Now for the surprise I found at this site, first I would like to say I have been over thousands of acres in the last 30 years and I have never seen anything like this on a treasures location.

Remember when I said the sentinels would remark sites with something like a can or piece of garbage etc.

Well this even surprised me, I am standing at the aura spot taking this picture just a few feet away from these.
View attachment 1484715

Now before thinking that this is just a coincidence think about this, there are millions of acres out here and these two propane tanks just happen to be basically laying right on top of a treasure, the odds of this are so astronomical its just not really a possibility that these are just here by chance.
Now if these are on alignments to the crisscross spot that will clench it which is what I need to verify still.

Careful there, boobytrap. I only see one at lower right corner. Are they buried? Great posts. Thanks.

The other propane tank is down in the left middle of the picture. These are just laying on top of the ground.

Careful there, boobytrap. I only see one at lower right corner. Are they buried? Great posts. Thanks.

Hi Mdog - Where is the booby trap, please? I'm just not seeing it at all.

Propane tanks are a fairly new thing when it comes to these sights. I've been noticing some resent activity around my sights. This really makes me nervous at times when I'm out.

Pretty odd that was the only junk/debri you found laying around. And an odd place for it as well. At a couple of my sites there are way out of place objects, we even name some of the canyons after them. In one there is a large old blue pool slide laying near the bottom of a site, it's like miles from any home and about 500 feet up from a roadway. I suppose it's possible the slide could have been lifted up from a huge wind or tornado from a couple miles from somewhere above the canyon, but we don't really get anything like that out here. I had the thought someone may have marked the canyon so they could find it from the air. Just up from the slide about 120 feet is about a 20 or so foot owl monument, with 20 foot letters carved in the rocks on the hillside next to it saying O R O. Wonder what that means , heh.

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I found an odd item out in the boonies, and for a long time
just thought it was unusual, to have been lost far off an old
4wd trail. But then I began to see signs pointing over that
direction, & realized it may well have been placed there.

Ha, my wild guess the surprise was sentinel related was right,
but never would have thought of the old scrap propane tanks...

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Are all those prop. cans laying on the side or any of them standing on their base? hmm

Long line of sight, dirt road near-by, hmm. Them hills have eyes.
Watch out for PichiCuate as they are not very friendly this time of year and they have a lot of stamina.(and binoculars). be safe

These propane tanks are on their sides and they have bullet holes through them from somebody out shooting, I have no doubt they were just used for target practice, but I would surmise that the sentinels found them and moved them to that location, they are not in a spot that would be good for target practice in the locations they are at now because they are behind trees (out of sight) from down below.

These propane tanks are on their sides and they have bullet holes through them from somebody out shooting, I have no doubt they were just used for target practice, but I would surmise that the sentinels found them and moved them to that location, they are not in a spot that would be good for target practice in the locations they are at now because they are behind trees (out of sight) from down below.

Creeeepy! (sigh) . But, it's comforting to see you're in control, and aware of it all.

on a different note: Have you considered taking a look on the other side of that peak? -if it's within your reach and purpose.
The abundance of symbols at your site on this side is mind-blowing. Back in the day, they used to be busy-bees all around. (pun intended.lol)
The eye-catching technique visible from afar, may conceal the mother-load "away" from prying eyes. Easier to retrieve too. And safer.

I did look on the other side but there were no markers that indicated anything of value over there.

Something that you guys should be aware of. I remember reading in the past where different people on different forums would say there were long distance markers that would be off a half mile from where the treasures were buried, but when it comes to the caches that I have caught auras from at different sites, the one common thing I have found is that the markers in general are within a hundred or two hundred feet at the most from where the cache is at, many times within 50 feet, this is due to the fact that there are in most cases multiple caches along an area and they needed to keep the markers from overlapping onto other caches.

Hi Mdog - Where is the booby trap, please? I'm just not seeing it at all.

Can't see one, Miboge. Just something to watch for at a cache site when you see something out of place. Just getting weird in my old age. :tongue3:

Yeah I was wondering if they had bullet holes and someone was shooting at them at one time. All it does is make you second guess yourself though. They can't all be coincidences when they are right in there on these sites.

I was just looking through the pictures and found another couple of markers at the site which I am sure are used.

Here is good A-Frame rock at the site within a hundred feet.

In this next picture I am showing the relationship of the markers around the aura

The Green circle is the aura spot
The Blue circle is the Shaft Sign
The Black circle is another A-Frame rock
The Red circle is the A-Frame rock from the picture above.

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I found those lost bees today lol

HO, HO, HO, Old Santa sure did you good Sandy. ( glad you found them before stepping in the hole). Those things really hurt, (from my experience they do). Extremely great thread Sandy, I have enjoyed every bit of it twice and more. Many thanks to a fine young man.
P.S. I can't quite make out the stop rock, BUT, that's okay. Have a great weekend.

HO, HO, HO, Old Santa sure did you good Sandy. ( glad you found them before stepping in the hole). Those things really hurt, (from my experience they do). Extremely great thread Sandy, I have enjoyed every bit of it twice and more. Many thanks to a fine young man.
P.S. I can't quite make out the stop rock, BUT, that's okay. Have a great weekend.

Here is the stop rock (circled) and the possible alignment rock that the stop rock could align with(not confirmed yet)
1 (10).webp

Hi sandy,
Is it very unusual to find more than one
shaft sign & A frame rock in that close of
an area by the aura spot, & how did you
get the aura spot location, when you were
at that much of a distance with the camera?

