Hello Squaush, Reply to # 3019

I have seen man hearts. Often the ones I see are two to six feet thick and eight to ten feet tall. I believe that Charles Kenworthy said that they "can" mark a cache / place to dig
but you must examine the heart carefully for if it has a broken lobe / deep crack across it or if the bottom or point of the Heart is cracked or has a deep crack across it--then it
indicates a Death Trap.

That said--when I first found large hearts out in the field / a a possible cache site--like a fool I got all excited. Yet when I came back with a Ground Penetrating Radar and scanned
through the heart to see if something was underneath it--I found nothing! Then making a larger Grid search I checked if a tunnel led away from the heart ( such as a tunnel leading to a mine or cache ) --the results were always NO! I am not saying that there is not a cache under a heart--just that everyone I ever searched did not have one. Barton

Hello Sandy1, referring to post # 3048

That is a wonderful idea / gift for anyone!! In reading peoples comments--some readers want to learn, some want to help; and well some are not very nice.

I would hope that some time in the future ( Sandy1 ) we get a chance to meet. Men with Dignity, Honor and Integrity whom are willing to teach and help others
are truly rare.

carl-nc post 3068

Should you take Charles Kenworthy's books--and really apply then out in the field--the basic principles he teaches--are exactly what is out in the field. On one of his covers
the Indian face on the mountain can be easily seen there in the mountains outside Chandler / Phoenix , Arizona. The Trail markers he talks of are just like in his book.

His Book on the Spanish D. Traps are exactly the ones you will find at a cache site--and that information can save your life if your seriously Tracking a Spanish Trail.

Sandy1 Guides are literally Ground Breaking as they take the basic material Charles Kenworthy taught in his books; and takes it 10 X further. When Sandy one talks
about the "A Frame" rock at a cache site--and shows photos of them--that is exactly how it is in the field. For you not to realize this means you have not applied what
he is teaching or you have simply have not gotten up off your Axx!! I left XX for two letters in case you're real slow.

Sandy1's Guides are the finest material on how to recover your own treasure / cache out there--and should you apply what he teaches you would realize that.
Here in New Mexico it would only take a day to get one on to a Treasure Trail and locate the exact type of markers Both Kenworthy and Sandy1 speak of.

If their material does not work out in the field for you--there is a simple solution--look in a mirror and you will know whom to blame!

Hello Sandy1, referring to post # 3048

That is a wonderful idea / gift for anyone!! In reading peoples comments--some readers want to learn, some want to help; and well some are not very nice.

I would hope that some time in the future ( Sandy1 ) we get a chance to meet. Men with Dignity, Honor and Integrity whom are willing to teach and help others
are truly rare.

Very well said Barton with so much miss information being presented to the public on other forums these days it is good to see that here you have the same ethics that what sandy1 has..:goldbar:

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Previously I asked for information on protection from snakes due to the record rains and high grass conditions that hide snakes.
Well, here is an update.
I bought a pair of snake guardz brand of snake gators. I want to caution/warn everyone of a sever problem. I wore them several time with pants. No problem. I wore them once with shorts, where they could touch my skin. I now have a sever rash the is very painful and constantly oozes fluid. It has been 2 weeks, and it seems that it wants to spread. My girlfriend has the same thing, though not near as sever.
She washed them in the sink and said she got a weird film on her hands. I suspect it a coating to make them fire ******ant or something. I believe it soaked in to the skin due to sweating and coming off of the material.
Do not get them against your bare skin. I will be contacting the manufacturer tomorrow to fing out what chemical has soaked into my skin and what to do about it.

