Good advice, Steve.
Then again, when it comes to information transfer and misdirection in 'Real Time', sometimes it's called Cold Reading. The psychology of a situation, or as you say "Human Nature", can and does play a major role in this instance.
People who come to treasure hunting forums looking for answers in situations like this usually have a deep psychological need to be right in their own theories. Theories they have already invested tremendous time and resources into. They WANT affirmation, they NEED validation, and will most always SEEK corroboration. They will forgive and ignore some extremely bad interpretations of and advice on their theories... IF a few shrewd guesses actually work or hit their mark.
The operative word here is "Mark". Because they quickly become prey for the astute Cold Reader. I've seen it time and again here on the forum.
It is a deceptive art which requires practice and the memorization of a large number of facts, and as you've already pointed out, a keen insight into human nature. In this instance, a simple survey of the intended Mark's past posts will usually provide all the "facts" they well as insight into that individual's psychological nature. From there it is an easy task for them to accomplish their ploy.
They are also easy for the Informed individual to spot. They project confidence. Appear very knowledgeable. Ask leading questions that are buried in a lot of fast talking BS. (This is to distract you from realizing you just gave them some information they will pull out of their hat later as a 'correct guess'). A good performer can disguise this so that the subject will not remember supplying the information.
Puts out suggestions in a yes/no format. If you say yes it fits, then they will use that as if they had foreknowledge. If no, then it will be "Of course not, because...." and then more BS until they get a yes. This is called Fishing.
They will also use Indirect Questioning. It is possible to make the question sound like an insignificant end to a block of patter. You can finish a long statement (line of BS) with something like "... does all this make sense to you?" This will prompt the subject to fill in details.
Of course this is all interspersed with lots of ad lib, pleasantries, compliments, affirmations toward your character to put you at ease, or even humor. (These are also meant to distract).
And then, when they have you convinced they are on the same page as you, the playful Coyote Fraudster will begin their campaign of misdirection, while the Narcissistic Guru Fraudster will become the center of treasure hunter worship to his congregation. Then, of course, there are the ones who use the info they weedle from you for their own gain unfortunately.
I could go on, but a simple Google for "Cold Reading" will give you all you need to know. Basically, it's the same M.O. that phony 'Mediums/Psychics' use, only modified toward treasure hunting.
It makes an interesting study, these Cold Readers. It makes for an even more interesting study when you turn the tables and use the same methods on the Fraudster, himself. They are only Human after all, with their own human nature, and just as easy to manipulate as the rest of us.
Just be aware of their existence, familiarize yourself with their methods, and adjust accordingly.
Something you, Steve, seem to recognize and understand better than most. Kudo's.
Have a Good'un.