Hi Sandy, can you elaborate more on the diamond symbol and the tau cross symbol. These 2 symbols are at our site in a creek as shown on page 306 in my last post. We are planning a trip to our site soon, if you could reply as soon as possible it would be very helpful. To our understanding we are supposed to dig under the tau cross or around the diamond, is that true? They are within 3-4 feet of each other.

Hi Sandy, can you elaborate more on the diamond symbol and the tau cross symbol. These 2 symbols are at our site in a creek as shown on page 306 in my last post. We are planning a trip to our site soon, if you could reply as soon as possible it would be very helpful. To our understanding we are supposed to dig under the tau cross or around the diamond, is that true? They are within 3-4 feet of each other.

May I ask who do you think were the people who engineered this site.

May I ask who do you think were the people who engineered this site.

I know for sure that it is of Spanish origin. We have found all of the monuments: turtles, owls, a blue heart, an eagle, a shrine and several birds, etc. It all seems to lead to this tau cross and sideways diamond laying in this creek. We feel that this has to be the key somehow. We are just wondering if you know what the tau cross and diamond mean. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I know for sure that it is of Spanish origin. We have found all of the monuments: turtles, owls, a blue heart, an eagle, a shrine and several birds, etc. It all seems to lead to this tau cross and sideways diamond laying in this creek. We feel that this has to be the key somehow. We are just wondering if you know what the tau cross and diamond mean. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I can tell you this do not dig close to a monument this is a big misconception a lot of people believe that were there is a sign they should dig.Nothing will be there all you are doing by digging is destroying were it is telling you to go next.The actual place as to were it is at you will never even know it is there,this is were the instructions that have been presented in this thread come into play many many years of developing this practice are involved hear. This is just something that just is not developed overnight and Sandy1 deserves great respect for this achievement and developing it in to what it is.

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Hello Quinoa,

Post # 4629 I really like your shaft sign--the lower photo--could the "Cache site" --be within a circle of 100 yards? Just a gut feeling.
If I was at your site--I would walk around in a circle to view it at all angles. Excellent photo.

The 1st photo is a bird sitting in it's nest protecting it's eggs/chicks. The second appears to also be a bird leading away from it's nest, follow the tail. Bird's in nature will lead a predator away from it's nest. Where are you located? SW?

The 1st photo is a bird sitting in it's nest protecting it's eggs/chicks. The second appears to also be a bird leading away from it's nest, follow the tail. Bird's in nature will lead a predator away from it's nest. Where are you located? SW?
SW Colorado

The only people who get to see what treasure is dug up are the people who go out and find it and their buyers.
The government, if they get wind of a treasure being inside a man made vault will claim the treasure and make the area off limits as an archaeological site in a heartbeat.

Now lets look at this from an Informers Perspective :
1: We show a picture of a Gold Bar (which I have done in my avatar) The first question (is it yours?) Hypothetically lets say Yes. Obviously anybody can say it is theirs so no real proof there.
2: In order to prove its yours we need to see a picture of you holding it, and how heavy it is 4lb's and what size 6x2 inches etc.? Ok so you show a picture of you holding the bar, well that's not quite enough for the Feds, even though your holding a Archaeological artifact which is of course illegal.
3: Where did you find it at? so you say it was found in the Caballo Mountains in NM, placing you at the treasure location.
4:What was the vault like, how deep etc, can we see pictures? so you show pictures of the vault, Now the Feds have enough to at least investigate you for disturbing an Archaeological vault which you admitted to having treasure in and removing illegally, this means they are going to be keeping track of your spending which makes it very hard to fly under the radar.

By now I hope I have made my point, no matter how much evidence you show online there will always be skeptics (it was photoshopped, its a fake bar, it was a friends bar not yours etc.) But in the meantime you will be watched very closely by big brother thinking that maybe you really are telling the truth which is not at all good for you as the finder or the seller.
I don't know if you meant to, but what you described is almost word for word how an investigator / detective would build evidence to make a case. With that being said, think! Who is constantly demanding proof? What's their background? What job did they retire from? They may not be a sentinel, maybe just transferred to another agency.............. Yup! Not a sentinel, just working for another goal. Have they actually come out & said, "I'm not a sentinel."?

