Maverick1, I must reply to this with the same WOW you gave for seemingly trying to take my words out of context and flip it around to try to make it look like "blasphemy" and attacking me personally when you know nothing about me.
You obviously didn't understand the point I was making. The comparison was to point out the fact that when THE TRUTH is spoken or revealed, there are always those who will take it and be grateful, and there will be those who ignore or attack it because it doesn't benefit them or is inconvenient. I don't see how that comparison is in any way blasphemous but I do see how your behavior in attacking me over something so clear and benign, is very much like the behavior of the old scribes and pharisees in the time of Jesus.
Once again, I don't see how thanking this man is in any way blasphemous. Contrary to your belief Maverick1, the Lord did answer my prayer by revealing this information through Sandy1. Not only for me, but for you, and everyone else that may want to use it. Be grateful to God and to Sandy1, the vessel that was used for this info to come out.
"Out of the heart the mouth speaks." I'm sorry that you grossly interpreted everything I said the wrong way, (whether deliberately or not I do not know) but it is plain and simple for anyone to see without having the danger of accidentally taking it out of context the way you did Maverick. It is obvious that treasure hunting has been one of my interests since I was a teenager, as well as through my deathly ordeal and recovery, and it's not something I've ever hidden on this forum. I assume that's also why you're here Maverick? To learn and be appreciative of the information that's been given?
For your information Maverick1, Jesus was the descendant of king David and Abraham. Solomon was the son of King David, who succeeded him as King of Israel. This was the royal bloodline of Jesus the Messiah. You may associate the name of Solomon with the blasphemous occult books and false beliefs of the free masonic order, but please do not use it in that fashion to attack me. You should also be careful when you say that it wasn't God who answered my prayer, but some false deity, as that would definitely be blasphemy against the holy spirit if you're wrong. Please think before you speak.
Aioria, let’s get this one straight: me, attacking you..? NO.
I have no reason to attack you, just out of the blue. I don’t know you, therefore I have no beef with you. Others have been more offensive to my persona, and I didn’t bother to respond. I have no interest in contradictory dialogue with anybody, or you.
As far as information from this thread that you seem to cherish, I personally have absolutely no use for such. I’m neither pro or contra any of the subjects (that I consider kindergarten level-) or members relationships to each other.
Your previous post, however came too close, or at least in my perception too confusing as to whom are you praising in your heart and then present it to the world as Fact.
Your analogy, then mentioning the name of Christ in context, was a poor choice to say the least. If you felt it as God-given, you can always Thank God.
There are a myriad of human heroes to chose from in your comparison, but again, your choice was poor, Aioria.
I have or had no personal reason to attack you as stated, because I don’t even know you, or ever had any kind of exchange of opinions with you. Nor do I care to have any.
If you have seemingly recanted your previous analogy, I will again stand down as a bystander with no interest or agenda.
Just try to be clearer in the future, Aioria instead of puerile “I didn’t do it”,
or “it came out wrong”or “you didn’t understand me”.
PS The Bible class that you’re quoting has no real bearing on your previous attitude. I hope you don’t confuse sandy’s lineage to David, Abraham or Moses. I hope you’re not that confused as you seem to be bellicose, Aioria.
Be grateful to God and to Sandy1, the vessel that was used for this info to come out."

You need to THINK before you speak. Aioria