Depends. Could be a directional pointer. Could be a cultural message. Could be a specified target to search for. Could be a signature. Could occupy a node in a geometric pattern. Could be something else. Whoever created these things we find knew for certain.

Here's one carefully carved in a hard Silurian limestone with a metal tool. Its use? Any or all of the above are possible.

View attachment 1914552

p of o.webp

Wow, LILOOoo....where do you ever get these great shots mijo?

Yes…ALL of the above…

This picture is the perfect sample of a ‘compass dial system’ ….that uses angles, degrees, azimuths etc, and it is right up your alley.

That one seems to be a ‘point of origin’ aka a starting point.

Let me know if you want me to open up on this one, or hush.

When you deem appropriate, and you have used most of your arrows in the quiver, and if that target is still moving, then….(and only then) throw some rocks on the screen in hopes that we can figure that missing link to the AAAAha clue.
Chances are that some faint and discreet ‘easy-to-miss’ by design clue to the final solve is hidden randomly in a spot or area you would least expect.

Most of the times, the final leg of the search will take 5 or 10 times more effort and brainstorming than the whole endeavor from the offset. I’m pretty sure you have heard this before…… “XXX” it,…it all made sense to a point and then it all went haywire.

That is… because the final clue usually breaks the general rule and stands on its own. Try and see if this is your case, before you post some sensitive material you are otherwise not comfortable in doing.

Take your time.

IMO, a great many of the arcane bread crumb puzzles folks methodically follow for months and years were designed from the get-go to lead people into blind alleys and eventually discourage them altogether until they give up the chase. And, as you indicated, if there is a prize to be found in the neighborhood, it is likely in a place that no found clues or analysis of them will lead to. It's called intentional misdirection with a keen sense of how human nature operates. By the way, if there is a prize in the neighborhood, it helps to have at least some idea of why it might exist there.

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View attachment 1914761

Wow, LILOOoo....where do you ever get these great shots mijo?

Yes…ALL of the above…

This picture is the perfect sample of a ‘compass dial system’ ….that uses angles, degrees, azimuths etc, and it is right up your alley.

That one seems to be a ‘point of origin’ aka a starting point.

Let me know if you want me to open up on this one, or hush.

By all means - blab. Open up all the way. I personally covet all opinions. Many I reject, but one needs to always keep an open mind. Cognitive dissonance will kill rational thought.

If you liked the eye, you may also be interested in its adjacent companions. I know this panel is both a signature and a node, but what else remains to be determined.


I ran my 98 inch detector coil uphill to no avail. There's a triangular 10x10x10 inch rock about 19 feet uphill inset in ground, same size as one near my spot and some of same markings, but non-degree bearing to spot I'm digging, although the rock itself is oriented 210/30, 330/150 270/90 on it's points. There's a specific large flat rock I know is at some other big crypt spots in region of 30 mile radius, it has a square notch in the side of it, it's large like 3 x 2.5 feet , close to elongated pentagon shape and prehistoric looking about 34.7 feet uphill on one of the main lines at 202.5/22.5 degrees. I may have the spot, or it may be off to side. I don't know. This is all on like about a 30 degree slope facing basically south overlooking a small lake. Pretty sure it's a storage now, maybe formally a crypt spot. King's crypt or king's storage. I just know it's tunneled a little on that type of hillside.

Both triangular rocks have 2 lines cut on a side. I have seen this before with a cliff type triangle with 3 lines cut on a side, not sure what the meaning is.

Excellent info Quinoa keep up the good information thank you for sharing this site of yours.

By all means - blab. Open up all the way. I personally covet all opinions. Many I reject, but one needs to always keep an open mind. Cognitive dissonance will kill rational thought.

If you liked the eye, you may also be interested in its adjacent companions. I know this panel is both a signature and a node, but what else remains to be determined.

View attachment 1914778

Ahem, ..OK. From your previous comments I had the impression that you know what you have, and you chose it because of the color coding. I also thought that you know what those colors are and the order to follow. I was wrong. It was just a lucky strike on a fishing trip.
I guess it is no point to bring a flash light to a blind person. Cognitive dissonance seems to be your escape of choice (when you… miss)
So then,…the blab is over.
Incidentally, you have the same incipient color on you second panel, but that will be of no use to you.

Sooo, by popular demand let this thread roll on it's own merit. Rollll

There isn't anything perfect in anything on this stuff. I like sandy1's stuff, I've seen it in the field before he ever made this thread. If you can get an aura, you are way further ahead, in my opinion.