Hey Sandy thought I would drop you a line just say thank you for being my friend and teaching me how to teach myself you showed me all the tools for the trade.I was busy this summer so I only got back into the place once this year, unfortunately weather was horrible for the camera mostly rain but there is always next year I know I am getting close.I sure hope the younger generation pays attention to your thread if they are willing to do the work it will pay off. I have absolutely no trouble believing that, been doing this for awhile now and it sure turned my thinking around about it.You have put a lot of work into your research and I know it has been beneficial for you I am just glad that you were kind and had the intelligence to share it with the world. Here is one of my photos of and interesting spot in there. 20180601_122227.webpThought I would throw it in just for something for the people to see what it is out there, no comments are necessary on it I know what it is.

[/QUOTE] Originally Posted by sandy1 View Post
The only people who get to see what treasure is dug up are the people who go out and find it and their buyers.
The government, if they get wind of a treasure being inside a man made vault will claim the treasure and make the area off limits as an archaeological site in a heartbeat.

Now lets look at this from an Informers Perspective :
1: We show a picture of a Gold Bar (which I have done in my avatar) The first question (is it yours?) Hypothetically lets say Yes. Obviously anybody can say it is theirs so no real proof there.
2: In order to prove its yours we need to see a picture of you holding it, and how heavy it is 4lb's and what size 6x2 inches etc.? Ok so you show a picture of you holding the bar, well that's not quite enough for the Feds, even though your holding a Archaeological artifact which is of course illegal.
3: Where did you find it at? so you say it was found in the Caballo Mountains in NM, placing you at the treasure location.
4:What was the vault like, how deep etc, can we see pictures? so you show pictures of the vault, Now the Feds have enough to at least investigate you for disturbing an Archaeological vault which you admitted to having treasure in and removing illegally, this means they are going to be keeping track of your spending which makes it very hard to fly under the radar.

By now I hope I have made my point, no matter how much evidence you show online there will always be skeptics (it was photoshopped, its a fake bar, it was a friends bar not yours etc.) But in the meantime you will be watched very closely by big brother thinking that maybe you really are telling the truth which is not at all good for you as the finder or the seller.
I don't know if you meant to, but what you described is almost word for word how an investigator / detective would build evidence to make a case. With that being said, think! Who is constantly demanding proof? What's their background? What job did they retire from? They may not be a sentinel, maybe just transferred to another agency.............. Yup! Not a sentinel, just working for another goal. Have they actually come out & said, "I'm not a sentinel."?

Yep, another good example of sandy1 working to help others.

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I don't know if you meant to, but what you described is almost word for word how an investigator / detective would build evidence to make a case. With that being said, think! Who is constantly demanding proof? What's their background? What job did they retire from? They may not be a sentinel, maybe just transferred to another agency.............. Yup! Not a sentinel, just working for another goal. Have they actually come out & said, "I'm not a sentinel."?

Being such a complicated subject, with no real easy answers to what sandy1 was saying about potential treasure...

You do make an interesting point on the sentinel/agent aspect. Think one can never be too careful, even online?

Perhaps why many people hesitate to ever share pics of anything, even a rock, much less real markers or site.

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Being such a complicated subject, with no real easy answers to what sandy1 was saying about potential treasure...

You do make an interesting point on the sentinel/agent aspect. Think one can never be too careful, even online?

Perhaps why many people hesitate to ever share pics of anything, even a rock, much less real markers or site.

Very good point Crosse and there seems to be more and more miss information being posted on other threads here, I am very glad the info on this one is rock solid.

Very good point Crosse and there seems to be more and more miss information being posted on other threads here, I am very glad the info on this one is rock solid.

I wish it were different, since there are various hazards...

