So, are you guys ready for another story that was told to me by another oldtimer?


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Something I would like to repeat (due to people asking me about reading the writing or carvings on boulders), while there are signs on the boulders, usually carved as a animal, skull, heart etc. these are just verifying that the boulder is to be used, and can be a trail marker or a marker that is pointing out another more important marker nearby (an eye catcher) or even an alignment marker.
While you will be looking for these eye catchers or carvings, the real information is in the layouts of multiple markers not the boulder that has the carving on it, I have yet to see anybody actually read and interpret any writing on a boulder and have it lead them to anything of value, before anybody tries to deny this last statement I want to point out that I asked back on (Post #69 Page 5) and not 1 person had an answer for it, even though it most definitely is a treasure map.
Kind of a prick way to try to prove one view point.
You cite one pic and challenge others to decipher it... while providing nothing in any way of proof that your half-buried rocks lead to anything more than the "no one" that replied to your post #69.
i was enjoying this thread up to that point. Perhaps I have read too much into your challenge but it seems dick'ish to me.

and, btw, I don't talk much here, I listen, but have found/recovered something of significance using symbols (only) in the Barranco del Cobre using Eugene Lyons as a day-to-day source of the archives... fwiw.

good thread. But a little humility never hurts anyone or any situation.

Well M, you don't believe in my way of treasure hunting and I don't believe in your way of reading and deciphering the signs, (Please prove me wrong) or we can leave it at that.

I also wanted to mention that besides the treasure map on the rock I posted there are literally dozens of pictures of treasure writings on rocks all over tnet and nobody ever seems to agree on how to decipher them.

I do Believe in treasure maps on rocks, what I have trouble with is the deciphering of them.

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If anyone seems "dick-ish", it's you.
The fact that no "evidence" is being shown has already been addressed.
Sandy stated that he has yet to see anyone make a recovery based upon symbols alone. If you have evidence otherwise, feel free to show it. Then Sandy, and the rest of us, can say we know of at least one incident of a recovery by way of symbols alone.
Kind of a prick way to try to prove one view point.
You cite one pic and challenge others to decipher it... while providing nothing in any way of proof that your half-buried rocks lead to anything more than the "no one" that replied to your post #69.
i was enjoying this thread up to that point. Perhaps I have read too much into your challenge but it seems dick'ish to me.

and, btw, I don't talk much here, I listen, but have found/recovered something of significance using symbols (only) in the Barranco del Cobre using Eugene Lyons as a day-to-day source of the archives... fwiw.

good thread. But a little humility never hurts anyone or any situation.

I believe Mannings has brought up a good point, and I for one would like to understand more, so I would like to ask others who know something about reading the treasure writings/glyphs on the rocks to help educate us all.

I only ask for 3 things from people who know how to read the signs/maps on the boulders.

1: A picture of the sign (and what group made it)

2: A direction from the sign (compass degree, sighted or pointed out direction)

3: A distance from the sign (in whatever measurements that were used) to the spot or the next sign.

I have not made any recovery, though have seen carved markers & symbols.
The potential of alignments which sandy alone has taught, and I perceive has
been honest, as well as quite generous, in going to all of the work and trouble
to start the kind of detailed and informative threads that he has, and especially
the guide he has freely given. I have also seen what I perceive to be a map rock,
and as sandy has pointed out, poor looking carvings, some of which do make, I do
think exquisite, perhaps rare though subtle shadow symbols, maybe some of the best.

There has been NO ONE ELSE, ever that I am aware of, that has gone to the painstaking
time and trouble, to share their own personal experiences and developed techniques they
have figured out and used. Then given info freely, with real and live time & follow up while
having to tolerate attitudes that leave a lot to be desired. This is still the US of America, & so
thankfully people still have the right to express themselves. But it would be at least refreshing,
if different views could be expressed with more of a level of artistic expressiveness. Then if one
really wanted to share something to be of a good benefit to others, they wouldn't appear to be
just another voice that didn't take time to use some reasonable and classy edicate. Lacking...

Sure sandy has challenged us a lot, and that is part of being a good effective teacher I think.
Though I have not always totally agreed with what he perceives my shadow symbols may be
saying, or that the Indians of the central part of the country after they rebelled and overcame
the tyrannical selfish & greedy slavery couldn't upset the Spanish at later period times, in their
getting to an established vault every time for safe burial. Still, with due respect, I enjoy being
privileged in continuing to look & listen to sandy1 & others' info, the interaction being nothing
short of world class.