Normally you will find more than one shaft sign at a site because many times(not always) the shaft signs are part of the multiple alignments to the crisscross spot.

As far as pinpointing here is an excerpt from my technical guide. This is specifically if your a mile or better away from the hill as its hard to pinpoint by the bushes from that distance in the aura pictures.

After finding an aura:
(print the aura picture) take that picture and a better camera back to the exact tripod spot you caught the aura from and (take zoomed in pictures of the aura spot with the better camera)
(Make an extra copy of your aura picture)
(Using the computer paint program) Make a plus (+) mark on the copied aura picture (using the line tool on the shapes toolbar, no freehand drawings) (the brightest part of the aura goes in the middle of the plus) Make sure the lines of the plus are exactly horizontal and vertical and very long for accuracy. Try to copy/transfer the exact location of the aura onto the new zoomed in picture with a plus (+) mark. (SEE VERY IMPORTANT BELOW and the Example Pictures) (Aura spot goes in the middle of the plus (+) on the new zoomed in picture) (be aware that you can easily be off up to 10 feet on the hill from human error as it is not always easy to make a perfect transfer from the aura picture to the zoomed in picture especially if the aura is big and not pinpointable) (Look for the brightest spot in the aura, usually that is the exact spot to put in the middle of the plus on your picture) (Print this zoomed in Plus marked picture)
(VERY IMPORTANT) Make absolutely certain that when making the plus on the new zoomed in picture that the ends of the plus are as long as you can get and touching bushes or something that is identified in the first aura picture, because taking the zoomed in picture will almost always be at a slight angle to the original aura picture, which means that the Plus mark lines will most likely not be horizontal and vertical (most likely the whole plus will be angled or tilted left or right) unlike on the first aura picture plus which has perfect horizontal and vertical lines, this can really throw off the location.
EXAMPLE Picture #2 :
Picture #2 is a picture of 3 separate auras/treasures with the left aura marked with a Horizontal and Vertical Plus.
(This picture #2 has been cropped down, it was originally showing a half mile of mountain and was taken a mile away from the mountain)
#2 Example Picture 1.webp
EXAMPLE Picture #3 : Picture #3 is the zoomed in picture of the same marked aura spot on the mountain as picture #2. (Picture #3 was taken from the exact same tripod spot as the original #2 aura picture was taken from (a mile from the mountain) with a much higher resolution Camera)
Notice how the Plus is NOT horizontal and Vertical on picture #3 but at an angle this is due to human error on the angle of the camera either on the tripod (not being level) or while taking the zoomed in picture by hand (Be very aware of this difference and compensate for it by using the bushes rocks etc. as guides just as I have in this picture)
#3 Example Picture 2.webp
After Finding the Aura on the original Picture and transfering it to the second Much Better Picture with a plus mark, it is time to go to the aura site:
Using two people with walkies or phones, one person stays at the original aura picture tripod location with the marked zoomed in photo and the other person goes to the aura location on the mountain.
(Don't forget your drinking water)
(Important Make sure the Person on the mountain is wearing a:
(Neon Yellow Shirt) and (Sitting Down) so the person at the tripod spot can be more accurate in pinpointing)
The person (at the tripod spot where the aura was originally caught ) using binoculars pinpoints the person on the mountain with the plus mark on the zoomed in picture which should be the aura spot on the mountain (use the bushes trees etc. to visually match up the plus spot in the picture to the aura spot on the mountain) (getting the person dead on the plus/aura spot is critical for success, assuming that the plus was accurately marked on the picture as well)
(I have had to redo the plus transfer of the aura to the better picture on occasion to be more accurate)
After pinpointing the person on the plus/aura from the original tripod spot that you first caught the aura, take another zoomed in picture (with the best camera) of the person on the mountain in the neon yellow shirt sitting down. After pinpointing and getting the picture of the person on the aura spot/mountain have the person on the mountain build a marker at that exact pinpointed aura spot.
(Make sure the person while making the marker on the hill does not take from or disturb any logs or piled rock markers/cairns he/she might find on the hill near the aura as these could be very valuable clues put there by the Modern Day Sentinels maybe even marking the dig spot)
Then take that picture and look at it on your computer and match it up with your plus marked picture to see if the person was pinpointed correctly on the mountain before going out to the mountain in case there needs to be an accuracy adjustment.
At this point you should have 3 separate pictures of 1 spot on the hill (the original aura picture, the zoomed in and printed picture with a plus mark and the final picture of your partner in neon yellow on the spot) All of these should have been taken from the original tripod spot you caught the first aura from.
Next the tripod spot person goes out on the mountain with the person that built the marker on the mountain (together) and relocates the marker (this is not always as easy as it sounds since it looks much different from the tripod point of view then when actually on the mountain looking for the little marker, the builder of the marker is the only one who knows what the mountain looks like at the spot as well as what kind of marker he/she built)

Thanks for the reminder to refer to your guide
for these techniques. I always seem to notice
some other detail(s) I overlooked, or maybe
forgot :icon_scratch:???:dontknow: when previously viewing it.

But that still sounds like it's not all that easy
to pinpoint, even by trying to do it carefully.

This is why I take treasure hunting seriously, its not all that easy.

I use the auras to find the markers that make up the crisscross spot which is hard enough because you can only be standing in one spot to see the alignments, this is why being accurate is important so you can look around you for alignments to where you are standing(generally at or very near the aura), the entrance is related to the crisscross spot which as I said before the entrance information is not always shown in the field, but will be very close to this crisscross spot. To be clear though this is not about me and what I have found, I am just showing you guys how to find your own spots, which is why I called this a guide.

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