Once someone on this thread had said to sandy1,
"you are a brave man". I reckon that's pretty
indisputable, & says a lot, considering...

To all the People who have followed and supported what I have said and shown, I have no doubt that you Guys and Gals, would not have listened to me for a second if it weren't for the fact that you all have witnessed for yourselves the same types of markers I have shown but in your very own parts of the country.

So, I wanted to thank you all for your support.
NO!!! Thank you! It's nice to have someone such as yourself trying to teach the rest of us. Much better use of our time than listening to someone spewing negative garbage when their done with their commercial parking lot accounts..... Thank you again Sandy.

I will never understand the logic behind anybody denying the existence of vault treasures when they themselves have never went out and looked for one.

The only thing I can think of is the people trying to deny the existence of these Vault treasures have a Hidden Agenda.
I'll put my bet on other agendas. I'm not trying to derail this, but would like to know if anyone else notices Sheldons - er ah Toms posts in other forums? He doesn't seem happy unless he can spew enough to derail things into a debate and make himself feel superior to others. He's flapping his jaws constantly yet he doesn't take the time to see what his words are projecting. If you're bored (I mean REALLY bored), re-read his posts on the different forums. Maybe I missed something, but I can't find a single thing where Sheldon has offered ANY positive help to ANYONE. So keep that in mind, waste your valuable time listening to someone with no experience spew, or focus on a valuable present Sandi (been there done that) has given us.

I'll put my bet on other agendas. I'm not trying to derail this, but would like to know if anyone else notices Sheldons - er ah Toms posts in other forums? He doesn't seem happy unless he can spew enough to derail things into a debate and make himself feel superior to others. He's flapping his jaws constantly yet he doesn't take the time to see what his words are projecting. If you're bored (I mean REALLY bored), re-read his posts on the different forums. Maybe I missed something, but I can't find a single thing where Sheldon has offered ANY positive help to ANYONE. So keep that in mind, waste your valuable time listening to someone with no experience spew, or focus on a valuable present Sandi (been there done that) has given us.

There are others too, possible sentinels, or just jealous antagonists?
No one can begin to top the info that sandy1 has given out...freely.

I don't know if you meant to, but what you described is almost word for word how an investigator / detective would build evidence to make a case. With that being said, think! Who is constantly demanding proof? What's their background? What job did they retire from? They may not be a sentinel, maybe just transferred to another agency.............. Yup! Not a sentinel, just working for another goal. Have they actually come out & said, "I'm not a sentinel."?

Gov.'t Harassment of a Treasure Hunter ?

You can read what Roger Snow experiences every day of his life .

Vaults ?

Yeah , he was in the Major Vault , photo's , evidence = POOF gone .

He's the Man , the Dude is a Walking living Encyclopedia of Black-Ops Shenanigans , concerning theft of Treasure from Citizens .

His Validity ?

Dude escaped kidnappers , attempt's to murder him , LOL

yeah , Vaults and experts using Roger's Open Sourced Info he releases .

enjoy the Banter

I'll put my bet on other agendas. I'm not trying to derail this, but would like to know if anyone else notices Sheldons - er ah Toms posts in other forums? He doesn't seem happy unless he can spew enough to derail things into a debate and make himself feel superior to others. He's flapping his jaws constantly yet he doesn't take the time to see what his words are projecting. If you're bored (I mean REALLY bored), re-read his posts on the different forums. Maybe I missed something, but I can't find a single thing where Sheldon has offered ANY positive help to ANYONE. So keep that in mind, waste your valuable time listening to someone with no experience spew, or focus on a valuable present Sandi (been there done that) has given us.

I believe the correct way to explore this type of behavior with the other agendas is to start a thread of your own addressing this issue. I remember seeing the debates on here and sandy being warned with one click from the mods the whole thread could be gone do to violent debates taking place and being said.This tread needs to stay so we can discuss more about the research and theory of finding vault treasure especially for are younger generation wanting to learn the processes.

