My dogs treed a bobcat

I was thinking a bobcat would make things easier. DSCN5936.webpMy dogs tried to help me out!

, or some gunsite type thing from near the eye.

We call this the Eyesight, although it is not a perfect eye shape. I of course went to the spot on the ground about 80 ft away that it looks at. I had, 10 years before, dug a 4 foot deep ditch through the very spot and had found right there an iron ring 16" dia. made of 1'dia round iron. Depth unremembered.
Someone in the past wanted me to take a look to see. All of this was done sometime between 1790 and 1900.


We call this the Eyesight, although it is not a perfect eye shape. I of course went to the spot on the ground about 80 ft away that it looks at. I had, 10 years before, dug a 4 foot deep ditch through the very spot and had found right there an iron ring 16" dia. made of 1'dia round iron. Depth unremembered.
Someone in the past wanted me to take a look to see. All of this was done sometime between 1790 and 1900.

View attachment 1914150

Think of it as a floor plan, White Heart. While looking at it, try to see it from above. It may also have dual directional meaning(s), one for exact location, and one for depth gauge.
You have your boot to the left for direction, and the stained owl on the rock at 10:00 o’clock. The boot rock at 5:30 has the owl imprint on it. That’s clearly a given.

The 11:00, 12:00, and !:00 o’clock rocks are “units of measure” , which you’ll have to identify. They could be … steps or something else …based on your previous research. I’m pretty sure you didn’t find this by chance and you have a system. Congratulations on a ‘real deal’ find. Remember the clock-like or compass bearing to find the exact location to stake. (..the iron circle = hint left for you)

What's your interpretation on the ALL SEEING EYEView attachment 1913683

Go to the left. This is one of those boulders that says stop and turn; up the hillslope is the storage/mine/ect. Besides the lion face on the rock looking to the left, the TH or sentinel cut off upsidedown bush resting against the rock (I see these at nearly every treasure site) is pointing the same direction uphill to the left. I BET the part of the upsidedown bush that touches the ground is buried real good and the bush wont move easily. That's how Ive seen them and always within 100ft of the storage/mine/ect. Usually closer.

The ALL SEEING EYE may imply to look close; but WHY and at WHAT? Every location is a bare piece of ground with (usually) no obvious nearby indicators. Thats not new info to them nor would it usually imply a look closer monument was needed. That should not be confused with go SLOW indicators (Snail monuments, ect) which may imply missing an important non obvious location clue . What I mean is, in all my cases the ALL SEEING EYE meant the nearby entrance was trapped and the eye gave an indication to which side the trap was on. I would relate the ALL SEEING EYE to the EYE OF ZEUS which implies danger, usually concealed danger since the trap is covered. An interchangable lightning symbol

Old or possible ancient way of using it was it overlooked a general place if you could figure out where it exactly looked. Perhaps on a specific bearing like 330/150, 300/120 or 210/30 degrees azimuth. Not sure how the diggers of these spot re-did it if at all..P1030048 eye.webp Not all encompassing, so it's a sign, yes, , but maybe not so usable in any one specific sense. I'm glad this thread is continuing on, I don't mind any types of discussions or contradictions at all. I encourage it all. MY opinion Isn't any better atm than yours, Just keep moving and learning is what I want.
This one aligns up to something I think is pretty big. But it's not the norm. You can see the general spot it goes to from several miles away. Cause other stuff shows up on the equinoxes/solstices there and the are very large images. So I suppose they used the eye for something in particular.

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Page 319 and 320 of this thread have a bunch of eyes on sites of mine I know of I posted if you care to look. I have many more. It's all subjective I suppose.

There isn't anything perfect in anything on this stuff. I like sandy1's stuff, I've seen it in the field before he ever made this thread. If you can get an aura, you are way further ahead, in my opinion.

