ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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Q1. Iam asking does anyone know if this is a map?
Q2. I just stumbled on to it. Or maybe i was guided to it by a force unknown to me.
Q3. It seems like a message left for someone .
Q4. I see symbols that i have seen in Poussin paintings.

Question for you OK. Could you tell me who this person is or culture its from? Maybe what era its from. Reason, i see the same symbolic symbols .View attachment 1899163

Thank you for the clarification. :notworthy:

To answer your question, the image 'looks to be Sumerian'.

From Wiki: " Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, emerging during the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Ages between the sixth and fifth millennium BC. Wikipedia
Dates: c. 4500 — c. 1900 BC "

BUT.....I say 'looks to be' as this particular image/plate is from the Father Crespi collection, and is questionable as to its authenticity. The entire collection is said to be forgeries, but they still pop up frequently on every Ancient Alien site on the web. Take that for what it's worth.

I would like to share with you some useful advice I received back in the day from the author of this thread actually.

"Beware of assigning relevance to objects you discover while seeking signs and symbols. We will most always find the shapes we seek in anything we look at. The human mind always seeks confirmation of what we 'expect' to see. Confirmation Bias is endemic to seeking signs and symbols."

She offered me this example:


In other words, we can find the symbols we Seek anywhere. But finding them doesn't necessarily make them relevant. It's only when they are found in conjunction with, or in relation to, some other symbol or object which confirms a connection that we find relevance.

I believe that to be true. That's why I asked if you were led to this discovery or if you just stumbled upon it, and if it leads you anywhere. I am not questioning your discovery, or the symbols you are seeing, by any means. I'm just trying to determine their relevance.

Thanks for the info. The whole mountain is covered with signs .Theres know why i could know which would lead to the other. Other than a non consonance approach to it. When i feel iam at the spot. Its time to verify. With this method. That forger was surely skilled at his craft. I give him or her 5 stars.

Thanks for the info. The whole mountain is covered with signs .Theres know why i could know which would lead to the other. Other than a non consonance approach to it. When i feel iam at the spot. Its time to verify. With this method. That forger was surely skilled at his craft. I give him or her 5 stars.

Well then, it seems you've answered your own questions....and mine.

Have a good'un. :notworthy:

I find it interesting OK that you have been studying Ancient Alien web sites. Are you finding connections to these Ancient sites in the southwest to Ancient Aliens ? Or have you just been looking at those web sites just to pass time?

I find it interesting OK that you have been studying Ancient Alien web sites. Are you finding connections to these Ancient sites in the southwest to Ancient Aliens ? Or have you just been looking at those web sites just to pass time?

Not that interesting, actually. Pretty mundane. I have found that much of the historical subjects I research also end up on various and sundry other websites totally unrelated to my interests.

Old west outlaws for instance.

When researching them on the web I come across treasure hunting sites, conspiracy theory sites, Geneaology sites, etc, where those subjects tend to "interact". So it is not unususal when researching ancient historical subjects like the Assyrian and Sumerian civilizations to run across 'Ancient Alien' websites, as they tend to attempt ties to the same subjects. Doesn't mean I'm interested in ancient aliens, just run across a lot of their sites during my research.

And no, I don't make any connection. I tend to lump those in with the conspiracy theorists, personally. But that's just my opinion. Yours may vary.

Do you make any connection with sites in the southwest to Ancient Aliens?

Ok, no i cant say that i have seen a connection Ancient Aliens, if Ancient Aliens look like what they show as modern Aliens, then nope. I see mostly 99 percent pagan stuff. If snakes, dragons turtles, birds and devils are pagan stuff . And i havent seen any indication of them being destroyed . I had read that the Spaniards would destroy that stuff, but havent seen it done in 3 differant mountain ranges.

Ok, no i cant say that i have seen a connection Ancient Aliens, if Ancient Aliens look like what they show as modern Aliens, then nope. I see mostly 99 percent pagan stuff. If snakes, dragons turtles, birds and devils are pagan stuff . And i havent seen any indication of them being destroyed . I had read that the Spaniards would destroy that stuff, but havent seen it done in 3 differant mountain ranges.

