ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest

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The people building the original monuments and the people looting the places and modifying them.
I've stated before about a series of groups going way back...pre history to present. You can't tie it all in to one group because things get altered by successive groups.. everyone thought apparently they were "the one" important group in humanity and would rule. That's why I've supported looking for things buried or reburied /remarked by the most recents. A lot of headache on trial an error following these things. It's hard to sort out what exactly you are looking at.

So you believe it's 'layers' of occupation as well, interesting. Thank you. :icon_thumright:

Most everyone does, even people you would not think. It's just trying to narrow the majority of the places down with all the damn signage and markers/monuments on them. You can always trail and error dig, but it's tough/exhausting to figure it out that way and there are never any guarantees.

Let me rephrase that, many people I know have those same thoughts, although they may not have come right out and say it here online.

So you believe it's 'layers' of occupation as well, interesting. Thank you. :icon_thumright:

Wow. Catching up on posts here is like riding in them old industrial cloths dryers! Which way is up?

Thoughts that are not accurate , but still what come to mind...

The snake with moon in mouth.
We've seen earthworks shaped like snakes/serpents with what is called an "egg" in it's mouth.
Modern views lean toward snakes eating eggs vs coughing them up.
Maybe an eclipse or something related to the effigy builders.
Not sure how that culture relates to your snake. If even related....

East throne. (?) The one in the open more has a cluster of stones on it's left in picture. Any charcoal , black carbon staining or remaining wood type debris?
That question arising from the West throne with it's ridge views.
A signal from the ridge or possibly a signaling human figure could be deliberately noticed.
Meaning , IF the East throne had provision for a signal fire in the rocks/boulders , the West one might too. And or the ridge top.
Day vs night would matter , but could still be adressed.

Vantage points.. For security or privacy of ceremony. Or both?
Or..."You are here" on the celestial map waypoint?

Let this be a lesson on what too much (almost) coffee can do when trying to catch up!

Quinoa, I think you hit a nail on the head.

Our most difficult decision to make when we view any monument, is who was the first to make a monument and who was the last, that altered it.

I know that I/ we have Egyptian looking monuments on my and Weekender’s site, that we tend to ignore, but they are looking the direction that our more modern symbols are leading us....

And oddly, nobody has defaced or disturbed, while many of the more modern symbols have been altered or completely destroyed!

The history of every site does go back many thousands of years, while many have gone unseen or undiscovered, the ones that have been rediscovered and re-marked have been much more difficult to grasp.

If the last people that found and moved the wealth left a trail, we must discover the wealth all over again.

Best tip...
Research, research, research....

Best tools...
Overlapping maps with common waypoints.

It’s all history, including our own boot prints.


Loving the direction this conversation is going! But man oh man, my brain is frying trying to put it all together. Was that their point? Hmm. Hide it in plain sight but disguise it amid all the imagery of past 'civilizations'? A carnival Hall of Mirrors?

You know, I mentioned before how this entire site is like being in a worm hole or time warp. As you move around and through it, even the mountains seem to move their position. You lose your sense of direction, your depth perception, and the Imagery overlaps and changes like a carousel. Do you suppose the previous occupants all noticed this strangeness and used it to their advantage? I had not mentioned it yet, because I didn't know what to make of it myself, but there is a boulder on this extended site that has a strange property. When you set the compass on it, the dial just spins in a circle. That's kind of what this whole thing feels like at the moment, lol.

Mysteries upon mysteries. And miles to go before we sleep. Hmmm.... :icon_scratch:

Utilizing pre-existing structure , natural or man made saves labor.
Conquest has led to reusing a site chosen for geographic or desired features as well.

Mystery spots have a bonus draw...Phenomena always entertaining. If not part of a cultural use for other reasons.
If only we could read the historic "billboards " advertising such. And date them...

Wow. Catching up on posts here is like riding in them old industrial cloths dryers! Which way is up?

Thoughts that are not accurate , but still what come to mind...

The snake with moon in mouth.
We've seen earthworks shaped like snakes/serpents with what is called an "egg" in it's mouth.
Modern views lean toward snakes eating eggs vs coughing them up.
Maybe an eclipse or something related to the effigy builders.
Not sure how that culture relates to your snake. If even related....

East throne. (?) The one in the open more has a cluster of stones on it's left in picture. Any charcoal , black carbon staining or remaining wood type debris?
That question arising from the West throne with it's ridge views.
A signal from the ridge or possibly a signaling human figure could be deliberately noticed.
Meaning , IF the East throne had provision for a signal fire in the rocks/boulders , the West one might too. And or the ridge top.
Day vs night would matter , but could still be adressed.

Vantage points.. For security or privacy of ceremony. Or both?
Or..."You are here" on the celestial map waypoint?

Let this be a lesson on what too much (almost) coffee can do when trying to catch up!

Thank you for that, RC, it goes right along with the serpent imagery I've seen here. Especially the serpent eating the boulder eggs pic and the moon rising from the snake's mouth. Now I need to research past eclipses.....oy vey, lol.

Utilizing pre-existing structure , natural or man made saves labor.
Conquest has led to reusing a site chosen for geographic or desired features as well.

