I have found a few items that have helped me date sites, but only within 50 years or so. I once came upon a hole near a water trap that I first believed was a site for a shrine. After digging out a couple hundred years of dirt, dust, and roots, I uncovered what I believed was 3 chisels. A few years later, I met a gentleman at the Quartzsite Gem and Mineral show that was a professor at an, (unamed for his protection), university here in the west. I let him take one to study, and I believed that would be the last I heard from him. Almost 2 years later, he called and told me they were wrought handmade iron ship nails, that had been converted to chisels. Even though he dated them to the 1600's, I believe that was for thier original purpose. Much later on, I believe someone happened upon them and brought them north to use for mining / caching purposes.
I have also found square, handmade nails, a covered hole with 16 mule shoes in it, 2 broken mule bits, and on. I have never had the latter dated, but have seen photos that are of the same bits, that are declared to be late 1700's to early 1800's.
The strangest find I have ever made was a pile of 12 ancient Chinese bronze coins, from what I believe was the Quing Dynasty. Tons of these were made, but how they found there way to the middle of nowhere on a mountain in central Nevada, I have no clue. Must be a story there...
I could go on forever about the "clues" I have found, but better give it a rest.
Bytheway....this has been one heckuva hot summer! What I usually can accomplish in a week in the hills, has been taking two....(no way it could be my age creeping up on me)...

Is the Colorado River navigable from southern Nevada down to the gulf? Also, is there enough timber, along the Colorado to make flatboats? I was thinking about those nails. Along the Mississippi River, during the 1700s and 1800s, traders would make flatboats and float their goods to one of the port towns, sell their boats for the timber, then walk home.

Lol, ... but this time a "fee" is required... Right? .............(if that worked out well) reoccurring?

Better chance for a payoff looking for the Fenn cache. At least you know there's something there.

I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)

Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.

If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.

There would be no fees and no strings attached

For those who haven't seen this yet.

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With your permission, I would like to put up some photos, and a couple of drawings of a death trap that has had a heckuva lot of engineering put into it. I don't want to hijack the thread, but I love this thread as there are so many differing ideas and positions, I would like to hear them all on this particular death trap. If you don't want it here, I will start a new thread, no hurt feelings.... Once again, no idea is a bad idea. So, with your permission, I will dig through my files and put em' up......I await..

With your permission, I would like to put up some photos, and a couple of drawings of a death trap that has had a heckuva lot of engineering put into it. I don't want to hijack the thread, but I love this thread as there are so many differing ideas and positions, I would like to hear them all on this particular death trap. If you don't want it here, I will start a new thread, no hurt feelings.... Once again, no idea is a bad idea. So, with your permission, I will dig through my files and put em' up......I await..
Be my guest

Sandy 1, You might be waiting awhile on your generous offer. I put an offer to use your method on a site near
Kingman on this thread only wanting the searcher to post progress on here. I had one response and that was
from DTTH who is further away than me. R.

For someone on the other side of the state, near Kingman, who has read this thread, would like to follow what they read here, and would post the trail here (minus recovery) I will give the start of the trail. Start thread on Kingman. Send no PM's
as I will neither read nor reply to them. This trail starts exactly like this thread has laid out. R.

I believe that this is the message you were talking about.

Want to sale those books? Please explain why you do or don’t believe Kenworthy? Everything I’ve read and seen at my site makes me think the man was not lying but to each their own

I also own all the Kenworthy books, and also find them utterly useless. Whether he intentionally fabricated all that to sell books, or was completed self-deluded along the same lines as the pretend stuff I read in this sub-forum, I got no idea. But I do have a question: how many hold-in-your-hand treasures have resulted from his information. I'm aware of exactly zero, but I may be mistaken. Not talking about pretend there's-a-turtle-heart-rock-so-there-has-to-be-a-treasure-here-somewhere. I'm talking about recovered gold that was sold for cash.

Disclaimer: normally I wouldn't post in this thread but this particular tidbit interests me.

I also own all the Kenworthy books, and also find them utterly useless. Whether he intentionally fabricated all that to sell books, or was completed self-deluded along the same lines as the pretend stuff I read in this sub-forum, I got no idea. But I do have a question: how many hold-in-your-hand treasures have resulted from his information. I'm aware of exactly zero, but I may be mistaken. Not talking about pretend there's-a-turtle-heart-rock-so-there-has-to-be-a-treasure-here-somewhere. I'm talking about recovered gold that was sold for cash.

