OF THEM AREN´T YOU? WHAT THE F__K ARE YOU? WE OUGHT TO KILL THE B@$TARD NOW, ( HE drew his gun at that point, and attempted to point it at my face)
The others grabbed him, but he struggled to get an aim on my head, the others shouting, wait,, STOP MAN,,,, wait till we find out where they took him, and why, he may be innocent , man,, wait a minute.
The agent with the gun yelled,,, F__K THAT, HE´S WORKING WITH THEM OR HE´S ONE OF THEM,,, LET ME KILL THE M":{}><?)&*%$#R,,, LET ME KILL HIM,,,
right then, one of the other agents who was watching the UFO leave the area, turned and yelled,,, S#$@T GUYS, they´re coming back!
The agent with the gun suddenly went berserk, yelling that they are in his head,,, they are trying to kill his mind,,, I´m confused,,, F%$#^@&,,,OUUUUUUCH the guns frying my hand,,, it´s red hot,,, ,,, my mind,,, I can´t control my thoughts,,, I´m fu*&^(%$#%ing freaking out,,, ,f@#$!@#.../
He dropped his gun,( more like threw the gun,,, )

His Hand now ?

A Crab Claw and as people say : Rightly so "

That Guy and his friends were the Criminal's that stole the Valise with the Info for this Subject .

Crab Claw ?

pfft ,

Quote DTTH : " Can i phone a friend? "

Answer : " NO ! , that's cheating dammit "

( on site inspection with a little better Tech Gadget , and I think we can get it figured out )

Quote : "
Have you ever heard the phrase " The Veil is very thin for you "? "

In several Languages actually .

In a Psy-Ops Theatrical Production , or just casual conversation ?

Got a good one to relate , from last nights Encounter , I'll post last years encounter first , and then relate the current event .

Dateline 12/15/2018 ~

copy pasted from my report ~

5:07 pm Thurs.

Got to the Glyph site , set the stove and began preparing Sloppy Joe's .

Over the Saddle in the Ridge, came a low Flying UFO brighter than all Stars or Planets .

The Craft Banked to it's right in order to cruise directly over my Head .

Elevation of the Craft was about 130 ft. above me , Speed of Craft was from about 3 mph ( walking speed )

to a dead stop above me for about 15 seconds , then continued to move on until out of sight heading East .

2 weeks ago at site # 1 , a Daylight sighting of the Craft as it hovered motionless in another Saddle
for a few hours . As though keeping watch over me .

I began to drive into Town , The Craft gained elevation and paralleled my vehicle for a while .

watching the road and glancing back at it , in between the glances , it had vanished .

As I stated previously , no telling what tonight may bring .

as it passed over head last night , I requested it land and take me off Planet ,,, the 15 seconds it hovered over head ,
seemed to me that they were considering it .

Again , there is no telling what will occur this Night , I may awake in the Morning , and there
will be no more " Hippie " on this plane or dimension .

