Thank you for being light among the darkness. I will never be able to appreciate you enough for what you've freely given. It gives me hope for humanity that there's still good people out there willing to share and willing to help others without asking for anything back in return. I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses because we were deliberately being fed lies through books and through the information being given to us by so called "professionals."
Jesus was a hero to the poor, the sick, and the needy. He gave healing, wisdom, revelation, and peace to all those that yearned and asked for it. He gave it freely . He was an enemy to the religious clergy at the time. They hated him for SPEAKING TRUTH and for his deeds of caring for the least of these, for exposing the evil and hypocrisy of them that called themselves servants of God. He gave sight to the blind and led the people like a shepherd leads his flock.
In the words of King Solomon: "there's nothing new under the sun." When you speak truth, there will be those that will listen and be grateful for the revelation you've given, and there will also be those that attack you because the revelation threatens or does not benefit them. This has happened since the beginning of man, and it will continue until the end of man, there's nothing new under the sun.
Thank you for reminding me that there is a spirit of truth, and of light, through your selfless act of sharing and blessing others with your guide without asking for anything in return.