Here we have a Sentinel Planted Saguaro Triangle which is marking the big white boulder below, as well as to the cache, the sentinels always gave themselves a shortcut that you will never figure out in the field (they put it on their map).However you can figure out if it is a real triangle with a compass and a tape measure, because there are certain measurements and degrees that were used all the time. Here are some very common compass degrees that are used, Cardinals N/E/S/W 45 60 75 111 120 distances can be in Varas or English feet 33 English Inches Per Vara. This Triangle is viewed from a major wash and is up on the side of its bank.
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Here we have a White Triangle Pointing out another Doorway
This doorway is a (mock-up of the entrance that is nearby), and in front of the doorway is a Sentinel Cactus Triangle, which will lead the Sentinels to the cache spot (via a map), but will only lead us to another marker close by using a compass degree off the Cactus Triangle.
The Original Spanish Intent was to show that there is a entrance close by here and since they could not show the entrance itself they made a mock-up doorway to represent the entrances in some cases. After going back at a different time I was able to capture the Trail going by this doorway. (Notice how the white triangle/pointer is at the beginning of this trail)
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Here is a Mexican/Sentinel made Cairn Triangle that goes directly south just off center (like a slingshot) through the widest leg of the triangle, to a major boulder marker which in turn is going to the treasure.This one is viewed while walking straight up one of the vertical lines, like the ones I talked about before.
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The reason why the Spanish and Sentinels as well as the old Mexicans put these Triangles up in highly visible places was so they could easily spot the areas again, and then relocate the old markers to the Caches.
The Sentinels always made a shortcut from their triangle with either an alignment, or a compass degree and distance that they had written down on their map which located the dig spot as well as the old marker.

Cairns are Different than a Triangle because they can be seen as a single Marker and are made only by the Mexicans or Sentinels, sometimes they are in pairs of two also for an alignment.

So, here we are moseying along an old trail and we come across a piled up rock marker (a cairn) so what do we think, its probably somebody's mining claim marker, so how do we tell if it is something that the Mexicans or Sentinels put up instead of your average old mining claim monument or some hikers trail marker?
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Obviously the first thing to do is examine it for something telling us this is Mexican or Sentinel made, the First thing we notice is it has a white eye catcher top on it, so when we get over this top rock we see that it is actually a pyramid, and down to the right we have a prominent rock (a triangle or pointer) which happens to be pointing the way to go, so we whip out our trusty compass and guess what the pointed triangle rock is pointing very close to 300/120 degrees so its time to walk on this line until we find something else that is worth investigating.(Remember use 15 degree compass Increments on the old markers and you will need to adjust your declination on your compass to compensate for magnetic North Drift over the years since these were made)
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Well we have a very short walk as a matter of a fact we only go 41.25 feet or 15 Varas on the 300 degree line and what do we find but a Compass Boulder, which just as the name implies goes to another marker with another compass degree.
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Here is the same alignment going from the compass rock back to the cairn (notice how the triangle on the cairn points towards the compass rock/camera)
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There are Three things to look for in a cairn, one is a prominent pointer rock, two is a carved marker within the pile, and three is a eye catcher or different color rock in the pile.