Mystery spots have a bonus draw...Phenomena always entertaining. If not part of a cultural use for other reasons.
If only we could read the historic "billboards " advertising such. And date them...

We see that in Mesoamerican architecture in particular. Many Temples or 'Pyramids' were built over the preceding Ruler's Temples, the older ruins still contained within. :icon_thumright:

Loving the direction this conversation is going! But man oh man, my brain is frying trying to put it all together. Was that their point? Hmm. Hide it in plain sight but disguise it amid all the imagery of past 'civilizations'? A carnival Hall of Mirrors?

You know, I mentioned before how this entire site is like being in a worm hole or time warp. As you move around and through it, even the mountains seem to move their position. You lose your sense of direction, your depth perception, and the Imagery overlaps and changes like a carousel. Do you suppose the previous occupants all noticed this strangeness and used it to their advantage? I had not mentioned it yet, because I didn't know what to make of it myself, but there is a boulder on this extended site that has a strange property. When you set the compass on it, the dial just spins in a circle. That's kind of what this whole thing feels like at the moment, lol.

Mysteries upon mysteries. And miles to go before we sleep. Hmmm.... :icon_scratch:

ditlihi (& mikel)
Praising confusion is not a solution to anything.
When the trails split, follow the One you know best. Try not to kill two birds with one stone.
Focus on familiarity of patterns and repetition.

(…and listen to the Bloodhound more often. Also, drink lots of water, take a step back as needed and take your salt pill at the end of the day)

ditlihi (& mikel)
Praising confusion is not a solution to anything.
When the trails split, follow the One you know best. Try not to kill two birds with one stone.
Focus on familiarity of patterns and repetition.

(…and listen to the Bloodhound more often. Also, drink lots of water, take a step back as needed and take your salt pill at the end of the day)

It has been my experience, when someone attempts to convince me NOT to explore alternate explanations for something, they usually end up selling Snake Oil. I'm not insinuating that to be the case here, but I am curious why you would discourage me from following up on other avenues of thought in trying to solve this mystery? Am I missing something here?

Dog has returned from his trip and we will be getting back to business this weekend. I always listen to him, it is His site after all. My 'disorientation' onsite is not due to dehydration or fatigue, if that is your concern. Dog takes very good care of me. And trust me, that is not an easy job at times, lol. He deserves a Medal for putting up with me. One of the things I adore about him is that he allows me my own judgement, without altering his own. Would you do me the honor of the same please? Love ya, Phlox. You're the brightest star in my sky. But how am I ever going to learn to fly if you don't trust me with access to the control panel? :-*

It has been my experience, when someone attempts to convince me NOT to explore alternate explanations for something, they usually end up selling Snake Oil. I'm not insinuating that to be the case here, but I am curious why you would discourage me from following up on other avenues of thought in trying to solve this mystery? Am I missing something here?

Dog has returned from his trip and we will be getting back to business this weekend. I always listen to him, it is His site after all. My 'disorientation' onsite is not due to dehydration or fatigue, if that is your concern. Dog takes very good care of me. And trust me, that is not an easy job at times, lol. He deserves a Medal for putting up with me. One of the things I adore about him is that he allows me my own judgement, without altering his own. Would you do me the honor of the same please? Love ya, Phlox. You're the brightest star in my sky. But how am I ever going to learn to fly if you don't trust me with access to the control panel? :-*

View attachment 1717777

Use it wisely. If it don't work properly, use the Snake Oil as lube.

Overreacting? A little maybe? WHO can possibly "discourage" you from anything? Let alone Stop you....
Not me. Not anybody.
Please do continue.

Clandestine plane flying looooooww today........ Drug Mule ........ Sentinel ........ or those dreaded Backstabbers/Mockers?? :o :dontknow: 8-)

low flier 1.webp

low flier 2.webp

Clandestine plane flying looooooww today........ Drug Mule ........ Sentinel ........ or those dreaded Backstabbers/Mockers?? :o :dontknow: 8-)

View attachment 1717780

View attachment 1717781

Interesting light and shadows!
Dit, I am quite sure that you did not make it happen. Whether it is natural or man made can be debated for generations without proof one way or the other.
But it is obviously real.

I’m not looking for anything to be proven.
My intentions were simply to point out that there may be older markers out there, mixed in with other “era” markers.

If you were to find an incredible fortune, buried out there, and could not recover it in one truck, you could cover it up and leave a marker of your own making, or mark your spot in a... hand held device so that you could come back with a bigger truck.

Conveniences, not available a hundred years ago, so you don’t need to make a trail to find your way back.

I have to believe that a trail is proof of a trail maker, just as I believe that a garden is proof of a gardener.

The larger the trail is, the more likely that the treasure has been moved at least a little bit. Just because big trails draw more attention.
So if you see a marker that seems to be altered....
Someone has tried to cover up someone else’s work.

Don’t just notice it, mark it on your map. You might want to come back to it later on.

You are a smart cookie. You will find the right path, but use “time “ as your first dimension. It’s a good tool.

Also, take the advice about drinking plenty of water!