Disclaimer: normally I wouldn't post in this thread but this particular tidbit interests me.

lmao I find it funny that these guys bash kenworthy but yet they found it so intriguing to buy his books. now carl why would someone openly admit that they found treasure then admit they sold it for cash, that goes against human nature. you sir are the delusional one here, along with others who seem to be doubters, you obviously have nothing positive to contribute to the topic obviously so do us all a favor and go away you flea parasite

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I also own all the Kenworthy books, and also find them utterly useless. Whether he intentionally fabricated all that to sell books, or was completed self-deluded along the same lines as the pretend stuff I read in this sub-forum, I got no idea. But I do have a question: how many hold-in-your-hand treasures have resulted from his information. I'm aware of exactly zero, but I may be mistaken. Not talking about pretend there's-a-turtle-heart-rock-so-there-has-to-be-a-treasure-here-somewhere. I'm talking about recovered gold that was sold for cash.

Disclaimer: normally I wouldn't post in this thread but this particular tidbit interests me.

It's impossible to prove a negative in a case like this, even if it's truly false. However, it's very easy to accept unproven claims on faith alone because that's your only choice, especially if a false argument seems to make sense - even more so when others agree with your belief. Snake oil has always been an easy sell.

Even the highly touted recovery of silver bullion Kenworthy himself allegedly made in AZ was shown to be ... well, let's just say, reeking of old fish. One of the TNet threads in either the "LDM" or the "Jesuit" category a few years ago dispelled that tall tale. Kenworthy was a disinformationist with an agenda, IMO. Yes, ancient ghost, many were suckered by his books, me included, but some of us realized the error of our ways and moved on. Many others refuse to face the truth and just become angry at anyone who denied the claims. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.

lmao I find it funny that these guys bash kenworthy but yet they found it so intriguing to buy his books. now carl why would someone openly admit that they found treasure then admit they sold it for cash, that goes against human nature. you sir are the delusional one here, along with others who seem to be doubters, you obviously have nothing positive to contribute to the topic obviously so do us all a favor and go away you flea parasite

Horse pucky. This forum is full of people who post the treasures they find. What kind of human nature comes on a public forum claimin' they found treasure then claimin' they can't show it or they could have legal problems? Fer as that goes, what kind of human nature would fall for it? And the Pee Wee Herman name callin' game is a hole 'nuther kind of human nature, ain't it now?

I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)

Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.

If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.

Graciously letting them "decent people" do the digging for ya that you just admitted a few pages back could get yer own self into legal troubles? A Tom Sawyer fence paintin' contest. Mister, I reckon you got more angles than a Hillbilly Bob KGC Template. :laughing7:

[FONT=&quot]I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]There would be no fees and no strings attached

I would not be involved in the recovery nor would I receive any proceeds from anything recovered.

I have actually been thinking about putting something together that would lead a person to one of the cache locations that I have caught an aura at and verified with the markers as being a treasure spot but have not dug on, then let that person try their luck at locating the treasure within a 100 foot area with a time limit (its only fair to let somebody else in on the spot if after getting the info the person doesn't do anything with the spot after lets say a year which I can check to see if there has been any work done by then)

Of course I would have to leave directions somewhere (like geocaching but looking for signs instead) so only the person who actually has enough ambition to come and get the info would be working on it and that way they could keep their privacy as well.

If that worked out well I may make this a recurring thing as there are no shortages of these caches.

There would be no fees and no strings attached

I would not be involved in the recovery nor would I receive any proceeds from anything recovered.

Is it really so hard to believe that I actually like helping people and don't have a hidden agenda.

Horse pucky. This forum is full of people who post the treasures they find. What kind of human nature comes on a public forum claimin' they found treasure then claimin' they can't show it or they could have legal problems? Fer as that goes, what kind of human nature would fall for it? And the Pee Wee Herman name callin' game is a hole 'nuther kind of human nature, ain't it now?

Graciously letting them "decent people" do the digging for ya that you just admitted a few pages back could get yer own self into legal troubles? A Tom Sawyer fence paintin' contest. Mister, I reckon you got more angles than a Hillbilly Bob KGC Template. :laughing7:

Is it really so hard to believe that I actually like helping people and don't have a hidden agenda.

That's some real nice violin yer playin', but I'm more partial to the fiddle. I'm guessin' that offer'n to pay their bail shouldn't be a problem fer ye then? ???

