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I was discussing the Peralta stones with somebody and the conversation was not whether they were real or not, but was about how to read/decipher them, I was just wondering has anybody on here ever been able to decipher anything at all when it comes to rock maps or anything from the Spanish/Jesuit era at all?

I mean if you look up symbols and signs you get many different interpretations, it seems nobody can agree on the meanings of individual signs let alone an entire map, so it would be interesting to actually see how a treasure map was deciphered.

The reason I bring this up again is because I believe that maps hold the final key to the treasure locations at my type of sites, whether it be a triangle or just a direction and distance on the map to the final dig spot from the crisscross spot.

Remember at my sites the majority of measurements are in 33 inch Varas, meaning that it was during the Spanish time period.

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Hello Sandy1,

Years ago There was a Spanish Map I saw and it had squares--the small squares had curved points at the squares--the small squares represented a guard post or fortified position.

The map outlined a hill shape--of the hill it was located upon. Unfortunately that computer and the data on it died many years ago.

Many years ago when I used to track with my daughter we came upon a Spanish cache site. There was a Witch there--you know the type--pointed hat--horns coming out the back of her head riding a horse to the west. In front or her first was a forked stick--in the shadows formed by the rocks--the open end of the forked stick pointed to the west--giving her movement and direction. The direction was altered again by a Spear with a black box on it changing the direction to the South.

Not far away was a wizard holding a stick up in the air--off the stick were little like rays--I believe the rays represented varas.

Also close by was a small cave or tunnel you could probably craw into --if you were foolish--as outside the cave / tunnel was an upside down man on the right side of the entrance--the upside down man represents a dead man or death. To me it is the same as a lightning bolt.

In the opposite direction was a woman dressed like in the middle ages with a long dress, a tall pointed hat and a very long tassel coming out of the point of the hat
the tassel pointed to a point on the ground. In the rock the woman was on--this was a 10 foot tall boulder--permanent in place--was also a hoyo up near the peak
of the rock--the hoyo guided one to a spot on the ground--the same one the tassel on the hat pointed to.

If one looks at the old Frank Dobie treasure maps ( which I believe are real ) you also see a cave--Usually ( in my opinion ) the caves are NOT the cache site--they are simply a reference point used by the map holder to orient himself to the cache site--that is what I believe is true on the Frank Dobie maps--and the cave I found with
my daughter.

I have a crude--or very simple understanding of Indian sign language--so I feel I have properly interpreted the fork stick as well as the upside down men on a polished rock surface outside a cave / tunnel.

Another thing I have see as the sun set is a six foot tall shadow arrow pointing straight down at the ground and a couple hundred yards away a man with his boot placed upon top of a treasure chest. I consider the reason I am still alive and kicking--is a did not fall for these easily seen Spanish Dxxxx Traps. I have also set down on the Grande Dxxxx Traps Kenworthy talks of--these give me a very bad feeling in my guts / stomach so I do not suggest digging there either.

I would hope that anyone--before digging and recovering YOUR treasure read Charles Kenworthy's books--to me he was very knowledgeable and his warnings in
Dxxxx Traps to Spanish Treasure might just keep you alive. Contrary to want many people believe or say--I have never seen a Spanish Dxxxx trap which was totally non functional that I would bet my life on!!

Certainly you do not want to be like a man Kelly told me about finding--he was crawing back in a man made tunnel when he hit a trap--which had been tripped
by a earlier prospector--he said there was a solid wall of rock in front of him --where the tunnel had been--sticking out from the wall of rock was one leg and a boot--
he figured a coyote or wild animal ate the other leg.

It appears Sandy1 sites appear to be in the desert and the land is flat--mostly flat--so his sites appear to be a lot safer than where I am at---I prospect in the mountains--and I have see over 50 traps before I quit counting years ago.

I will add this about JESUITS--they are much more dangerous to track than the Spanish --in my opinion:
1 Everything about a Jesuit is precision--if you are on a Jesuit marker going to a cache--it will have ie as an example your next marker will be out there at 300 to 600 yards
yet the marker will also be back sighted with the opposite direction at half the distance. ie 150 to 300 yards.
2. The Jesuits always followed the letter of the law--certainly not the spirit of the law!
3. Tracking a Jesuit is ten times more dangerous than tracking a Spaniard
4. If you follow and understand how a Spanard places a cache--do not try that with a Jesuit--it will get you killed!
5. If a Jesuit is using 20 --50 ton markers--guiding you into the cache site--do you really want to walk down a corrodor / tunnel
--on the Jesuits home turf and play ball with him--his traps will wipe you out in an instant!

