ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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We can assume from where the monuments makers came, from the orientation of the monuments. The monuments were used as points of reference or as ending points.
If a monument faces north, then their makers would come from the north and so on. As larger the monument is, so highest the land is, for the purpose to be seen from afar.
Of course, many ancient monuments which were made for the purpose to mark a place worth in rich mineral deposits, have been discovered later by different people who came from a different direction and added their own markings at the same spot. So, we can see maps made by people coming from the south, using in them older monuments facing north and vice-versa. In their maps, they managed to guide the seeker to came from the direction the monument could be seen.
We can see also ( rare but not impossible ) at one ancient gold mine spot, signs like ancient petroghlyps, Templars crosses and Spanish treasure markings.
The very ancient monuments were made at the top of the place which they wanted to represent or to mark and could be seen in every direction. They have not used other signs or markers from that specific spot.

The last that I heard, they had a route out. And they have a safe place to land.

That's great news, Mikel. Will keep them in my thoughts & prayers along with Mike (Weekender).

It may take a while, but eventually Ditlihi may provide at least preliminary results and conclusions from the field work she and DTTH have been doing in Luna County NM. We need to be patient. So far, we've seen some rock pictures, one of which - the one that resembles a reclining figure holding a head - is pretty cool. I realize she's holding back the good stuff for later - hopefully we'll see it some day. You all know that I am skeptical when observers conflate pareiodolia phenomena with ancient hidden treasures, as the conclusions drawn are totally blue-sky speculation IMO. I'm not nearly as demanding as a guy like Ol' Kentuck, but if there is evidence of ancient activity, nobody has yet provided a reason why "treasure" is the reason.

That said, this is the type of evidence we're always on the lookout for in SW New Mexico and elsewhere in the Southwest - a possible pre Anasazi presence. Not just old, but "ancient."

I really hope D & D have found this sort of evidence - not typical pecked petroglyphs on basalt, but much older deep-cut heavily weathered carvings. These sorts of things do exist in SW New Mexico. Below are a couple I've found.

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View attachment 1715820

We know that precious metals were coveted as far back as 6,000-7,000 years ago as jewelry. Their importance was widespread throughout Bronze Age cultures as money. That's 4,000 years ago, or more. If you accept Plato (or more importantly, the recent heretical scientific work that redefines human occupations on the globe), then the known importance of the metals may have been inherited by survivors of unknown advanced groups that rebooted human existence after the world-wide cataclysm ~12,000 years ago.

Be that as it may, we're discussing "ancients" in the American Southwest. If the unusual rock shapes are attributable to humans, it seems to me that establishing the timeline is the first and probably the most difficult conclusion to draw. Next, were these folks travelers from elsewhere in the world, or were they regionally indigenous? How one can arrive at such baselines is not yet obvious.

Steve, I want to thank you for thinking better of the post you made then deleted. But I feel I need to make one thing perfectly clear. Your belief or disbelief is not a factor in my journey. Nor is your own theory/paradigm. They have no affect on my Journey because I am not out to prove or disprove anyone's theories. Not even Dog's, who has been gracious enough to share his site with me.

Dog and I have a symbiotic relationship that works very well for both of us. He is only concerned with the X spot. A bloodhound doesn't care who buried the bone, or why they buried it, he just wants the bone and will use all his senses to find it. I, on the other hand, am a typical female. I want to know who's bone it is, why they buried it, why they chose this spot to bury it, where did they come from, who are they kin to, is it a leg bone or an arm bone, where did THEY get the bone to begin with, who their step neighbor in laws were, and is there a Walmart there.

Oh, and we both like dark beer and Tequila, and enjoy sitting next to an open fire under a star filled sky. Among other things.

My point being, that I started this Journey to answer some questions and look for treasure if it can be found. It doesn't matter to me if anyone believes my journey is worth following or not, I will share it anyway. It's your choice to follow or not. I'm having too much fun to worry about it. If I find answers, great, if I don't, I've still had fun and learned something. That's a win-win for me. Don't get so emotionally attached to the outcome, that you miss the point. It's the caramel coated popcorn that's the real prize in a box of Crackerjacks.

I'm sharing.....want a piece? If not then just pass the box.

Establishing a timeline is exactly what I am attempting to do at the moment. One can only do that by establishing who may or may not have made this 'Art'. This is not a process that can be accomplished overnight. I'm just getting started, still have much more of this site to explore, along with another nearby. Way too soon to be making assumptions.