Here is a different cairn, and as you will notice there is a turtle head as one of the rocks.
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Here is another cairn, and you will notice again it has a prominent pointer rock which tells us to turn right, this one happens to be a turtle with his head pointing the way to go, it is very common to see a Cairn associated with or even as a turtle, due to the fact that turtles are associated with the treasures. I have also seen cairns as birds as well.
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Here is a typical Cairn that the Sentinels leave at your entrance point when you have been doing something that upsets them, this is a cairn that is the shell of a turtle with the head separated from the body, I have seen this 4 different times ( In both AZ and NM) One of these turtles was built at my entrance point while I was digging and I saw it on the way out, the other Cairn Turtles were put up while I was gone and they checked where I had dug with a dog, so yeah, I have had some close calls.
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Here is an example of the size of an Early Spanish Alpha Rock, This is a pretty common size for many of the old alphas around here. 1600's markers, I do Know for sure this is Spanish as I found the corner post claim Marker, and if you look in the left lower part of the picture you will see the kings throne which has a wedge pointer pointing at the alpha rock (you can see the chisel marks on the back of the chair). These Large Markers were not used in later years. This Alpha is larger than an SUV.
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Here is the Omega about 2 miles up the canyon from the Alpha. The Omega is the right Boulder and at the right time of day/year it casts a shadow that is important on the left boulder. When the shadow is not on the left boulder it is used as an eye catcher for the sun to reflect off of as well, a dual purpose.
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Here is a Spanish corner post Claim Marker Doorway from the very old days when they were first here.
This is about a hundred yards from the last Omega Boulder I posted.
(This is how you walk up on it)
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Here is a close up of this doorway (Notice the Duck I circled, which has feet and all)
(The Duck is the Verification of it being Spanish and he is walking/pointing to the ongoing trail to the right)
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The reason this is in the shape of a doorway is because it is a mock-up of an entrance that they would find after leaving here, the Spanish used a doorway as a representation of the real entrance, so they knew this was the trail to the real doorway/vault where the treasure was buried.

Here is the third view of this marker and if you will notice the hole is in the shape of a head (the hole can be any kind of shape, an Owl is a very common shape made out of the outline of a hole as well) If you look through this hole you will see a rock through it. (Some holes are meant to be looked through to view other markers)
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After leaving here I followed the trail (the Duck pointed out) with markers all along it on the ridge line, for a little over a mile until coming to a Black Cliff which meant stop. Right below the black cliff I found a Dolmen which is for a Burial, this Dolmen aligned with a Sentinel Planted Saguaro cactus at 123 degrees which went to the spot to dig,, it sounds simple but its not and there were other caches along the trail before the big one as well.

Here is the final treasure spot, you can't see the exact spot because I am standing at it taking the picture at the markers.
The Black Faced Cliff, with the Dolmen and the Saguaro alignment
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This was My very First treasure hunting area, going on a story of a guy who found a Door on this mountain (and yes I found that too) with a lightning bolt next to it.

Here is the Doorway (behind the tree circled) with the lightning bolt circled.
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This is one of those places that I had Spirits actually interact with me, while I was digging.
Just for the record I am not in anyway whatsoever religious. I am the Last Person to believe in Spirits.

For those of you interested in this type of stuff, this is what happened to me, while I was Digging, the Spirits (sounded like hundreds of voices trying to break through a barrier yelled at me for a few seconds, then after stopping) a huge black Raven came down and almost hit me in the head then landed on a rock 3 feet in front of me, turned around and started cawing at me,then a small bird flew up the canyon and landed under the Ravens open wing and started chirping at me with the raven still cawing at me, (they were so close I could have reached out and touched them) Then they both stopped and the voices yelling at me came back even louder at this point I decided to leave.
This same location had others digging at it back in the 1920's and they dropped all of their tools there when they left, they probably had the same thing happen to them.

This is not the only treasure site I have had something happen to me at but it was always while I was digging.

Here is a another one at a different site. Back in the mid 2000's me and my partner were digging in what turned out to be a deathtrap, anyways as we were in the hole, my partner mentioned a boulder and said it looked like a dog but not quite, and then I realized that it looked like a wolf, so I was in the process of saying, that's a W, and that was all I got out was the W, and the thing actually Howled just like a real wolf, I looked at my partner and asked what was that and he said you know exactly what that was.

This last ghost story almost killed me. The first thing to understand is that it was a beautiful blue sky day out no clouds, the second thing is, I know extremely well what Jets breaking the sound barrier as well as what dynamite/blasting sounds like. This area I was treasure hunting in was all cliffs and I was up on one of these little ledges trying to sweep away a crack that looked like an entrance, while I was sweeping barely keeping my balance on a two foot wide ledge with a fifty foot straight down drop off that I was trying not to fall off of, it happened.
Out of nowhere an extremely loud Thunder cracking sound that lasted for several seconds (much longer than dynamite or a sonic boom) this sound was coming from inside the mountain right under my feet, I started to fall because I jumped up from a crouched position and just managed to grab the cliff face before falling off.


