Happy Thanksgiving is not late , I'm just now sitting down to my Thanksgiving , hee heh
Boy , that's a bunch to answer ,
so ,
to begin , Steve's Boirdie Landed on or near a Tree , as he pointed out , he and friend measured that tree , So if the Boid was outsized , the tree as well
would have appeared to be so ,
did I get that one right ?
Ok , On Metaphysical Paranormal situations , Attributes , Abilities , Um , My Life has always been that way , Intuition is normal , Telecommunication is normal ,
It's Modern Humanities loss of these Natural attributes , that is abnormal .
Quote : " Have you noticed an increase or heightened sense of 'Intuition' in certain areas of the Cookes?
And if so, do you believe a person's Intuition will play largely in both locating these places and interpreting them? (Intuition=Rosetta Stone?). "
I came into this World Tapped in , No Brag , however , for other people who were not , ya know , it's a toss up on how or what they are plugged into .
Desert mirage covers a lot of why a site takes on different appearances , that and weather conditions ,
Ok , I'm tuned for this Venue , as a witness once said to me : " You spotted an out of place object , that only a person like you could see ,
remember none of us could see it until we looked down your arm as you pointed it out ? "
" That only a Person like me could see "

She knew it was an ability they didn't have or didn't plug into , I didn't know that they didn't have the ability or didn't use it if they had it .
For me though , I don't try to use it , it's just there like wiggle a finger , response is all it is to me , Natural , not Paranormal at all .
Am I or others drawn to these sites by some Metaphysical guidance as an Internal Compass as it were ?
I have personal evidence , it's not even a question to me .
Did you relocate your Life Kentuck ?
Were you drawn here ?
is there a inner curiosity or angst/urge to travel here and study ?
Ah , yes the questions we ask ourselves ,
again the simplest answer is the correct one , as always .
The Soul Group ?
is it possible ?
Pfft , it's reality in every World we visit .
This World is not our Home Kentuck , That's instinctual for you , I , and others.
question :How did your soul get into the Fetus before it's birth , The Fetus that has grown into the adult body you reside in ?
can your soul recall how to exit that Body ?
well if a soul knows how to get into a physical body
it as well knows how to make an exit from it .
and how many times during sleep and or day dreaming even , has your soul made an exit ?
It gets deeeeeeep man ,
Steve witnessed an actual out sized Bird , he really did .
His wonderment kicked in his self defence rational mode , but that Bird is Natural , just not common . not here it isn't
The Altered Mental State , is just another of the various states of mind .
we have many levels .
and many states , positions of perceptions .
The Craziest position or state of mind , is the closed Lineal , single sighted .
It's the base cause of all fear and hate , everything devastating to the inner connection of us all .
All Souls were created at the same Epoch . None older , none younger than any other .
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