Enjoy , for enjoyment is ,,, what we're here to experience .

~~~ End Report ~~~

Last Night , same Craft , same area .

it's getting funny out there folks .

Ok, I was gonna call my Naught Naught 7 , Spy friend. Ill just keep him on Ice 4 now.

Ya know Ken , if you stay the night out here ( Cookes ) I was gonna show you the Flashes of light " Balls ? "

Theses are low over the ground , 2 second flash .

But the really weird stuff is like your site , always inside a Cave / underground .

The UFO's are so common here , that they're not weird anymore .
but those glows , globes , spheres and flashes of light are weird , especially the ones that come right up to you and smile .

Got a Photo of one , Ghost actually , broad daylight .

I'll post for new years .

Hi Ol' Kentuck

Hi " Q "

Hi Mdog

Hi Mr.Clark , how's Pinos Altos treating ya ?

ok , gotta get going now ,

Is the invite still On Beepers? There' gonna be Conditions, self placed on me.

Do you think there is a Ancient connection to the Walrus? 21620 004.webp
th (2).webp

So, we're back to the difference between Truth and Reality again?

Tell me, Steve, what does this shape represent?


Some, most actually, would say it is a Cross. And without any other indicators that would be a fair description based on their perception.

But to a few (very few I am betting), it is a Box.


They see the lines that others don't, and are able to complete a different picture purely on THEIR perception.

Both are Truth.

Reality is, it's simply a line drawing on a piece of paper.

We can debate all day on the subjective nature of Truth and its effect on perceptions of Reality.... or we can simply observe the results and look for the 'line drawings' beneath the chatter.

Red Pill, Blue Pill.

Or Aspirin.

Choose yer own medicine.

So, we're back to the difference between Truth and Reality again?

Tell me, Steve, what does this shape represent?


Some, most actually, would say it is a Cross. And without any other indicators that would be a fair description based on their perception.

But to a few (very few I am betting), it is a Box.


They see the lines that others don't, and are able to complete a different picture purely on THEIR perception.

Both are Truth.

Reality is, it's simply a line drawing on a piece of paper.

We can debate all day on the subjective nature of Truth and its effect on perceptions of Reality.... or we can simply observe the results and look for the 'line drawings' beneath the chatter.

Red Pill, Blue Pill.

Or Aspirin.

Choose yer own medicine.

Man, those cardboard six-pack bottle carriers sure look different when you carefully peel them apart and unfold them, don't they? Who'd a thunk it?

Yes, truth is immutable, but everybody's reality is different, dynamic and subject to change. I'm glad you noticed the difference, although your more rigid approach in the KGC threads seem conflict with your recent posts here in these threads - a puzzling dichotomy. Maybe you've seen the elephant.

Me, my working model of things is non-exclusive. However, I do proportion my model to the evidence that I can accept. I've always tended to reject groups that would have me as a member.

The perhaps you might be better served by starting a Blog. :dontknow:

Ha ha. No, I don't cotton to communes. I avoid groupthink. I waste enough time as it is on this website, but it does give me something to do when I'm slugging down my morning coffee.

Ha ha. No, I don't cotton to communes. I avoid groupthink. I waste enough time as it is on this website, but it does give me something to do when I'm slugging down my morning coffee.

Yessir, I know the feelin'. Personally, I tend to walk a wide circle around 'Do as I Say, not as I DO' folks, myself.

Happy I could be of service with yer morning coffee. The laxative effects of caffeine are wonderful, ain't they. :laughing7: Glad ye were able to get all that out of yer system.

Have a good'un. :icon_thumright:

that agent , He walks today with that " Crab Claw " for a Gun Hand .

there's always a price to pay , is there not ?

Now back to subject and replies .

Referring that " Wise Guy " Hole in that giant Boulder ( wise guy cause it messes with minds )

The Hole as far as I've figured , must be a Vent hole to run an Oxygen Hose down into a Mine or Tunnel .
Given the Diameter of the hole , it's close to such that I've seen at Mines elsewhere and the purpose was for that .

How it was done ?

Pfft , again , that's a wise guy as well ,

guessing that a Huge Compressor was brought out there ( over , down and up steep washes ? )
and some Bunnyhead ran the hose and drill up that slope , stood there and drilled for days , a stupid hole .

Problem , how and where did they mount the drill , there's not a single Bolt hole near it .

I mean , if some Hulk stood there with a Heavy Drill on his shoulder and drilled that hole , How'd they get that overweight Dude up there .
He didn't walk up there without caving the ground all the way to Hades .

Say it's a drill hole for a Ventilation hose

Excuse my stupid mind , but where's the entrance buried up ?

Is there a Vault beneath that Boulder , that some Bunnyhead gained access to , made a recovery , then resealed the entrance ?


My Head is splitting .

why cover it back up ?

Only thing I can see as Motive , is that they took a portion and left the rest for a Later Recovery .

or ,,,

The Bunny head just wanted to practice drilling a stupid hole and cause people to go NUTZ over it .

Sometimes , I just gotta question ,,,,,,, some stuff ,

like this photo , I can see making a small Boat to fit in a Bottle , but how'd they shrink the Sun to fit in ?

View attachment 1779073

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Quote : " Ok, I was gonna call my Naught Naught 7 , Spy friend. Ill just keep him on Ice 4 now. "

An app. your Naught Naught 7 , may like to use .

" Intrusion Detection Tool "

Kick'en A and taken names, Is it a part of Treasure Hunting?

At 1:29 into the Vid .

The Camera pans back and she Bounces , right there , I got Pregnant . YUM !

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Here ... up your game.


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