Hi Manning; I also see a skull dead center at the bottom of that picture. Great stuff. PEACE:RONB


Clever. :icon_thumright:

Hello Quinoa,

Quinoa --if I understand what your saying and Sandy 1 is saying in your post #440 is:

The yellow arrow is on a compass bearing over a cache site.
Now along this compass bearing / sight line there will be additional intersecting markers / sight lines that
come into play / use which will give the exact dig spot

The top of the dolphin or the point of the nose of the dolphin --looking at the "A" frame--probably does not
point at the dig spot --accept by accident. This is just the key or master line running over the cache and
additional alignments seen while walking this line must be located to determine the exact dig spot

Did I get the basic understanding down correctly.

Should I tell you what is funny about this photo--?

Just like the Turtle heads Sandy 1 has shown and which I know I have walked by half a dozen of;
I have walked by two of these dolphin's while prospecting and I did not understand about the "A"
frames or using them. I would post some photos of them--but that computer has gone in for repairs and
never returned from the hard drive heaven.



Sandy1, I wanted to ask for your opinion on people that offer to help on your sites by you sending them photos and then they ask for you to give them bearings to various monuments you may have on your site.

Are these people that are asking for compass bearings really trying to help or are they able pinpoint your site location if you give them enough bearings somehow?

This is just a curious question as I don't know if an exact location can be pinpointed given enough compass bearings if you have no idea where the general location is beforehand. Is it possible to find someones site this way?

Many years ago on a certain Spanish site a man seen my photos I posted on t-net and he private messaged me and told me some things about my site and confirmed it was indeed Spanish and there was something of value there. He then proceeded to tell me that he was "Ex-military" and that he could help me if I gave him the location so he could zoom in to the area for "a better view" through satellite. I thought to myself, this guy really thinks that some people can be this stupid.

I immediately called him out on it and he still had the audacity to tell me that "why i didn't trust him" since he had shown me a photo of himself with his kid to show me who he was.

I almost couldn't believe it.

P.S Cross De Sign, we would LOVE to hear your story brother!

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I have had people use my photos to show others and then say it was them who took the picture, and I also had a guy from the Philippines asking me exactly where the location of one of my spots was at, which I would agree is very unnerving, especially not knowing if the guy is a Archaeologist, a Sentinel or just some very bad Person in general etc.
I do not believe in dowsing (or at least it has not been proven to me yet) but that could be one way I can think of that somebody could find your location through pictures, or if there were some very recognizable mountain or something in the picture, another way is, anybody who has a phone or a camera that has GPS and the coordinates are located as part of the details on the digital picture that could give away the area you took the picture as well.

Its amazing but since I have been posting on here I have had, I think 2 people contact me from AZ and that was just to get the guide, I have yet to seriously talk to anybody about treasure hunting in AZ, so as far as people wanting to steal your site it seems highly unlikely, at least in my own experience of the lack of peoples interest in Vault treasure hunting.

Sure, love to hear the story.

Its amazing but since I have been posting on here I have had, I think 2 people contact me from AZ and that was just to get the guide, I have yet to seriously talk to anybody about treasure hunting in AZ, so as far as people wanting to steal your site it seems highly unlikely, at least in my own experience of the lack of peoples interest in Vault treasure hunting.

Maybe so in appearances sandy,
but people are very sly at times,
as you well know, just sayin'...

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~ A True James Gang Story ~

It was a nice fall day, in the late 1800's, the crops were nearly all in,
and life on the farm in The Indian Territory was good. Making it some
years after the war, which had not really touched the Nations, like it did
on further east, though there were plenty southern sympathizers, as well
as known kin folk had moved from the Midwest, for one reason or another...

Then, as the remote country farmers' family went about their 'ol routine chores
& normal daily life, out of the woods across the lower 40 acre pasture, suddenly
appeared riders, rough and confident looking, well armed and on fine horses. Out
thru the thick brush up the Canadian River bank, rode several well worn characters,
a fearsome band of outlaws. Known to the family, the James gang, whom they took
turns and greeted warmly, inviting them to get down and take comfort to talk & drink,
smoke good fresh tobacco, and eat a fine hot southern supper, spread out on oak table.

Jesse, Frank, Cole, and the rest of the boys were happy to oblige, and proceeded to put
their sweating horses up in the barn, tending to them before making their way to the long
porch. Greeting the family they all knew well, kiss & hug women folks like as were cousins,
sittin' down with the men, to sip aged homemade corn liquor, smoke home rolled cigarettes,
telling their stories, catching up on lost time, and enjoying the rest and company of close kin...

To be cont'd...

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Thank you Sandy. The main reason for my question is because I want to be certain that a location CAN or CAN'T be found using compass bearings ALONE?

I did post the same question on Yahoo answers and I received a few responses.... Maybe you and others who know can confirm and elaborate more on this?

I believe that this question is vital to know the answer to so that those that don't know will be able to protect themselves from giving the compass bearings from their sites to those "wolves in sheeps clothing" who come pretending to want to help you, but their true purpose is to steal your site from you.

