Absolutely 100% correct. Most of us are dealing with the late spanish / mexican era here in the southwest USA. (at least this has always been my thoughts on the matter). I have seen the large Alpha and Omega stones, but at sites that had been changed by later hands. In my experience, different groups from the same era used totally different layouts in thier treasure yards, making it very hard at the least to decipher them.
Just my 2 cents, I will butt out again for now...

I appreciate the support on that, I have been to both the old sites (with huge grandiose markers including the Alpha and Omegas and also the Grande Deathtrap Kenworthy talked about which I have seen two of them at two different older sites) and where I also found a lightning bolt next to a door (just like in Kenworthys book on deathtraps)

However I have also been to the newer treasure storages (the ones with treasure still buried at them) and they have alignments and shaft signs which I have never seen at the older sites and the newer sites dont have the huge alpha omegas or any of the Grandiose type markers that you see at the older sites.

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Maverick1, I must reply to this with the same WOW you gave for seemingly trying to take my words out of context and flip it around to try to make it look like "blasphemy" and attacking me personally when you know nothing about me.

You obviously didn't understand the point I was making. The comparison was to point out the fact that when THE TRUTH is spoken or revealed, there are always those who will take it and be grateful, and there will be those who ignore or attack it because it doesn't benefit them or is inconvenient. I don't see how that comparison is in any way blasphemous but I do see how your behavior in attacking me over something so clear and benign, is very much like the behavior of the old scribes and pharisees in the time of Jesus.

Once again, I don't see how thanking this man is in any way blasphemous. Contrary to your belief Maverick1, the Lord did answer my prayer by revealing this information through Sandy1. Not only for me, but for you, and everyone else that may want to use it. Be grateful to God and to Sandy1, the vessel that was used for this info to come out.

"Out of the heart the mouth speaks." I'm sorry that you grossly interpreted everything I said the wrong way, (whether deliberately or not I do not know) but it is plain and simple for anyone to see without having the danger of accidentally taking it out of context the way you did Maverick. It is obvious that treasure hunting has been one of my interests since I was a teenager, as well as through my deathly ordeal and recovery, and it's not something I've ever hidden on this forum. I assume that's also why you're here Maverick? To learn and be appreciative of the information that's been given?

For your information Maverick1, Jesus was the descendant of king David and Abraham. Solomon was the son of King David, who succeeded him as King of Israel. This was the royal bloodline of Jesus the Messiah. You may associate the name of Solomon with the blasphemous occult books and false beliefs of the free masonic order, but please do not use it in that fashion to attack me. You should also be careful when you say that it wasn't God who answered my prayer, but some false deity, as that would definitely be blasphemy against the holy spirit if you're wrong. Please think before you speak.

Aioria, let’s get this one straight: me, attacking you..? NO.

I have no reason to attack you, just out of the blue. I don’t know you, therefore I have no beef with you. Others have been more offensive to my persona, and I didn’t bother to respond. I have no interest in contradictory dialogue with anybody, or you.

As far as information from this thread that you seem to cherish, I personally have absolutely no use for such. I’m neither pro or contra any of the subjects (that I consider kindergarten level-) or members relationships to each other.

Your previous post, however came too close, or at least in my perception too confusing as to whom are you praising in your heart and then present it to the world as Fact.
Your analogy, then mentioning the name of Christ in context, was a poor choice to say the least. If you felt it as God-given, you can always Thank God.
There are a myriad of human heroes to chose from in your comparison, but again, your choice was poor, Aioria.

I have or had no personal reason to attack you as stated, because I don’t even know you, or ever had any kind of exchange of opinions with you. Nor do I care to have any.

If you have seemingly recanted your previous analogy, I will again stand down as a bystander with no interest or agenda.
Just try to be clearer in the future, Aioria instead of puerile “I didn’t do it”,
or “it came out wrong”or “you didn’t understand me”.

