Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Why is it that you Kentucky, sdcfia, Maverick, and a few others have this one thing in common..... You come on here DENYING THAT THESE TREASURE EVEN EXIST, yet somewhere along the line you never fail to give WARNINGS, as to what may happen if anyone attempts to retrieve these NON-EXISTENT TREASURES?
Why would you all deny these even exist, yet you warn people about going after them? LOL. Maverick1 posted earlier on the thread a question..... "What's a sentinel anyway?" Lol. your reverse psychology isn't helping much to disguise your true agendas.
I invite any of you to answer my question directly, as to the reason why any sane or benevolent person would deny something exists, yet warn people about going after that which they claim doesn't exist?
Ye didn't want ta be first?