Excerpt from Circle of 9 .
Event where a Criminal Federal Agent , gets his Hand burned into a Crab Claw by a Silent Weapon .
Last time I saw that Agent , years later , His Hand was more like a Claw .
( Text redacted to delete Vulgarian Speak )
~~~ True Story ~~~ Begin :
THOSE FREAKS LOOKED LIKE INSECTS, WHERE´D THEY TAKE YOU,, ? TELL US G-----N IT, YOU'RE ONE OF THEM AREN´T YOU? WHAT THE F__K ARE YOU? WE OUGHT TO KILL THE B@$TARD NOW, ( HE drew his gun at that point, and attempted to point it at my face)
The others grabbed him, but he struggled to get an aim on my head, the others shouting, wait,, STOP MAN,,,, wait till we find out where they took him, and why, he may be innocent , man,, wait a minute.
The agent with the gun yelled,,, F__K THAT, HE´S WORKING WITH THEM OR HE´S ONE OF THEM,,, LET ME KILL THE M":{}><?)&*%$#R,,, LET ME KILL HIM,,,
right then, one of the other agents who was watching the UFO leave the area, turned and yelled,,, S#$@T GUYS, they´re coming back!
The agent with the gun suddenly went berserk, yelling that they are in his head,,, they are trying to kill his mind,,, I´m confused,,, F%$#^@&,,,OUUUUUUCH the guns frying my hand,,, it´s red hot,,, ,,, my mind,,, I can´t control my thoughts,,, I´m fu*&^(%$#%ing freaking out,,, ,f@#$!@#.../
He dropped his gun,( more like threw the gun,,, )
His Hand now ?
A Crab Claw and as people say : Rightly so "
That Guy and his friends were the Criminal's that stole the Valise with the Info for this Subject .
Crab Claw ?
pfft ,