Previously I asked for information on protection from snakes due to the record rains and high grass conditions that hide snakes.
Well, here is an update.
I bought a pair of snake guardz brand of snake gators. I want to caution/warn everyone of a sever problem. I wore them several time with pants. No problem. I wore them once with shorts, where they could touch my skin. I now have a sever rash the is very painful and constantly oozes fluid. It has been 2 weeks, and it seems that it wants to spread. My girlfriend has the same thing, though not near as sever.
She washed them in the sink and said she got a weird film on her hands. I suspect it a coating to make them fire ******ant or something. I believe it soaked in to the skin due to sweating and coming off of the material.
Do not get them against your bare skin. I will be contacting the manufacturer tomorrow to fing out what chemical has soaked into my skin and what to do about it.
View attachment 1713879

Note to self do not wear snake gators with short pants hope you heal up fast SS so you can return to the hunt.

Actually the older ones like the w10 with less megapixels are better. Not positive why, but not going to do a mega-study on it, it is what it is for the moment.

I think Ricoh (Capiio r3, r4) made some similar ones (and were made by the same manufacturer), and they take more pictures per second in the interval shoot mode like 1 every 5 secs instead of 10 seconds. But I haven't bought any of those, I have seven w10's I bought several year ago already, I don't really need any more equipment, so not going to test it.

I would gladly trade a dozen auras for a place to legally dig, it's not that rare to get one when you know how to set it up or know what markers are on the hillside you are pointing them towards. Btw Fordtrucks guy, you are pretty early in the year taking them. Wait till about now thru Sept and warm , fair weather at a minimum with alot of sun hitting the ground during the day. Mornings and afternoons seem best.

"it's not that rare to get one when you know how to set it up or know what markers
are on the hillside you are pointing them towards"

I totally agree, & have also taken a fairly close look at them just for fun & curiosity...

As far as the difference in the W10, W20, & W30's, I've actually seen quite a nice 3 spiked aura captured
with a W30, which is the later model of the 3, & with more upgrade mods. That leads me to believe, that
the lenses & filters are likely the same, or very close on all 3 different models. The only real significant
differences, are most likely the mods, more internal memory, starting with the W20, then even more
internal memory, a slightly different frame with different battery & location, & the use of the SDHC
type flash cards with the W30 etc., & the different ISO settings in auto mode, from the W10,
on the 2 latter models.

This can also be changed in the manual mode, so should not be a real factor, if that's what supposedly
allows the W10 to perform better. But, with auras that only supposedly last a fraction of a second, how
could it be known for sure, that anyone of them may work better than the other. Results would always
vary, even if the 3 models were used side by side, unless they could be timed to shoot all at the exact
same fraction of a second, & all be on the same ISO light setting, set at the same angles, which is not
very likely. The main functioning specs listed of the 3 different models appear are either identical, or
practically very close to it.

So since every aura is undoubtedly captured at the various different times/split seconds of day, & in
continually varying different lighting factors, & maybe sometimes partial to full shade, or even nearly
totally dark, like the huge one sandy1 showed that his mother had caught at or past dusk (though it
was also taken with a different type of camera), it's all interesting, & yes good enough to know that
they will all definitely work very well. No mega study necessary of course, but interesting to look at.

The huge 3 spiked silver aura pic that I got to see was caught in full sunlight, likely later in the day,
not straight overhead, but did pop out of a shaded spot well up high into the sunlight. The clearer,
higher mega pixels are not likely even a factor, as it is the 1000/sec of exposure, as well as the
ISO amount of light, as well as the same or very similar lenses & filters the manufacturer used.

Why even think about it, or talk about the various specs that seem so close if not most of the
same this much? Because it's good to know all of the 3 models are likely as qualified as the
others, when it's such a great help, (& even somewhat scientific since it can be replicated).