At some point you will probably take your chances and dig. For me, If I own the property, and have good markers, and the math works out well from them to a specific spot, aura or not, I'm digging. It's no risk, just sweat. I can set up for auras and wait for possible better spot, but like I said, math. It doesn't lie. Just have to figure why the math is there. Dig spot or place to measure off of.

IMO, a great many of the arcane bread crumb puzzles folks methodically follow for months and years were designed from the get-go to lead people into blind alleys and eventually discourage them altogether until they give up the chase. And, as you indicated, if there is a prize to be found in the neighborhood, it is likely in a place that no found clues or analysis of them will lead to. It's called intentional misdirection with a keen sense of how human nature operates. By the way, if there is a prize in the neighborhood, it helps to have at least some idea of why it might exist there.

Good advice, Steve.

Then again, when it comes to information transfer and misdirection in 'Real Time', sometimes it's called Cold Reading. The psychology of a situation, or as you say "Human Nature", can and does play a major role in this instance.

People who come to treasure hunting forums looking for answers in situations like this usually have a deep psychological need to be right in their own theories. Theories they have already invested tremendous time and resources into. They WANT affirmation, they NEED validation, and will most always SEEK corroboration. They will forgive and ignore some extremely bad interpretations of and advice on their theories... IF a few shrewd guesses actually work or hit their mark.

The operative word here is "Mark". Because they quickly become prey for the astute Cold Reader. I've seen it time and again here on the forum.

It is a deceptive art which requires practice and the memorization of a large number of facts, and as you've already pointed out, a keen insight into human nature. In this instance, a simple survey of the intended Mark's past posts will usually provide all the "facts" they need...as well as insight into that individual's psychological nature. From there it is an easy task for them to accomplish their ploy.

They are also easy for the Informed individual to spot. They project confidence. Appear very knowledgeable. Ask leading questions that are buried in a lot of fast talking BS. (This is to distract you from realizing you just gave them some information they will pull out of their hat later as a 'correct guess'). A good performer can disguise this so that the subject will not remember supplying the information.

Puts out suggestions in a yes/no format. If you say yes it fits, then they will use that as if they had foreknowledge. If no, then it will be "Of course not, because...." and then more BS until they get a yes. This is called Fishing.

They will also use Indirect Questioning. It is possible to make the question sound like an insignificant end to a block of patter. You can finish a long statement (line of BS) with something like "... does all this make sense to you?" This will prompt the subject to fill in details.

Of course this is all interspersed with lots of ad lib, pleasantries, compliments, affirmations toward your character to put you at ease, or even humor. (These are also meant to distract).

And then, when they have you convinced they are on the same page as you, the playful Coyote Fraudster will begin their campaign of misdirection, while the Narcissistic Guru Fraudster will become the center of treasure hunter worship to his congregation. Then, of course, there are the ones who use the info they weedle from you for their own gain unfortunately.

I could go on, but a simple Google for "Cold Reading" will give you all you need to know. Basically, it's the same M.O. that phony 'Mediums/Psychics' use, only modified toward treasure hunting.

It makes an interesting study, these Cold Readers. It makes for an even more interesting study when you turn the tables and use the same methods on the Fraudster, himself. They are only Human after all, with their own human nature, and just as easy to manipulate as the rest of us. :wink:

Just be aware of their existence, familiarize yourself with their methods, and adjust accordingly.

Something you, Steve, seem to recognize and understand better than most. Kudo's. :laughing7:

Have a Good'un. :notworthy:

IMG_1986.webpExcellent info Q keep posting learning a lot.

Good advice, Steve.

Then again, when it comes to information transfer and misdirection in 'Real Time', sometimes it's called Cold Reading. The psychology of a situation, or as you say "Human Nature", can and does play a major role in this instance.

People who come to treasure hunting forums looking for answers in situations like this usually have a deep psychological need to be right in their own theories. Theories they have already invested tremendous time and resources into. They WANT affirmation, they NEED validation, and will most always SEEK corroboration. They will forgive and ignore some extremely bad interpretations of and advice on their theories... IF a few shrewd guesses actually work or hit their mark.

The operative word here is "Mark". Because they quickly become prey for the astute Cold Reader. I've seen it time and again here on the forum.

It is a deceptive art which requires practice and the memorization of a large number of facts, and as you've already pointed out, a keen insight into human nature. In this instance, a simple survey of the intended Mark's past posts will usually provide all the "facts" they need...as well as insight into that individual's psychological nature. From there it is an easy task for them to accomplish their ploy.

