I want to thank you for thinking better of the post you made then deleted. But I feel I need to make one thing perfectly clear. Your belief or disbelief is not a factor in my journey. Nor is your own theory/paradigm. They have no affect on my Journey because I am not out to prove or disprove anyone's theories. Not even Dog's, who has been gracious enough to share his site with me.
Dog and I have a symbiotic relationship that works very well for both of us. He is only concerned with the X spot. A bloodhound doesn't care who buried the bone, or why they buried it, he just wants the bone and will use all his senses to find it. I, on the other hand, am a typical female. I want to know who's bone it is, why they buried it, why they chose this spot to bury it, where did they come from, who are they kin to, is it a leg bone or an arm bone, where did THEY get the bone to begin with, who their step neighbor in laws were, and is there a Walmart there.
Oh, and we both like dark beer and Tequila, and enjoy sitting next to an open fire under a star filled sky. Among other things.
My point being, that I started this Journey to answer some questions and look for treasure if it can be found. It doesn't matter to me if anyone believes my journey is worth following or not, I will share it anyway. It's your choice to follow or not. I'm having too much fun to worry about it. If I find answers, great, if I don't, I've still had fun and learned something. That's a win-win for me. Don't get so emotionally attached to the outcome, that you miss the point. It's the caramel coated popcorn that's the real prize in a box of Crackerjacks.
I'm sharing.....want a piece? If not then just pass the box.
Establishing a timeline is exactly what I am attempting to do at the moment. One can only do that by establishing who may or may not have made this 'Art'. This is not a process that can be accomplished overnight. I'm just getting started, still have much more of this site to explore, along with another nearby.
Way too soon to be making assumptions.
I love ya like a brother, and value your opinions, but if you keep trying to rain on my parade
I may just shove an umbrella up your tailpipe.