The question is how large was this snake and hole?

The markers that I have seen that go to treasure locations and weigh many tons such as the Alpha and Omega boulders that were set up on other boulders with no roads going to them certainly were not done within the last 100 years.
Here is a good example this is the Omega Marker.
View attachment 1620984

This is a nice looking setup. Is this one of the egg shaped markers like Kenworthy shows? So, is the alpha marker the same shape but much bigger? The snake is about ten feet long and the eye is probably 18 inches long and one foot high.

I know the number "3" carved or in shadow is a Spanish treasure marker, I've also found the number "4" in the past carved on a bear monument. Is there any meaning or association to the Spanish on the number 4?

Thanks in advance.

Here is the Alpha Marker mdog, up to the left around the canyon is the last Omega I showed about a league away.
1 (2).webp

Let me make this clear to both you, and Maverick so we can put your confusion to an end, and to not sway from the original topic and intent of this thread.
Your quote about serving 2 masters applies to those who seek financial gain in order to benefit only themselves, and to satisfy their own worldly lusts and desires, who do not use it to help others who are suffering and in need. There are many rich and wealthy people who gained their wealth at the cost of much suffering and the poverty of others. Just look at the Spanish. You and Maverick do not know me, what I've done, what my intentions are, yet you judge based on false presuppositions and erroneous quoting of the scriptures taken out of context. Money in itself is not evil, but the love of money IS the root of all evil. I hope you gained just a little bit of wisdom in the simplicity of what I've said.

Don't reckon I took anything "out of context", just quoted yer whole post. Spoke for itself that way. Didn't see any mention of what ya intended to do with the riches ya prayed for. But this part says a lot, " I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses..". Bless his heart, now you can spend yer time and hard earned money chasing "auras", and rocks, and holes. Didn't see no mention of spending yer time and hard earned money to "help others who are suffering and in need". Maybe you can quote the part of yer post where ya mention that for me, I'd be glad to apologize if I've overlooked it. Elsewise I got nothing for ya, ain't no wisdom in it.

Thank you for being light among the darkness. I will never be able to appreciate you enough for what you've freely given. It gives me hope for humanity that there's still good people out there willing to share and willing to help others without asking for anything back in return. I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses because we were deliberately being fed lies through books and through the information being given to us by so called "professionals."

Jesus was a hero to the poor, the sick, and the needy. He gave healing, wisdom, revelation, and peace to all those that yearned and asked for it. He gave it freely . He was an enemy to the religious clergy at the time. They hated him for SPEAKING TRUTH and for his deeds of caring for the least of these, for exposing the evil and hypocrisy of them that called themselves servants of God. He gave sight to the blind and led the people like a shepherd leads his flock.

In the words of King Solomon: "there's nothing new under the sun." When you speak truth, there will be those that will listen and be grateful for the revelation you've given, and there will also be those that attack you because the revelation threatens or does not benefit them. This has happened since the beginning of man, and it will continue until the end of man, there's nothing new under the sun.

Thank you for reminding me that there is a spirit of truth, and of light, through your selfless act of sharing and blessing others with your guide without asking for anything in return.

A, I haven't seen the number four in the field but seen several of the number 3's from small (around a foot) to around fifty feet in size. The three really was the most holy number, but the numbers 123 were basically the same thing. They really liked 30 varas also (82.5feet)

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Here is the Alpha Marker mdog, up to the left around the canyon is the last Omega I showed about a league away.
View attachment 1620994

Nice. On the omega, there is a smaller rock that looks like it could be a light catcher, but was there something that took you to the alpha? Was the egg shape what caught your attention?

The left boulder at the Omega is exactly that a sun/eye catcher the right one is the Omega, The alpha is put in a spot that as you go up a wash/canyon you would easily see it as it is the biggest boulder in the entire area, all of these type markers are seen while your going up a canyon with a wash since those were the roads of the day.

The left boulder at the Omega is exactly that a sun/eye catcher the right one is the Omega, The alpha is put in a spot that as you go up a wash/canyon you would easily see it as it is the biggest boulder in the entire area, all of these type markers are seen while your going up a canyon with a wash since those were the roads of the day.

Thanks. A league is about three miles, so the wash caught your attention and the alpha was the biggest boulder in the area. How many formations did you find between the alpha and omega. There’s something else, just down and to the left is a rock that looks like an eagle head and it’s looking at the alpha. Sometimes things look different in the field than they do in a picture, does this look like a carved eagle in the field. I’ve seen shadow art that looks just like this eagle but looking down. If it is a man made image, maybe it’s confirming the alpha.

Actually the Spanish league is just a hare over 2 miles and there are tons of carved rocks around this area but the next Important marker is the corner claim marker about a hundred yards from the Omega.
Here is the corner claim marker.
1 (5).webp

These are the standout markers as you follow the trail, there are plenty of markers in between but not as prominent as these ones. I always look for the markers that are standalone and really stand out from the rest of the graffiti carvings that are everywhere, unfortunately its very easy to get caught up in all the carvings and loose sight of the important markers.

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I try to be respectful to others and I learned a long time ago if I don't have anything good to say I keep my mouth shut because I personally don't like to embarrass myself by looking like an ass to the decent people who actually like to discuss treasure hunting on here.

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Like dear old dad told me, opinions are like buttholes, we all have them, and they all stink. PEACE guys, this is a great thread, and we are getting way off topic. God love you all....even the last skiptrace that I couldn't hunt down.......cost me a buck or two....Just reminiscing...

Like dear old dad told me, opinions are like buttholes, we all have them, and they all stink. PEACE guys, this is a great thread, and we are getting way off topic. God love you all....even the last skiptrace that I couldn't hunt down.......cost me a buck or two....Just reminiscing...

OK Rocky, out of respect for you, I digress.

I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)

Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.

If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.

Sandy1, you outdid yourself on that one my friend. That would be beyond awesome! It would be 1000 times better than, let's say, looking for the Forrest Fenn treasure for example. This would be good and productive fun, exercise, and adventure. I'm sure there would be dozens if not hundreds of people jumping to the opportunity...

Now I just have to figure out where to put the first clue.

I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)

Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.

If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.

Lol, ... but this time a "fee" is required... Right? .............(if that worked out well) reoccurring?

You're a generous person, just thinking of that sandy...:goldbar::thumbsup:

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Lol, ... but this time a "fee" is required... Right? .............(if that worked out well) reoccurring?

Maverick1, Can't you let it go already? We've all moved on. Stick to the purpose of the thread for the sake of those that want to actually learn something.
Do you not know when or how to stop the senseless attacks?

We can all have peace and comradery on this thread if you just tried a little.

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No fee and No strings attached, I just think it would be a great adventure for someone and their family.

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