If there was a mine there was a temporary storage nearby as well.

If there was a mine there was a temporary storage nearby as well.
I am going to have to go back this was a fairly easy place to get to not like my other project.

View attachment 1620559Here is the portal it was about 50 foot up on the side of a cliff you can see the trail they chiseled out not for the faint of heart. lol

By the way I wanted to mention that it is my understanding that the Sun is what represents Gold and the Moon represents Silver, just something I have heard over the years and the Aztecs definitely related these metals to the moon and sun.

Really ghost, what is up with you saying this? You saw sandy say:

"In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many
people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages
which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well."

...Which speaks clearly of the repeated experiences of seeing the snake eating the
heart in the case of both, but the heart does Not (always) represent (only) gold.

Can you really explain & prove your statement, & are you a Spanish vault expert?
Or, just another empty horn tooting for some other reason? When you've
visited my Naturally occuring? thread in the past, you never offered
up any info, just pics, & saying you knew there was treasure
there, when someone said something negative about
your site. Now you pop up with this negativity?
Have you got any proof, or just naysaying?
... :sunny: :fish:

I can most definently prove it crosse, however I don't need to post pics of different sites to anyone on this forum...im not some glory hog looking for instant gratification from my peers. I simply go out on my own and find my own, and if having a bunch of hearts, a bunch of owls, distinct triangle pointers, a duck monument, many hoyos that were manmade by the Spanish at my site, the bell symbol, a star, I can keep going on and on if I choose to, basically I don't post pictures of my site is because of safety reasons. You never really know who is online reading these types of posts. I trust no one, I guess sandy1 has no problem showing pics of his sites and or what he has found, in my opinion that is completely stupid and unsafe.

... I guess sandy1 has no problem showing pics of his sites and or what he has found, in my opinion that is completely stupid and unsafe.

Yes, indeed - that would be stupid. It doesn't take a genius to realize why he has nothing to worry about, does it?

Yes, indeed - that would be stupid. It doesn't take a genius to realize why he has nothing to worry about, does it?

Showing your true colors again does not help hunters. Remember the rules of the T-net forum?

The requirements to access the Archivo General de Indios in Seville are very substantial. Many people believe you can just walk in, pull stuff off the shelves and thumb through it like you would library books, but that's a pipe dream. First, you need scholarly credentials. Then you put in an application, listing the exact documents ahead of time that you wish to review. Then, if approved, you follow the rigorous procedures in the building. If you want the truth, read this: General Archive of the Indies, Seville | Dissertation Reviews

I've been there a couple times. It's a great place with lots of cool stuff you can see walking in off the street, but as stated above, if you're looking for specific old documents, it's a long drawn out and tedious deal. I asked the guard at the entrance if he ever encountered treasure hunters looking for secrets. He laughed and said, "Every week or two some bonehead from the US comes in looking for the old maps to mines and secret royal documents. Where do you guys get those ideas?"

View attachment 1620384

View attachment 1620385

Kenworthy's book, signs,symbols, shadow and sun signs. If you read the dedication he explains how he obtained the documents. Bribes with officials, inside military contacts, Stanford scholars, etc.
Kenworthy was backed by "the Duke" and his wallet. So believe what you like, that is how he states he got his info.

I can most definently prove it crosse, however I don't need to post pics of different sites to anyone on this forum...im not some glory hog looking for instant gratification from my peers. I simply go out on my own and find my own, and if having a bunch of hearts, a bunch of owls, distinct triangle pointers, a duck monument, many hoyos that were manmade by the Spanish at my site, the bell symbol, a star, I can keep going on and on if I choose to, basically I don't post pictures of my site is because of safety reasons. You never really know who is online reading these types of posts. I trust no one, I guess sandy1 has no problem showing pics of his sites and or what he has found, in my opinion that is completely stupid and unsafe.

What I was saying is, why go on someone else's thread & be negative,
especially calling someone a fraud? Is that helping anything or anyone?
If you have something to present, why act hateful, rude & negative like
some others feel free to do? I occasionally post pics, & often delete them
or the post, if no one comments, I think it may be looked at as out of
place, so I don't get pushy or mad. Keep your pics secret, you may
need to, because of your location, but not a good reason to insult
someone who's worked hard to give info out, with a bad comment.
Just sayin', sure you have your own views, share don't be rude... ???

We all know sandy1 is more than likely much bolder than anyone... :occasion14:
I don't think that's anything other than brave, given the info presented.
... :sunny: :fish:

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We all know sandy1 is more than likely much bolder than anyone... :occasion14:
I don't think that's anything other than brave, given the info presented.
... :sunny: :fish:

Actually I was just like everybody else and tried to keep all of this info secret for many years, I just decided a few years ago that there are enough treasures to go around to the general public and that the least I could do is help others with enough information to at least get them in the ballpark of these treasures, it has nothing to do with glory or riches for me, just the gratification of knowing that others could live the dream of being a treasure hunter just as I have.