They are also easy for the Informed individual to spot. They project confidence. Appear very knowledgeable. Ask leading questions that are buried in a lot of fast talking BS. (This is to distract you from realizing you just gave them some information they will pull out of their hat later as a 'correct guess'). A good performer can disguise this so that the subject will not remember supplying the information.

Puts out suggestions in a yes/no format. If you say yes it fits, then they will use that as if they had foreknowledge. If no, then it will be "Of course not, because...." and then more BS until they get a yes. This is called Fishing.

They will also use Indirect Questioning. It is possible to make the question sound like an insignificant end to a block of patter. You can finish a long statement (line of BS) with something like "... does all this make sense to you?" This will prompt the subject to fill in details.

Of course this is all interspersed with lots of ad lib, pleasantries, compliments, affirmations toward your character to put you at ease, or even humor. (These are also meant to distract).

And then, when they have you convinced they are on the same page as you, the playful Coyote Fraudster will begin their campaign of misdirection, while the Narcissistic Guru Fraudster will become the center of treasure hunter worship to his congregation. Then, of course, there are the ones who use the info they weedle from you for their own gain unfortunately.

I could go on, but a simple Google for "Cold Reading" will give you all you need to know. Basically, it's the same M.O. that phony 'Mediums/Psychics' use, only modified toward treasure hunting.

It makes an interesting study, these Cold Readers. It makes for an even more interesting study when you turn the tables and use the same methods on the Fraudster, himself. They are only Human after all, with their own human nature, and just as easy to manipulate as the rest of us. :wink:

Just be aware of their existence, familiarize yourself with their methods, and adjust accordingly.

Something you, Steve, seem to recognize and understand better than most. Kudo's. :laughing7:

Have a Good'un. :notworthy:

Good to hear from you, OK. Doin' all right? Yeah, there's plenty of posing and hubris out there.

There seems to be a great deal of confusion floating around, the cause of which… (it) escapes me.

When you reach an Eye looking set up like the one posted by White Heart, or another type of monument that either has a composite set up or even a stone carving of an eye, then you must apply one of the two Dial systems. But not every hole in the ground —left by miners et all- will be a good subject for this application.

The ‘eye set up’ must have distinctive characteristics imbedded within to be easy recognizable as to which system belongs to,….without confusion.
a)….the clock dial system,….that uses traditional symbols etc, etc
b)…. The compass dial system ….that uses angles, degrees, azimuths etc, etc.

Too many hunters are confused by switching and mixing the two and that’s when the frustration and improvisation begin, which are translated in failure.

Listopiedras I do appreciate all that you and Quinoa have to say about these set ups. My learning curve was based on an early realization that angles, degrees and lines and sight lines were the clues used to draw me in to the knowledge preserved on a piece of family land. I was told about the "curious rocks" when I was young but was much to busy to "see" them. I took until I was almost 60 to suddenly see that someone had worked tirelessly to incise sunrise and sunset on the solstice and equinoxes, the 23.5 degree tilt of the planet. Huge magnetic stones have been set to make a compass read true at a center area(they move very slowly but settle on true), whereas everywhere else nearby it is more than 10 degrees different. I learned that I could predict where I would find something(nothing valuable, just a marker) by useing fibannuci spirals based on the chain. The starting point and angle was clearly marked.....eleven feet down. I think I have found a mapping centerpoint and a school to teach guys how to use it. I am slowly re-engineering the lessons. Once I learn all I can I may just cover it all up. Preserve it for the next guy in a hundred years. Sandstone left to the weather is soon gone.
I will consider the clock idea and see where that takes me. I also need to review Sandy's lessons . I have shot many aura setups with no luck.
It is all fun and good exercise for body and mind.

Good to hear from you, OK. Doin' all right? Yeah, there's plenty of posing and hubris out there.

Yessir, it's a World ain't it, a rose by any other name. I reckon it is what it is.

I'm doin swell, thank ye. Got both my microchips and now broadcasting 5G. :laughing7: Heading into the hills soon for some prospecting before it gets too hot for an old man living out his second childhood.

Hope you're doin well and staying safe & sane.

Take care & Have a Good'un. :icon_thumright:

Yessir, it's a World ain't it, a rose by any other name. I reckon it is what it is.

I'm doin swell, thank ye. Got both my microchips and now broadcasting 5G. :laughing7: Heading into the hills soon for some prospecting before it gets too hot for an old man living out his second childhood.

Hope you're doin well and staying safe & sane.

Take care & Have a Good'un. :icon_thumright:

All's well here in TLOE. I'm staying analog and continuing my long uninterrupted original childhood.