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Hello Sandy1,
It appears Sandy1 sites appear to be in the desert and the land is flat--mostly flat--so his sites appear to be a lot safer than where I am at---I prospect in the mountains--and I have see over 50 traps before I quit counting years ago.

The only reason the land appears to be flat or on small hills in my photos is because the treasures that were placed here are in locations that they could get back to easily with wagons, I have huge mountains here but even if the treasures are on them I would still be looking near the base of them for the storages.

Hi sandy1
These pictures of a small rock on top of a large boulder are very familiar signs. I did not mention this in any of the posts I have sent but all of the rocks leading to the upright triangular rocks are in fact small rocks resting on large, non-movable boulders. Some of the boulders are covered with very old moss and this same moss is on the smaller rocks. It takes many years to grow this moss so I figure whoever put the rocks on the boulders did it a long time ago. maybe I'll get lucky and discover that they forgot this place.
Also, I found a very large turtle head made of black lava, about 6 feet tall in the side of a dry creek bed. I didn't know abut turtle heads and such at that time, it was before I found T-net so I thought it was a very strange thing. About 100-200 yards downstream I found a cave in the shape of a triangle or a-frame measuring about 2 feet high and 1 1/2 feet across that was about 3 feet deep.There were boulders on top of it and I was familiar with the idea of deathtraps so I decided to leave it alone. It was obvious that rocks had originally covered the entrance but had fallen away, probably from flood waters as the cave was just past a curve.
I was wondering, though, It must be possible to get past the deathtraps because the people who put something there figured to get it out. If I could file a mining claim there (if it is possible) I could use equipment or dynamite to remove the deathtraps. Of course, that is a long shot and would be a "someday" thing when I have money to spend. Crazy idea, Huh?
Since I found the cave and the turtle as well as the markers some distance away I am quite certain I am on to something. Problem: I can't afford the equipment to hunt for auras. Any other info or methods would be very welcome.
Thanks for all of your help as well as help from your so-called "followers".

clifdweller, first I would like to say this, nobody likes to be called followers, I learn just like everybody else and am just a treasure hunter that uses whatever means necessary to find them, sharing info is not leading.

As far as the deathtraps you are in the wrong spot if you can see it above ground. Any entrance to a treasure will be covered over by dirt and not be visible until after you dig.

If you are in a cliff type area they will put tons of enticers for you to dig under boulders by pointing rocks into crevices or doorway rocks, shaped owls even hearts pointing into caves these are meant to get you and your head under something you don't want to be under, the enticers will always try to get you to dig or remove something that is how the traps are activated.

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I have an interesting question.

Is there anybody here on Tnet that could find/locate the entrance to a treasure if you were put within 50 feet of the buried treasure?

(I am referring to the type of treasure that has the markers that I have shown on this thread)

(This excludes dowsers)

I have an interesting question.

Is there anybody here on Tnet that could find/locate the entrance to a treasure if you were put within 50 feet of the buried treasure?

(I am referring to the type of treasure that has the markers that I have shown on this thread)

(This excludes dowsers)

Yes thanks to you I believe I could

Bet I could figure it out with a little time. Using your method it's just a matter of finding the alignments and confirmation signs. If you know your within fifty feet should just be a matter of observation

Yeah. What orangeman said...

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Sandy1 Post 1475

Is there anybody here on Tnet that could find/locate the entrance to a treasure if you were put within 50 feet of the buried treasure?

Well I will walk out on a ledge here--and say--everyone who has common sense should be able to do it--if they have read and will apply what you have taught!!!
Certainly your instruction has been some of the finest instruction that a prospector like me has ever had the pleasure to learn from.


Well Sandy1,

I will go even further walking out on a ledge or a limb of a tree;
Your instruction has been so outstanding / your instruction has been world class.

A real test--for the readers here would be--can they be out into any gold or silver mining mountain range where the Spainish had mining activities,
in the United States or Mexico and apply the lessons you have taught us. If a person with common sense applies what you have taught they should
be able to select a mountain or area where they would place caches, they should be able to walk the washes, locate the Spanish markers / eye catchers on the
mountain / range markers--go in and locate the "A" frames and the alignment lines. And they should also be able to use a camera too.

Just my 2 cents--that and 5 dollars will get you lunch at McDonalds.
It may be just me--but I spent $ 60 printing out your entire GUIDE TO VAULT TREASURE HUNTING AND I DO NOT REGRET SPENING A PENNY OF THAT MONEY!!
I have already ready read it twice and I could easily read it a half dozen times as it is so packed with information.

A test of putting any one near a cache does not do justice to your skill as an instructor.
A better test is start them at a mountain range you pick.