I love ya like a brother, and value your opinions, but if you keep trying to rain on my parade I may just shove an umbrella up your tailpipe. :toothy2:

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We can assume from where the monuments makers came, from the orientation of the monuments. The monuments were used as points of reference or as ending points.
If a monument faces north, then their makers would come from the north and so on. As larger the monument is, so highest the land is, for the purpose to be seen from afar.
Of course, many ancient monuments which were made for the purpose to mark a place worth in rich mineral deposits, have been discovered later by different people who came from a different direction and added their own markings at the same spot. So, we can see maps made by people coming from the south, using in them older monuments facing north and vice-versa. In their maps, they managed to guide the seeker to came from the direction the monument could be seen.
We can see also ( rare but not impossible ) at one ancient gold mine spot, signs like ancient petroghlyps, Templars crosses and Spanish treasure markings.
The very ancient monuments were made at the top of the place which they wanted to represent or to mark and could be seen in every direction. They have not used other signs or markers from that specific spot.

Thank you Marius, that is particularly interesting as I have found at least 3 marker monuments that match that description. All almost identical in construction and materials. They correspond with another marker lower on the terrain that one can only see if you are practically standing on it. Sure wish I had a handheld GPS at the moment, sigh.

The Mississippian culture also had artwork that showed warriors, wearing headress and holding a mace in one hand and a severed head in the other.

A heart was the first thing I thought of, in the lit square.

Mdog, I thought you might enjoy this. F. Kent Reilly has done some amazing work on both the Mississippian Culture and the Maya/Olmec Cultures as well. I'm looking at some of his stuff now that I may share later.

F. Kent Reilly on Mississippian Iconography

And this is an interesting read.....even shows one in a Jaguar skin suit.

Marco Cervera - Arms and Armour

Mexica Warriors.webp

Steve, I want to thank you for thinking better of the post you made then deleted. But I feel I need to make one thing perfectly clear. Your belief or disbelief is not a factor in my journey. Nor is your own theory/paradigm. They have no affect on my Journey because I am not out to prove or disprove anyone's theories. Not even Dog's, who has been gracious enough to share his site with me.

Dog and I have a symbiotic relationship that works very well for both of us. He is only concerned with the X spot. A bloodhound doesn't care who buried the bone, or why they buried it, he just wants the bone and will use all his senses to find it. I, on the other hand, am a typical female. I want to know who's bone it is, why they buried it, why they chose this spot to bury it, where did they come from, who are they kin to, is it a leg bone or an arm bone, where did THEY get the bone to begin with, who their step neighbor in laws were, and is there a Walmart there.

Oh, and we both like dark beer and Tequila, and enjoy sitting next to an open fire under a star filled sky. Among other things.

My point being, that I started this Journey to answer some questions and look for treasure if it can be found. It doesn't matter to me if anyone believes my journey is worth following or not, I will share it anyway. It's your choice to follow or not. I'm having too much fun to worry about it. If I find answers, great, if I don't, I've still had fun and learned something. That's a win-win for me. Don't get so emotionally attached to the outcome, that you miss the point. It's the caramel coated popcorn that's the real prize in a box of Crackerjacks.

I'm sharing.....want a piece? If not then just pass the box.

Establishing a timeline is exactly what I am attempting to do at the moment. One can only do that by establishing who may or may not have made this 'Art'. This is not a process that can be accomplished overnight. I'm just getting started, still have much more of this site to explore, along with another nearby. Way too soon to be making assumptions.

I love ya like a brother, and value your opinions, but if you keep trying to rain on my parade I may just shove an umbrella up your tailpipe. :toothy2:

^ Ha ha, I carelessly thought the post I was responding to yours. I 86'd my response when I realize it was the other guy's.
^ No shortages of any of those things in Luna Co., except firewood.
^ I'll wait.
^ Good luck with that.

Good luck, collect some good pictures and begin preparing for the heat.

I also found many correlations to this site in this Study; the Reclining Figure having the appearance of being wrapped/bound.......the Sacred Mirror (there is a depiction of a man gazing into what we had guessed was a book reading, but could be a mirror. Have not yet posted that pic)...and other similarities.....

" Several documents relating to Huitzilopochtli testify to similar associations. Indeed, "Left Side Hummingbird" was called Omitecuhtli ("Lord Bone") and one of the calendar names of Tezcatlipoca was ce miquiztli ("1Death") illustrated by a death head....The latter could appear in the shape of a cut head while Huitzilopochtli communicated with his extremely pious people via a skull that they had preserved..."