Yessir, I reckoned ye would. In that case my vote is ta start with that prayer warrior, y'all have fun now. :icon_thumright:

Yessir, I reckoned ye would. In that case my vote is ta start with that prayer warrior, y'all have fun now. :icon_thumright:

Why is it that you Kentucky, sdcfia, Maverick, and a few others have this one thing in common..... You come on here DENYING THAT THESE TREASURES EVEN EXIST, yet somewhere along the line you never fail to give WARNINGS, as to what may happen if anyone attempts to retrieve these NON-EXISTENT TREASURES?

Why would you all deny these even exist, yet you warn people about going after them? LOL. Maverick1 posted earlier on the thread a question..... "What's a sentinel anyway?" Lol. your reverse psychology isn't helping much to disguise your true agendas.

I invite any of you to answer my question directly, as to the reason why any sane or benevolent person would deny something exists, yet warn people about going after that which they claim doesn't exist?

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Why is it that you Kentucky, sdcfia, Maverick, and a few others have this one thing in common..... You come on here DENYING THAT THESE TREASURE EVEN EXIST, yet somewhere along the line you never fail to give WARNINGS, as to what may happen if anyone attempts to retrieve these NON-EXISTENT TREASURES?

My sentiments exactly.

Why is it that you Kentucky, sdcfia, Maverick, and a few others have this one thing in common..... You come on here DENYING THAT THESE TREASURE EVEN EXIST, yet somewhere along the line you never fail to give WARNINGS, as to what may happen if anyone attempts to retrieve these NON-EXISTENT TREASURES?

Why would you all deny these even exist, yet you warn people about going after them? LOL. Maverick1 posted earlier on the thread a question..... "What's a sentinel anyway?" Lol. your reverse psychology isn't helping much to disguise your true agendas.

I invite any of you to answer my question directly, as to the reason why any sane or benevolent person would deny something exists, yet warn people about going after that which they claim doesn't exist?

Aioria, Aioria, Aioria,

I can’t speak for the rest of the members you challenged, but I can speak for myself.
I never said or will say that treasures don’t exist. That is your concoction in your quick temper judgement.

However, I don’t agree that every hill with a ‘shiny’ rock will hide a treasure.
If you’re willing to buy that stuff, including the Aurora myth, please go ahead and knock yourself out.

What I want to clarify to you again, Aioria is that I find ALL the information in the Guide puerile at best, or wishful thinking, or worse an attempt to prey on other people’s hopes and dreams …’to hit it Big’

What you do with your life, it’s the least of my concern….to the point where you become bellicose for not agreeing with you or your master.
If you are either young, or naïve and want to keep your loyalties in the wrong spot, please be my guest.
If you want me to be the Big-Bad- Wolf ….aka Sentinel …? OK, I AM A SENTINEL out to “get” you.
Are you pleased now?

I must mention also, that I was ready and willing to let it go, as per your request in your last post where you used the word ‘comradery’ or such……..

Jawohl mein Kamarad, just did. But still wondering how can anybody be so naïve. Unless he willingly participates in building of a Rocket that won’t fly. Hmm, correction…..racket that won’t fly.
Softening the grounds, maybe?....for better thrust at launch?

Pst-Pst..........is that DIRECT enough for you?

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lmao I find it funny that these guys bash kenworthy but yet they found it so intriguing to buy his books. now carl why would someone openly admit that they found treasure then admit they sold it for cash, that goes against human nature. you sir are the delusional one here, along with others who seem to be doubters, you obviously have nothing positive to contribute to the topic obviously so do us all a favor and go away you flea parasite

I've got a fairly huge library of treasure hunting books, including a lot that are less than worthless. I've got more books on dowsing than just about any dowser out there, only because I bought out another guy's huge collection. I'm pretty sure the Kenworthy books came with that batch. While I find CK's books useless, I can't say they're "worthless" cause they're fetching a pretty steep price.

In any case, I own the books and see nothing in them that suggests they are based on any kind of reality. Lots of sketches, but no photos. Was CK unable to find any real-life examples? And yes, AG, people openly admit they find treasure, all the time. It's way more human nature to be a braggart than to be secretive. Heck, I'd gladly pay Uncle Sam his cut for the right to be a braggart.

So the question remains... has anyone found treasure using CK's information?
Heck, since this is obviously the right thread... has anyone found treasure using Sandy's information?
The hold-in-your-hand variety, not the pretend variety.

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