Back on topic. Now we have looked at and located many markers that are viewed from long distance (5 miles out) and mid range (1 to 1/2 mile) away from the mountain,so where do we go from here?

Now for the Markers that are within a hundred Yards of the treasure.

Its time to walk the washes, the one sure fire way to find good markers to a treasure storage is to walk up a wash, because that is where the trails either start out of or there will be a marker where the trail crosses the wash.

Many of the Kings Storages are within a couple hundred feet of a wash (on the bank) and will always have a large Boulder that will lead to the storage either right in the wash or on its bank. This Boulder needs to be a certain image to know if it is a treasure storage Marker, and it must be viewed while walking up the wash.

Here is the First image that you need to know when you see it in a wash,The Duck

This Duck was found while walking the wash going towards the Vertical Line Owl/Duck Combination,
(which I showed earlier on #19)
Notice how he is blocking the entire wash, so not only is he an obvious sign for treasure they also made it hard to pass him by, he is stopping you here in the wash, and telling you to look for a more important marker around this area.(Especially any large standalone Boulders)
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Think Of the Duck as a confirmation marker for the Kings Vaults. The Duck is always associated with another more Important Marker Nearby (to verify or confirm the marker it is associated with as a kings marker), most of the time the duck will be within feet of the other more important marker or even attached to or carved on the more important marker. So always look for more Important Markers around any Duck you find.

These Ducks are for the Kings Vaults and only the Kings Vaults, If you look at the Owl or Turtle in contrast to the duck they are at most caches, but the Duck is specific to just the Kings Storages. (Ducks do not look directly at the dig spot)

Since we were on Ducks I just couldn't resist this.

Ever see a duck get even?
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What you should look for in a marker, You need to single out the specific markers that will tell you that your going to a treasure AND give a direction, those are the two absolute mandates in treasure hunting, in order to locate the treasure. (I will be showing them one by one as we go)

It is extremely Important out of all the millions of rocks boulders and carvings out there that we only pick and choose just the ones that are actually giving, both Verification that it goes to treasure and a direction to go, and these are generally standalone markers, or pointed out by an eye catcher.
This is why I ignore most signs (not that I don't see them) but they are nothing more than distractions when all your trying to do is follow a trail to a treasure.


While many of the markers have traits that are referred to in the field, most markers are symbolic of some spiritual meaning such as the snake representing Satan etc.

By far and away the most important part of an animal marker is its Head, which is why most of the markers you will find have no body, just a head, the first thing to Always look for is the Eye (which way it is looking) and the second is the Mouth, it could be open with something in it, also a beak or nose pointing a direction to go (but only if it is a specific type of animal that relates to treasure)


Here is the meaning of the Diamond Shape. this first picture which I have posted before, is a Jesus Christ Statue that is about a hundred feet tall. If you climb up the back or left side of this statue you come to a cave which was the Shrine for the Priest, this cave/shrine is in the second picture and you will notice it is in the shape of a diamond and this just happens to be right where Jesus's Heart would be at.
Jesus Christ Statue
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Shrine Shaped like a Diamond
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So why is The Diamond Shape in the heart of Jesus Here is your answer:

Meaning and Symbolism of The diamond Shape Found in the field
Jesus's wounds— particularly the wound in his side— became flattened, and turned into emblems: a one-dimensional lozenge (diamond) shape formed part of the “divine heraldry.” The wounds and instruments were often formed to make up a coat of arms of Jesus.
The wounds were sites of devotion, literal openings for the believer to "enter" Christ.


So far we have seen a Duck that Stops us in the wash, telling us to look for another Standout Boulder/Marker that leads us to a treasure.