PS The Bible class that you’re quoting has no real bearing on your previous attitude. I hope you don’t confuse sandy’s lineage to David, Abraham or Moses. I hope you’re not that confused as you seem to be bellicose, Aioria.

"Be grateful to God and to Sandy1, the vessel that was used for this info to come out."

You need to THINK before you speak. Aioria

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I appreciate the support on that, I have been to both the old sites (with huge grandiose markers including the Alpha and Omegas and also the Grande Deathtrap Kenworthy talked about which I have seen two of them at two different older sites) and where I also found a lightning bolt next to a door (just like in Kenworthys book on deathtraps)

However I have also been to the newer treasure storages (the ones with treasure still buried at them) and they have alignments and shaft signs which I have never seen at the older sites and the newer sites dont have the huge alpha omegas or any of the Grandiose type markers that you see at the older sites.

Excellent interesting conversation, just... Wakes up the naysayers ever time... :director2::director:

Absolutely 100% correct. Most of us are dealing with the late spanish / mexican era here in the southwest USA. (at least this has always been my thoughts on the matter). I have seen the large Alpha and Omega stones, but at sites that had been changed by later hands. In my experience, different groups from the same era used totally different layouts in thier treasure yards, making it very hard at the least to decipher them.
Just my 2 cents, I will butt out again for now...

Bonuntr, have you ever found any surface artifacts at these sites that would help date them? Maybe horseshoes or nails, broken bottles, musket balls, armor, anything like that?

If you have seemingly recanted your previous analogy, I will again stand down as a bystander with no interest or agenda.
Just try to be clearer in the future, Aioria instead of puerile “I didn’t do it”,or “it came out wrong”or “you didn’t understand me”.

I don't think I could have been any clearer than I was, and no it didn't come out wrong, you failed to grasp the clear and simple concept of what was said. I would suggest you use that fire and zealousness for the Lord in a good way instead of taking things out of context and attacking people because of your misconceptions. Go and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and cast out demons like Jesus commanded us to. Then make sure you look in the mirror and take out the plank from your eye, so you can take out the speck from your brother's eye. All the talk in the world means nothing if you don't walk the walk. If you are walking the walk then that's awesome, but if not, you shouldn't be judging others that you know nothing about and much less have any idea of how they serve the Lord. You seem hellbent on trying to defend Jesus, and that's a good thing, now go and do his will which is far more important than arguing with me about something unfounded and insignificant.

PS The Bible class that you’re quoting has no real bearing on your previous attitude. I hope you don’t confuse sandy’s lineage to David, Abraham or Moses. I hope you’re not that confused as you seem to be bellicose, Aioria.

Defending myself from your false accusations and your berating doesn't make me bellicose Maverick, and I'm sure it's very clear who the confused one is here...
For you to even say such a thing about confusing Sandy's lineage with that of David, Abraham, and Moses, I think clearly shows who's bellicose and resentful here.

I appreciate the support on that, I have been to both the old sites (with huge grandiose markers including the Alpha and Omegas and also the Grande Deathtrap Kenworthy talked about which I have seen two of them at two different older sites) and where I also found a lightning bolt next to a door (just like in Kenworthys book on deathtraps)

However I have also been to the newer treasure storages (the ones with treasure still buried at them) and they have alignments and shaft signs which I have never seen at the older sites and the newer sites dont have the huge alpha omegas or any of the Grandiose type markers that you see at the older sites.
Thanks Sandy, this post was the very best in clearing up a problem. I had one of Kenworthy's books but what he had in it
did not fit what I had, as my signs were mainly on trees and only one rock which seems to point to an outlaw gang of 30 plus men.
More thanks to you Sandy, :coffee2::coffee2:

Absolutely 100% correct. Most of us are dealing with the late spanish / mexican era here in the southwest USA. (at least this has always been my thoughts on the matter). I have seen the large Alpha and Omega stones, but at sites that had been changed by later hands. In my experience, different groups from the same era used totally different layouts in thier treasure yards, making it very hard at the least to decipher them.
Just my 2 cents, I will butt out again for now...