SACRED BUNDLES: Ritual Acts of Wrapping and Binding in Mesoamerica

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^ Ha ha, I carelessly thought the post I was responding to yours. I 86'd my response when I realize it was the other guy's.
^ No shortages of any of those things in Luna Co., except firewood.
^ I'll wait.
^ Good luck with that.

Good luck, collect some good pictures and begin preparing for the heat.

You know what Steve? Have at it. The thread is yours. Have fun.

Understand completely, and well said. So many possibilities, so little time. I would be very interested in seeing any follow up you two do on this, please keep me in the loop. :notworthy:

And I've been watching the reports from Mike's area, it looks catastrophic from the predictions. Was there for the 1990 "100 year flood" event and it was horrible, we were rescuing hundreds. That flood was only a couple feet less than the all time record setting 1945 flood. This one is predicted to smash that record to pieces. Prayers are going up as we speak for all the folks in its path. Mike, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care my friend and Godspeed! :heart:

Ditlihi & Mikel,
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers
We're at 36-1\2' tonight. Heading towards 41'
We are looking at the water from the front door, but
I think we'll just slip by. I've got some catching up to
do. Keep the pics coming.

Ditlihi & Mikel,
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers
We're at 36-1\2' tonight. Heading towards 41'
We are looking at the water from the front door, but
I think we'll just slip by. I've got some catching up to
do. Keep the pics coming.

Thank you for that update Mike, been thinking of you and hoping you were staying safe. That sounds ominous, please take care and don't take any chances. Still praying for everybody, it has already surpassed the 1990 event and right at the record 1945 and still rising. Keep safe and update when you can! :heart:

You know what Steve? Have at it. The thread is yours. Have fun.

No ... doncha get it? I'm moving on. Looking forward to your conclusions.

Mdog, I thought you might enjoy this. F. Kent Reilly has done some amazing work on both the Mississippian Culture and the Maya/Olmec Cultures as well. I'm looking at some of his stuff now that I may share later.

F. Kent Reilly on Mississippian Iconography

Its been a interesting thread Dit, Its got me fired up for the hunt. In the video at the 33.53, on the right you will find that symbol out here. Its in the eye of one Aztec Maya carved head. Its been a very interesting read. Thanks.

Its been a interesting thread Dit, Its got me fired up for the hunt. In the video at the 33.53, on the right you will find that symbol out here. Its in the eye of one Aztec Maya carved head. Its been a very interesting read. Thanks.

You're very welcome, Dog, can't wait till you get home and we can check it out. :icon_thumright:

This may be way too late to add, but I will pass it on anyway...

Last night I was watching an old “spaghetti western”.

They were cheap and plentiful back in the sixties. But because they were mostly shot in or near Europe, small bits and pieces, let some old habits slip in.

On this particular one, there was a small pouch that needed to be cached away, quickly.

As the thief was running up a hill to hide it, he found a small hole under a stone. He hid the cache and tossed in a few stones to cover it up.

Here is the moment that someone with some good old common since let out something that I will remember...

As the thief stood back up he looked around to find two things that lined up with one another, so he could quickly find it a little later.

Using two unmarked points, to return using just his memory.

That alone will have me second guessing myself for a long time.

It is doing the math backwards!!!


The first pic, left side arrow, is a figure holding a shield in one hand and a severed head w/ feathers in the other hand.

Arrow on left: correction, arrow on right is a snarling Jaguar head and chest carved in relief. Can't figure what that is above his head in the sunlit square....maybe a human heart??

2nd pic is what I thought at first was a Priest standing next to his own decapitated head. Nothing to really indicate "Priest", was just my first impression. He has had at least one eye gouged out with bloody lines radiating from it in a sun like pattern. Ick.

Both of these are within the same setting.


Hi Dit. On that second picture, the direction the head is looking could give you a clue as to who put it there. St. John the Baptist was one of the holy men who lost his head. His holy day is June 24th which is also a couple days off from the summer solstice. The Templars were big fans of St. John so if the head is facing to the NE, solstice sunrise, it might indicate Templar or even freemason influence.

Nature, as are most of the figures reported.

Hi Dit. On that second picture, the direction the head is looking could give you a clue as to who put it there. St. John the Baptist was one of the holy men who lost his head. His holy day is June 24th which is also a couple days off from the summer solstice. The Templars were big fans of St. John so if the head is facing to the NE, solstice sunrise, it might indicate Templar or even freemason influence.

Great observation and spot on, Mdog. Considering that is only weeks away I may decide to test that theory. :icon_thumright:

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