Now I am going to show another set/cluster of markers that I found while walking up a completely different Wash a hundred miles from the last Duck.

This is a cluster of markers.

Starting with the Black Rectangle we have a Kings Throne.

The Pink Rectangle is the Heart sitting in the throne,

The Green rectangle is the Hummingbird.

The Yellow Square is what I call a Storage Turtle Head (these always relate to a storage)

The Blue Square is a shadow Indian Head.

And last but not least is the Red Rectangle which is a Duck Head, telling us in no uncertain terms this goes to a Kings Storage.

The Hummingbird many times will point in the general direction of the treasure (sometimes he will be looking a completely different direction and not towards the treasure at all)(This one is looking to your right) many times the Hummingbird is put together with the Storage turtle head.
The Shadow Indian heads nose is pointing the way to go.
The long pointed heart Lobe points the way to go,
and The Duck is looking in the direction to go as well, these all go to the right all taking you to a large standing boulder on the opposite side of the wash and that standing Boulder goes to the treasure.
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One more very Important piece of information.
Even though I am viewing the cluster of markers from the wash, I am not on the trail, the actual trail comes across the hills and goes through this wash above where I took this picture from, so my point is that the monument builders were required to make the markers viewable while walking UP the wash and not from the trail.(No matter how steep or Rugged the wash was)
The Standing Boulder that everything went to could however be viewed from Both the Trail and the Wash.

On top of all that the Sentinels were kind enough to give me a helping hand by putting up this Cactus Triangle going to the same Standing Boulder as the last photos markers went to, This was put up where the trail crosses the wash, this was done so the sentinels could refind the final marker to the treasure easily, and no doubt they had a personal shortcut from this triangle to the entrance as well.
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Continuing on with Markers that you see while going up washes.

Here is another Storage Turtle Head that I found while walking/climbing up a very steep vertical line (basically a man made or enhanced wash) This Vertical line I went up is similar to the Vertical Line distance markers (I showed in #15) but much larger, and also the large Boulder that is at the base of the hill (I showed in #17 last picture) goes to this storage as well.
This Storage Turtle head has a sticking out white angry looking duck head just to the left of it, verifying this is a kings storage The treasure is to the right, so as you will notice the Duck is not looking towards the treasure in this case.
Storage Turtle Head with Duck head
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When we zoom in on the Mouth area of this Storage Turtle Head, you will see a Hummingbird looking to the right and towards the treasure, and if you look closely you will see that the wing of the Hummingbird is actually a Duck Head looking down left (again not looking at the treasure)
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The Small Markers that are Important will be accompanied by a Large Marker that is Easier to Find/Spot from a distance.
The hummingbird does not pinpoint the treasure, there are other markers for that.

The Hummingbird is part of a South American Christian tradition (in the Andes) that celebrates the Resurrection of Christ and Easter, this comes from an observation called torpor which is the Hummingbird coming back to life after a deep hibernation which looks as if it comes back from the dead, which symbolizes the Resurrection of Jesus.

Again, the Sentinels were so nice and understanding that they left a nice Cairn Triangle for me to follow to the major boulder marker that all these markers went to.
Aren't they just the best.
The Storage Turtle Head is just above and out of this Cairn picture on the cliff behind them.
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I wanted to show a Storage Turtle Head that is different not only in appearance but location,This particular Smiling Full Faced Storage Turtle Head was found on an old wagon trail a couple hundred feet up the side of a Hill and is Flat on the ground, which means unless you were on the wagon trail looking down at it you could not see it (these are rare), there was a large Boulder on the other side of this same wagon trail that stopped you, and this Big Boulder went to the spot to dig as well (I will explain more on that later)

Smiling Face Storage Turtle Head
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On this Next Picture we zoom in on his Eye Brow and notice that we have yet another Hummingbird which just so happens to be pointed in the direction of another treasure Vault (not directly at it though) this marker is less than 30 feet from the vault.
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So this will hopefully show that not only do the wash banks hold storages, the vaults can be located on a Wagon or Burro trail up high on the hill/mountain


It is time for me to explain something very important.
The one thing I have been saying this entire time is how markers need to be Standalone or in some way stand out from everything else around them.