In my opinion, that highlighted statement above should read, "sites that were originated by later hands."

Want to sale those books? Please explain why you do or don’t believe Kenworthy? Everything I’ve read and seen at my site makes me think the man was not lying but to each their own

I'll sell the Kenworthy books to anyone who will pay market price for them - pretty high nowadays, especially for signed copies.

I've posted my thoughts on Kenworthy and his alleged discoveries many times in the past on several different TNet forums. I don't wish to keep repeating myself.

Let's just say this: expanding a bit on my Post #3016, I suspect nearly all of the signs, symbols, clues, legends, maps, stories, etc. that people have discovered at alleged "treasure sites" have been created, maintained and promoted within the past hundred years or so. I suspect Kenworthy has helped promote the lore, whether or not anything he has published is genuine. I don't believe anything he has said will lead anyone to a cache.

You're entitled to your opinion(s), even if it doesn't at all fit what others find in the field.
Maybe since you keep repeating it, some will begin to believe what they've not seen true.

Entities are positively known, by the symbolism that they used. It's obvious that other
entities came by previously used sites later, understood this, & also left their marks
at the same sites, among existing carved rocks & boulders, though the later people
were inclined to do it more so in different ways, such as trees. Though still using
existing (supposed natural) landmarks or actually, Spanish Markers, for locations
of the caches they hid. There has been understanding passed down for centuries.

This would be 2-3 times earlier & longer than what you apparently believe.
It's really amazing, how hard you seem to try to supposedly help people,
with no alternative info that will really benefit or help anyone,
just seeming to be altogether discouraging & negative is all.

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Sandy1 I understand the alignment rocks and the crisscross but I must have been absent the day you taught about "understanding the hearts". Can you expand a little more on that or point me back to where you talked about it before?

sqaush, I haven't really talked on the hearts much as of yet, just that they are used in alignments and are scattered around the treasure area in order to send you off on false trails, also I have seen the hearts used upside down so the point of the heart is an alignment with another boulder/marker, I have also seen them use the bottom point of the heart to point into a open hole/crevice in order to get you to go inside the hole/crevice, sometimes the heart lobe points a direction as well like the one I showed with the heart sitting/pointing inside the snakes mouth.

What I haven't talked about are the hearts used in a triangle, if you go back to my guide and look at my drawn lines you will notice several of the lines I mention are 77 feet one of them at 77 feet is from the crisscross spot to a Heart that I found by looking through the Shaft sign, so if you were to make a triangle with each leg 77 feet then added them together 3x77 you get 231 feet around the triangle and I have mentioned before that anything with the numbers 123 in any order is holy, that should give you something to think about.

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Thank you for being light among the darkness. I will never be able to appreciate you enough for what you've freely given. It gives me hope for humanity that there's still good people out there willing to share and willing to help others without asking for anything back in return. I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses because we were deliberately being fed lies through books and through the information being given to us by so called "professionals."

Jesus was a hero to the poor, the sick, and the needy. He gave healing, wisdom, revelation, and peace to all those that yearned and asked for it. He gave it freely . He was an enemy to the religious clergy at the time. They hated him for SPEAKING TRUTH and for his deeds of caring for the least of these, for exposing the evil and hypocrisy of them that called themselves servants of God. He gave sight to the blind and led the people like a shepherd leads his flock.

In the words of King Solomon: "there's nothing new under the sun." When you speak truth, there will be those that will listen and be grateful for the revelation you've given, and there will also be those that attack you because the revelation threatens or does not benefit them. This has happened since the beginning of man, and it will continue until the end of man, there's nothing new under the sun.

Thank you for reminding me that there is a spirit of truth, and of light, through your selfless act of sharing and blessing others with your guide without asking for anything in return.

I’ve seen a lot of unhealthy behavior on this thread,….but this one is disturbing. Possible Blasphemy too.

