Out here it is not uncommon to see shaft signs in certain areas not more than a hundred feet apart on a trail, the amount of caches in certain good areas here are truly staggering.

I Have not heard much about the French other than in the Cajun areas, so yeah I would like to hear the story.

Same here where i hunt, lots of caches with shaft signs and alignments. Plenty to pick from. The hard part for me was learning to block out all the carved up stones,hundreds in the area had me jumping all over the place. Not all the sites are set up with the shaft signs. Like the ones that are hidden openings into the mountains,either the vents,mines,caves, use a different set up. You treasure hunters that hunt in areas with less stones,and a different groups of people caching stuff, it might be real close to what few stones there are at that spot. Iam working on trying to show some ancient set ups. I have even seen sites marked with wire. I dont think they made a recovery,they were just marking it for there group. The shaft sign is one of the great spots. Sandy1 sure let some secrets out,and he keep it very simple,leaving out all the fluff.

The setting is in the S/E corner of the 'ol Indian Territory,
probably not too far really, from the actual Cajun country,
and the time was in the early 1900's. Frank James was most
likely still alive and riding at the time, and the Doolin-Dalton gang was
sure to be still riding, before their Coffeyville, KS. fiasco that stopped them.

The character that experienced the event and later related it, was an industrious
boy at the time, and was very busy selling whatever he could, off of the family farm.
In the Choctaw Nation country, not far from where the Cat Creek Cave was located,
which Cole Younger had made reference to, in his "Crime Doesn't Pay Tour". That
he, as a famous original member of the James Gang, went on after his release
from prison, after the gang's Northfield bank robbery failure. Belle Starr had
reportedly been laid up in the same cave, after being shot by a guy trying
to rob her, while her husband rode all night up to Younger's Bend, to get
the confidential good neighbor doctor to save her life, which he did...

She used her pistols cross draw, and surprised the guy with the gun
he did not see on her other side, and killed him instead, but he also
got a shot into her, and she had been wounded very badly...

The story is that some people moved into the area from Mexico, the
boy we'll call Ed, was selling them vegetables, milk, eggs, butter, &
whatever else he helped raise on the farm, and they always paid US
cash for it, as did everyone else around the country area, that Ed
had the pleasure to deal with. The large extended family, with kids
and multiple men, supposed to possibly be brothers to the main man
that appeared to more or less be in charge. Ed liked one of the man's
sons, and would hang out and play or visit with him when he got time
away from his farm work, school, and peddling business. Ed noticed
they spent much of their time digging, like they were really looking for
something, and being young and friendly with them, he asked them
about what they were up to, and his friend's father just said they were
looking for something small, but the boy told him that it was something
much bigger than what his father had let on. They worked on and on.

This went on for some extended length of time, and there were times
that some of the supposed uncles disappeared, and when Ed asked, the
boy indicated they went back to Mexico, to get more money for them all
to live on. Sure enough after sometime they would return, & then would
have more money, to proceed with what they were working hard doing...

In the 1980's, the close relatives, ancestors of Ed, wrote about what
their kin had experienced. In their story, they talked about Maximillian's
knowledge, that he would likely be deposed, after the U.S. was clear of
the Civil War. They wrote of a supposed caravan, of multiple wagons,
with the spoils that the dictator had gotten from Mexico, that he sent
on a journey into the Indian Territory, bound for the railroad at Kansas
City MO., to be shipped to somewhere east, then supposedly on to France.

They speculated that either chicken pocks or the wild Comanche Indians
had gotten to them, and stopped them there in the wild country still full
of notorious deadly wild west outlaws...

Ed observed that they never bought anything that wasn't a definite
necessity, but only what they had to have, to meagerly live & get by.

One day they all just up and disappeared, & left no trace. Ed could
not find a sign of them anywhere, except for their burro and old
Mexican cart, which was tied up alone at the railroad depot...
Never to be seen again...

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Good evening fellow treasure hunters. I don't know if this link has been posted on t-net in the past but I came across some good information on the symbolic meanings for the animals used by the Spanish when making monuments or carvings. These symbolic interpretations sound very close to some of the things said and posted by some fellow treasure hunters on t-net including some of the things that our good friend Sandy1 has said about them.

I invite all of you to take a look at this link: Chapter 2 - Animals

The link begins at chapter 2 and this chapter deals with the animals and their symbolic Christian meanings. This is important because the Spaniards where Catholics so their uses of these animals carved or monumented in the field will be closely related to things that are found in the bible and I believe this site delivers the closest information with regards to this aspect of the Spanish and their hidden treasures.

Hope you all enjoy.

God bless.


I read through different Bestiary's as well as the Physiologus, but they do not really relate to some of the animals, I believe that some of the animals are used in the context of superstitions such as the whale may mean 3 days in the belly of the beast or if it is part of the legends then its mouth when open is considered to be the gateway into hell, the same with the Turtle it is considered to be a heretic but there is a much older legend that the turtle carries a map on its shell leading to treasure, this is why it is so hard to understand the meanings behind these animals and signs.

I have seen many empty holes that were dug in vault areas, most of them are partially filled back in, but the markers around them are still there. Here is a Vault location that has diggings around it (the vault is represented by the cave which is actually an open birds mouth) (notice the marker/single boulder up to the right also)
Vault Area.webp

I read through different Bestiary's as well as the Physiologus, but they do not really relate to some of the animals, I believe that some of the animals are used in the context of superstitions such as the whale may mean 3 days in the belly of the beast or if it is part of the legends then its mouth when open is considered to be the gateway into hell, the same with the Turtle it is considered to be a heretic but there is a much older legend that the turtle carries a map on its shell leading to treasure, this is why it is so hard to understand the meanings behind these animals and signs.

