Ancient ?

The Video

For a Start , Baphomet is not a name , it's a Title .

think of it like this : " Who is that Guy ? "

" That's Sam , he's a Baphomet "

what's a Baphomet ?

" It's a type of Daemon , a Guardian Daemon "

So , the scramble of the letters in " Baphomet " as a name is wrong , it's not a name .

" Sofia , Diana , Asteroth , Ester , Astor , are all the same Goddess , if we attach those Names to a persona believed to be the " Sacred Feminine "
of the various ancient Cultures of the Middle East , Rome , Greece "

just a little Anti-History Channel education for ya guys .


Here , have a Sofia Goddess
( see pic )

View attachment 1776089

I'm not in that loop. Wherever they go, thats where they'll be. Haven't been in the Cookes Range for some years, but there are a couple places that are curiosities. Gotta be careful in there - an old buddy of mine who used to be quite level-headed is now wild-eyed and over the edge. Started out doing work for treasure hunters, then got obsessed with it. Now he's pushed it into a spiritual quest. "The Land of Enchantment" is more than a tourist hook.

Ya know Steve , I was going to bring that guy up with you , but blew it off , reason being , I think I've seen him around out here ,
other thing was , as you said , he went over the edge .

I can address that condition of altered Mental State , but , oh well , yeah , he should wake up now .

Now .
to your Big Burdie

On my drive around the Cookes this Morning ,

Dee Burdie Dude came in over my vehicle , soared around out in front of me for a ways , then landed near a big ponding pool .

He's a Condor , each wing about 4ft ( 8ft plus body width )

That was early this Morning , last year , He or another couple of them ( Mating Pair ? )
were over Prospector Canyon while I was shooting photos out there .

R-S- Ridge as well .
Those are Condors out there ,

The one you saw must be the Gran'Pa Burdie type Condor .

The Andean Condor down south is also a Huge Dude , they flip Mountain Goats off ledges .

I had a Big Burd Moment this Morning , what tomorrow might bring , I should want not to know EEEeeeeeeeeeek !

Thanks fer the update, Beepers, and a late Happy Thanksgiving to you.

This may sound a little strange coming from me, as I'm normally not a fan of the Woo. But I have a question rolling around in my pointy head that begs asking.

It was mentioned on another thread that certain places in nearby mountain ranges have had a peculiar affect on depth perception and sense of direction. (As an example, there was even a couple of photos taken from the same position/same setting that showed eerie depth of field differences in the background). I believe it was referred to as similar to a "hall of mirrors" effect.

My question(s): Have you experienced anything similar in the Cookes?

And if so, do ye suppose that could be an explanation for the reported sightings of a Big Burd? Altered depth perception?

As to the "Sacred Feminine", she figures prominently across all ancient cultures, and has been interpreted by some as our 'Intuition'. Some also associate Intuition with our innate telepathic abilities. (I'll even go so far as to suggest others associate both with tapping into 'Ancient Memory', but that is a subject for another time).

Have you noticed an increase or heightened sense of 'Intuition' in certain areas of the Cookes?

And if so, do you believe a person's Intuition will play largely in both locating these places and interpreting them? (Intuition=Rosetta Stone?).

In other words, what you describe as "mundane" may actually be just tapping into your Intuition? Don't overthink it?

I figger alot of folks just don't trust their own intuition and waste time tryin' to analyze everything, like there's a rule book they have to follow or been brainwashed into believing. Leads a bunch o'folks down rabbit holes they never find their way out of.

A huntin' dog follows his own nose, not the rabbit's.

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Ya know Steve , I was going to bring that guy up with you , but blew it off , reason being , I think I've seen him around out here ,
other thing was , as you said , he went over the edge .

I can address that condition of altered Mental State , but , oh well , yeah , he should wake up now .

Now .
to your Big Burdie

On my drive around the Cookes this Morning ,

Dee Burdie Dude came in over my vehicle , soared around out in front of me for a ways , then landed near a big ponding pool .

He's a Condor , each wing about 4ft ( 8ft plus body width )

That was early this Morning , last year , He or another couple of them ( Mating Pair ? )
were over Prospector Canyon while I was shooting photos out there .

R-S- Ridge as well .
Those are Condors out there ,

The one you saw must be the Gran'Pa Burdie type Condor .