All the symbols you speak of here are of an Animistic nature, even the "devils" or scary faces. If it were me, I would be researching Animism and the societies of the past who practiced it. I am not surprised that the Spanish destroyed such images, as they were followers of an organized religion. No doubt they found the images sacrilegious and an abomination. As to why they would not have destroyed the images you claim to have found, I can only offer that they must not have found them...for whatever reason.

Since you've mentioned 'Shields', I would narrow my research down to Animistic Societies who were known to use them. I don't know if any of this will help you at all, but it will give you someplace to start and keep your mind from wandering in circles. If none of that appeals to you, then carry on as usual. It's your dime, your time, after all. :wink:

Have a good'un. :icon_thumright:

Yea, i need to stay focused on the underground signs and symbols . Here is what i belive to be a devil. Even that little bird looking thing below the devil looks pissed off. Theres a intresting large stone in there on the floor, but i just cant bring myself back to it to study it better. My knees play wipe out, teeth chatter, cant breath. Iam not welcome in there,bad mojo for me,so i let it be.P1010140.webp

Well hopefully this tread will spark a intrest. Got the cobwebs off anyway.

A. Not that interesting, actually. Pretty mundane. I have found that much of the historical subjects I research also end up on various and sundry other websites totally unrelated to my interests.
B. Do you make any connection with sites in the southwest to Ancient Aliens?

A. That's because the once quite-useful search engines such as Google have devolved into much less-useful tools. IMO.

B. No. I do however notice quite a coincidence in timing between the well-known 'Roswell Incident' and the Kenneth Arnold 'Flying Saucer Incident' (both in 1947) and the less-known Operation Highjump of 1946. Before we try to speculate on Man's original appearance on Earth (far, far distant past), I think we first might attempt to tackle what's happened on the planet during the past 12,000-year World of Man cycle (as the Hopi and others might classify it). The rash of 'UFOs' in recent times are Earth-based. IMO.

Here is a view of that cave open with the sun in a differant spot. Above the opening is a staff with a snake coiled around it. In the blanked out white box is a x with a hook.nm#3 094.webpOIP (6).webp

Let me see if I got this right so far.

We got assorted Animistic Symbols (dragons, snakes, turtles, birds, scary faces, etc.), Poussin Painting hidden maps, Templar Shields, Sumerian Figures, the Rod of Asclepius (which is often conflated with the Caduceus, or rod with two snakes), Ancient Aliens, and now a Hooked X.

Holy Moley.

I don't figure I'll be able to help you with any of those, but I can tell you one thing. Them mountains must be chock full of rabbits. You have your work cut out for ya.

So I reckon I'll just leave y'all to it. :notworthy:

Good luck, and happy huntin'.

Have a good'un. :icon_thumright:

You just wait OK, till i get a hold of some DMT, and go up there for a special session . Ill have some real special stuff to lay on ya. You gotta get out of the bubble once in awhile.

Here is a view of that cave open with the sun in a differant spot. Above the opening is a staff with a snake coiled around it. In the blanked out white box is a x with a hook.View attachment 1899552View attachment 1899553

I've been meaning to ask you this for quite a while: what's the point of posting photos with big white blotches covering up most of the picture? Really?

By the way, you'll need a security chaperon with you if you decide to mess with DMT, otherwise you may end up with a big white blotch over you.

I've been meaning to ask you this for quite a while: what's the point of posting photos with big white blotches covering up most of the picture? Really?

By the way, you'll need a security chaperon with you if you decide to mess with DMT, otherwise you may end up with a big white blotch over you.

You will never get that question answered its how this guy rolls.

I've been meaning to ask you this for quite a while: what's the point of posting photos with big white blotches covering up most of the picture? Really?

By the way, you'll need a security chaperon with you if you decide to mess with DMT, otherwise you may end up with a big white blotch over you.

Its my water mark. All the unedited ones are available for free viewing in the book. The book is available for everyone out in nature .

Dog, re post 816- Could the "Chinese" writing be shadows made by the grass/twigs to the right of the pic? Good luck.

Here are a couple of photos from that area. I never went back to this spot and hiked up there to see if this was cacti or done in stone. It seems to be to intricate of work to be done in stone. Maybe the one is done in stone. But the other one, i think is cacti. If it is legit, whats the message ?sw.nm 211.webpsw.nm 210.webp

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