I don't get really excited about anything anymore, unless I find several things all in one place: an aura, a spot that looks good by recognizable markers lining it out, good compass bearings and measurements going to place off multiple nearby markers, a spot that I know I can dig in a reasonable time frame, a solid detection hit from a deep seeking detector where I think it should be or I can reasonably expect one. Maybe a few others I can't think of offhand like a spot where I don't have to be overly concerned about legalities, but not everything can always be perfect in many places you find.
There's a lot of spots out there that look good, but there aren't really any easy spots. An occasional few that might be easy to see, aren't going to be easy to dig by any means and test what you think is the spot. This thread is almost 3 years old already. I know people are smarter because of it. But these spots take a commitment, or several commitments, because you won't always be right. Hard to do a good dig now a days, and time keeps moving fast for us older or even middle aged guys..