ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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Hi Dit. On that second picture, the direction the head is looking could give you a clue as to who put it there. St. John the Baptist was one of the holy men who lost his head. His holy day is June 24th which is also a couple days off from the summer solstice. The Templars were big fans of St. John so if the head is facing to the NE, solstice sunrise, it might indicate Templar or even freemason influence.

Thanks to Steve's links to calculating the Sun and Moon trajectories, I have found a very interesting correlation. From Dog's notes, the Moon rose out of the mouth of the Snake on or about the Spring Equinox (March 20). So, by my calculations, from that location (with a magnetic declination of +8 degrees) it rose at 124 degrees from magnetic north at 10:02pm, which just happens to match Dog's notes.

If your speculations are correct, on the Summer Solstice (June 21) the Sun will rise at 69 degrees at 6:00am. Guess where I will be at 6am on June 21st? ;D

Dit, you really need to get a handheld GPS!!

All of those facts and numbers that are stored in your brain, are gonna fry in that sunshine [emoji274].


Dit, you really need to get a handheld GPS!!

All of those facts and numbers that are stored in your brain, are gonna fry in that sunshine [emoji274].


I know, it's a pain trying to do all this with only a compass. :BangHead: :censored:

But whoever did this had less than that, only their Celestial knowledge (which I honestly believe was far superior to a compass). Unfortunately, that's all I have to work with at the moment, and I'm sure my calculations show it, lol. I guess we'll see come Solstice. Sigh.

I’ll start watching for one at yard sales. If I can find one that just needs a little TLC to clear out the old data, I will pick it up and mail it to you.

Till then, make screenshots of your location with a photo of where you are.

You can do that safely with the right settings on your phone, so that it doesn’t mark your photo that can lead others to your site.

Till then...
May your thoughts lead
You to
Your fortune and it’s secrets.


Thanks to Steve's links to calculating the Sun and Moon trajectories, I have found a very interesting correlation. From Dog's notes, the Moon rose out of the mouth of the Snake on or about the Spring Equinox (March 20). So, by my calculations, from that location (with a magnetic declination of +8 degrees) it rose at 124 degrees from magnetic north at 10:02pm, which just happens to match Dog's notes.

If your speculations are correct, on the Summer Solstice (June 21) the Sun will rise at 69 degrees at 6:00am. Guess where I will be at 6am on June 21st? ;D

Actually you have at the Hermanas Peaks about -15 magnetic declination. In the period 1700's-1800's there were about +2.
Also, if your cell phone is a smartphone then you can download a GPS app.

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Actually you have at the Hermanas Peaks about -15 magnetic declination. In the period 1700's-1800's there were about +2.
Also, if your cell phone is a smartphone then you can download a GPS app.

And why aren't you here to help, Marius? :tongue3:

I already admitted my calculations were questionable, lol. But then again, how do you know where I was taking my measurements from to start with, or what time period I was calculating from?? :laughing7:

I can see I am gonna have to watch you. 8-)

I’ll start watching for one at yard sales. If I can find one that just needs a little TLC to clear out the old data, I will pick it up and mail it to you.

Till then, make screenshots of your location with a photo of where you are.

You can do that safely with the right settings on your phone, so that it doesn’t mark your photo that can lead others to your site.

Till then...
May your thoughts lead
You to
Your fortune and it’s secrets.


You are AWESOME, Mikel! :notworthy:

Dit, is the throne anywhere near the headless guy?

The East facing throne, yes, but not part of the group of stones around that particular spot. A second group nearby.

The East facing throne, yes, but not part of the group of stones around that particular spot. A second group nearby.

Thanks Dit. I didn't realize there were two thrones. I saw the one that Dog was sitting on, but I don't remember another one. What are your thoughts about these thrones? Their location in the region, their position on the landscape, the direction they face, stuff like that. I know you have a lot of research to do, but I was just curious about your first thoughts.

Thanks Dit. I didn't realize there were two thrones. I saw the one that Dog was sitting on, but I don't remember another one. What are your thoughts about these thrones? Their location in the region, their position on the landscape, the direction they face, stuff like that. I know you have a lot of research to do, but I was just curious about your first thoughts.

That's a tough one, Mdog. Not really sure what to make of it.

The East facing throne is on the video I posted of the dust storms. It sits in a decidedly different setting than the West facing one (the one Dog is sitting in), it's more a flat, arid desert type setting. It almost looks like a mirage rising out of the desert floor. Just a few big boulders and the Throne sitting all by its self.

throne 2 facing east wide angle.webp throne 2 facing east into the rising sun.webp

Throne facing East.webp

The West facing throne is in a mountainous, rocky area, with many formations, signs, and symbols surrounding it in a wide semi-circle, and is near the huge Reclining Figure. I was mistaken yesterday when I said the Headless Man was near the East facing Throne, it is actually closer to the West facing one, kind of in the middle?

It is very easy to lose your sense of direction on this site, it covers a lot of ground and has an eerie ability to warp your spatial sense. Small things become big, big things turn small. I laughed one day, telling Dog I felt like I was in a worm hole or a time warp. Dog and I have both commented on that to each other, you can walk 5 feet and be in a whole different world, lol. Difficult to keep your perspective, and one reason I would like to have the handheld GPS.

The most striking difference between the two Thrones is their setting.

My first thoughts......Rulers or ?. Opposing or jointly? One Throne for the Worshiper and one for the Worshiped? Biblical connotations. Templar or ?

Second thoughts immediately went to Mesoamerican similarities.

I have the feeling, intuition I will call it, that it will make better sense when I can map it and run some Celestial data. I could be completely wrong though. Could we be talking multiple 'layers' of occupation here?