The Andean Condor down south is also a Huge Dude , they flip Mountain Goats off ledges .

I had a Big Burd Moment this Morning , what tomorrow might bring , I should want not to know EEEeeeeeeeeeek !

Rog', please leave me out of your make-believe world.

:icon_scratch: Pot calling out the Kettle?

.... IMO, the panels' main purposes aren't to tell messages, but instead are used to get peoples' attention since their forms are so much different than typical petroglyphs. Once the symbols are recognized as KGC, then their location can be plotted and used in conjunction with other clues in the area. They're cartography aids.....

I generally do. And highly encourage others to do the same. :icon_thumright:

That's the only way to roll. Re "treasure hunting" in general, my mantra for decades has been simple: what do you believe and why do you believe it?

That's the only way to roll. Re "treasure hunting" in general, my mantra for decades has been simple: what do you believe and why do you believe it?

Yessir, both pertinent questions. O'course nine times out of ten the answers you receive will be entirely anecdotal, and unsubstantiated. Not that they should be dismissed out of hand mind you, but I tend to lean toward that 'one off' when making further inquiry.

Fer instance, I know a little lady who is playing with the idea that those "peculiar places" are actually Twins....or should I say, mirror images....of another place far and away. And that the strange affects are actually some sort of 'remote viewing' in real time. A view of one superimposed over the other?

Needless to say was hard fer me to swallow. Til I saw the photos, and their corresponding 'Twin'. I reckon there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy. Beepers' posts skirt the edge of this line of thought, reckon I will walk that edge with him for awhile.

Thanks fer the update, Beepers, and a late Happy Thanksgiving to you.

This may sound a little strange coming from me, as I'm normally not a fan of the Woo. But I have a question rolling around in my pointy head that begs asking.

It was mentioned on another thread that certain places in nearby mountain ranges have had a peculiar affect on depth perception and sense of direction. (As an example, there was even a couple of photos taken from the same position/same setting that showed eerie depth of field differences in the background). I believe it was referred to as similar to a "hall of mirrors" effect.

My question(s): Have you experienced anything similar in the Cookes?

And if so, do ye suppose that could be an explanation for the reported sightings of a Big Burd? Altered depth perception?

As to the "Sacred Feminine", she figures prominently across all ancient cultures, and has been interpreted by some as our 'Intuition'. Some also associate Intuition with our innate telepathic abilities. (I'll even go so far as to suggest others associate both with tapping into 'Ancient Memory', but that is a subject for another time).

Have you noticed an increase or heightened sense of 'Intuition' in certain areas of the Cookes?

And if so, do you believe a person's Intuition will play largely in both locating these places and interpreting them? (Intuition=Rosetta Stone?).

In other words, what you describe as "mundane" may actually be just tapping into your Intuition? Don't overthink it?

I figger alot of folks just don't trust their own intuition and waste time tryin' to analyze everything, like there's a rule book they have to follow or been brainwashed into believing. Leads a bunch o'folks down rabbit holes they never find their way out of.

A huntin' dog follows his own nose, not the rabbit's.

Happy Thanksgiving is not late , I'm just now sitting down to my Thanksgiving , hee heh

Boy , that's a bunch to answer ,
so ,
to begin , Steve's Boirdie Landed on or near a Tree , as he pointed out , he and friend measured that tree , So if the Boid was outsized , the tree as well
would have appeared to be so ,
did I get that one right ?

Ok , On Metaphysical Paranormal situations , Attributes , Abilities , Um , My Life has always been that way , Intuition is normal , Telecommunication is normal ,
It's Modern Humanities loss of these Natural attributes , that is abnormal .

Quote : " Have you noticed an increase or heightened sense of 'Intuition' in certain areas of the Cookes?

And if so, do you believe a person's Intuition will play largely in both locating these places and interpreting them? (Intuition=Rosetta Stone?). "

I came into this World Tapped in , No Brag , however , for other people who were not , ya know , it's a toss up on how or what they are plugged into .

Desert mirage covers a lot of why a site takes on different appearances , that and weather conditions ,

Ok , I'm tuned for this Venue , as a witness once said to me : " You spotted an out of place object , that only a person like you could see ,
remember none of us could see it until we looked down your arm as you pointed it out ? "

" That only a Person like me could see " ?????????

She knew it was an ability they didn't have or didn't plug into , I didn't know that they didn't have the ability or didn't use it if they had it .

