Now for the surprise I found at this site, first I would like to say I have been over thousands of acres in the last 30 years and I have never seen anything like this on a treasures location.

Remember when I said the sentinels would remark sites with something like a can or piece of garbage etc.

Well this even surprised me, I am standing at the aura spot taking this picture just a few feet away from these.
View attachment 1484715

Now before thinking that this is just a coincidence think about this, there are millions of acres out here and these two propane tanks just happen to be basically laying right on top of a treasure, the odds of this are so astronomical its just not really a possibility that these are just here by chance.
Now if these are on alignments to the crisscross spot that will clench it which is what I need to verify still.

Very interesting as usual sandy1. I really like that photo, and iam very interested in the two white circles,especially the half circle of stones that just sets off the bed rock. I have found that set up at one of my sites. The cache at the site i found,is just outside the circle and lone setting stone.There's a setup of stones in the circle at my site. Easy to be moved by man or beast at my site,but none the lest,i know the one i found was arranged by man. Did you see anything worked in that circle ? The lone setting stone at my site is just about the same size,and it looks like a bird. Thanks for the photos and info.View attachment 1485401

Very interesting as usual sandy1. I really like that photo, and iam very interested in the two white circles,especially the half circle of stones that just sets off the bed rock. I have found that set up at one of my sites. The cache at the site i found,is just outside the circle and lone setting stone.There's a setup of stones in the circle at my site. Easy to be moved by man or beast at my site,but none the lest,i know the one i found was arranged by man. Did you see anything worked in that circle ? The lone setting stone at my site is just about the same size,and it looks like a bird. Thanks for the photos and info.View attachment 1485401

I will be seeing what I can find at the site here in a few days, but there is no chance that there would be a triangle of that size that close to the aura, any triangle of that size would be at least 50 feet away.

Hi, Sandy1
I tried to send a post to you but I think it died on the way. I'll try again. If you get both, sorry. I am new at this there will be some goofs.
First, I found a turtle head in the side of a creek bed about the size of a VW but decided it meant nothing--until I read your info. Now I know it is important. About 200 yards downstream I found a horizontal cave, A frame or triangular (I don't fully understand the difference) about 2 feet high and 1 1/2 feet wide. There are boulders above that scared me off even before I read your info, I'll leave this one alone.
Can I persuade you to look at my posts under "WHAT IS IT?" specifically, "rock trail markers". It took me several tries to get 4 pages uploaded. I will add that there is old moss on some of the marker rocks identical to the moss on the boulders on which they are located. I am pretty certain the markers aren't Spanish but much newer but still old because of the moss. Now, thanks to your info I understand how this can be.
I would send the info directly to you here if I dared but if I try I'll probably mess up so bad that everything would be lost--just like my first attempt to send you a post.
If you choose to help me find the next step in the puzzle you can answer either here or at the "what is it?" under "rock trail markers". I think I can find it in either one.
(sorry, I can't help myself; I never say in 5 words what I can say in 50 words.)
Thanks for your info and help.
P.S. Anyone else who wants to is certainly welcome (more than welcome) to add something. Please, when reading my posts under "what is it?" don't miss the one that tells my age.

Hi sandy1,
This is my third attempt to post here so I'll cut it short. Will you Please look at my posts under "WHAT IS IT?" called "rock trail markers" and see if you can tell me the next step in the puzzle?
Thanks for your info

cliffdweller, I looked at your info and sent you a PM look for a lit up notification in the upper right with a personal message.

I went out to the site today to follow the markers to the aura spot.

The first thing I did was followed the two rocks that the shaft sign showed me.
1 (1).webp

Here they are lined up.
1 (2).webp

I followed them until I reached this dirt area (looking for any other alignments that would crisscross this first line)
1 (3).webp

Is that bold dirt area in shape of a heart? or just fata morgana with a propane tank handy...LOL
It seems you hit one of the lobes with you line-up. (or maybe I got the wrong angle for viewing)

While I was walking the number 1 line I was looking for an alignment to crisscross it, this large rock really stood out (I noticed it was a heart) so I looked to see if there was something lining up with it and sure enough behind it was a small A=Frame rock.
(I have shown in my guide at another site that the A-Frame was aligned through a heart to the crisscross spot also)
1 (4).webp

Here is the number 2 alignment that stopped me from going further on the number 1 line. (I circled where the two cross each other)
1 (5).webp

Here is what it looks like from a distant view
The black circle is the aura spot
The red circle is the heart rock(notice how its the largest rock in the immediate area)
the green circle is the crisscross spot
And the lines are the alignments to the crisscross spot
1 (6).webp

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Looking up line number 2 I found a very pleasant surprise.

