Someone had asked me what the word "talus" means, it's the accumulated rocks down below a rock outcropping that naturally erode away and fall down the slope. The word is derived from the word "talum" which oddly enough meant "a place where gold is present".

One campsite had what looked like a couple vaults, along with an old crypt or something. Anyways the next several post will show them all, it make a day or two for me post it all. Kind of doing it all at my leisure.

So at the landing for the campsite was this huge boulder on the edge of the river, I didn't really think much of it at first. 20190813_204902.webp

If you look over the top of that huge landing boulder is the previuos pic, there was another large out by the chairs and tarp set up. I starting thinking a little, and noticed a strangly shaped tree there out in front, kind of similiar to ones I see near the places I work at home. You can see that other large boulder by the chairs off to the right in this next pic.20190814_080439.webp

20190813_174056.webpSo at first I just lined up the boulders and went over to where they were lining up to and saw this Diamond with a dark fracture line coming off below it as an image in the cliff. I started thinking maybe there was something to this all.

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So I thought about it for bit and later went back the big boulder by the chairs and saw this configuration of rocks, kind of like a giant on the ground set of gunsites to follow thru.... Keep in mind I have no compass with me, I had to look the bearings and such up when I got back home. I'm going on instinct based on what I 've seen before. I doubted that the cliff image of a diamond with a line ( maybe being used as a "tunnel " sign) was the spot. This was a like a "turn" off a set of boulders, and would end up somewhere past the cliff side.20190814_063837 v line.webp

Here's the spot the line ended at, there's a white diamond rock placed in the rock pile, couldn't walk up to it, poison ivy everywhere and wearing only river sandals.

20190814_081422 white diamond.webp it's possible this is one vault spot, if not, it's very close. Anyways the bearings were: Landing boulder to big boulder by chairs, 30 degrees, 99 feet. From top of big boulder by chairs to white diamond spot 22.5 degrees (mariners compass half quad) and 125 varas. The gunsite line that shows you where walk to goes right along side the line from the big camp chair boulder to the diamond spot.

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So before I totally followed that one out, I saw this, a rectangular cut window on an ancient crowned head. That was enough to tell me I am on to something there. Actually there's a head stacked on top a much older head here (two heads stacked). I'd call this a possible crypt spot as well, this is 120 degrees off the huge boulder at the landing on the rivers edge.20190814_064631.webp anyways one spot more to come from same campsite.

A look at the top head, a little abstract, just a profile of nose mouth, white eye. maybe a horn for the devil above the box window. That box shape can mean a chamber or sometimes crypt/tomb is in the area btw.View attachment 1746105

the other spot from this campsite I'll work on posting toimmorrow.


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So much potential for a discovery Q funny how these places have ended up in a wilderness area were they will remain untouched.It is pretty obvious you have natural objects artificially arranged by man, I am glad we can a least see it photographed to many times it is usually lost to time and weather.I think the real thrill with sites like this is being able to figure it out and knowing it is there and having the satisfaction of knowing that.It is a good thing that Sandy1 has shown us there is so many more out there that we can be active on that are OK to retrieve on other lands that are the people's to recover.

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The next place I have is from the same camp, the bearings I'll say up front taken from the huge landing boulder. It was a straight shot over to it at 150 degrees and 175 varas. Kind of interesting how I stumbled on it, but I sort of recognized what might be a vault first along with some other boulders in the area of it. Anyways in camp we put out a porta potty off to one side of the camp, and I went over to use it, it was actually placed by another large boulder that I will give bearings and distance, but anyways what first interested me was this small rocked in spot on the hillside nearby. I happened to have seen similar places like this in various areas that I go that I have been studying for the last year or so and they are delineated by other markers with bearings and distances or gunsites/peepsites with certain bearings to them.

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Here's a view of the same spot and forground boulder by the porta pot. It came out 39 varas and 141 degrees. The back azimuth of 141 degrees is 321 degrees, when I talk about a line it goes forward and back azimuth, so 120/300 is 120 +180 is 300, or 150/330 is 150 +180 is 330 it's the same line. 141 +180 is 321. 321 is big treasure line, as with any combo of 123. 123, 132, 213,231, 321, 312. We call them more modern lines, but I'm not totally positive on that. Anyways here's the boulder view, there is another closer boulder up by that nearby tree (22 feet or 8 varas away) and there was a triangle I didn't get a good pic of off to the side, but it all goes to the rocked in spot on the hillside. The smaller markers I couldn't always pull up on google earth accurately .20190814_074440 spot.webp

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It's hard to show stuff and post , and I commend sandy1 for everything he has shown in this thread for the most part in a readily comprehendable way, which is very hard to do.

I would suggest you use everything you can to figure these sites out, auras, electronics, compass, tape measure, google earth, a little sign or marker reading, look for out of place type stuff, find out what all comes together. My spots I've shown here may be empty or even decoys, but they are very old, and not alot of traffic went thru that corridor in the last 150 years. There is still recent "sentinel" type things on some of the places like the vault tree I showed near the rivers edge on the camp.

It all can get you close and may show some things to look for. I wouldn't have found any of these places if I hadn't seen something similiar before. And I have a alot of auras, alot of markers, alot of sites I frequent, and well, just alot of messing around on this stuff in various places.

The next couple posts I do I will leave to the bizzare, you will find that as well in your travels.

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A sunlit weathered ancient head with a large crown, note his eye is a diamond with black line going down below it. Just like at the campsite spot.View attachment 1746452


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Alas, the black faced Knight profile.. all the last couple photos were within a 1/4 mile of each other.View attachment 1746453


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The eye View attachment 1746457 it tells you "too look" for something. I saw it, In that case, up above, but I'll reserve a few things for myself.


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My hopes are to get you in the field, look for things that look out of place. Put a compass to them, try and get some auras, take a tape measure , look around. It's all in plain site, you are just conditioned not to look for it.

Hi guys I was hoping someone could take a look at this.. tell me what you think maybe who made it and interpret it.438CADC2-386E-4B1A-9896-6C6695CEB542.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1566846124.271062.webp


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Excellent photos Q a lot there to look at very interesting place.

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