Just my thoughts, I want to see the thread continue a long time, and if there are more techniques,
naturally I too am interested, as well as probably others are, to learn them also. Maybe in another
thread, if ANYONE would be willing to do the work to share that other kind of info? For now, and
as long as it lasts, I keep on enjoying the info presented here, with respect to those, especially
the thread starter, for the presentation, and keep digesting, trying to fully understand it all.

Lastly, I perceive sandy has more info, that he seems to keep remembering and sharing,
that probably fits into, and expands on the big picture. Just has his own beliefs, that's
based on his experiences that were possible to be figured out by him, & that actually
not only worked, but that he has stated will work every time, anywhere. Can or has
anyone else ever taught anything anywhere near, clear cut and transparent as that?

Besides, I have noticed comments made, that have not been given full explanation
for, which to me, is a sign, probably more than speculation. Unless it's just my
lack of perception. If so, perhaps then there is more known, than has even
been possible, or maybe reasonably safe to be openly told? Thanks sandy.
... :sunny: :fish:


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I have heard of several stories around my area that the Spanish were killed and placed in caves with valuables and did not make it back to the vaults, I was about to tell one such story that was told to me by an old timer, but I got sidetracked.

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I've heard the same type of story. Wonder if there is any proof or stories of some finding any thing like that.

Enjoy the story.

From my Friend Jack:

Years ago back in the 60s Jack had an Indian friend named Rueben who was from a tribe near Tucson AZ.
Now Rueben just happened to be the Chiefs son and he was shown different places on the reservation when he was young (including where not to go)

So Rueben and Jack had fallen on some hard times financially, when Rueben told Jack that he knew a place where they could get something of value to sell.

Rueben told Jack that he knew of a cave that had valuables in it on the reservation, and that he had went there when he was young even though he was forbidden by his father to go near the area, he also said that he had taken a jewel encrusted knife from the cave.

So Jack and Rueben decided to go see what they could get to sell from the cave, they went to the reservation in an old willies Jeep and stayed the night with the tribe, they spent most of the night drinking.

The Next Morning Rueben and Jack headed out for the Cave in the Willies, Jack said they traveled for miles going up different washes (no roads) Eventually they came to a hill that had a strata line of rock and they drove up a pretty steep hill until they got within walking distance of this rock cliff face. After getting some lights from the Jeep they started walking towards the cliff face.

Rueben led Jack up to a small opening that was only visible when walking close to the rocky cliffs, they went into the opening and down a steep ramp into a fairly good size room.

Here they saw many dead Spanish Soldiers laying on the floor, with their armor still intact and weapons still laying by their sides, so Jack Grabbed one of the Conquistador Helmets from one of the dead soldiers, about this time they heard gunshots outside and ran out to see what was going on, apparently the Indians from the village had followed them and were very upset that they were in this off limits place, so Rueben and Jack managed to get back to the Jeep and hightailed it out of there having to cut barbwire fences to get away.

Eventually they made it Back to Phoenix where they were able to sell the helmet (with the dead Spanish Soldiers Red Hair still in it) to a Pawn Shop for $1200 ($700 went to Rueben and Jack Got $500)

This is the First Time this story has ever been told on the internet and as far as I know I am one of the only people to have ever heard it before.

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Thanks Kindly for your time, and your opinions in advance.
... :sunny: :fish:


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I would like to see that stone again . The whole stone. Reading the stones is how I got into this. And yes I have very small ones that nobody seems to think are important. They may not be but doesn't take away the fact it's there. Someone took the time to do the work. I find old camp fire spot all the time
As the layer of covering comes off. They spent a long time at my place and in the state. I've learned a lot from you guys I think. Can't say it all will work here. I will not know that part until more is uncovered. One thing the small stones I studied helps me with seeing the work in large formats. But in a reverse of things you guys can't see what I can. Q sees a dolphin and I see a quail who's beak is pointing to a diamond in the bush. I don't see the pentagon on top of the dolphin either. That doesn't does his is wrong and I'm right Or vice versa. I sit back and listen and learn. Try to get the message. Please don't take me wrong. There is a lot we don't know about this stuff. Their way have produced them results and we can learn from it. Their are other who think it's all bs. That their beliefs and I will keep and open mind to all the possibilities is this . Sandy thanks for all your work and sharing it. A good story is always welcome in my book.

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As far as the pictures go that could be a tough one. There were more than one order of priest in the mix. I do know when a Jesuit had a hand in the pie. They leave their mark on things if not their name. There are different characters portrayed on the stone. Who to say if one order used all of them. One might have the Pope style hat,and others like a knights. Then and middle eastern style hat. When dealing with characters from the Bible you could have either.