Actually I was just like everybody else and tried to keep all of this info secret for many years, I just decided a few years ago that there are enough treasures to go around to the general public and that the least I could do is help others with enough information to at least get them in the ballpark of these treasures, it has nothing to do with glory or riches for me, just the gratification of knowing that others could live the dream of being a treasure hunter just as I have.

Thank you for being light among the darkness. I will never be able to appreciate you enough for what you've freely given. It gives me hope for humanity that there's still good people out there willing to share and willing to help others without asking for anything back in return. I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses because we were deliberately being fed lies through books and through the information being given to us by so called "professionals."

Jesus was a hero to the poor, the sick, and the needy. He gave healing, wisdom, revelation, and peace to all those that yearned and asked for it. He gave it freely . He was an enemy to the religious clergy at the time. They hated him for SPEAKING TRUTH and for his deeds of caring for the least of these, for exposing the evil and hypocrisy of them that called themselves servants of God. He gave sight to the blind and led the people like a shepherd leads his flock.

In the words of King Solomon: "there's nothing new under the sun." When you speak truth, there will be those that will listen and be grateful for the revelation you've given, and there will also be those that attack you because the revelation threatens or does not benefit them. This has happened since the beginning of man, and it will continue until the end of man, there's nothing new under the sun.

Thank you for reminding me that there is a spirit of truth, and of light, through your selfless act of sharing and blessing others with your guide without asking for anything in return.

Thank you for being light among the darkness. I will never be able to appreciate you enough for what you've freely given. It gives me hope for humanity that there's still good people out there willing to share and willing to help others without asking for anything back in return. I had prayed many times in the past for our creator to lead me to the true information on finding Spanish treasure. Then you Sandy1 posted your guide.... It was "God sent" to all of us that were spending our time, and hard earned money, chasing wild gooses because we were deliberately being fed lies through books and through the information being given to us by so called "professionals."

Jesus was a hero to the poor, the sick, and the needy. He gave healing, wisdom, revelation, and peace to all those that yearned and asked for it. He gave it freely . He was an enemy to the religious clergy at the time. They hated him for SPEAKING TRUTH and for his deeds of caring for the least of these, for exposing the evil and hypocrisy of them that called themselves servants of God. He gave sight to the blind and led the people like a shepherd leads his flock.

In the words of King Solomon: "there's nothing new under the sun." When you speak truth, there will be those that will listen and be grateful for the revelation you've given, and there will also be those that attack you because the revelation threatens or does not benefit them. This has happened since the beginning of man, and it will continue until the end of man, there's nothing new under the sun.

Thank you for reminding me that there is a spirit of truth, and of light, through your selfless act of sharing and blessing others with your guide without asking for anything in return.

I’ve seen a lot of unhealthy behavior on this thread,….but this one is disturbing. Possible Blasphemy too.

“Thank you for being light among the darkness”…….?

Then you mention the Lord’s name and deeds and continue into thanking in the same manner to an average man?

A man is a man. A mere mortal with his deeds good or bad.

But to associate his name with that of the CHRIST and MESSIAH for giving you (supposedly) a road map to the riches ‘you prayed for’ ….by your own admission ??
And your end quote is .."I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Revelation 22:13

WHO DO YOU WORSHIP? Jesus Christ ? Sandy? …or gold?

If you had called him a Saint, or Mother Theresa or any other worshipful name to your liking, that would had been different and in line with other worshipers on this thread.
I doubt that your prayers were answered by Jesus, this time. (HE did answer your prayers for health.) Your liver is cured; how’s your heart? You ask Jesus for gold?

Your prayers were maybe answered by Asmodeus,....since you mentioned Solomon.
Good luck with the Guide. Guidance is achieved differently.

Kenworthy's book, signs,symbols, shadow and sun signs. If you read the dedication he explains how he obtained the documents. Bribes with officials, inside military contacts, Stanford scholars, etc.
Kenworthy was backed by "the Duke" and his wallet. So believe what you like, that is how he states he got his info.

Yeah, I've got all of Kenworthy's books. I bought them during my uninformed gullible days. The books are all for sale - most of them signed by the author. If you choose to believe him, more power to you.

Yeah, I've got all of Kenworthy's books. I bought them during my uninformed gullible days. The books are all for sale - most of them signed by the author. If you choose to believe him, more power to you.