Remember there is that missing piece of information from the crisscross spot to the entrance (which is very close by) that you either need a detector for or a map or some other knowledge of the markers that I have not shown.

Sandy1 Post 1480

I will stick my foot into my mouth again--hopefully I do not make too big of a fool out of myself--
yet I think that the treasure aura would be very close to the cache, it may not be exact--
yet a pulse star with a large 40X40 inch search coil might help one go all the way.

Just my thought--those treasure auras are close--and they verify that what you search for is there.


Sandy1 Post 1480

I will stick my foot into my mouth again--hopefully I do not make too big of a fool out of myself--
yet I think that the treasure aura would be very close to the cache, it may not be exact--
yet a pulse star with a large 40X40 inch search coil might help one go all the way.

Just my thought--those treasure auras are close--and they verify that what you search for is there.


I agree, but what if it is as deep as 30 feet? or has a tunnel that runs into the treasure?

It depends if the alignments/ other things put you on a spot that is directly over a treasure inside a tunnel , with the entrance being somewhere downhill from it, or put you over a covered entrance to a tunnel, or they put you over a straight down dig spot, or they put you over a place that you measure one last time from.

Was out for a few minutes on some family property last weekend looking at some markers I knew about, figured out what the correct alignment probably was to a specific spot I was trying to find last year, scraped away about 6 inches of old pines needles (many, many years of them) and found what I was kinda looking for laying on top of the hardpack ground...
20170827_153329 heart.webp

So , is it a dig spot? hard to say. Looked pretty interesting to me though. No auras, hard place to set up on, and it's on a hillside , so a detector doesn't work well there.


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I am trying out several different ideas at sites from the crisscross spot

(I believe the hidden crisscross spot is absolutely essential for them and us to find the treasure)

I also believe the key from the crisscross spot has to do with 30 varas or 82.5 feet at many of these storages.

This is where we have to ask a couple of questions, first are we dealing with a triangle and the crisscross spot is one point of it or possibly even a cross.

Second is it just a straight line or chain trail to the entrance from the crisscross spot(the chain trail is not likely as it would be very short but if so they would be buried markers), these are the pieces that I am trying to prove and will share with you guys if/when I do.

I am also very fortunate in some cases that I can use the aura (if it is small and pinpointable) because it gives me a fairly good idea of what direction to go from the crisscross spot.

Now if they used a map from the crisscross spot, they could have gotten away with no markers at all as it could just be a single distance and direction from the crisscross spot, I am not really an advocate for this idea because we know they used visual alignments which means they would have to verify the map from the crisscross spot with some sort of a line of sight marker.(this would mean that everything was aligned visually and not with a compass, and that is not possible with a buried entrance as you cant actually see it)

In other words how can they get a direction to a buried entrance from a map standing at the crisscross spot without a compass or a rock marker that they could see above ground? The distance is not a problem its the direction that is the issue.

Remember what I said many moons ago you have to have two pieces of information to find these treasures Distance and Direction from a marker/crisscross spot.

So to sum it up, I am working on using the crisscross spot as a viewing platform to look for another marker from or possibly as one point of a Triangle or Cross and of course any buried markers.

Food for thought guys.


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Was out for a few minutes on some family property last weekend looking at some markers I knew about, figured out what the correct alignment probably was to a specific spot I was trying to find last year, scraped away about 6 inches of old pines needles (many, many years of them) and found what I was kinda looking for laying on top of the hardpack ground...
View attachment 1488528

So , is it a dig spot? hard to say. Looked pretty interesting to me though. No auras, hard place to set up on, and it's on a hillside , so a detector doesn't work well there.

Keep your mind open to things you haven't been told of before, or maybe you have been told of them, but you dont believe in them yet. Like very miniature signs or the spot being directly pointed out and dig here signs, even better if you can spot all 3. Its a whole different skill to learn looking for the miniature stuff. But once you start seeing it,you will catch on quick. As you probably know, its backed up in different ways, in case something gets moved.There great at stone work,why cant they be great at it in miniature scale? As you know also know,theres alot of misinformation out there. Thats what i think as sentinels work, the spreading and repeated misinformation that's put out there. Like the symbol # 7 meaning camp site. I found a lot of symbol #7's , but no camp site associated with it. At least where i hunt.

I know about all that stuff DTTH. Some of that miniature stuff is verification stuff near markers as well, it's telling to use the marker to go to a spot , sometimes indicating even how to use it.. Even the small heart I just showed, back by some of the markers that were lining up to it, there were small hearts and diamonds laid next to them or cut on them. I have a few other methods that aren't really on this thread that can vary from site to site, and I've actually got auras on them afterwards, but there is plenty enough on this thread to help you get close without making it too confusing.

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