It's an awesome tool that can be used for seeing significant auriferous metals reacting to
the sun, projecting the auras up into the open air, from significant depths underground.
It's like the sun, moon, & stars, you can't always see them, just in certain conditions.
The view may at times be obstructed one way or another, still they're always there.
Then sometimes the conditions are just right so they can shine through & be seen.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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Very well said Barton with so much miss information being presented to the public on other forums these days it is good to see that here you have the same ethics that what sandy1 has..:goldbar:

Agreed, it is truly rare, & a special treasure... :treasurechest:

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Previously I asked for information on protection from snakes due to the record rains and high grass conditions that hide snakes.
Well, here is an update.
I bought a pair of snake guardz brand of snake gators. I want to caution/warn everyone of a sever problem. I wore them several time with pants. No problem. I wore them once with shorts, where they could touch my skin. I now have a sever rash the is very painful and constantly oozes fluid. It has been 2 weeks, and it seems that it wants to spread. My girlfriend has the same thing, though not near as sever.
She washed them in the sink and said she got a weird film on her hands. I suspect it a coating to make them fire ******ant or something. I believe it soaked in to the skin due to sweating and coming off of the material.
Do not get them against your bare skin. I will be contacting the manufacturer tomorrow to fing out what chemical has soaked into my skin and what to do about it.
View attachment 1713879

SS, just curious, so don't take it wrong.
Have you spotted a snake yet? I haven't so far, but don't like pushing it either, with the high grass.
I do most of my hiking in cooler times if possible. The snake guardz I believe, may have the same
or similar Kevlar kind of product as what is used in bullet proof vests. I have yet to wear mine but
have to mostly wear long pants out in the deep brushy woods on account of ticks & chiggers. I'll
spray Deep Woods Off w/high % Deet on my socks, boots & pants, but not on bare skin. Ticks
still crawl even with a heavy coating of watered down nerve agent, & I have to pick them off.

I wonder if the canvas type of material rubbing on your skin & the lack of air for your skin to
breathe may have done some of it, but I would not like knowing there was chemical on them
that could absorb into my sweaty pants legs either. I hope you're healing up very quickly also.
Let us know if you get manufacturer info about what may have caused it, & it'll be appreciated.

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It's not a joke, this thread has been about as straight forward as it can be on a public forum, these places are very real. There is alot of speculation how to go about some of it , but you should put a alot of weight on his information (sandy1's) as it will steer you in a very good direction right away. It all takes time to grasp and there can be some trial and error but nothing big comes easy. It takes alot of effort on your own. I think he put his heart into it on spilling out what he knows and there will be many people that benefit from it in the future. I've said before , give it 10 years, and I will stick to it. It takes several years for people to start trying anything new even.
"It takes several years for people to start trying anything new even or Close". It takes minutes for people to try something new. It takes several years of real effort to become proficient at it. Few very few are willing to expend the effort to learn even when the knowledge is placed at their feet.

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Previously I asked for information on protection from snakes due to the record rains and high grass conditions that hide snakes.
Well, here is an update.
I bought a pair of snake guardz brand of snake gators. I want to caution/warn everyone of a sever problem. I wore them several time with pants. No problem. I wore them once with shorts, where they could touch my skin. I now have a sever rash the is very painful and constantly oozes fluid. It has been 2 weeks, and it seems that it wants to spread. My girlfriend has the same thing, though not near as sever.
She washed them in the sink and said she got a weird film on her hands. I suspect it a coating to make them fire ******ant or something. I believe it soaked in to the skin due to sweating and coming off of the material.
Do not get them against your bare skin. I will be contacting the manufacturer tomorrow to fing out what chemical has soaked into my skin and what to do about it.
View attachment 1713879

Com on........... Tell the truth, you just didn't want to shuck up the bucks for a new pair of cowboy boots. All funning aside, if you wear them with shorts get a couple pair of high top basket ball socks & a can of talcum powder. Pull the socks up over the top of the gators & fold them down. You may have a few stickers but you won't end up with faux cowboy boots!

carl-nc post 3068

Should you take Charles Kenworthy's books--and really apply then out in the field--the basic principles he teaches--are exactly what is out in the field. On one of his covers
the Indian face on the mountain can be easily seen there in the mountains outside Chandler / Phoenix , Arizona. The Trail markers he talks of are just like in his book.

His Book on the Spanish D. Traps are exactly the ones you will find at a cache site--and that information can save your life if your seriously Tracking a Spanish Trail.