For me though , I don't try to use it , it's just there like wiggle a finger , response is all it is to me , Natural , not Paranormal at all .

Am I or others drawn to these sites by some Metaphysical guidance as an Internal Compass as it were ?

I have personal evidence , it's not even a question to me .

Did you relocate your Life Kentuck ?

Were you drawn here ?

is there a inner curiosity or angst/urge to travel here and study ?

Ah , yes the questions we ask ourselves ,

again the simplest answer is the correct one , as always .

The Soul Group ?
is it possible ?

Pfft , it's reality in every World we visit .

This World is not our Home Kentuck , That's instinctual for you , I , and others.

question :How did your soul get into the Fetus before it's birth , The Fetus that has grown into the adult body you reside in ?

can your soul recall how to exit that Body ?

well if a soul knows how to get into a physical body
it as well knows how to make an exit from it .

and how many times during sleep and or day dreaming even , has your soul made an exit ?

It gets deeeeeeep man ,

Steve witnessed an actual out sized Bird , he really did .

His wonderment kicked in his self defence rational mode , but that Bird is Natural , just not common . not here it isn't

The Altered Mental State , is just another of the various states of mind .

we have many levels .

and many states , positions of perceptions .

The Craziest position or state of mind , is the closed Lineal , single sighted .

It's the base cause of all fear and hate , everything devastating to the inner connection of us all .

All Souls were created at the same Epoch . None older , none younger than any other .

View attachment 1776378

Quote : " Fer instance, I know a little lady who is playing with the idea that those "peculiar places" are actually Twins....or should I say, mirror images....of another place far and away. And that the strange affects are actually some sort of 'remote viewing' in real time. A view of one superimposed over the other?

Needless to say was hard fer me to swallow. Til I saw the photos, and their corresponding 'Twin'. I reckon there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy. Beepers' posts skirt the edge of this line of thought, reckon I will walk that edge with him for awhile. "

One site I visited .

as mentioned Rennes/Organ Mountains .

While inside , it was conveyed that the site was within a Vortex and could appear at other locations .

Later , it was gone , the set and setting had vanished .

Later , a third visit .

It was Back .

Relics in France , reappear in the Organ's ?

and then elsewhere like Currituck County ?

A Vortex ? is that possible ?

I think the other witnesses could add here a statement about that .

DTTH and the Shadow Goat Symbol was fun , the sighted see's and reveals , but you see , that , all of it , is to me just Natural .

I can explain it to myself , but no need to , I've lived through Eternity with it , it's Natural .

For some , it's a study ,and for a few , it's Life .

View attachment 1776380

Yessir, both pertinent questions. O'course nine times out of ten the answers you receive will be entirely anecdotal, and unsubstantiated. Not that they should be dismissed out of hand mind you, but I tend to lean toward that 'one off' when making further inquiry.

Fer instance, I know a little lady who is playing with the idea that those "peculiar places" are actually Twins....or should I say, mirror images....of another place far and away. And that the strange affects are actually some sort of 'remote viewing' in real time. A view of one superimposed over the other?

Needless to say was hard fer me to swallow. Til I saw the photos, and their corresponding 'Twin'. I reckon there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy. Beepers' posts skirt the edge of this line of thought, reckon I will walk that edge with him for awhile.

Cognitive dissonance can be a good thing in the long run.

Happy Thanksgiving is not late , I'm just now sitting down to my Thanksgiving , hee heh

Boy , that's a bunch to answer ,
so ,
to begin , Steve's Boirdie Landed on or near a Tree , as he pointed out , he and friend measured that tree , So if the Boid was outsized , the tree as well
would have appeared to be so ,
did I get that one right ?

Ok , On Metaphysical Paranormal situations , Attributes , Abilities , Um , My Life has always been that way , Intuition is normal , Telecommunication is normal ,
It's Modern Humanities loss of these Natural attributes , that is abnormal .

Quote : " Have you noticed an increase or heightened sense of 'Intuition' in certain areas of the Cookes?

And if so, do you believe a person's Intuition will play largely in both locating these places and interpreting them? (Intuition=Rosetta Stone?). "

I came into this World Tapped in , No Brag , however , for other people who were not , ya know , it's a toss up on how or what they are plugged into .

