Sorry , I can't clearly see another face on the black knight profile? It was a great trip, a group of guys who all grew all up together, everyone traveled quite a ways to make it all happen.

Here's the spot the line ended at, there's a white diamond rock placed in the rock pile, couldn't walk up to it, poison ivy everywhere and wearing only river sandals.

View attachment 1746103 it's possible this is one vault spot, if not, it's very close. Anyways the bearings were: Landing boulder to big boulder by chairs, 30 degrees, 99 feet. From top of big boulder by chairs to white diamond spot 22.5 degrees (mariners compass half quad) and 125 varas. The gunsite line that shows you where walk to goes right along side the line from the big camp chair boulder to the diamond spot.

I really like this ridge line above this spot here you have circled has a lot of interesting things.

Yeah, I didn't really notice anything specific in that ridgeline that said something was below it, but rafting along the whole corridor, you could watch the ridgelines and see the square "U" cut outs and face profiles and see something was up below. Another thing was the rock pillars/columns/spires, pretty much when you saw them there would be other stuff. Sometimes on the rock pillars there would be face profiles cut in them and they would be looking down to spots in the canyons that looked like old mine spots. My pictures are on my work computer, I will look and see if there is anything good to show over the next couple days.

I saw some bizarre things, One particular one was a black and white Christ image on the very top of the ridge on a rock spire in a narrow canyon, perhaps a 100 ft tall x 50 wide foot image of his head. I didn't have the camera out, perhaps I will comment on that later, it's not really right. I can't see how it was it was done by spanish , I don't really know, I guess it doesn't really matter much in the grand scheme of looking for mines/ caches. You are just looking for shapes and stuff that are out of place and going from there.

Sorry , I can't clearly see another face on the black knight profile? It was a great trip, a group of guys who all grew all up together, everyone traveled quite a ways to make it all happen.

Maybe I've been staring at rocks too much and am starting to go crazy.
ris black knight 20190815_094307 black face.webp

Naw, you're not going crazy......... Something I've learned over the years is take lots of good pictures and show them to folks that don't have a clue what to look for. You'd really be surprised to see what they see. The only downside to this is when they say something like "Is that a cross on top of that hill?" and you figure out you've passed it a dozen times and still missed it even though you're "tuned in" to look for these things. Go back and review your pics at a later time you'll surely find things you've missed. You can never have enough pics! You've done a good job documenting some interesting stuff.

Now the big question........... Are you already itching to get back there and see more?

Naw, you're not going crazy......... Something I've learned over the years is take lots of good pictures and show them to folks that don't have a clue what to look for. You'd really be surprised to see what they see. The only downside to this is when they say something like "Is that a cross on top of that hill?" and you figure out you've passed it a dozen times and still missed it even though you're "tuned in" to look for these things. Go back and review your pics at a later time you'll surely find things you've missed. You can never have enough pics! You've done a good job documenting some interesting stuff.

Now the big question........... Are you already itching to get back there and see more?

Two to one odds his breeches are on fire. ( britches) to us in Southland tall pinetrees.

I believe sometimes and excited eye will pick up on signs that are not there it takes some time to adjust to the climate. Experiences is a virtue I for one am always learning and trying to increase my knowledge base. Being out in the country is the key and experiencing it first hand its the only way to learn these virtues and listening to the right people that have actually experienced it themselves.I think we all have the ability to recognize a certain rock formation or something that is out of place we just have to keep at it.

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I see what you're pointing out, I suppose it could have been a bearded guy looking towards the sky at one time and then the nose and part of the mouth broke away or was intentionally busted up. The black faced guy is very well proportioned though, it caught my eye right right away. That's a cropped portion of the original photo , it rests on a canyon edge, and I photoed it from the raft. Really, if I were to use it, other than to look for something in that canyon it's watching over, I would probably hike up to it and see if there is a place next to it that you look from, like a peephole or gunsite type thing that points something out and go from there. Or even just stand next to it and see what immediately catching your eye looking around. So many good mining areas around there, it probably shows where an old mine is or some large boulders that were used to mark it out.

Your pics are beautiful and AMAZING Quinoa! I'm glad to see the thread starting to kick back into gear. I think your pic with the 2 holes or "hoyos" in the shape of a triangle, and the "hand" with the index finger pointing up toward the triangle, is basically saying "look up for the triangle shape." If you look up towards the top of the pic, you'll see the triangle cut entrance. I circled it in the the picture.