You two kids ought to get together and play since y’all so bored. Y’all complaining about human nature?
It’s been the same for thousands of years. Are you any different? …you think?

What?...life is not fair for you two?
Or, maybe somebody didn’t love you enough? C’mon , grow up you old kids. Let the world turn without you. (and your frustrations and bitterness)

You two kids ought to get together and play since y’all so bored. Y’all complaining about human nature?
It’s been the same for thousands of years. Are you any different? …you think?

What?...life is not fair for you two?
Or, maybe somebody didn’t love you enough? C’mon , grow up you old kids. Let the world turn without you. (and your frustrations and bitterness)

Fair? I find things hilarious myself. And where better place for a good laugh than TNet?


Old or possible ancient way of using it was it overlooked a general place if you could figure out where it exactly looked. Perhaps on a specific bearing like 330/150, 300/120 or 210/30 degrees azimuth. Not sure how the diggers of these spot re-did it if at all..View attachment 1914476 Not all encompassing, so it's a sign, yes, , but maybe not so usable in any one specific sense. I'm glad this thread is continuing on, I don't mind any types of discussions or contradictions at all. I encourage it all. MY opinion Isn't any better atm than yours, Just keep moving and learning is what I want.
This one aligns up to something I think is pretty big. But it's not the norm. You can see the general spot it goes to from several miles away. Cause other stuff shows up on the equinoxes/solstices there and the are very large images. So I suppose they used the eye for something in particular.

Im not sure which part of the outcropping is being referred to but I will share with you what I see and why its confirmations give you a specific direction to go from this point. Your mine/storage/cache is either

A. uphill to the left anywhere between the outcropping and the top of the ridgeline
B. the final marker (not alignment sets) as in an animal which looks towards the storages, another eye which looks directly at the dig spot or a marker which is vertical to the entrance.

What I see here are 2 sets of an eye. The first and larger one is made from the entire shadow of the crevice and the white eye catcher inside it. This eye uses the small black shadow to its left for its gunsight and its looking uphill to the left. Notice how the small black shadow is the shape of a sideways doorway. Did you find the shadow marker confirming this is a Kings mine/storage? Its the small King siloutte with the B or 13 integrated on his left side. Since of the 3 of the 13 is more obvious its also a turn LEFT indicator as Charles Kentworth mentioned. Thats more of a 3rd or bonus confirmation since its small (although high quality) in size.
If you need another reason to turn left from here;
The 2nd eye is harder to see but its very high quality and located inside the crevice. This eye belongs to an Eagle (possible other animals during other lightings). The lower half of the crevice shadow is the outline of the Eagles head and beak. This tells you the next and last marker (or storage/mine itself) is behind the eagle head. That makes 3 confirmations to go left, uphill. A note on the Eagle head. At least 5 storage sites that I remember with an Eagle all implied the exact same message. Draw a line from the back of eagle head (away from the direction the eagle is looking) to the top of the ridge line and between the two points is the final location marker or the storage/mine itself. Eagles are used to help narrow down the dig spot, they are not used for pinpointing the dig spot. Even after having the above sorted out they (the Kingsmen) would use the alignment pairs (multiple sets of 2 perminant alignment rocks) to confirm the dig spot.

Here's a partial diagram, minus a few of the pointers and small hearts, diamonds, etc.View attachment 1912407

On this survey I only see two alignments going to the crisscross that are composed of 2 alignment markers. They are the 111/291 and the plate - xrock one.
For the good news, on almost each pic you attached of the area I could see confirmed hand crafted stone markers. Spanish era and others unsure but much older.
I believe you are close within a 100ft circle of the dig spot but not at the exact spot just yet.

You two kids ought to get together and play since y’all so bored. Y’all complaining about human nature?
It’s been the same for thousands of years. Are you any different? …you think?

What?...life is not fair for you two?
Or, maybe somebody didn’t love you enough? C’mon , grow up you old kids. Let the world turn without you. (and your frustrations and bitterness)
Universal point...

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this 1700s triangle monument includes direct line on one leg (500ft max), confirmation of direction on upper leg boulder and a bonus senti/th diamond cairn (with its own alignments). (at least) 2 storages/mines are connected to tri monument. Based on host rock if a mine, prob AG (silver).

Forget not, it is your job to interpret data and your success depends on it. If you cant...tri harder until you can

View attachment 1909295

What specific marker's that actually pinpoint the entrance and what measurements did you find going to the entrance if you do not mind.

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