Want to sale those books? Please explain why you do or don’t believe Kenworthy? Everything I’ve read and seen at my site makes me think the man was not lying but to each their own

Want to sale those books? Please explain why you do or don’t believe Kenworthy? Everything I’ve read and seen at my site makes me think the man was not lying but to each their own

I agree the man was not lying from what I have seen either.

Maverick1, I must reply to this with the same WOW you gave for seemingly trying to take my words out of context and flip it around to try to make it look like "blasphemy" and attacking me personally when you know nothing about me.

I’ve seen a lot of unhealthy behavior on this thread,….but this one is disturbing. Possible Blasphemy too.“Thank you for being light among the darkness”…….? Then you mention the Lord’s name and deeds and continue into thanking in the same manner to an average man? A man is a man. A mere mortal with his deeds good or bad.

You obviously didn't understand the point I was making. The comparison was to point out the fact that when THE TRUTH is spoken or revealed, there are always those who will take it and be grateful, and there will be those who ignore or attack it because it doesn't benefit them or is inconvenient. I don't see how that comparison is in any way blasphemous but I do see how your behavior in attacking me over something so clear and benign, is very much like the behavior of the old scribes and pharisees in the time of Jesus.

But to associate his name with that of the CHRIST and MESSIAH for giving you (supposedly) a road map to the riches ‘you prayed for’ ….by your own admission ?? And your end quote is .."I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Revelation 22:13 WHO DO YOU WORSHIP? Jesus Christ ? Sandy? …or gold?

Once again, I don't see how thanking this man is in any way blasphemous. Contrary to your belief Maverick1, the Lord did answer my prayer by revealing this information through Sandy1. Not only for me, but for you, and everyone else that may want to use it. Be grateful to God and to Sandy1, the vessel that was used for this info to come out.

If you had called him a Saint, or Mother Theresa or any other worshipful name to your liking, that would had been different and in line with other worshipers on this thread. I doubt that your prayers were answered by Jesus, this time. (HE did answer your prayers for health.) Your liver is cured; how’s your heart? You ask Jesus for gold?

"Out of the heart the mouth speaks." I'm sorry that you grossly interpreted everything I said the wrong way, (whether deliberately or not I do not know) but it is plain and simple for anyone to see without having the danger of accidentally taking it out of context the way you did Maverick. It is obvious that treasure hunting has been one of my interests since I was a teenager, as well as through my deathly ordeal and recovery, and it's not something I've ever hidden on this forum. I assume that's also why you're here Maverick? To learn and be appreciative of the information that's been given?

Your prayers were maybe answered by Asmodeus,....since you mentioned Solomon.
Good luck with the Guide. Guidance is achieved differently.

For your information Maverick1, Jesus was the descendant of king David and Abraham. Solomon was the son of King David, who succeeded him as King of Israel. This was the royal bloodline of Jesus the Messiah. You may associate the name of Solomon with the blasphemous occult books and false beliefs of the free masonic order, but please do not use it in that fashion to attack me. You should also be careful when you say that it wasn't God who answered my prayer, but some false deity, as that would definitely be blasphemy against the holy spirit if you're wrong. Please think before you speak.

I will say this about Kenworthy most of the information he talked about in his books were of the oldest treasure sites, treasure sites were changed over the years, for instance the Giant Alpha and Omega Boulders were abandoned for more hidden markers that could only be seen if your going up a wash as well as lit up boulders that were only seen at first light, and they started making closer smaller markers to the treasures in later years (within a hundred feet).

Since we are dealing with the treasures from the time period when the Spanish were kicked out of the southwest by the Mexicans/Indians which means around the early 1800s then by that time the Spanish had progressed in their hiding/marking techniques which is information that Kenworthy didn't show in his books.

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I will say this about Kenworthy most of the information he talked about in his books were of the oldest treasure sites, treasure sites were changed over the years, for instance the Giant Alpha and Omega Boulders were abandoned for more hidden markers that could only be seen if your going up a wash as well as lit up boulders that were only seen at first light, and they started making closer smaller markers to the treasures in later years (within a hundred feet).

Since we are dealing with the treasures from the time period when the Spanish were kicked out of the southwest by the Mexicans/Indians which means around the early 1800s then by that time the Spanish had progressed in their hiding/marking techniques which is information that Kenworthy didn't show in his books.

Absolutely 100% correct. Most of us are dealing with the late spanish / mexican era here in the southwest USA. (at least this has always been my thoughts on the matter). I have seen the large Alpha and Omega stones, but at sites that had been changed by later hands. In my experience, different groups from the same era used totally different layouts in thier treasure yards, making it very hard at the least to decipher them.
Just my 2 cents, I will butt out again for now...

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