Desert mirage covers a lot of why a site takes on different appearances , that and weather conditions ,

Ok , I'm tuned for this Venue , as a witness once said to me : " You spotted an out of place object , that only a person like you could see ,
remember none of us could see it until we looked down your arm as you pointed it out ? "

" That only a Person like me could see " ?????????

She knew it was an ability they didn't have or didn't plug into , I didn't know that they didn't have the ability or didn't use it if they had it .

For me though , I don't try to use it , it's just there like wiggle a finger , response is all it is to me , Natural , not Paranormal at all .

Am I or others drawn to these sites by some Metaphysical guidance as an Internal Compass as it were ?

I have personal evidence , it's not even a question to me .

Did you relocate your Life Kentuck ?

Were you drawn here ?

is there a inner curiosity or angst/urge to travel here and study ?

Ah , yes the questions we ask ourselves ,

again the simplest answer is the correct one , as always .

The Soul Group ?
is it possible ?

Pfft , it's reality in every World we visit .

This World is not our Home Kentuck , That's instinctual for you , I , and others.

question :How did your soul get into the Fetus before it's birth , The Fetus that has grown into the adult body you reside in ?

can your soul recall how to exit that Body ?

well if a soul knows how to get into a physical body
it as well knows how to make an exit from it .

and how many times during sleep and or day dreaming even , has your soul made an exit ?

It gets deeeeeeep man ,

Steve witnessed an actual out sized Bird , he really did .

His wonderment kicked in his self defence rational mode , but that Bird is Natural , just not common . not here it isn't

The Altered Mental State , is just another of the various states of mind .

we have many levels .

and many states , positions of perceptions .

The Craziest position or state of mind , is the closed Lineal , single sighted .

It's the base cause of all fear and hate , everything devastating to the inner connection of us all .

All Souls were created at the same Epoch . None older , none younger than any other .

View attachment 1776378

Interesting commentary Beepers, I will pass it along to whom it applies. :notworthy:

Regarding Steve's Burdy, if you revisit his posts you will see that it was not resting on that tree but "riding the thermals" nearby. His use of the tree for measurement in this case could be a matter of perspective. And (theoretically) susceptible to the aforementioned strange phenomena, ye reckon?

As to "Mirages", I'm familiar with the science behind them, but didn't see any resemblance to anything 'water' like on the pics I was given.

Was more a pronounced difference in backgrounds. (As far as I'm aware, mirages can't move mountains). See fer yerself.

Only problem I have with the theory... if it's a 'metaphysical' phenomenon only affecting 'those who can see it', how was she able to photograph it? It obviously has physical properties. :dontknow:

Quote : " Fer instance, I know a little lady who is playing with the idea that those "peculiar places" are actually Twins....or should I say, mirror images....of another place far and away. And that the strange affects are actually some sort of 'remote viewing' in real time. A view of one superimposed over the other?

Needless to say was hard fer me to swallow. Til I saw the photos, and their corresponding 'Twin'. I reckon there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy. Beepers' posts skirt the edge of this line of thought, reckon I will walk that edge with him for awhile. "

One site I visited .

as mentioned Rennes/Organ Mountains .

While inside , it was conveyed that the site was within a Vortex and could appear at other locations .

Later , it was gone , the set and setting had vanished .

Later , a third visit .

It was Back .

Relics in France , reappear in the Organ's ?

and then elsewhere like Currituck County ?

A Vortex ? is that possible ?

I think the other witnesses could add here a statement about that .

DTTH and the Shadow Goat Symbol was fun , the sighted see's and reveals , but you see , that , all of it , is to me just Natural .

I can explain it to myself , but no need to , I've lived through Eternity with it , it's Natural .

For some , it's a study ,and for a few , it's Life .

View attachment 1776380

Vortex, eh? Well, she did mention they felt like they were in a "Wormhole" or something.

Fascinating stuff. Don't reckon I've too much experience with the like. Will have to have some Bourbon and give it some thought.

Thanks Beepers. :icon_thumright:

Cognitive dissonance can be a good thing in the long run.

Yep. Don't get too comfortable with yer beliefs, challenge them instead and adjust the ones that can't be justified accordingly.