“Thank you for being light among the darkness”…….?

Then you mention the Lord’s name and deeds and continue into thanking in the same manner to an average man?

A man is a man. A mere mortal with his deeds good or bad.

But to associate his name with that of the CHRIST and MESSIAH for giving you (supposedly) a road map to the riches ‘you prayed for’ ….by your own admission ??
And your end quote is .."I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Revelation 22:13

WHO DO YOU WORSHIP? Jesus Christ ? Sandy? …or gold?

If you had called him a Saint, or Mother Theresa or any other worshipful name to your liking, that would had been different and in line with other worshipers on this thread.
I doubt that your prayers were answered by Jesus, this time. (HE did answer your prayers for health.) Your liver is cured; how’s your heart? You ask Jesus for gold?

Your prayers were maybe answered by Asmodeus,....since you mentioned Solomon.
Good luck with the Guide. Guidance is achieved differently.

Well now, that explains why they haven't passed the plate to ease the burden of their long suffering lap dog. Can't serve both God and mammon. I see the "saint" in question has now acted to distance himself from the fray by refusing the "mantle", lol. Lay down with zealots, wake up with fleas. Even the greenest cowboy knows to shake his bedding out before he makes his bedroll. Good post Maverick, plain to see this ain't yer first rodeo.

Sandy1, I've been told in the past by a certain someone that the way the triangle is used is to measure the distances from the center of each point of the triangle, then to add up that number, then stand in center of the triangle, then you are supposed to walk that distance in a specific direction while using your compass, but that was the part that was not told to me. Do you know if this is true?

Distance or directional triangles are everywhere they are carved in rocks used as an arrow or pointer the sentinels and Mexicans made cairn and saguaro triangles that you went from to other markers and even to crisscross spots, then there are the lit up boulder triangles etc.
However a Spanish Laid out triangle with certain markers or lack of (such as one point being a crisscross invisible spot) at the cache area is Not meant to be traveled from as the cache is within the triangle.

Clues as to dating sites

Bonuntr, have you ever found any surface artifacts at these sites that would help date them? Maybe horseshoes or nails, broken bottles, musket balls, armor, anything like that?

I have found a few items that have helped me date sites, but only within 50 years or so. I once came upon a hole near a water trap that I first believed was a site for a shrine. After digging out a couple hundred years of dirt, dust, and roots, I uncovered what I believed was 3 chisels. A few years later, I met a gentleman at the Quartzsite Gem and Mineral show that was a professor at an, (unamed for his protection), university here in the west. I let him take one to study, and I believed that would be the last I heard from him. Almost 2 years later, he called and told me they were wrought handmade iron ship nails, that had been converted to chisels. Even though he dated them to the 1600's, I believe that was for thier original purpose. Much later on, I believe someone happened upon them and brought them north to use for mining / caching purposes.
I have also found square, handmade nails, a covered hole with 16 mule shoes in it, 2 broken mule bits, and on. I have never had the latter dated, but have seen photos that are of the same bits, that are declared to be late 1700's to early 1800's.
The strangest find I have ever made was a pile of 12 ancient Chinese bronze coins, from what I believe was the Quing Dynasty. Tons of these were made, but how they found there way to the middle of nowhere on a mountain in central Nevada, I have no clue. Must be a story there...
I could go on forever about the "clues" I have found, but better give it a rest.
Bytheway....this has been one heckuva hot summer! What I usually can accomplish in a week in the hills, has been taking two....(no way it could be my age creeping up on me)...

Well now, that explains why they haven't passed the plate to ease the burden of their long suffering lap dog. Can't serve both God and mammon. I see the "saint" in question has now acted to distance himself from the fray by refusing the "mantle", lol. Lay down with zealots, wake up with fleas. Even the greenest cowboy knows to shake his bedding out before he makes his bedroll. Good post Maverick, plain to see this ain't yer first rodeo.

