Why is it that you Kentucky, sdcfia, Maverick, and a few others have this one thing in common..... You come on here DENYING THAT THESE TREASURE EVEN EXIST, yet somewhere along the line you never fail to give WARNINGS, as to what may happen if anyone attempts to retrieve these NON-EXISTENT TREASURES?

Why would you all deny these even exist, yet you warn people about going after them? LOL. Maverick1 posted earlier on the thread a question..... "What's a sentinel anyway?" Lol. your reverse psychology isn't helping much to disguise your true agendas.

I invite any of you to answer my question directly, as to the reason why any sane or benevolent person would deny something exists, yet warn people about going after that which they claim doesn't exist?

Ye didn't want ta be first? :icon_scratch: What about all them poor people ye was gonna help with yer riches? ???

Aioria, Aioria, Aioria,

I can’t speak for the rest of the members you challenged, but I can speak for myself.
I never said or will say that treasures don’t exist. That is your concoction in your quick temper judgement.

However, I don’t agree that every hill with a ‘shiny’ rock will hide a treasure.
If you’re willing to buy that stuff, including the Aurora myth, please go ahead and knock yourself out.

What I want to clarify to you again, Aioria is that I find ALL the information in the Guide puerile at best, or wishful thinking, or worse an attempt to prey on other people’s hopes and dreams …’to hit it Big’

What you do with your life, it’s the least of my concern….to the point where you become bellicose for not agreeing with you or your master.
If you are either young, or naïve and want to keep your loyalties in the wrong spot, please be my guest.
If you want me to be the Big-Bad- Wolf ….aka Sentinel …? OK, I AM A SENTINEL out to “get” you.
Are you pleased now?

I must mention also, that I was ready and willing to let it go, as per your request in your last post where you used the word ‘comradery’ or such……..

Jawohl mein Kamarad, just did. But still wondering how can anybody be so naïve. Unless he willingly participates in building of a Rocket that won’t fly. Hmm, correction…..racket that won’t fly.
Softening the grounds, maybe?....for better thrust at launch?

Pst-Pst..........is that DIRECT enough for you?

Never mind, ya just answered it fer me. :laughing7:

SANDY1 I new MAVERICK1 was a SENTINEL he has have finally admitted it they are trying to undermined the whole thread with there propaganda now, hang tough.

SANDY1 I new MAVERICK1 was a SENTINEL he has have finally admitted it they are trying to undermined the whole thread with there propaganda now, hang tough.

RUN Forrest, Run

sandy1Thank you for taking the time to teach us about the Sentinel's and how they operate when first learning about them I myself was skeptical but know I see they are actually out there and trying to manipulate the sites and people. I noticed they really showed up on this tread when you started talking about the hearts and explaining how the monuments were arranged.

Does anybody think these sentinels are dangerous? If they were, this thread would have been shut down long ago.

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Sandy, this cache site you are talking about opening up to the public, is it on private property with permission from the owner to search.

About the hearts, there has to be a reason that they are there. One of our tnet posters showed a large carved heart monument that was over six feet tall. Until somebody shows how the hearts were used at a site where treasure has been recovered, we can only speculate. If these sites are all over the US, there has to be some on private property where permission can be obtained. Maybe we should concentrate our efforts on finding such a place.

I would say not dangerous but they bring deception with them they are real pro's at this they hoover above the treads and drop in when they feel they can influence the population. Here you have a man truly dedicated to the profession SANDY that is trying to rise above and teach the true interested treasure hunter in learning how to navigate thru this tutorial on vault treasure hunting with his experience's and knowledge and has to put up with the sentinels.

I would say not dangerous but they bring deception with them they are real pro's at this they hoover above the treads and drop in when they feel they can influence the population. Here you have a man truly dedicated to the profession SANDY that is trying to rise above and teach the true interested treasure hunter in learning how to navigate thru this tutorial on vault treasure hunting with his experience's and knowledge and has to put up with the sentinels.

It’s admirable when anybody shares information. People can disagree without belonging to a sinister group.

Cyzak, have you ever seen a site like Sandy has described, and, if so, can you get permission to search and share any discoveries with us.

sandy1Thank you for taking the time to teach us about the Sentinel's and how they operate when first learning about them I myself was skeptical but know I see they are actually out there and trying to manipulate the sites and people. I noticed they really showed up on this tread when you started talking about the hearts and explaining how the monuments were arranged.

I am happy to see that you and few others are realizing whats going on here, but what has them swarming is the fact that I am working on giving away these treasure sites.

Does anybody think these sentinels are dangerous? If they were, this thread would have been shut down long ago.
They are trying very hard.

It’s admirable when anybody shares information. People can disagree without belonging to a sinister group.

In this case there is most definitely an agenda, that agenda is to either deny the existence of these treasures or try to dissuade people by trying anything, from the illegal to its just a waste of time and effort cards, when a group of people try to get the general public not to treasure hunt on a treasure hunting forum then they are conspiring with an agenda, and the only group that I know of that has that exact agenda are the Sentinels.

In this case there is most definitely an agenda, that agenda is to either deny the existence of these treasures or try to dissuade people by trying anything, from the illegal to its just a waste of time and effort cards, when a group of people try to get the general public not to treasure hunt on a treasure hunting forum then they are conspiring with an agenda, and the only group that I know of that has that exact agenda are the Sentinels.

Sandy, do you know of any sites, like what you describe, that are on private property and can be searched.

Sandy, do you know of any sites, like what you describe, that are on private property and can be searched.
mdog your under a very big misconception, private property or not it still does not allow you to disturb an archaeological site which is what these treasure vaults are considered as.

mdog your under a very big misconception, private property or not it still does not allow you to disturb an archaeological site which is what these treasure vaults are considered as.

Would you ever consider working with an archeologist to record and excavate a site. You should be able to find an archeologist interested in colonial mining in the southwest. You have multiple sites to show a consistent practice. I think this would be a good idea.

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