These are a couple of rocks that were set up by the Sentinels (circled) (I know because I have seen this type at 2 other sites) Almost on the line and only visible if you are looking up this line.
1 (7).webp

The reason why I was happy to see these is because they are a shaft sign (not a good one but its just meant to be a verifier that this line is used. Here is a closer look at it. (Notice how the shaft part is only seen while standing looking up line number 2)
1 (8).webp

And looking down on it.
1 (9).webp

Of course just having two lines is not really very good proof for me, so I continued to rotate around and found this alignment to the same spot. (You can see alignment number 2 to the left)
1 (10).webp

Here is a closeup of the alignment rocks above.
1 (11).webp

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Sandy1 Post 1436, 1438 , 1439

Are truly impressive as a teaching tool showing any one wanting to learn how to locate / recognize an alignment line

The Next step after finding a suspected Crisscross spot is to measure all the lines which should verify that your in the right spot, this is really only necessary if you don't have more than 3 alignments to a spot, I personally like to measure all the lines not only for verification of known distances but also so I can learn all the distances for the next site. You will see repetition in measurements between different sites.
I haven't measured these new alignments yet.

Here is something else I found out while I was there, the upper heart is actually part of a turtles shell, his head is looking to the right in the direction of the aura.
1 (12).webp

I wanted to show another type of shaft sign along a hill, this one is as you can see covered and it is directly above a storage area, I am taking this picture while standing in the wash below, which is where it was meant to be viewed from.

Here is how you would see it with the naked eye (not zoomed in) The top cover portion is lighter colored to draw your attention as well as placed directly below the highest peak of the mountain, for them to find it easily, also note that it is a standalone marker.

That's a great turtle with the heart on it's shell.
I've seen a lot of standing type hearts with one lobe longer than the other. I mainly look for the lobes sticking up.

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Many of the stories that you hear about treasure involve unusual or out of place. standalone peaks, such as Victorio Peak, Weavers Needle, Baboquivari Peak, etc, there is a reason for this, these places were hand picked to put storages in/on or near because they stood out and would be easy to locate by a recovery group that has never been there before.
So when you see any of these peaks look for a lit up rock or a shaft sign that you can see from down below, its a good bet it is marking a storage and most likely more than one.

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Another thing I thought I would mention about the competition, you guys have just about zero competition when it comes to these vaults, the amount of people who are actually serious enough to go out and dig are so minuscule that running into another treasure hunter working in the same area you are is near to impossible.(Unless your after a story such as the Dutchman)

I had one guy I went out with who was so scared of getting caught he wore all camo and was hiding everytime we heard a plane, this was before ever digging, this is not the type of mentality you can have as a treasure hunter, I mean what do you think a guy like this would do when he opens a vault and has silver or gold bars to deal with, nothing good that's for sure.(there is absolutely nothing illegal about going out taking pictures and looking for markers)

If you want to be a treasure hunter you cannot make your decisions out of fear of what might happen.
(If You act Suspicious you Look Suspicious)

I am not saying be stupid but use logic not fear to make your decisions, so to be clear about not being stupid, don't go posting on tnet some hole in the ground with you in it holding treasure.

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I have a question re your post #1372. A trail bike (or quad) rider is shown on the power line easement road in the photographs. Problem is, his vehicle and particularly his headlight(s) is shown in precisely the same location in photos P0206, P0207 and P0208. If, as you've stated before, the photo bursts take images about twice per second, the rider's position should be slightly different in all three photos. At, say, a vehicle speed of 10 mph, the distance traveled changes 7-8 feet every half second. This should be easily seen in the photo sequence. What gives?

You are not taking into consideration the angle of the image. There was evidently camera movement in frame 3 which you didn't mention.

Now looking at these images, you will notice three interesing pieces of information. (1) The distance of that subject from the camera. (2) The relative angle of travel to the camera (the vector). Oh, one big unknown: Speed the subject is traveling.

By looking at the image, we can tell the image was taken from a long distance. Why is that important? "Everything is relative." That means the distance traveled would appear to be much shorter than at a closer distance.

By observing the direction of travel, he is inbound almost directly towards the camera. This would further reduce the perceived distance travelled.

How fast was he going? Even a trained State Trooper would not guess his speed based on the available information ... especially in light of the information mentioned in (1) and (2).

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