At some point you will probably take your chances and dig. For me, If I own the property, and have good markers, and the math works out well from them to a specific spot, aura or not, I'm digging. It's no risk, just sweat. I can set up for auras and wait for possible better spot, but like I said, math. It doesn't lie. Just have to figure why the math is there. Dig spot or place to measure off of.

There seems to be a great deal of confusion floating around, the cause of which… (it) escapes me.

When you reach an Eye looking set up like the one posted by White Heart, or another type of monument that either has a composite set up or even a stone carving of an eye, then you must apply one of the two Dial systems. But not every hole in the ground –left by miners et all- will be a good subject for this application.

The ‘eye set up’ must have distinctive characteristics imbedded within to be easy recognizable as to which system belongs to,….without confusion.
a)….the clock dial system,….that uses traditional symbols etc, etc
b)…. The compass dial system ….that uses angles, degrees, azimuths etc, etc.

Too many hunters are confused by switching and mixing the two and that’s when the frustration and improvisation begin, which are translated in failure.

I will look into that Listo, I appreciate the input. I suppose my current place is your b). However down south a 1000 miles, I'm not sure anything is exactly the same as here. Maybe originally. My back hurts from running large pi coils and trying to keep parallel to hillside for about an hour+ running over same spots multiple times to get rid of false hits.. Will do more this weekend maybe.

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I will look into that Listo, I appreciate the input. I suppose my current place is your b). However down south a 1000 miles, I'm not sure anything is exactly the same as here. Maybe originally. My back hurts from running large pi coils and trying to keep parallel to hillside for about an hour+ running over same spots multiple times to get rid of false hits.. Will do more this weekend maybe.

Yes, I hear you…but you are very close in your parallel comparison with W.H.’s set up…

“..there is a pupil (small rock lodged inset) in the wedge eye” …as you quoted.

The see-thru hole that was left, has a sharp arrow-like pointer rock at 12:00 O’clock pointing down to the lower side of the lid which is rounded enough to accommodate the see-thru,….and it is also the rounded part between the lobes of a heart rock.
The left lobe was covered on purpose by the builders, as to prevent a ‘total’ give away. There are two discrete owls already, and the final leg of that journey should be right behind the 10:00 o’clock stone, at the Larger triangle rock with the painted owl on it. You can never underestimate the power of the triangle, especially when an owl sits on it.
Obviously, White Heart’s dial is clock dial setup.


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I will look into that Listo, I appreciate the input. I suppose my current place is your b). However down south a 1000 miles, I'm not sure anything is exactly the same as here. Maybe originally. My back hurts from running large pi coils and trying to keep parallel to hillside for about an hour+ running over same spots multiple times to get rid of false hits.. Will do more this weekend maybe.

You'll get it eventually, but as you know it requires dedication. I.m pretty sure you're on a 'L' shape. Good luck.

I don't think I have a parallel set up to WH. I've seen similiar things to his, hence my "small rock wedged in for pupil comment", but not quite the current situation as mine is.

I'm only about 20-22 inches down or so, I expect to find a buried marker at 30-36 inches to continue. That's just how things work out in the math and markers that I can't explain quickly offhand. Only reason I'm showing anything, is because we own the land there and it's a legal dig. The markers are good educational things if it works as I would use them the same way on any place. My other many spots I know of I don't show much of anymore. I have left out the best marker confirmations on current spot and will save them to the last and explain then if it works out. Until then, it's just a marked out spot on ground to come back to. Or , as some would say, a coincidental spot. Which I only vaguely believe is coincidental.

OK then, see how 'Things' evolve and adapt as needed. Keeping some stuff in reserve is not bad. I still think you're on an L shape with the bottom leg going up L ___up
...keep at it.