It's how ye avoid them rabbit holes. :wink:

Interesting commentary Beepers, I will pass it along to whom it applies. :notworthy:

Regarding Steve's Burdy, if you revisit his posts you will see that it was not resting on that tree but "riding the thermals" nearby. His use of the tree for measurement in this case could be a matter of perspective. And (theoretically) susceptible to the aforementioned strange phenomena, ye reckon?

As to "Mirages", I'm familiar with the science behind them, but didn't see any resemblance to anything 'water' like on the pics I was given.

Was more a pronounced difference in backgrounds. (As far as I'm aware, mirages can't move mountains). See fer yerself.

Only problem I have with the theory... if it's a 'metaphysical' phenomenon only affecting 'those who can see it', how was she able to photograph it? It obviously has physical properties. :dontknow:

~~ The bird drifted behind the tree at the edge of the crest of the ridge, which is why we were certain its wingspan was as wide as the tree crown and why we went to the trouble to climb up there and measure the tree. I know exactly what we saw and how we verified it.

~~ With all due respect, the two photos at were clearly taken from different locations and different camera settings, IMO.

Compared to the top photo, the yucca in the bottom photo is much further away, taken from further to the right of the bushes, and because of its height compared to the tall rock and the apparent size of the bushes, possibly with less zoom. The hills in the background are off to the right, out of frame. With the different lighting and perspective, we would expect the rocks look considerably different in both shots.

~~ The best mirages I've seen around Luna County are of Tres Hermanas as seen on the Deming/Hurley highway early after sunrise from about 50-60 miles north of the hills. Very weird, and frequently seen.

Yep. Don't get too comfortable with yer beliefs, challenge them instead and adjust the ones that can't be justified accordingly.

It's how ye avoid them rabbit holes. :wink:

Or find deeper ones.

~~ The bird drifted behind the tree at the edge of the crest of the ridge, which is why we were certain its wingspan was as wide as the tree crown and why we went to the trouble to climb up there and measure the tree. I know exactly what we saw and how we verified it.

~~ With all due respect, the two photos at were clearly taken from different locations and different camera settings, IMO.

Compared to the top photo, the yucca in the bottom photo is much further away, taken from further to the right of the bushes, and because of its height compared to the tall rock and the apparent size of the bushes, possibly with less zoom. The hills in the background are off to the right, out of frame. With the different lighting and perspective, we would expect the rocks look considerably different in both shots.

~~ The best mirages I've seen around Luna County are of Tres Hermanas as seen on the Deming/Hurley highway early after sunrise from about 50-60 miles north of the hills. Very weird, and frequently seen.

Thanks for the added description of your Bird sighting. It only adds to the mystery. I never doubted your story, ye understand, was only checking off alternate possibilities in view of other seemingly relevant info. Perhaps our intrepid adventurers will have opportunity to confirm your sighting with one of their own, and document it on film. Not neccessary for you, I understand, but would throw some wood on the fire for those living vicariously through this forum.

In any case, the original question was directed to Beepers, and answered succinctly.

Thanks for your added insight.

As for the photos, yer welcome to yer opinion, of course. And I might agree had I not been assured there was no "zoom" in use on either shot, (though some clearing away of the brush obscuring the monument had been done between takes), and the photographer states the same perspective was visually verified without use of the camera as well. On more than one occasion, and in various locations throughout that area. I expect her 'visual reports' should hold as much water as yer own, no?

Again, I thank ye for yer insights, but this old dog has to follow his own nose.


... As for the photos, yer welcome to yer opinion, of course. And I might agree had I not been assured there was no "zoom" in use on either shot, (though some clearing away of the brush obscuring the monument had been done between takes), and the photographer states the same perspective was visually verified without use of the camera as well. On more than one occasion, and in various locations throughout that area. I expect her 'visual reports' should hold as much water as yer own, no? ...
I'm not doubting the sincerity of the lady at all, but since she's provided visual evidence, I couldn't help myself from attempting to verify her claims in my own noggin. Must be that methodology they hammered into my head way back in engineering school. And you, Ol'K, as a champion of hard evidence, must admit that anecdotal testimony is one thing, but "documentation" is another and must be verified.

When you overlap these two photos (a valid procedure since they were claimed to have been taken from the same spot), then register and scale the overlay exactly on the "head", well, see for yourself. I modified the overlay to take out the color and emphasize the edges. Note the yucca plant and the tall rock - something's amiss. This dog don't hunt for me, but then, as always, I could be wrong.


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