Here are the responses I received in yahoo answers to this question and I hope and invite any of you to chime in on this so we can get this potential "hazard" out of the way:

1. "[FONT=&quot]The ONLY purpose of requesting compass bearings is to pinpoint your location. If you have compass bearings to ANY 2 known points, you don't even need math to pinpoint the location. A simple MAP is all you need."

2. "[FONT=&quot]It would depend upon how precise the bearings are and how many of them you give out. A single precise bearing to a landmark will narrow down your location to a single line. A second precise bearing to another location would pinpoint your location to the intersection of those two lines. The less resolution/precision in those bearings would make for bigger/fatter lines resulting in a less precise pinpointing of your location."

3."[FONT=&quot]Yes. It's rather simple math."


A, Nobody ever gets that precise with compass readings when your talking about anything over a half mile, I use the compass but once it gets further than 300 feet its not going to be accurate with other compasses even after just a few months because magnetic north is constantly changing, People really don't go out of their way for these treasures.

CDS, Your story almost sounds like you were actually there, with all the nice fall day, sweaty horses and across the lower 40. lol

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~ A True James Gang Story ~ (cont'd.)

They happily visited & swapped stories, of other family members in nearby states,
their latest doings, and all the usual things that country people talk about. Laughing
and joking, enjoying their time and relaxing at ease for a little while, till the lady of
the house appeared in the doorway and said, come on in now ya'll, supper's ready.

They ate a big meal and continued visiting, filling up on all of the good farm raised
viddles, roast beef with carrots, fried squash & taters, tomatoes & cucumbers, onions,
& the best homemade bisquits and gravy, washed down with strong tea or hot coffee.

When they were all done eating, joking, flirting and complimenting, they well thanked
the cooks, then after a smoke on the porch, retired to the barn. Getting ready for the
night, spreading their bedrolls, as the late evening sun began to grow dim, and the
fresh air cooled off. While their hosts went about getting the table cleared, washed
the dishes and put everything up, their was a gold coin laying under every one of
the men's plates. Then when they heard something down by the creek, they just
reckoned the boys were burying something, with sound of low talking an sorta'
like someone was digging. The night was dark, and the wind was still, and so
the folks never asked what they may have been doing down there...

Next day early after breakfast, JJ and his gang said goodbye. Saddled
up and rode out, and from that day, no one ever said anything about
knowing what they were doing, or if they ever checked to try and
find anything out about what they seemed to bury down there.
They didn't have detectors back then, and apparently were
content to keep it as a memory, maybe buried mystery.
... :sunny: :fish:


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Thanks for the compliment, my pleasure to try and paint a good picture,
of a true, old but unknown country story, from the wild 'ol Indian Territory.

This is the 2nd time I have repeated this short story, once on another thread.

Your comments about a lack of interest, and effort of people vault treasure hunting,
are surprising, because I really would have thought otherwise. But if it is too easy,
and given opportunity, say someone knows about after the fact, then I'm thinking
sure, there are those that would go to a lot of trouble, to seek and attempt to take.

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Yes that is a different story, once people have seen the treasure then it becomes very interesting to them, especially the people who were to lazy or pessimistic to put the time and effort into the hunt for it.

Out here there are secret triangles out of light and shadows that are pointing to important places, I still say you have predominantly an area of light and shadow signs which means most likely Jesuits or another secret Society, the Spanish are really not that abstract with their markers.

Hi sandy,

Can you elaborate on the "secret triangles out of light and shadows",
and how they may be "pointing to important places". How would this help,
change, or effect trying to locate the crossing areas that one may be looking
for. Or are they secretly part of the other markers, that line up to locate the
potential crossing point. Because some of them are only really noticeable,
at the right time of day or year. Would there possibly be other back-up
indicators in that case, so it could be easily figured out, no matter
the time or season?

As you know, some deep hilly and heavily wooded areas, really change
appearances dramatically in different seasons. That due to sunlight,
shadows, leaves, etc. Would that possibly require more strategy?

I've studied on how to figure out, the method and secrecy, &
would really like to hear what you have seen along the form
of that kind of marking system, how it works and may have
been used. I would appreciate any info you can share, that
you have figured out, and your ideas that you can share.

The light triangles within shadows were made back when they used the old system with the old huge alpha and omega markers, there are still markers that are made from shadows and light even on the newest vaults but are not as important as they were way back then, because the more modern vaults were marked with rocks and physical things you can see year around.

Here is one of the light triangles with a line (circled in yellow) they made a gap in the rock above it to allow light to shine in the shadow of the flat rock below just before noon, I also circled the two alignment rocks in red as well.
Light Triangle.webp

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If you look a little ways to the right of the yellow and red circles (that are on the left of the picture) you will see a large boulder that is a lions head also.

CDS, yours almost looks like a cairn.

If it was a cairn, what would that specifically add,
to the other things going on in and around area?
I see pentagon shapes too.

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