There are different ways to find these singular markers among all the thousands of carvings at a site.

1: Compression, this was accomplished by using a telescope that was looked through in reverse creating a compression image of the mountain and allowed for a large Image that is hidden within the camouflage of all the other markers to become a recognizable smaller image by deleting all the distractions within it.(In some cases you can only see the image in this way)
This is easy to accomplish today by using a thumbnail of your pictures on your computer (I use the Large thumbnail a lot)

2: They used shadows to point the way to go, which you will see at the last shadows of the morning or the first shadows of the late afternoon, many will be images and others are just simple arrows or pointers. (the less shadows the better)

3: They used a Hole to View an Important Marker by looking through it, Another way to use the Hole is to Align with another marker to go to an important spot.

4: An Eye Catcher (a different color rock) was added to an area (Usually Black or white) that would draw your attention to an area, or to a specific marker nearby.

5:They Used an Animal Image or some other type of Image (that they knew was specifically related to finding the treasure) which would turn you out of a wash or next to a wagon/burro trail turning you in the direction of the treasure. (Especially The Smaller Shaft Sign which we will be getting to shortly)

6: The marker is all by itself, if you see a large boulder away from the hill alone, its an Important treasure marker.(Sometimes you will see two Boulders together at the base of a mountain this is a very good treasure marker also)

7: A Singular Lit Up rock that draws you to the mountain it is on, telling You to look for a more Important marker in that area.

I have shown examples of all of these already.

The idea and goal here is to find, Only the markers that relate to treasure, by knowing where you need to be standing (on the trail, at the base of a mountain in a wash etc.) and how to single out (Only) the Important treasure related markers.

Many markers that I have shown that are long distance treasure markers give absolutely no directions whatsoever (other than you are near an important area) some of the directions were Understood or Just on a Map and not in the field at all.
Now that I am getting into the Closer Markers, most of these close markers (I will be showing) will not only relate to treasure, but will give a direction as well.

A final note on the subject (those of you still stuck thinking every carving/marker that you see is an important marker) there is nothing I can do to help you out. It took me years of work to figure out which markers mattered and which ones are pure Graffiti/Distractions/Enticers which 99 percent of the carvings are exactly that.


Since I have already talked about the Storage Turtle Head now I am going to talk about the Full Bodied Turtle, the turtles really do lead to the treasure areas, but some are just a trail guide (meaning that not all Turtles are in the immediate vicinity of a treasure), I have a turtle that is the size of a small house in a large wash and it is simply telling you to turn up another wash off the main wash by looking in the direction of the off shoot wash. The Turtles can be huge but this generally means they are quite some distance from the treasure, (or at least not within a mile of the treasure)

Here is a Turtle that is seen from the wash that is simply marking an area with a treasure, this turtle does not look in the direction of the treasure (Some Do) there are other markers for that which you will look for when you get near the turtle. One such Marker is yet another Saguaro Sentinel Triangle (circled in the left of the picture)
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This Turtle is looking right at a storage less than 30 feet away.
(Notice how the turtle head looking left is actually a human profile face looking upwards as well, both the turtle and the face are sharing the same eye, this incorporation of multiple markers is a pretty common occurrence)
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This Turtle is less than 10 feet from the dig spot, he is looking slightly off from it, but very close, This turtle was designed more as a turning marker it tells you as you walk up to it (viewing it just like in the picture) you turn to the right to go towards the dig spot (the same way he is looking)
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Here is a Sentinel turtle that Pinpoints the spot to dig at 24.75 feet or 9 Varas away.
(I will show how it is used very soon)
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Other markers pinpoint these caches as well but the turtles can get you very close if not right on the spot.

Sandy I love how that doorway is hidden within the greenery, perfect spot where not a lot of people would even look

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