Sandy1 Guides are literally Ground Breaking as they take the basic material Charles Kenworthy taught in his books; and takes it 10 X further. When Sandy one talks
about the "A Frame" rock at a cache site--and shows photos of them--that is exactly how it is in the field. For you not to realize this means you have not applied what
he is teaching or you have simply have not gotten up off your Axx!! I left XX for two letters in case you're real slow.

Sandy1's Guides are the finest material on how to recover your own treasure / cache out there--and should you apply what he teaches you would realize that.
Here in New Mexico it would only take a day to get one on to a Treasure Trail and locate the exact type of markers Both Kenworthy and Sandy1 speak of.

If their material does not work out in the field for you--there is a simple solution--look in a mirror and you will know whom to blame!

Barton how are you, good to see you post.
Excellent, brutally honest & no sugar coating,
the stone cold truth. You sound good Amigo...
I hope you liked that nice W20 I told you about.

elh,how do you go about checking your silver aura.very interesting as I have been studying ways to be able to see them with any optical or camera devices.

Follow up on the snake guardz. I have been in contact with the manufacturer. He was very concerned and helpful. He reports no one ever had an issue in 27 yrs. Still not sure what caused the rash as I never had poision, but I suspect the guards held the weeds and sweat against my skin and mixed in a little chemical to boot. When the gards were washed, they left a film on my hands. Maybe from sweat?? IDK.
Just wanted to warn others.
I have had 2 sidewinders this year so far at home, and in the field last year had a few including a green mohave that was 12" from my dog. But it had recently eaten and was waiting for the sun to warm and digest, and was not interested in a confrontation. Thankfully!
I posted a pic of a small rattler a while back to show how well they blend in. Kind of like the owl pic.
I am really glad I bought the guards as the growth this year is excessive. Great piece of mind and I tend to be looking everywhere except exactly where each foot goes. I would recommend to anyone in thick pokey brush or snake country. I forget I have them on.
Good hunting!

I carry a snake gun, pistol (if needed0, and a walking stick, never found snake guards of any use.
Watch where you walk, poke the stick ahead of your foot steps to let them know your there, and respect there space.
they will respect you back.
I've stopped on the trail and let them sliver over my boots and they then move on.
they sense if your a threat to them.

I carry a snake gun, pistol (if needed0, and a walking stick, never found snake guards of any use.
Watch where you walk, poke the stick ahead of your foot steps to let them know your there, and respect there space.
they will respect you back.
I've stopped on the trail and let them sliver over my boots and they then move on.
they sense if your a threat to them.

Welcome to Tnet from Western Colorado KCarlson, lots of real good information here to read about.I have never had any issue with a reptile ever but I have come across them in my travels I just leave them be its there home out in the wild.

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Just had a thought. Are any of you older vets bald from the bottom of the calves down? Never thought of it until we got a new guy in the shop. He stopped me on the forklift, he pointed to my ankles and asked, "Marine Corps.?" He showed me his ankles, same thing! Told me the only decent explanation he ever got was from a Doc. was it was from the chemicals used to tan the leather in our training boots killing off the hair follicles. Hmm........

Document your legs & pop this in their ear! Hint that you'd like to try some other gators to see the results but you can't afford it right now. You might get yourself a couple pairs for free! Heck! If they're smart a couple pairs of gaiters and a pair of chaps are cheaper than a bad rep. or lawsuit. You might as well get something for your discomfort..

Anyone else with bald ankles?

I have found most all of the signs that sandy1 has described in his manual. Haven't found Jesus yet, but I'm still looking ( pun intended). After countless days and hours of taking and searching through 50k pictures, I think that I have caught the end of an aura, a silver-gray small smoke cloud looking thing that can't be a butterfly, bird, or seed floating in the air.

I came on here today to CONFIRM everything that sandy1 has taught us. Its the truth. Nuff said.

Clean your camera lens when you change battery.

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