Sometimes the simplest concepts are the hardest to grasp.
What is a calendar, Steve?
Does it require a make a calendar?
What if your site plan IS a calendar itself?
A calendar is merely a record of regularly recurring events, in this case the position of the sun on a particular day....a Solar Calendar. One need look no further than the abundance of ancient solar sites across the globe to find an accurate solar calendar. How they were created has long been known and is nothing new. Observation and recording. Simple enough. And through this video we see that the same principles were used in making a site plan.
What the video in question revealed to me, was the possibility the authors site was an ancient solar calendar site, and the fact that some ancient civilizations have encoded those key calendar dates into their everyday accoutrements, pottery, textiles, etc. In other words, while she found no artifacts...she may have had the answer to the questions of "Who, How & Why" by looking to the historical inhabitant's (Mimbres, Mogollon, or even Aztecs) artwork and the designs encoded in it. The panel I mentioned being a possibility.
She already had the tools to find true North (A staff) from the "John/Mark Monument", and the point of solstice sunrise at the "Gunsight". Simple enough to figure any relevant angles and degrees from there.
Nothing more. Nothing complex to project. Just a Simple method for finding a possible explanation to the mystery.
Of course, if one wanted to "project complexity", I suppose it could also be the creation of some clever esoteric secret organization using the same methods to mark huge treasure depositories. A Calendar map you could say.
Geographical Landscape as a Geometrical Landscape, Geological Landscapes as Astronomical Landscapes, and the Combination of the Two.