QUINOA Triangle entrance.webp


There's more in this picture but I feel the important information is in the holes or "hoyos" and basically the shape of the hoyo will tell you what to look for. Thanks for sharing Quinoa, that's an awesome place you found there.

Yeah, The double hoyo there is actually a single "eye" (two whites and a pupil) rendition telling you "to look" , up, in that case , I've seen different "eye" renditions a lot. The shapes of the whites of the eye can sometimes mean something as well,especially if they are much smaller and you can walk over to them and look thru them, but there is a lot of variation and site specific things to consider. It just gets difficult to say one or only a few things about them, but really there are usually just narrowing down spots rather than giving something point on or specific as most of these sites can take you for a spin when you decide you may have a dig spot..

I don't get really excited about anything anymore, unless I find several things all in one place: an aura, a spot that looks good by recognizable markers lining it out, good compass bearings and measurements going to place off multiple nearby markers, a spot that I know I can dig in a reasonable time frame, a solid detection hit from a deep seeking detector where I think it should be or I can reasonably expect one. Maybe a few others I can't think of offhand like a spot where I don't have to be overly concerned about legalities, but not everything can always be perfect in many places you find.

There's a lot of spots out there that look good, but there aren't really any easy spots. An occasional few that might be easy to see, aren't going to be easy to dig by any means and test what you think is the spot. This thread is almost 3 years old already. I know people are smarter because of it. But these spots take a commitment, or several commitments, because you won't always be right. Hard to do a good dig now a days, and time keeps moving fast for us older or even middle aged guys..

Yeah, The double hoyo there is actually a single "eye" (two whites and a pupil) rendition telling you "to look" , up, in that case , I've seen different "eye" renditions a lot. The shapes of the whites of the eye can sometimes mean something as well,especially if they are much smaller and you can walk over to them and look thru them, but there is a lot of variation and site specific things to consider. It just gets difficult to say one or only a few things about them, but really there are usually just narrowing down spots rather than giving something point on or specific as most of these sites can take you for a spin when you decide you may have a dig spot..

You know the funny thing is I didn't see it as an eye until you pointed out the 2 whites and the pupil. The very first thing I saw was a hand pointing at a shape.
But clearly it's also an eye. If the makers of these hoyos where trying to portray more than one level of information, then this is definitely a great example of that.

I asked my 8 year old niece what she saw in that pic and her answer really surprised me. She said it looked like a glass soda bottle that's "stuck" in the rock. I don't believe that is what they were trying to portray, but it sure does look like an upside down glass bottle that's been wedged in the rock, with the mouth of the bottle pointing downward.

So picture the 2 whites as a bottle shape and the pupil as the rock that the bottle has been wedged in. Amazing the differences in what is seen depending on who's looking at it. There's been other times when I've had friends or acquaintances (who aren't "tuned" in to this stuff) look at my pics and point stuff out that I completely overlooked.

I don't get really excited about anything anymore, unless I find several things all in one place: an aura, a spot that looks good by recognizable markers lining it out, good compass bearings and measurements going to place off multiple nearby markers, a spot that I know I can dig in a reasonable time frame, a solid detection hit from a deep seeking detector where I think it should be or I can reasonably expect one. Maybe a few others I can't think of offhand like a spot where I don't have to be overly concerned about legalities, but not everything can always be perfect in many places you find.

There's a lot of spots out there that look good, but there aren't really any easy spots. An occasional few that might be easy to see, aren't going to be easy to dig by any means and test what you think is the spot. This thread is almost 3 years old already. I know people are smarter because of it. But these spots take a commitment, or several commitments, because you won't always be right. Hard to do a good dig now a days, and time keeps moving fast for us older or even middle aged guys..

There are many sites that look good, and seem to have all the right things to convince you to work, only to later realize it's a lot harder than you think because of the work involved, and also the surveillance that's out there in some of these places. You definitely need to be committed. Just being young and physically strong isn't enough, although it's a good start. I'd definitely "check off" all the good points on Quinoas' list before committing to a spot.

Having alignments, an Aura, and perhaps a a hit from a metal detector are the 3 most solid confirmations you want to in order to consider further investigation. Finding the spot is only half the job, the hard work and "risk" if you will, starts when you put the shovel in the ground.

One white of the eye can point to another, and sometimes they become a certain shape when looking thru at certain angle, like a box or diamond or heart, and sometimes one white will tell what shape to look for when you start changing the angles you look thru the other, only it will be a flipped or rotated shape. There are a few other things to mention , but like I said it can be hard to figure out and there are many variations and they don't always give something other than other markers to go over to.