I dunno, still got a long way to go. :dontknow:

Have you considered the thought, that it might be a half buried heart??

Just an observation, from the photo...


Have you considered the thought, that it might be a half buried heart??

Just an observation, from the photo...


I had not, Mikel, that is an excellent observation as it does look like a half buried heart. But isn't that supposed to be a "Spanish" or "Jesuit" sign? I've not seen anything here that would suggest either. :icon_scratch:

I’ll start watching for one at yard sales. If I can find one that just needs a little TLC to clear out the old data, I will pick it up and mail it to you.

Till then, make screenshots of your location with a photo of where you are.

You can do that safely with the right settings on your phone, so that it doesn’t mark your photo that can lead others to your site.

Till then...
May your thoughts lead
You to
Your fortune and it’s secrets.

"You can do that safely with the right settings on your phone, so that it doesn’t mark your photo that can lead others to your site. "

There's a program called EXIF PILOT out there freeware when I got it. You can wipe or manipulate the info on the photos very easy. So easy even I can do it! And yes you can edit the cords. to another location just to see who might show up hint hint. Just another tool for your toolkit to make life a little easier!

I started out with a hand held GPS and a National Geographic TOPO set.

I marked all of my signs and symbols, with azimuths. As I downloaded it waypoints and attached photos to them, it started telling us the story of the site.

New electronics have come and gone, faster than I could learn and grow, so it is what I remember and suggest.

Old habits, die hard...
I’ve outlived most of my equipment.


I started out with a hand held GPS and a National Geographic TOPO set.

I marked all of my signs and symbols, with azimuths. As I downloaded it waypoints and attached photos to them, it started telling us the story of the site.

New electronics have come and gone, faster than I could learn and grow, so it is what I remember and suggest.

Old habits, die hard...
I’ve outlived most of my equipment.


I like that, old school all the way. :icon_thumright:

That's a tough one, Mdog. Not really sure what to make of it.

The East facing throne is on the video I posted of the dust storms. It sits in a decidedly different setting than the West facing one (the one Dog is sitting in), it's more a flat, arid desert type setting. It almost looks like a mirage rising out of the desert floor. Just a few big boulders and the Throne sitting all by its self.

View attachment 1716974 View attachment 1716972

View attachment 1716973

The West facing throne is in a mountainous, rocky area, with many formations, signs, and symbols surrounding it in a wide semi-circle, and is near the huge Reclining Figure. I was mistaken yesterday when I said the Headless Man was near the East facing Throne, it is actually closer to the West facing one, kind of in the middle?

It is very easy to lose your sense of direction on this site, it covers a lot of ground and has an eerie ability to warp your spatial sense. Small things become big, big things turn small. I laughed one day, telling Dog I felt like I was in a worm hole or a time warp. Dog and I have both commented on that to each other, you can walk 5 feet and be in a whole different world, lol. Difficult to keep your perspective, and one reason I would like to have the handheld GPS.

The most striking difference between the two Thrones is their setting.

My first thoughts......Rulers or ?. Opposing or jointly? One Throne for the Worshiper and one for the Worshiped? Biblical connotations. Templar or ?

Second thoughts immediately went to Mesoamerican similarities.

I have the feeling, intuition I will call it, that it will make better sense when I can map it and run some Celestial data. I could be completely wrong though. Could we be talking multiple 'layers' of occupation here?

I dunno, still got a long way to go. :dontknow:

Thanks Dit. I know you have to keep a clear mind and stay focused, while you're sorting this place out. I'll hold off on the questions until you let us know what you've found. If I can help, let me know.

Not that I'm super welcome here, I obviously have my own beliefs on all this stuff.

This is a old snail monument with a modified shell. The shell is basically a heart-like top or an open mouth with a face in the cleft or mouth, and it means you look thru a cleft (nearby gap) since faces/skulls often mean "to look".. The gap there is between the snail's head and it's shell, this is a very old way of doing things, they liked to gunsite thru heart clefts, small cracks and gaps, mouths. They also liked to show a recognizable image from the side and have you look thru it at a 90 degree angle or some other 15 degree increment, like 30 or 45 degrees off the siteline of the image ( the snail looks to the left on a bearing and you veer off where it looks by looking thru the gap behind it's head).snail.webp I've been too busy doing other things and can't really follow stuff on tnet for quite a while. BTW an open mouth means rebirth, it is where things are swallowed to be reborn again.

Not that I'm super welcome here, I obviously have my own beliefs on all this stuff.

This is a old snail monument with a modified shell. The shell is basically a heart-like top or an open mouth with a face in the cleft or mouth, and it means you look thru a cleft (nearby gap) since faces/skulls often mean "to look".. The gap there is between the snail's head and it's shell, this is a very old way of doing things, they liked to gunsite thru heart clefts, small cracks and gaps, mouths. They also liked to show a recognizable image from the side and have you look thru it at a 90 degree angle or some other 15 degree increment, like 30 or 45 degrees off the siteline of the image ( the snail looks to the left on a bearing and you veer off where it looks by looking thru the gap behind it's head).View attachment 1717478 I've been too busy doing other things and can't really follow stuff on tnet for quite a while. BTW an open mouth means rebirth, it is where things are swallowed to be reborn again.

Everyone is welcome here, Q. We all may not agree, but we can all agree to disagree.

That is an interesting interpretation. May I ask who "they" are?

The people building the original monuments and the people looting the places and modifying them.
I've stated before about a series of groups going way back...pre history to present. You can't tie it all in to one group because things get altered by successive groups.. everyone thought apparently they were "the one" important group in humanity and would rule. That's why I've supported looking for things buried or reburied /remarked by the most recents. A lot of headache on trial an error following these things. It's hard to sort out what exactly you are looking at.

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