Let me make this clear to both you, and Maverick so we can put your confusion to an end, and to not sway from the original topic and intent of this thread.
Your quote about serving 2 masters applies to those who seek financial gain in order to benefit only themselves, and to satisfy their own worldly lusts and desires, who do not use it to help others who are suffering and in need. There are many rich and wealthy people who gained their wealth at the cost of much suffering and the poverty of others. Just look at the Spanish. You and Maverick do not know me, what I've done, what my intentions are, yet you judge based on false presuppositions and erroneous quoting of the scriptures taken out of context. Money in itself is not evil, but the love of money IS the root of all evil. I hope you gained just a little bit of wisdom in the simplicity of what I've said.

I have found a few items that have helped me date sites, but only within 50 years or so. I once came upon a hole near a water trap that I first believed was a site for a shrine. After digging out a couple hundred years of dirt, dust, and roots, I uncovered what I believed was 3 chisels. A few years later, I met a gentleman at the Quartzsite Gem and Mineral show that was a professor at an, (unamed for his protection), university here in the west. I let him take one to study, and I believed that would be the last I heard from him. Almost 2 years later, he called and told me they were wrought handmade iron ship nails, that had been converted to chisels. Even though he dated them to the 1600's, I believe that was for thier original purpose. Much later on, I believe someone happened upon them and brought them north to use for mining / caching purposes.
I have also found square, handmade nails, a covered hole with 16 mule shoes in it, 2 broken mule bits, and on. I have never had the latter dated, but have seen photos that are of the same bits, that are declared to be late 1700's to early 1800's.
The strangest find I have ever made was a pile of 12 ancient Chinese bronze coins, from what I believe was the Quing Dynasty. Tons of these were made, but how they found there way to the middle of nowhere on a mountain in central Nevada, I have no clue. Must be a story there...
I could go on forever about the "clues" I have found, but better give it a rest.
Bytheway....this has been one heckuva hot summer! What I usually can accomplish in a week in the hills, has been taking two....(no way it could be my age creeping up on me)...


Thank you very much for the post. This is the kind of post that I’ve been waiting for. Just knowing the state is a clue that could help determine exploration routes and destinations. You also gave us some history to research. The information about the nails and bronze coins is very interesting. Thanks again.

I'll sell the Kenworthy books to anyone who will pay market price for them - pretty high nowadays, especially for signed copies.

I've posted my thoughts on Kenworthy and his alleged discoveries many times in the past on several different TNet forums. I don't wish to keep repeating myself.

Let's just say this: expanding a bit on my Post #3016, I suspect nearly all of the signs, symbols, clues, legends, maps, stories, etc. that people have discovered at alleged "treasure sites" have been created, maintained and promoted within the past hundred years or so. I suspect Kenworthy has helped promote the lore, whether or not anything he has published is genuine. I don't believe anything he has said will lead anyone to a cache.

I don’t know about anybody else, but I can relate to this. Over the years, I’ve posted pictures that were taken at the one site I’ve studied. One of the most important carvings, at this place, is a carved out snake with an eye shaped hole carved in it. This eye is an important part of every other carving and rock formation at the site. Within the past couple of months, my research led me to find pictures of this exact rock taken in 1900. The snake and hole were not there. So the place had to have been setup at some time after 1900.

I don’t know about anybody else, but I can relate to this. Over the years, I’ve posted pictures that were taken at the one site I’ve studied. One of the most important carvings, at this place, is a carved out snake with an eye shaped hole carved in it. This eye is an important part of every other carving and rock formation at the site. Within the past couple of months, my research led me to find pictures of this exact rock taken in 1900. The snake and hole were not there. So the place had to have been setup at some time after 1900.

The question is how large was this snake and hole?

The markers that I have seen that go to treasure locations and weigh many tons such as the Alpha and Omega boulders that were set up on other boulders with no roads going to them certainly were not done within the last 100 years.
Here is a good example this is the Omega Marker.
1 (3).webp

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