I may show a few others at some point in time, I think I have shown some in the past, perhaps I deleted them shortly after, I don't remember , but the eyes are often important whether as hoyos or just parts of images. They sure liked using them anyways and that's one of the first things I look for anymore. It can help recognize animal profiles and such as well, and is almost always on a face profile, often as a lighter shaded part of the boulder or even done in lichen. It will have the whites and pupil as well.

They can also be sideways hoyos on rocks or just sets of eyes, usually triangular. Those type are almost always saying to look at or for something specific and you often look thru them or thru something nearby. But like I said before, I would couple this with many other things.

Also , speaking of the eye, I have seen spots that from a distance look like a giant eye ( iris and pupil) , when you get up close the pupil is a giant heart boulder. Not sure whether it was near a mine or what .

Anyways the pupil can also be thought of as opening and closing, and seldom talked about there are also flower images on these sites, often 5 petal, sometimes done as 5 rocks laid out as petals with another rock in the center, which might be associated with the eye as well, since flowers also open and close. Something else to look for anyways to know you are in the area of something.

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Hello Quinoa, Post 4579--left photo----is that a white heart a little up hill from the giant boulder with the two vertical white lines? I noticed too that the 50 foot dead tree on the down hill side of the tales slope seems to be pointing at a giant face. Is the white line coming off the white face pointing to another Spanish marker or the mine?

Always a pleasure to learn from you.

Hello Cyzak, I like your photo--but I do NOT like your spot! Digging any where where the yellow date is located will give you a quick trip to the promised land! ( It is a D. Trap ).

Yet I would try and walk further back--towards from where you took the photo and take photos along that cliff face.
Then I would go up top where the trees are--and see what you find up there.
If it were me--I would try and pull directions off the trap--do NOT destroy the trap or you destroy the directions.
I would look for "U" notches to give you guidance--and I am inclined to go up towards the trees and look for an entrance or pozo there.
Just a hunch of mine--that and $ 10 will get you a meal at McDonalds.

Looks like a miner --is in the center of your photo--looking to the left--hum, hum, three drill holes--or is it four.
with broom sticks, dowls in the holes do they converge and make one or two sight lines?

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Hello Cyzak, I like your photo--but I do NOT like your spot! Digging any where where the yellow date is located will give you a quick trip to the promised land! ( It is a D. Trap ).

Yet I would try and walk further back--towards from where you took the photo and take photos along that cliff face.
Then I would go up top where the trees are--and see what you find up there.
If it were me--I would try and pull directions off the trap--do NOT destroy the trap or you destroy the directions.
I would look for "U" notches to give you guidance--and I am inclined to go up towards the trees and look for an entrance or pozo there.
Just a hunch of mine--that and $ 10 will get you a meal at McDonalds.

Looks like a miner --is in the center of your photo--looking to the left--hum, hum, three drill holes--or is it four.
with broom sticks, dowls in the holes do they converge and make one or two sight lines?

I know that is a close up but if I had stepped back 6" I would go off a 60 foot shear cliff I believe they did these thing on purpose I have looked at a lot of Sandy1 photos posted here and this is set up like a couple that Sandy1 has discovered.I think they did this so as to detour some one from looking that is why it is established near a cliff.Sept 17 2018 018.webpThis Omega sits pretty much right above it.IMG_4960.webp

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Hello Quinoa, Post 4579--left photo----is that a white heart a little up hill from the giant boulder with the two vertical white lines? I noticed too that the 50 foot dead tree on the down hill side of the tales slope seems to be pointing at a giant face. Is the white line coming off the white face pointing to another Spanish marker or the mine?

Always a pleasure to learn from you.
Hey Barton, hope you are well, no I didn't for sure see a heart there, the huge boulder with the lines is not likely right by the mine. It's just saying to look on that hillside somewhere, they put it where it stood out and catches your eye. It may have a specific bearing and distance over to it, but it's likely placed a couple hundred feet away from it, perhaps the boulder is placed downhill from it ( downhill from the mine), since its getting you to look midway up the hill.

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Not sure if people caught the general shape of the shaft sign on the boulder with the parallel lines. Forget about positive and negative space, just look at the general outline everything makes.RIMG9992 shaft sign.webpRIMG9992 shaft sign shape.webpP1050129 shaft sign.webpP1050129 shaft sign vertical parrellel lines.webp

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