I watch those old Eastwood westerns over and over again. I never get tired of them. You can also sometimes see treasure markers in them like the square notches in the ridgelines and such when they pan out to the scenery. Same with many of the old westerns. "Once upon a time in the west", and some of the Terrence Hill ones like "My name is Nobody". Those are good flicks right there, along with the old John Wayne ones. John Wayne did some treasure hunting stuff with Kenworthy, but most that I've heard of was done off Wayne's yacht in the water. Not sure of any land ones that were gone after.
Yeah that's pretty good stuff. I thought mostly only old timers liked to watch
them good 'ol reruns. There are good markers on so many westerns, because
of where they chose for their filming locations. Some of the areas are now parks,
so they're protected, and have numerous fantastic monuments. I try to guess the
state then look at the end to see, if I don't already know. But even many of those
old 30-60 min. series episodes, often have some, or several scenes with various
good carved markers, that fit Spanish marker names. Some of them so huge &
obvious. I heard John Wayne may have also been involved in, and invested
in TH research, trying to make a recovery of the money pit... Oak Island