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Sandy. I've got a story that the local Indians rose up and drove the Spanish into a cave and sealed them in. Concealed the entrances, it went all the way through the mountain. Lots of local folks have looked for it but it ain't been found.

O, I have heard similar stories about the Indians killing the Spanish in caves with smoke.

I have a couple more stories but will space them out,


The one sign that I would be seriously looking for is the shaft sign, every treasure spot I have been to has had one or more shaft signs near the crisscross spot and are usually attached to one of the alignment boulders in some way.

That's really an interesting story sandy,
I like that they succeeded once, even though
it was just one thing. Since it must have helped
them on out at the time. Someone undoubtedly got
to enjoy the historical value of it. We'll probably never
know, that is unless if Jack told you, but they likely never
took another chance like that one and went back? They could
have left their drinking and partying alone, till the TH was done.

I have heard of some Spanish armor, just the top part, found in a
very heavily wooded area, said a hillbilly family friend, to have been
located in a small cave or shallow holes' opening on the face of a bluff,
long ago by the old timers that were in the remote woods daily working
but no word on any skeleton. It figures, the owner may have become sick
or died, and the armor was stashed out of the way. Because of fierce, alert
Comanche Indians, patrolling their vast hunting grounds, some of which is so
hilly, as much of it now very heavily wooded, and may have been back then also.

I noticed your old TH acquaintance Dayne Chastain, wrote the comments of Spanish
having buried treasure quickly, and then all got killed anyway, or the attacking Indians
had suddenly overcome them, and stolen the gold or silver from them, only to bury and
forget where it was later. The thing about that is, no markers were likely left, though they
may have only buried anything much more shallow than the Spanish did, but would take an
extremely lucky event, to find anything like that. Then mentions Mexicans having been known
to show up with sheepskin maps, diligently searching for cached treasures that was supposedly
left from generations before them, and the map passed on. So treasure tales going back to the...

Spanish activities, are in no short supply, and I realize Dayne got to talk to many old timers who
related stories either that they had observed back early in the 1900's, or stories their folks or even
friends they knew as kids, had carefully told them that had happened, even back in the early 1800's,
say before the Civil War. I have heard a little of both, of some things happening from them, and having
heard stories told by old timers passed on to them. I can imagine the things that happened, when no
one knew or lived through it, and info of events was not passed on. That is why what you have taught
us, with the methods and details that you have expressed is so valuable, and such a good resource, for
people to learn so much more, so much quicker. I have personally found you to be quite patient, helpful
and kind, even gracious and humble, and that is a new standard in the light of the amount of genuinely
helpful info you have so generously shared with all. Since people who'd tried to help in the recent past,
either had things happen to them or their partners, including accidental death, or just got too old &
discouraged, & either quit sharing, or are gone, because of those unfortunate events. So that they
are no longer even around or helping, because of their health. Though they never had such
advanced experiences, ability, or successful techniques, but did share what they could.

I too have heard of a relative but post Spanish era treasure, that is also interesting,
but from the end of the French rule of Mexico, by Maximillian, told by old timers...

If you're interested, I will tell it. I don't know what kind of markers were used,
just that people showed up from another country, spent an extended period
of time working and searching, and apparently succeeded in their TH effort.

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Out here it is not uncommon to see shaft signs in certain areas not more than a hundred feet apart on a trail, the amount of caches in certain good areas here are truly staggering.

I Have not heard much about the French other than in the Cajun areas, so yeah I would like to hear the story.

Hi Folks; I'm still here. I just got side tracked for a hile ok. First, Sandy you give a TOP Rated lesson every time you share. Your diligence and generosity have helped a lot of Folks here now and those to come for sure. There will always be nay sayers. I liked how you handled that little discourse with Manning. It shows just what kind of classy guy you are. It speaks for itself. I too have leaned a lot here and have some spots in mind to check when the warm weather rolls around. We are buried in snow right now.
CDS, I admire the way you spoke in Sandy's defense. Sandy please be assured you have an ARDENT group of followers here. Myself included.
To those who wish to malign Sandy or his techniques I invite you to speak your piece. Just do so in a classy manner. There is absolutely no need for flat out direct attacks using the vulgar language as I have seen. NONE.!!! Me, I'm glad that others responded before I did. I am not afraid to call a book a book or anyone on such behavior ok. I'm a nice guy but I still have my dark side as well. I'm glad I don't get to use it now a days. Sandy, We here await your next story. Go for it. PEACE:RONB

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