I ran my 98 inch detector coil uphill to no avail. There's a triangular 10x10x10 inch rock about 19 feet uphill inset in ground, same size as one near my spot and some of same markings, but non-degree bearing to spot I'm digging, although the rock itself is oriented 210/30, 330/150 270/90 on it's points. There's a specific large flat rock I know is at some other big crypt spots in region of 30 mile radius, it has a square notch in the side of it, it's large like 3 x 2.5 feet , close to elongated pentagon shape and prehistoric looking about 34.7 feet uphill on one of the main lines at 202.5/22.5 degrees. I may have the spot, or it may be off to side. I don't know. This is all on like about a 30 degree slope facing basically south overlooking a small lake. Pretty sure it's a storage now, maybe formally a crypt spot. King's crypt or king's storage. I just know it's tunneled a little on that type of hillside.

Both triangular rocks have 2 lines cut on a side. I have seen this before with a cliff type triangle with 3 lines cut on a side, not sure what the meaning is.

There seems to be a great deal of confusion floating around, the cause of which… (it) escapes me.

When you reach an Eye looking set up like the one posted by White Heart, or another type of monument that either has a composite set up or even a stone carving of an eye, then you must apply one of the two Dial systems. But not every hole in the ground –left by miners et all- will be a good subject for this application.

The ‘eye set up’ must have distinctive characteristics imbedded within to be easy recognizable as to which system belongs to,….without confusion.
a)….the clock dial system,….that uses traditional symbols etc, etc
b)…. The compass dial system ….that uses angles, degrees, azimuths etc, etc.

Too many hunters are confused by switching and mixing the two and that’s when the frustration and improvisation begin, which are translated in failure.

Perhaps you could explain with a little more detail? It seems the confusion is usually caused by vague information usually understood only by those in the know. And would it also apply to the triangle eye layout?

What's your interpretation on the ALL SEEING EYE

Depends. Could be a directional pointer. Could be a cultural message. Could be a specified target to search for. Could be a signature. Could occupy a node in a geometric pattern. Could be something else. Whoever created these things we find knew for certain.

Here's one carefully carved in a hard Silurian limestone with a metal tool. Its use? Any or all of the above are possible.


You did not mention 22' degrees. But I also have found markers like your drawing. You have much more info than I have found. I will be doing a drawing soon I guess.

I can say most of his post are easy for me to understand, does that make me crazy? I sure hope so. I have seen what he is showing and its a wonder. It says how we used to live. How we liev today. How we will live tomorrow. Thats the real treasure.

I ran my 98 inch detector coil uphill to no avail. There's a triangular 10x10x10 inch rock about 19 feet uphill inset in ground, same size as one near my spot and some of same markings, but non-degree bearing to spot I'm digging, although the rock itself is oriented 210/30, 330/150 270/90 on it's points. There's a specific large flat rock I know is at some other big crypt spots in region of 30 mile radius, it has a square notch in the side of it, it's large like 3 x 2.5 feet , close to elongated pentagon shape and prehistoric looking about 34.7 feet uphill on one of the main lines at 202.5/22.5 degrees. I may have the spot, or it may be off to side. I don't know. This is all on like about a 30 degree slope facing basically south overlooking a small lake. Pretty sure it's a storage now, maybe formally a crypt spot. King's crypt or king's storage. I just know it's tunneled a little on that type of hillside.

Both triangular rocks have 2 lines cut on a side. I have seen this before with a cliff type triangle with 3 lines cut on a side, not sure what the meaning is.

When you deem appropriate, and you have used most of your arrows in the quiver, and if that target is still moving, then….(and only then) throw some rocks on the screen in hopes that we can figure that missing link to the AAAAha clue.
Chances are that some faint and discreet ‘easy-to-miss’ by design clue to the final solve is hidden randomly in a spot or area you would least expect.

Most of the times, the final leg of the search will take 5 or 10 times more effort and brainstorming than the whole endeavor from the offset. I’m pretty sure you have heard this before…… “XXX” it,…it all made sense to a point and then it all went haywire.

That is… because the final clue usually breaks the general rule and stands on its own. Try and see if this is your case, before you post some sensitive material you are otherwise not comfortable in doing.

Take your time.

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