Sandy, I thought the same about some of the animal interpretations. For example in this link to the website that I posted the information on the griffin says nothing about it being the guardian of hidden treasure. I recently found a griffin full body laying down in plain site.

The griffin is a mythical beast part eagle and part lion. It was in plain site but I didn't realize it until I studied the photos and it jumped out at me. Truly it takes patience and a keen observation to be able to see these things. With practice and study in the field you will be able to see these subtle but IN YOUR FACE monuments that are invisible to the "uninitiated" and untrained eye.

One that I am pretty sure of is the Sphinx as I found one very close to a huge treasure, and its meaning was that it guarded the mountain pass to the treasure.

There is a large mesa I have recently frequented. I took pictures of what to me looks like a sphinx but with the head and beak of a bird or eagle. The front arms stick out like a sphinx. It is on the cliff side of the mesa. This used to be a trading point for the Spanish and is actually part of the old Spanish trail. I'm sure there is treasure there but this is a public spot were people can walk the trail on top of the mesa.

In situation like this do we just leave the treasure alone? Is there any feasible way to work it in one night with some help?

There are many more spots that are not in the public eye, digging these holes leave some tailings so its best to find a non populated place. (As a side note anytime you find an Eagle that is a good area for treasure)

If indeed it is an eagle sphinx, could the treasure be hidden inside the mesa and the entrance is under the sphinx on the side of the cliff, at the bottom of the cliff wall?

Or would it be more likely located on top of the mesa with alignment boulders? I ask because I have found crisscross spots on top of the mesa and even dead cactus at the center of some of these crisscross spots JUST LIKE YOU SAID.


You know exactly what I would do at that point as I mentioned to you in the PM's

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What would be a "smart" way (theoretically speaking) of selling the gold once you have found it without raising any red flags? I have heard different things from different people on what are the best things to do IF EVER you are lucky enough to find Spanish gold. Some say do it the "Legal" way and get an attorney etc, but i'm sure we've all heard of at least one guy that tried doing things in a legal and ethical manner but found out the hard way that the good old government and greedy lawyers aren't always about doing things ethical when it comes to money and more so REAL MONEY like gold and silver.

I'd like to know what are some of the things you guys would do if ever you found a Spanish treasure and how you'd plan everything out on how to make sure no one finds out, while at the same time getting it sold so you can get your money. Who can you trust in this situation? Do you melt the gold into small nuggets and sell it little by little? Although doing this will make it lose it's historical value and only be worth what the spot price is for that particular precious metal.

Is it realistic to believe you can find a trustworthy entity that will pay you the historical value of such a find? Or are we just kidding ourselves as disclosing such a find to any entity that actually has that type of money to pay, will more than likely be affiliated in some way with the government and therefore will end up getting you caught?

A certain man once told me:

"It's very dangerous and very few people know what's involved in taking on such a responsibility. They'll murder you out there for 10 dollars so imagine what they'll do for this kind of stash.
It's all fun and games working up to it but once you get there it will take years to protect it and do all the research and make sure that some scumbag doesn't come along and try to take all the glory of years of your work away from you. It's fun but you need to do some serious thinking!"

A certain man once told me:

"It's very dangerous and very few people know what's involved in taking on such a responsibility. They'll murder you out there for 10 dollars so imagine what they'll do for this kind of stash.
It's all fun and games working up to it but once you get there it will take years to protect it and do all the research and make sure that some scumbag doesn't come along and try to take all the glory of years of your work away from you. It's fun but you need to do some serious thinking!"

Good advice.
I would add a few other things to that. (Never ever ever take a check for anything, sign any receipt, tell your name/show your ID to the buyer or deposit any of the money in a bank, in otherwords don't leave a paper trail)
(If the buyer requires that information then you will know that he/she is more interested in You than the treasure you are selling)

I forgot to mention don't tell anybody where you dug it up at as that is archaeological evidence.

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One that I am pretty sure of is the Sphinx as I found one very close to a huge treasure, and its meaning was that it guarded the mountain pass to the treasure.

Do you think the intent of the Sphinx, was just symbolic superstition,
or did they really think it would actually help guard treasure? Maybe
even a ceremony saying an incantation, as the use of supernatural
power, or so called witchcraft protection aspect of their process?

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I am pretty positive that they did alot of spiritual protection of their treasures.

M, you have everything there the hole (looks like a heart) the squared U and the sphinx pretty cool.

Out here there are secret triangles out of light and shadows that are pointing to important places, I still say you have predominantly an area of light and shadow signs which means most likely Jesuits or another secret Society, the Spanish are really not that abstract with their markers.

33 is a very common number in measurements 33 inch lengths (vara) 33 feet 33 varas and of course double that 66 varas and 66 feet etc.

Occasionally (like maybe 1-5% of the time) a hoyo can in some way, (either you look thru it, or see it from a specific spot) take you to where you need to be, or show something's position underground (you still have to find an entrance nearby). Other times they show you a specific marker or a whole site or some type of image that is important you have to figure out in relation to everything in the area, or you are to come back and look during a certain time of day/year.
Originally very far back I think the hoyo was used as a gateway to the other side, and often used in tombs to lead the dead to the afterlife on a certain day of the year. ( Something to do with sunlight hitting a spot). There isn't a single specific way to use them, but rather a number of them you have to be aware of and apply it to each site individually.

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