If it is a cairn that would be a great sign, because it normally means there is something of value in the area.
I have found cairns close to many of the vaults.

On my picture the far right standing rock circled in red is really cool looking if you want to see it from the side the sun hits it?

Sure, would love to see it from that angle too.
A lot of shaping done there, it looks like...

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(This is the far right red circled boulder in post #513)
This Boulder is a true sun sign, the sun comes over the cliff (left side cliff in post#513) for a couple of hours during the middle of the day and lights the quartz up on the boulders face, you can only see this if you are on the trail during the couple of hours while it is lit up.
Also notice the turtle head touching the right side of the sun sign boulder.
Sun Sign.webp

Yes, it is really cool. There's a lot more there I see, multiple eyes & head shapes,
including holes. So do you call it a cairn too, besides an alignment
boulder, & a marker that's also a sun symbol?

No, as you can see from the side view on 513 this is just a boulder placed up on another boulder, I have seen these basic tall shaped rocks at other vaults as well but they were standing on the ground not placed on other boulders.

No, as you can see from the side view on 513 this is just a boulder placed up on another boulder, I have seen these basic tall shaped rocks at other vaults as well but they were standing on the ground not placed on other boulders.

I see, and it's another good show of so many different things potentially,
& that knowing what to look for, is so key to understanding what's there,
that's really important to find & use. Cool, thanks for taking the time to
show it, discuss and explain. Appreciate it :thumbsup:

Quinoa --if I understand what your saying and Sandy 1 is saying in your post #440 is:

The yellow arrow is on a compass bearing over a cache site.
Now along this compass bearing / sight line there will be additional intersecting markers / sight lines that
come into play / use which will give the exact dig spot

The top of the dolphin or the point of the nose of the dolphin --looking at the "A" frame--probably does not
point at the dig spot --accept by accident. This is just the key or master line running over the cache and
additional alignments seen while walking this line must be located to determine the exact dig spot

Did I get the basic understanding down correctly.

Should I tell you what is funny about this photo--?

Just like the Turtle heads Sandy 1 has shown and which I know I have walked by half a dozen of;
I have walked by two of these dolphin's while prospecting and I did not understand about the "A"
frames or using them. I would post some photos of them--but that computer has gone in for repairs and
never returned from the hard drive heaven.



Barton If you read the other comments I did on this, and I know it's hard to explain things well on paper, The spot I am concluding is about 5 steps forward from where the photo was taken towards the wedge rock I outlined in red . Also if you thumbnail the picture, and only look at the sunlit portions and the shadows, you will see a giant shadow wedge, and a small sunlit wedge pointing at this same spot. The sunlit wedge rock has "lips" facing the camera on its tip.

If you thumbnail Sandy1's picture of the shadows with sunlit spots in them you will notice the two largest shadows are the eyes of a giant owl or animal, and you will see this from very away. The pupils are the sunlit spots in the eyes as well, the eyes are supposed to be large shadow diamonds from a distance.

View attachment 1402855

It also pretty much looks straight down the 2 markers Sandy1 circled. There is a lot of stuff in shadows and sun.

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If it is a cairn that would be a great sign, because it normally means there is something of value in the area.
I have found cairns close to many of the vaults.

On my picture the far right standing rock circled in red is really cool looking if you want to see it from the side the sun hits it?

Sandy, I once found a cairn when I first started treasure hunting. I was very GREEN at the time and knew very little about it. At the time I thought there may be something under it so I threw the rocks to one side. Now I think back and realize it may have been a pointer to the location of the treasure :BangHead:.

Oh well. You live and you learn right?

This was at the same place were I told you guys I was contacted through private message and the guy wanted to "help" me.

Sandy, I think you had another story you wanted to tell us before you got interrupted a few posts back?

I do have one story about a guy that went out with me years ago.

I had found a crevice that went under a boulder and a cavern under it after slipping down into the cavity I found a fireplace made out of shale laid in a circular pattern for the fire to be contained and next to it was a pile of wood that had been there so long that it was nearly petrified, so I took another guy back there from the midwest, who said it was not uncommon to find arrowheads in fireplaces so he proceeded to tear up the entire rock ring and dig down (never found nothing) I was just sick about that, I don't like to destroy things like that.

A, Nobody ever gets that precise with compass readings when your talking about anything over a half mile, I use the compass but once it gets further than 300 feet its not going to be accurate with other compasses even after just a few months because magnetic north is constantly changing, People really don't go out of their way for these treasures.

CDS, Your story almost sounds like you were actually there, with all the nice fall day, sweaty horses and across the lower 40. lol

Have you treasure hunters found north markers at your sites? You can calibrate your compass to them, if you hunt that way.

How would you calibrate to use it?
What do you mean by North markers?

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I personally have several alignments that I know are on 15 degree increments and set my compass declination by those.

How would you calibrate to use it?
What do you mean by North markers?

At some sites i have found long stones, And even wood set pointing north. Or do like Sandy1 and find the 15 deg. and set your compass to that.

CDS your "cairn" is meant to be a pieced together rendition of an eyeball or "all seeing eye", as well as a duck head. So it's probably watching over something.

Most of it is mapped out stuff, but there are old and new pieces of it that are rarely recognized that can lead to certain spots. You are mainly looking for multiple alignments going to a spot or large images from further away that hint to a spot. Hard to explain but there is a method to alot of it. When you break stuff down to small images, you are missing the larger stuff that is made up of the smaller stuff. The closer you get to the images , the further away you get , because the small stuff leads you away, and the large stuff draws you in. Always look at things to try and see the bigger stuff it is part off, IE an owl might be the eye of larger face, a diamond might be an eye of animal etc.

It's all a huge illusion of what is there, and there is usually a larger picture of it all. Once you see it all, you can identify the more important markers if they are present.

I have found very large boulders with the bottom half dug out. Then a crawl space like Sandy mentioned. One had stacked rock around the low side creating a cave like feel once inside. I wondered if it wasn't used as a place to build super hot fires for melting down metals. It's not just a shelter...because itshe only 30 feet from a bluff line with multiple caves/mines.

I would also like to say about some of the stories previously mentioned... there is a mine in this area that is still open. On top of a hill it sits. The old timers used to call it a rattlesnake pit. Cause it is. It also up until a few years ago still had ladder coming out of it. Once inside it catacombs. A friend of mine told me that his grandpa found two Spanish saddles and a few coins stashed in a crevice close to it when he was a kid. The government sealed it and called it a bat cave. But my point is that I don't believe they would have ever left their belongings out in field. Nor would they have left the shaft uncovered. I think there is a good chance they were killed and may still lie at the bottom of that hole.

CDS, try standing at the eye, and try to figure what the eye is looking at.

Hi Q; I see other things than you mentioned. I'm not doubting you I just see other things ok. I can't talk now. Bed time. Great pics. I'll comment tomorrow ok. Great stuff guys. PEACE:RONB

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