As always, just my opinion!!

Interesting light and shadows!
Dit, I am quite sure that you did not make it happen. Whether it is natural or man made can be debated for generations without proof one way or the other.
But it is obviously real.

I’m not looking for anything to be proven.
My intentions were simply to point out that there may be older markers out there, mixed in with other “era” markers.

If you were to find an incredible fortune, buried out there, and could not recover it in one truck, you could cover it up and leave a marker of your own making, or mark your spot in a... hand held device so that you could come back with a bigger truck.

Conveniences, not available a hundred years ago, so you don’t need to make a trail to find your way back.

I have to believe that a trail is proof of a trail maker, just as I believe that a garden is proof of a gardener.

The larger the trail is, the more likely that the treasure has been moved at least a little bit. Just because big trails draw more attention.
So if you see a marker that seems to be altered....
Someone has tried to cover up someone else’s work.

Don’t just notice it, mark it on your map. You might want to come back to it later on.

You are a smart cookie. You will find the right path, but use “time “ as your first dimension. It’s a good tool.

Also, take the advice about drinking plenty of water!


As always, just my opinion!!

:notworthy: :icon_thumright: :clock:

And ok, ok, alright already......more water < less Tequila, I mean coffee.....sigh

oh ok.gif

Now, about that spinning compass.....
Have you walked around that spot while watching the compass?

You might want to check it with two compasses at the same time.

A few years ago I had one of my engineer’s compass that was off by about 45 to 50 degrees.
It had been jostled down to the bottom of my bag, against a stack of rare earth magnets that were unprotected in a pill bottle. I had never seen it happen before.
Fortunately I was able too use the magnets to re-magnetize the compass and test it with two others that were not in the same bag.
The magnets are now wrapped up in loose foil.

It’s just to keep them from getting side by side again.

I used to tell a story about my uncle Tate, that made compasses that pointed east and west. There was an old saying about them..

“ He who has a Tate’s is lost!”

You may want to make sure that you don’t have one of those....!

But seriously, check out the circle around that spot.
There is a town in New Mexico, that has gravitational fluctuations that makes things appear lighter, so anything is possible!!

BTW Uncle Tate’s last name was Murphy!
Later I’ll tell ya about his wooden kayak experience!!


Dit, I love the selfie GIFs.
I have got to make some up for me!!!


Hello Ditlihi

Perhaps reading the some of the following works by Carl Sauer will give you a better insight?

Sauer was a fierce critic of environmental determinism, which was the prevailing theory in geography when he began his career. He proposed instead an approach variously called "landscape morphology" or "cultural history."

Carl Sauer's “The Morphology of Landscape” argues unambiguously that geography is the morphological study of cultural landscapes; it is the systematic study of both the ways in which humans have manipulated the physical landscape, and the ways in which physical landscape shapes the cultural landscape.

Here are some of his books below that might be well work checking out.

Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth
by Carl O. Sauer, Lewis Mumford, William L. Thomas Jr

Geography of the Upper Illinois Valley and History of Development
by Carl O. Sauer

The Geography of the Ozark Highland of Missouri
by Carl O. Sauer

Man in Nature : America Before the Days of the Whiteman
by Carl O. Sauer

Aztatlan : Prehistoric Mexican Frontier on the Pacific Coast
by Carl O. Sauer and Donald Brand

Agricultural Origins and Dispersals
by Carl O. Sauer

Colima of New Spain in the Sixteenth Century
by Carl O. Sauer

The Early Spanish Main
by Carl O. Sauer and Sauer

Seventeenth Century North America : French and Spanish Accounts
by Carl O. Sauer

Sixteenth-Century North America: The Land and the People As Seen by Europeans
by Carl O. Sauer

Agricultural Origins and Dispersals - The Domestication of Animals and Foodstuffs
by Carl O. Sauer


Now, about that spinning compass.....
Have you walked around that spot while watching the compass?

You might want to check it with two compasses at the same time.

A few years ago I had one of my engineer’s compass that was off by about 45 to 50 degrees.
It had been jostled down to the bottom of my bag, against a stack of rare earth magnets that were unprotected in a pill bottle. I had never seen it happen before.
Fortunately I was able too use the magnets to re-magnetize the compass and test it with two others that were not in the same bag.
The magnets are now wrapped up in loose foil.

It’s just to keep them from getting side by side again.

I used to tell a story about my uncle Tate, that made compasses that pointed east and west. There was an old saying about them..

“ He who has a Tate’s is lost!”

You may want to make sure that you don’t have one of those....!

But seriously, check out the circle around that spot.
There is a town in New Mexico, that has gravitational fluctuations that makes things appear lighter, so anything is possible!!

BTW Uncle Tate’s last name was Murphy!
Later I’ll tell ya about his wooden kayak experience!!


:laughing7: Love it, lol. I better check the manufacturer on mine, I'm lost enough already.

He wasn't a Law man was he, I've heard Murphy's Law is bad luck. :tongue3:

Will take your advice on the compass, double up and do a walk around. Wonder if a magnetic anomaly could explain the disorientation one gets here?? Interesting. :icon_scratch:

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